
Highlight Quotes

There are 1046 quotes

"The moment freaking Ichigo turns into the Vasto Lorde, like, that was like the best moment in Bleach for me."
"The game's infinity stone system is the highlight of the game."
"This game has a pretty cool premise that the entire game is on a single screen, and this right here is the money shot in my opinion."
"This fight is a main event in its own right."
"I think it was the most entertaining match of the night."
"Georgia's character was also a highlight this season."
"Well, through a very messy end to a British Grand Prix, Albon shines through!"
"That's the clip right there... that's the clip."
"THIS... will be the highlight of the film's comedy."
"As China moves to ease monetary conditions, positive fundamental and macro developments are starting to emerge."
"The boss fight here is not just the highlight of Skyward Sword, but of the entire Zelda series."
"Man, Deji winning was, in my opinion, the highlight of the entire thing."
"This is without a doubt the star of the show."
"That back heel was incredible, one of the goals of the tournament."
"The golden goal was the highlight of the tournament so far."
"And Ronaldo delivers... Cristiano Ronaldo has taken a starring role today."
"Every day, reading your comments has to be the highlight of my day."
"Cyberpunk 2077...undoubtedly one of the highlights for the entire convention."
"Miss United Kingdom, her presentation was one of the highlights for me... I really, really enjoyed it." - Commentator
"One of the absolute high points of Xenoblade Chronicles is undoubtedly its soundtrack."
"A beautiful nade from Joker, oh my goodness."
"Absolutely outstanding. It's the highlight of this park."
"With a little bit of drama, we've made it to the best part of the cooking process."
"At number two, Larry Nance Jr. with a statue of liberty on K.D."
"Highlight adds that perfect glow. Charlotte Tilbury's Beauty Light Wand is my go-to."
"Maybe Breath of the Wild 2 is the showcase title."
"Leo Messi, he's the man in the middle at the moment, Messi sitting the ball in the back of the net."
"That head kick was very, very impressive. I'm excited. I think that might be one of the show stealers on the flight."
"It's moments like this where the game really shines."
"This one was definitely one of the show stoppers..."
"The Mini Main Attraction collection was the highlight of the Disney merch world this year."
"Absolutely ridiculous shot by Rick Shankenstein."
"Without a doubt one of the best fights of the year."
"That's a big time drive there by two monster plays by Brandon Auk in the passing game."
"This find is definitely one of the highlights of 2023."
"Harvey Barnes to settle it, who else but the man, Harvey Barnes!"
"This has been the cherry on top for the cruise."
"Honestly, that was fantastic! Banana roll was definitely my highlight."
"The star of the show here for me is the doll itself Megan."
"The final piece some may say the piece de resistance for Apollo is the waterfall behind the resident Services Building."
"The X-Mansion chapter is the high point of the entire game."
"Of all the footage they caught on camera, the highlight was what appears to be a face gazing through the kitchen window."
"This is gonna be highlighted, you know, the opportunity of your lifetime."
"The interior though in my opinion is the highlight of the car."
"Trent Alexander-Arnold fires and absolutely levels it! That is probably one of his best goals he's scored in the Liverpool shirt!"
"The best thing about this film is the music."
"What a bit of control that was from Juan Mata."
"That is just stunning from Lamela... He's rabona'd that into the far corner."
"His field for the situation, this touchdown pass to Kelsey, is everything."
"The hordes in this game...the hordes are definitely the best part of this game."
"Yeah, overall, all fun show. Yeah, the highlight was the men's rumble though."
"Rise of Ashara is an S-tier patch... it was so good it was the only good part about BFA."
"LeBron James with the game winner for three!"
"The biggest moment on this record is sand castles."
"That fried squid calamari was probably the highlight of the entire meal."
"This is definitely going to be one of those highlights in terms of drafts that I've experienced in my time as a fan."
"It's definitely one of the highlights of my week, 100% sure."
"The highlight is obviously when she turns to her true form in front of Charles and gains his approval."
"The highlight of this scene is the visual brilliance."
"We love to highlight those kind of things on our social media."
"The food, this is really where this place shines."
"Player of the game is Gabe, catch of the century."
"The Rousey match package... was not only the highlight of the entire [__] show but the highlight of the weekend."
"Well, I think we have our new signature moment of the Season, my oh my."
"This is the funniest thing that's ever happened in the sport of mixed martial arts."
"The scene itself is just amazingly horrifying and is, in itself, by far the highlight of the season."
"It's so glowy... it's like wow that's a highlight."
"I swear after discovering cream blush, I don't need highlight."
"This was awesome and this was really the first [__] highlight of WrestleMania 36 on night one."
"His reaction to the reveal that Dany speaks Valyrian was priceless and Drogon setting him on fire was easily the best moment for Dany in season 3."
"This has been my favorite highlight from colour-pop ever."
"If you want somebody to see you from not not only across the room but like from across the yard from across the building you need this highlight it is Reflective Wow."
"The real star of this show is the room in the second and the third row."
"The wacka Valley is a highlight of the cruise."
"The highlight of the movie was definitely Jackie Brown"
"Zion Williamson giving the Barclays Center a highlight to remember!"
"If you want to, I could sing too, so you might want to highlight your girl."
"It was the high point of my life, there's no doubt about it."
"...this is where we get the actually very exciting bit."
"This may be a contender for my favorite thing in this video, and I didn't think I would say that."
"I think it highlights what's truly heroic."
"the highlight of his year came in a snow game when he threw a record five touchdowns in one quarter"
"That might be one of the highlights of this camera for me I'm really excited about that."
"Definitely the highlight for me today though, was that Muslim Yunnanese beef salad that aunty made."
"The first minute of this program from January 3rd was the best one minute of AEW Television I've seen in months."
"...This may have been the best segment on the show."
"The highlight was beautiful but I'm still going to crown the wet and wild highlight as the number one from the drugstore."
"Oh my God, that was the best video of the entire thing."
"The balcony was the MVP of this trip."
"I thoroughly enjoyed that class and I think it's going to be the highlight of my semester."
"This has been one of the great escapes of any Tour de France."
"What's our slam dunk today? Well, the slam dunk is definitely going to be the value."
"...the highlight is everything else..."
"this is a top three Moment In Black Panther's history for sure"
"Irving with the steal and puts it in"
"Yesterday was a highlight, yesterday was so fun."
"The music, some of the best part of this whole thing."
"The best bit of course is on the back with all the signatures."
"The highlight has to be the Car Trek experience with the SLS AMG."
"Optimus Prime riding a three-headed dragon robot as if he's the alpha male version of kisi was easily the highlight of this whole movie."
"This is literally the most insane highlight I've ever seen."
"This was the highlight of the trip."
"What a play at first base by Christian Walker."
"Pat McAfee steals the entire night."
"If you have combination skin like me I like to apply it on just my cheek areas for that extra highlight."
"It's just so crazy to sit and think about sometimes that like, the way that YouTube is so therapeutic, it's such a highlight of my day."
"That's the shot of the match so far for SVB"
"That's the best part of the night, in my opinion."
"Last week, Foden took over the second half."
"I love you, I'm literally in love with you."
"That is the sports center top play of the night right there."
"This one was definitely a big hit for me and definitely the thing that I'm most excited about out of everything that I tried today."
"This probably the highlight of what we did on this island. It was so unique and incredible."
"Take a look at this, feast your eyes on this header from Rapinoe."
"This is the best part about it all."
"The best part of this movie is easily his performance."
"...the highlight of the movie... a big battle scene that throws in reference after reference."
"She's the highlight of this film."
"And it's the best part about this movie."
"The theater screen is definitely the highlight of the 7 Series."
"...I thought that was worth highlighting because it's actually pretty interesting."
"Manny Pacquiao, certainly the best punch of the fight."
"Sam's present situation is so unpleasant that he considers his trips across the country to go to court in New York the highlight of his life now."
"If that's not the game of the year I'm not sure what is."
"That was probably the best thing of the entire trip."
"Highlight for me, it's probably going to have to be the gold denture."
"The highlight of the entire film is this part where Sonic super speeds through this bar fight."
"The highlight of today was that restaurant."
"The view is definitely the highlight of this place, really beautiful."
"This is the highlight of my week right here."
"This was the best part of the evening."
"That was literally the best experience of my life."
"They did it. This was the highlight of the show."
"The view is definitely the highlight of this place."
"Look at this! This is the Piece'de'resistance! The highlight!"
"It's actually going to be a highlight of the house."
"That's the find of the day so far."
"You've been my highlight. You're my highlight of this year."
"It's the absolute best part of my week."
"Every move was basically a highlight."
"The bedroom really is a highlight."
"Literally the highlight of my day."
"That's a highlight for me right now."
"That whole run that you were in was the most entertaining part."
"The best part about this movie, in my opinion, is how funny it is."
"If you're not sure how light a highlight should be, leave it white."
"...the Prince of Egypt into an unforgettable musical where every number stands out as a strong highlight of the feature."
"One of the greatest moments in the entirety of spider-verse."
"I got to believe that is the pass of the tournament."
"Kyrie Irving is a walking highlight, looking in for Irving. Irving for the win, oh my my, a southp finish from Kyrie Irving, just absurd."
"What a promo, huh? This was the highlight of the night. This was amazing."
"This is truly a highlight of our year."
"What was like the highlight was her reaction on camera is priceless."
"This would have to be the highlight of the whole trip for me."
"This was one of my favorite parts."
"Opposite field home run is what stood out to me."
"But I will admit all four girls teaming up at the very end was pretty dope. That was the best part, actually."
"I know y'all see it because of that highlight."
"The best thing on the entire show."
"To this day in a wrestling match when he scaled the cage, he walked across the top beam of the cage had nothing to hold on to, hands-free trying to balance himself."
"Every time I watch that spot back it is still the number one highlight spot in impact history in my opinion."
"It was amazing, I mean, Malcolm for the layup."
"That's the most exciting dunk we've seen in two years."
"His season with the Raptors is a highlight reel in a career that saw so many changes."
"This was hands down my favorite part of the day."
"Definitely the highlight of our time."
"To not bury the lead, it was one of the greatest experiences of my whole life."
"That night we got ready, we saw Kendrick Lamar. That was really sick. That was such a highlight of the trip."
"Fantastic interception and run back by Tariq Stevenson."
"This is the best part of the show."
"I think that might have been the highlight for me, the outro. Yeah, that was beautiful. That song too."
"I can honestly say that Convict Lake was easily the highlight of this entire trip."
"That is one of the highlights of not only the past year but just the entire time that I have been on YouTube."
"...that was probably a highlight of my whole career life maybe..."
"For me, this is like as amped up of a highlight as I'll go, and it's still one of my favorite formulas on the market."
"It really won't translate necessarily as a makeup product. It is really bougie, but as far as like a truly highlighted gorgeous glossy skin look, if that's something you're looking for, I think that this one is one of the best out there."
"That's the best part of this whole thing."
"...do you want more of a glowy blush that maybe you're going to use kind of all over the face to create a like an ethereal all-over glow or do you want something that's going to be more like a highlight that goes just on the high points of the face?"
"His name was Tex Ritter. When my father was asked what his highlight was of his career, he would have to say that it was the night of the Academy Awards when he sang the song."
"The highlight of my week, I love doing this show."
"One of the best spots of the entire match."
"That was the best part of your show."
"So I saved the best for last the tomato the mighty tomato."
"It was definitely the highlight of the place. Floating in the blue turquoise water, the white sandy beaches."
"One of the highlights of 2023 for me was being able to DJ at a festival."
"The animation is undoubtedly the best part of this show."
"The coolest part of this whole thing."
"Captain Ash quickly became a highlight of the final arc."
"The streams part was my favorite part."
"The highlight of his day, heck the highlight of his career."
"The end finale is clearly the highlight."
"Our boy sketch coming out with a big hit to knock the ball loose."
"But yeah, I said like that was the hill of my day, like my day now gets exponentially better is Simon on Side cast."
"When it comes to aegyo sal makeup, I truly believe highlight is the most important."
"The inner corner highlight is very bright so the inner corner highlight kind of evens it out and it makes it look a lot more cohesive with the entire eye makeup look."
"The food was definitely the star of the show."
"He and Momoa work really well together, and if anything, there needed to be more of them interacting. Wilson is definitely a highlight here."
"Awesome forehand down the line that set him up there."
"Arguably my favorite part of the mock is this entrance right here."