
Performance Under Pressure Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Being able to play well in big moments is something this team excels at and crucial to winning world titles."
"He pulls victory from the jaws of defeat, not the other way around. He is able to deliver when the chips are down."
"It takes talent and the temperament to perform under pressure."
"That's what makes great great, right? When you really need them to perform at a high level, they can tap into it no matter how old they are."
"In the NBA, the best of the best respond because the best do not shrink away from the hate."
"You don't know until you're on that big stage how you're going to react to pressure."
"A champion is good at performing when it matters."
"The DNA of a true champion allows them to actually perform better when pressure is at its greatest."
"Pressure makes me shine, put me out there and watch me shine."
"It's not about not being nervous and delivering, it's about being nervous and delivering."
"I thought for sure Caitlyn would crack under the pressure."
"That takes a lot of composure, that takes a lot of confidence in yourself."
"Simon the cheat, Simon the fraud, Simon the guy who delivered when it mattered most."
"Women perform better in high-pressure situations."
"Bailey Under Pressure, man in his face, he does not care."
"The confidence comes from preparation. When the game’s on the line, I’m not asking myself to do something that I haven’t done thousands of times before." - Kobe
"Midweek felt very much like a coming-of-age performance... That maturity and that kind of experience, that big game management as well that we've learned from midweek, that's going to put us in so much good stead for today as well."
"That's what big-time players do in big-time situations. They come through."
"He's got skill, not phased whatsoever, not pressure. No pressure, look at this, of the occasion, yes."
"It's just natural adrenaline I guess that kicks in. It's challenging, it's dangerous."
"He plays well in big games, does not fold under pressure, and has had some huge games in the last three years."
"Being able to operate under pressure is what this competition is all about."
"This Heat team is gonna play their best basketball when the lights are the brightest."
"Will they crumble under pressure or reach the biggest stage?"
"John Jones shows up when the chips are on the line."
"Play Under Pressure, play those fun games... simulate what you're actually doing."
"They just seem to clutch up every goddamn time."
"It's funny because when you're on the spot, some people excel."
"Sometimes when you're under pressure like this, you actually drive better than if you're driving around with nobody around you."
"When the pressure's on it seems to perform better."
"He shines under the lights, the more eyes on him, the more lights on him, he does even better."
"We know we can beat anyone, it really just comes down to are we gonna [ __ ] up when it matters or are we gonna clutch up and execute."
"Jay naps was finally performing under pressure as the player that he really was, arguably the best player in the world."
"When the moment is the biggest who stands out and shines."
"I feel like we all work really well under pressure and under timeframes."
"Big time players make big time plays in big time games."
"They have just been so clutch when it actually matters most."
"They've done what you do when you're trying to win a league: win when you're playing badly."
"Controlling the way you panic in certain moments."
"Competitive greatness bringing your best when your best is needed."
"Pressure exists in sports, and only the really great players shine at that stage."
"Some of these closeout games, like four and five, you start to see the experience."
"I love being in the fourth quarter I love when the pressure is high I finish."
"Great players usually take that urgency and they play even better." - Ryan Iverson
"Genie is the definition of a big-game player."
"I've never been around a greater competitor, a greater performer under pressure."
"The synergy of group strength to thrive under pressure in the most hostile conditions."
"That's the mark of a team: can you get done what you need to when you absolutely have to have it?"
"Players can play really really well at this level but the moment you start putting serious pressure and creating a lot of threats in a row, blunders are incredibly common."
"That it was unbelievable and in that moment in that pressure as well it was phenomenal."
"I can perform under any circumstance. I could literally play ten minutes after my friend kills himself."
"Give it your all, stay focused, and always keep cool under pressure."
"When you can execute under those circumstances, it's one of the most powerful and rewarding feelings."
"He's one of those freak athletes that comes around in a while, they just have this ability to when it matters, they perform."
"I gained so much experience...I can now perform under the pressure."
"...I think it was a combination of both but I mean they're just so amazing on Sundays you know when it comes down to if when they've got their backs against the the wall you know they produce their best stuff and you know those are the signs of a champion."
"Kawhi Leonard under pressure ain't missing."
"But that's the thing with this guy, and that's why he stays in stroke and that's why he keeps performing Under Pressure. Because he's willing to pull the trigger on what he thinks is correct."
"You function very well under pressure. You always kill it and have me laughing, so keep it up."
"Awesome, nicely done, the pressure was on with the camera rolling, you managed it perfectly, absolutely perfectly."
"The lights come on, we hold under pressure, that's what's been happening all week."
"The pressure brings out the greatest in these professional bowlers."
"He's just always been able to stay in the moment under the bright lights of TV."
"The appetite for the big moment is what marks out good players, great players, and world-class footballers."
"When the pressure is on, I feel that's when I'm at my best."
"It's impressive to see them handling the pressure."
"I'm a real good under pressure, being all that I can be."
"If you can find out how somebody will perform under pressure, that is literally the only thing that matters."
"I am at my best when managing and coordinating projects and I enjoy my work the most when I am under pressure to deliver results based on strict timescales."
"When the moment is big, she is up to the challenge."
"The pressure is on, and she plays better, those types of athletes are the most special to watch."
"Sometimes when your back's against the wall and you just have to create, you kind of just perform."
"This new bow is amazing; it just works under pressure."
"He's a competitive kid that when the game was really on the line, you really saw his game rise."
"We have to have the right habits all season long or you're going to get exposed when the lights get brightest."
"I think we thrive on we do, we thrive under pressure."
"That's amazing what this man can do under pressure."