
Human Kindness Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"All I can hope is that there will always be people out there who are willing to let other human beings learn and grow from their mistakes."
"That's what it's all about: You kind of let that mixture of human kindness and food come together."
"Most people are really, really nice. We wouldn't have murders on the front page if people murdered all the time."
"You should have seen the smile on his face when the reaction happened. He was just kind."
"Michael taught me how to be a better person: be ruthless with systems, be kind with people."
"If you don't have freedom what do you got sorry trust and generosity that's an interesting one so if you're kinder than you tend to be happier."
"We need to be better to each other and to our planet, and I hope this mission can inspire more of that." - Mission Specialist Christina Cook
"I've met absolutely salt of the earth people today, and I've got to tell you, people in Blackpool really are so, so nice."
"The best thing for humankind is for people to accept the idea of non-violence."
"Good people are everywhere too, as long as you know how to look for them."
"There's something completely overwhelming about stories of people being that kind to total strangers."
"It's possible to care about other human beings without personally benefiting from it."
"The best thing about activism is the allies that you make, the unintentional allies that I've made. It's really reminded me of the goodness of people."
"All these individuals seem to completely dissolve the idea that early humans were savage or cruel when it comes to handicaps and disabilities."
"It's great to see these fishermen going out of the way to help a fellow creature in need. It's not every day that you see people putting themselves on the line for an animal, but these guys clearly have a soft spot for nature."
"Regular people are much more kind than is being portrayed."
"To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another."
"The world is a fantastic place full of beautiful people."
"It's great to remember how selfless and kind humans can be."
"Some of the most kind people I've ever met were the least fortunate."
"There's nothing more wholesome and good in this world than healing other human beings."
"He was one of the better human beings that you would ever meet."
"Deer are terrified of us, but a little bit of human kindness can make all the difference."
"People are genuinely, for the most part, generally friendly and kind."
"Just one example of the kindness of strangers in the midst of war."
"Acts of kindness that will restore your faith in humanity."
"Help other people selflessly... Give to people without expectation."
"We all should become better humans by practicing kindness, by practicing empathy."
"Those little gestures of love and somebody being nice to you, you never forget things like that."
"We all at heart want to be helpful and kind and compassionate."
"Even in a cruel world, there are still good people who share our sentiments."
"I just love knowing that there's great kind people out there in the world."
"Why not be touched that someone feels compelled to try to help somebody out?"
"Humanity's innate love and kindness shines through."
"Kindness is a very special trait and kind people in my opinion are rare."
"Camus talks about doing your best for other human beings."
"He was being kept alive by the kindness of our friends and neighbors."
"And to just know that there's good people everywhere."
"They are good people if you get a chance, just go visit them."
"This story really does go to show there are amazing people out there."
"When the world seems dark, I remind myself that Mr. Rogers once got a letter from a blind girl..."
"What a beautiful human, a beautiful runner raising money for a good cause."
"People can feel and know who is trying to sincerely help them at this evil bad time."
"Remember, there's a lot of good people out there, and we'll get by, you know what I mean?"
"The reality is you meet the most wonderful kind people, they give you the shirt off their back."
"Human goodness... there's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing that moment where you're testing the hearing aid... that moment it's worth everything."
"Let's remember and take inspiration from the kindness and camaraderie displayed before us."
"Most people that I've met and known have been nice good people."
"People are honestly really very nice and kind."
"Hopefully it makes you want to be kind to your fellow humans because you never really know what someone else is going through."
"On average, I think most people are kinder than you think."
"When given the opportunity, people can and will be kind."
"He's a good human being. He didn't have to do that. But he did it."
"You are the kindness that this person never knew in their life."
"I think people respond to just being a kind human, just being like a real person."
"It was lucky enough to get a prosthesis made by some caring and knowledgeable humans."
"Technology completely failed me, but humanity completely saved me."
"Just love each other and respect each other... be good to each other."
"Turns out it's not easy to ruin someone's life once you find out how wonderful they are."
"Acts like that show humanity at its very best."
"The hardest thing in the world is not to be mean to everybody. It's easy to be mean. What's hard is to love, especially when you feel like you might be hurt because of love."
"Please love each other, please care about each other, please be charitable."
"There are so many good people out there in the world who have done great inspiring things."
"99% of people are just super nice and it really makes my day."
"When you filter through even once positivity like you guys share with me on such a regular basis... it reminds you that people are really awesome."
"That's what human beings are here for, trying to be good to each other."
"They have eyes about four inches wide, and maybe a little shorter."
"The greatest lesson that I have learned on YouTube is that I am constantly, constantly surprised by the kindness and compassion of strangers."
"I have met incredibly generous and kind people."
"This kind of restores your faith in humanity."
"Only kindness that raises its head from the crowd of the world to say, 'It is I you have been looking for,' and then goes with you everywhere like a shadow or a friend."
"It just means the world to me when people are actually nice and like nurses at the hospital or like the police officer that was in the room with me that night when they like treated me like a human..."
"They were the nicest humans I've ever experienced."
"I appreciate that you bring joy to so many people I believe you to be a great human being"
"The hardest part is always leaving them. Like, it breaks my heart, but the goal, and a lot of people say this too, they're like, 'Hey, you know they're you're leaving them worse off because now they're disappointed, but what it does is it shows them that humans can be good."
"Shout out to all the good humans."
"Natural disasters bring out the best in human beings."
"Kind-hearted people are the ones that we should hold on to, the people that we should have close to us."
"People supporting people, whether it's women supporting women, people just supporting people, period, is important. It just really is. It's what we're called here to do. We're not here to spread hate."
"The countless acts of kindness in our world, the countless moments when others have been in need or sick or vulnerable or lonely, and someone has reached out."
"Moral beauty when we see these little moments of human goodness, of reconciling or two adversaries hugging."
"It's uplifting to know there's such great awesome people out there."
"What made Michael special as a human being was his heart."
"I think in general, if you can be a good human being and not try and ruin the hobby for people, that's the biggest takeaway you need to have."
"It's hard to fathom the generosity and kindness of people sometimes huh?"
"Be a good human being, exude love, exude joy, be appreciative, and treat other people well, and life will be great."
"People are really sweet and really kind... even if I don't know somebody, they are really polite and really kind."
"I really appreciate you staying to the end, that makes you a fantastic human being."
"There is just this peace and presence and kindness pervading every single human being in that place."
"Since ancient times, the evil has never been able to eliminate the righteous; it cannot eradicate kindness from people's hearts."
"Taylor is one of the most helpful human beings on earth when she wants to be."
"This just once again proves that there are incredible people everywhere."
"People are generally nice and encouraging and supportive."
"Be a nice human being and do the right thing."
"It is beautiful to know that there were so many people... always willing to go out of their way to help each other."
"Without the support, the generosity, and kindness from our fellow humans, without our global community, we can accomplish nothing."
"This is the kind of stuff that makes me remember not everyone sucks."
"It doesn't matter where I go, I just see very kind, loving people, welcoming people, people that are proud of where they come from."
"This is one of the finest most kind of generous acts that a human being can possibly think up."
"If you treat human beings well, if you accept them and nurture them, they're going to be okay."
"Good people are everywhere. You keep a smile on your face, do the best you can do, they're going to love you."
"Johnny loved animals, he loved people."
"Just be a good person and look for the good in other people and forget everything else."
"To find the good in every day and the good in every person."
"What have we lost in human kindness or where's that human nature to want to protect those around you?"
"Even War cannot destroy kindness if it exists in a human heart."
"Just be a good human, be humble, be kind, spread joy, peace, and love."
"One of the things that you find is actually how kind sometimes people become in these difficult times."
"I've known you 48 hours and in that time you've given me more help than any other human being has in my entire life."
"Become a good human being, one that cares about people."
"We believe in the power of positivity, we believe in people, and in the power of kindness and of caring."
"If human beings could be kind, if human beings could be genuinely loving, we would heal so many things in this world."
"It was the first time a man has ever hugged me and asked me for nothing in exchange."
"Caring about someone before you care about yourself is the deepest most pure form of love and humanity."
"People often risk their well-being to help animals."
"Being kind is just being kind, on a human to human level."
"You're about to get a prayer answered through a human being."
"If you just show a man basic love, kindness, respect, and humility, what you get back in return is beautiful."
"There are good, nice people in the world, I love it."
"It is really nice to see when people come together and just help each other out because they're good people."
"You love the way most people should."