
Gaming Realism Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Escape from Tarkov is a game to which realism and authenticity is an essential part of the appeal, and they make some of the most realistic virtual guns in gaming as a result."
"I think it makes the gameplay so much more real, so much more entertaining."
"The road noises as well from the screeching of tires to rumble strips was a treat."
"Combining dodges with anticipation adds realism and depth to defensive gameplay."
"One of the Forza team's philosophies is that physics comes first."
"Brings realism in terms of visuals and gameplay."
"For a game that's trying to create something that feels broadly realistic, the idea that a 2x4 is more useful to me than my assault rifle feels pretty silly."
"Elegy is that, for Skyrim. The amount of changes is huge... in a line... it kind of de-gamifies certain aspects and moves the needle a little bit more to realism... or immersion."
"Worried pandas shake and hide their faces during storms."
"The AI reacted dynamically to my strategy by calling out exactly what I was doing on the radio and then did what the military do in real life and fired mortars at my position. It's so cool how the AI actually intelligent."
"For your character death to feel convincing, there needs to be some kind of fanfare."
"I want to have as realistic and a save as we can at this stage now that let's put the sliders on."
"The Surge 2's combat feels like squaring off against a thinking opponent."
"Running out of stamina or pulling too many G's will make the player pass out and so on."
"It really makes it feel like you have one life and it matters."
"It's the closest thing you're gonna get to a simulator experience on a console."
"Ray tracing: the most realistic rendering method that exists."
"But at the moment I think instead of being paid a win it just leans towards the reality of how Overwatch is played rather than the dream."
"I also don't think that the Quest for realism is necessary and in the end I think it undermines what makes games so fun and exciting in the first place."
"Realistic racing has headed for Nintendo's switch."
"You get a level of realism with Unreal Engine which is super exciting."
"It just makes it a little bit more realistic and difficult, I guess."
"The world just feels so lived in... something that few games manage to do."
"The zombies in dying light genuinely seemed dumb as fuck and that's exactly how it should be."
"Wet and Cold makes NPCs wear appropriate clothing depending on the weather, and in my opinion, the AI additions help add to the feel of harsh weather in the game."
"I mean, how pissed off do you guys get when there are moments in these movies that people love to death that are not your fault?"
"This is about as close to real life as you can get in video games."
"It's very important to us that items actually feel meaningful and real."
"It makes the world feel so much more alive, so much more immersed."
"Sniping in Escape from Tarkov adds realism not in the mechanical operation of a rifle, but in the stress of operating that rifle under pressure."
"I always like the games that were just baked in some kind of realism."
"It's so hard because I know this is gameplay footage."
"I feel like the shaving adds realism into the game. You used to have to download a mod to be able to do that, so I feel like that's pretty fun. I like that feature."
"When you come to the Some Ordinary Gamers channel, you're coming for the realism."
"If we can't make the game 100% realistic, nobody will play it."
"Cynthia is leagues above the rest, actual Nicholas, I must prove that I have bad manners, it is the only way to play to make it more realistic to real life right now."
"Procedural animation allows us to create a scenario where the AI behavior equals the behavior that you're seeing in the game."
"The bullets come out fast, but you don't know where the hell they're going."
"Project Zomboid takes the cake. Unlike much of the genre, this isn't just a game about zombie head busting action, it's about what it would genuinely be like for an everyday idiot to try and survive a zombie apocalypse."
"You have to eat food and you have to drink water in order to stay well."
"In a real haunted house the monsters can't hurt you, but in a video game they can chase you around, throw you through walls, cut off your hand, murder you, and then bring you back to life."
"Everybody in the game will have their own unique daily routine."
"Few games actually manage to capture a city as well as this one does."
"The game believes the world is real and it just makes it all the more better for the player."
"Every single creature in the game has its own set of behaviors and interactions."
"Fight night round 4 has the best and most realistic pure boxing ever seen in a video game to this very day."
"Playing on very hard it’s more immersive because you have to scrounge for resources."
"Artyom connects with the world perfectly with those things he touch and cast shadows onto them."
"It's hard to believe but what you're seeing right now is not real life footage from a camera it's actually gameplay from an Unreal Engine 5 video."
"I think one thing that everybody has said about this game is that it's too realistic."
"They also fixed an issue where the player driving the hovercraft cannot be shot through the front window."
"Improving the ball-carrier system... open field realism."
"I want to see more like generations-esque gameplay... I want my Sims to face the consequences."
"If you want realism, go play a milsim. Call of Duty is honestly that simple."
"The next target was trees. Tree models from photogrammetry look ridiculous."
"Romance gets a bit more realistic. This mod, your Sim can work up the romance skill and unlock interactions and places to go."
"Doom Eternal shows little regard for realism, and that's a good thing."
"Is it gonna be more like the Sims or are we just gonna get hyper realistic animal crossing where the animals are more real I don't know - stop stop I understand the switch has better graphics but you don't need to go that far."
"People want a laundry room, people want to do laundry in their game, so I'm so glad they added this."
"Rimworld mirrors the unpredictability of real life perfectly."
"If you love the C8 Corvette in real life, you're going to love this car in game. It looks really, really cool."
"Incident systems dial up the authenticity... wheel-to-wheel clashes and dramatic turn one collisions."
"Tackling to feel like you've... more likely to win back the ball... more realistic around... a real football game."
"Weapon mods: improving gunplay with high-quality, lore-friendly additions."
"It's almost to me the most exciting thing is... that all the lots in this are so detailed and so full of life."
"All these great unscripted moments... really make the whole mission."
"This car has so much that you can do, it's really impressive."
"It's almost like the AI being bad makes it feel more real."
"Enemy moblins won't just pick up straight weapons; they'll sometimes pick up and throw objects at Link."
"But being able to look down at your utility belt, grab a bat gadget, and use it, that makes it all worth it."
"I'm a big nerd for guns, especially, so I really appreciate when developers can do them justice."
"Peter's room does have a full workshop with a whole bunch of drawers and cubby spaces that have objects inside them like wires and nuts and bolts and stuff like that."
"We've adjusted the range of ratings that you'll see on players. As an example, the rating difference between a 90 overall player and an 89 overall player is now so much larger."
"The next generation of Madden is here and it's never felt so real."
"The special players feel special it's not just all about speed anymore separating players know these abilities make these players realistically play like they do in real life and I love to change."
"Partial reloads are better than magic and mirrored models."
"Kashyyyk's scale is just next level stuff, not linear at all, you can enter all the trees without doing the little interior cut scene."
"For a truly sublime night raid experience, I'd love to see a game fully integrate all of these small details faithfully."
"It just makes night City feel a lot more like it's described in the game."
"The addition of amplified hearing protection is 100% realistic."
"Dynamic hair growth, real-time aging system, design your own permanent tattoos."
"I survived Suite 776. It is real. It all appeared real, but that couldn't be possible."
"You can only die in a Call of Duty game if the camera remains in first person."
"If a Pokemon faints at any time during the play, it's dead. It's not fainting, it's dead. That's it. You bury it, you release it. It's gone."
"This mod just literally allows your Sims to file a tax return and they can either get accepted or rejected so they're either going to have to pay money or they're going to get money."
"Every sound is occluded, every sheet of drywall is a new potential angle of attack."
"Sniper Elite 4 is a brutal third-person tactical shooter stealth game. If you've ever wanted to see skulls pierced by sniper bullets in slo-mo x-ray, this is the game for you."
"Higher level creatures are not just better at withstanding punishment, they're also more skillful."
"It's just looking at this right now, this is FIFA 21 and I'd be like, 'Oh yeah, this is probably just a mod.'"
"The best layup package in the game is by far Kyrie Irving."
"The physics collision in this game is super realistic."
"Real-time combat comes closer to emulating how we perceive events in reality compared to turn-based combat."
"Every time you knock your Nautilus on something, it's like a hit point goes minus ten thousand."
"The numbers on paper and the feel of the Chaperone is so good it's almost like you're firing watermelons and not bullets."
"I think we're closer to photorealistic graphics than people suspect."
"The cave systems are by far the most realistic caves I've ever experienced in any game ever."
"I'm not really one that's big for like single-player game modes playing against the computer, but it is really authentic in terms of like the history of basketball."
"That just felt like I was playing foot champs against the player, and he just did that on me. That was nice."
"Everything in this game is built to be the most insanely realistic thing in the world."
"It's not an easy just shoot him in the back and he's up close and personal."
"This is the most realistic YouTuber game I've ever played."
"If this is real life Boateng would have taken him down, no way he was gonna let him walk past."
"Everything in video games is essentially a facade. It's all an insanely expressive dynamic loading hallway."
"Look at the amount of projectiles, arrows, javelins, whatever rocks people are just throwing."
"Naval battles look great—you're ramming into ships, boarding each other's ships, setting them on fire... the usual."
"You can't really hide from those pesky tanks."
"So people have gotten there legit, and we're expecting that because he's in the game, he would be fully implemented."
"ARMA 4 can reach even further into realism by making its core gameplay more ergonomic and lifelike."
"I want worlds in games to be real, fully simulated."
"Every single weapon just feels like you're unleashing hell."
"This mod has officially made this 100% the best mod for The Sims 4 for realism."
"Realism isn't necessarily fun to play, which is why it's kind of a bummer that you can't like actually fly around a solar system."
"I don't think that truck should have driven through, though. I assume it's some kind of map error."
"With VR headsets, those kind of games are going to become so realistic. It's gonna be crazy, it's gonna be so cool."
"Watching them swing their weapons around at nothing was pretty goofy to be honest."
"That's every bit of gravel that I need, all nine stacks. And, day night adds the item physics mod, which kind of makes items look like they just kind of roll as I took them down, which I think looks pretty cool."
"This game is hyper-realistic, so you can only see dinosaurs that were contemporary at the time."
"When he starts running, actually, Norman Reedus starts running."
"It's this nice middle point between more realistic shooting and then something like Doom which is all the way over the top."
"This mod shows you how human your colonists really are."
"You can genuinely test every aspect of the weapon."
"We want our characters to look as realistic as possible so players can fall in love with them."
"The first time you start up universe mode... it feels authentic."
"It's literally like raw gameplay. It's nothing super produced but hopefully you'll be able to sit back and say cool that's how that game plays, what a concept."