
Feeding Quotes

There are 281 quotes

"Blood is blood, and you need it. This is just how you prefer to feed on any given night."
"Giraffes are ruminants and spend most of their day browsing on leaves, flowers, and fruits from trees, particularly favoring the acacia tree."
"Despite their enormous size, these gentle giants are filter feeders, consuming vast quantities of plankton, krill, and small fish."
"The Fox from this video had been feeding this fox regularly at the same spot for over a year."
"It's our feeding time now. What's for lunch today, Mr. Lion?"
"They'll eat out of your hands if you drop a piece of food in there."
"The sheep are going to go where they get fed."
"Babies love them too and it's fun to see them eat it and enjoy it."
"If we feed people, they'll support us, they'll join us."
"However you feed your baby is awesome. You're doing a great job. No mom shaming here, breastfeeding or bottle feeding."
"You are not a bad mother. Do not feel bad. As long as your baby is getting fed, that's awesome."
"The adults will try to give a little food to each pup, but this one had a different plan."
"Look at this eat, he's crazy, this one is my favorite one."
"One thing about goats is they need constant access to Hay, we call this free choice."
"Over the gums and through the lips, look out stomach, here we go."
"Dinner doesn't have to be perfect or beautiful you just get to feed people and sometimes it's going to look weird especially with kids"
"The giant manta ray is often seen swimming in tight acrobatic circles, circling back to eat clusters of plankton or to evade predators."
"Not the a-hole. You were very clear with this guy that your dogs have a special diet and he continued feeding them anyhow."
"Feeding all the animals way more than we normally would because staying warm burns a lot more calories."
"It's like the Dolphins were eating these discombobulated fish that were being thrown to them."
"It's nice that we can have feeders out, and number one for the nutrition and stuff with the analogic pellets that they have basically an EHD vaccine in there that's all-natural stuff."
"At around nine months, you may also notice that your baby is starting to naturally reduce his or her milk intake."
"The keys here are things that are easy for baby to hold on to again with baby lead weeding the goal is that baby is able to feed themselves even if it takes a lot of time and it's really messy."
"Fed is best. Don't feel guilty if you're at a point where you feel like whether it's a personal choice that you want to breastfeed or not even if you're trying to breastfeed and it's not working out like just don't feel guilty for supplementing."
"Feeding frogs is always just pure chaos. So graceful, so so so graceful."
"Brachiosaurus probably fed on coniferous trees, which would have required up to 400 kg or 880 lb of dry plant matter every day."
"Let's get this feeding video started, let's see how many tarantulas eat for us today."
"When the mata mata eats, it will open its mouth and expand its neck at the same time, it creates a vacuum that will suck the fish right into its mouth."
"Guess what, the fish got to eat. I got to try to get that Panther grouper and eel to eat some live fish or any invertebrates we catch."
"Stay tuned and I'll probably feed that red tail this entire fet right there."
"Fed is best. Whatever any mom is out there doing to keep their baby fed and gaining weight and remain healthy is amazing and a blessing."
"I've actually been feeding them with a tomato food, it's high in potassium."
"The most important thing in all aspects of fishing is this, that regular feeding, cuz without that those fish wouldn't be there feeding and you're not going to catch them."
"Remember back in the day on the canals with the squat fishing, always the anglers that caught fish, the ones that fed regularly."
"It's about feeding people. It's about getting stuck in."
"Research surrounding baby-led weaning suggests that babies using this method learn to regulate their food intake, leading to a lower BMI and lower risk of obesity."
"Fed is best, okay? No judgment here."
"I'm officially making the transition to the babies being fully formula fed."
"This is why you don't want to feed two or more, you really want to try to stick to one prey size."
"Another way to keep your horses hydrated apart from putting apples in their water, such as I do, a food battle for apple bobbing, the horses can tell, and that is putting water in your feed."
"Horses are supposed to eat 24/7. They are grazing animals, so hay burners is a little bit of a joke when it comes down to owning horses and paying for their forage."
"Just because you don't see your crested gecko eating doesn't necessarily mean it's not eating."
"You just have to feed him til he pops."
"Fed is best, and I'm gonna repeat that a lot."
"It's time to feed your bees. I'm going to tell you how, I'm going to answer the question. When do you feed your bees? How do you feed your bees?"
"It's okay for your baby to have cold milk."
"...black soldier fly larva is one of the favorites of these guys."
"Thoughts are like entities that want to be fed."
"It's a work of like art into a monster the problem with the monster is you have to keep feeding it that's right that's that's a true one right there."
"It's really important to get regularity of your feeding."
"Staging areas are places bass can feed up before the spawn and they're normally areas like points ledges and drains."
"He's gotta feed himself. Yeah, because he's also a vampire, which requires blood for sustenance."
"Persistence is key, that is a majority of the time the only thing that will get them to eventually take a bottle."
"So there are three things that we feed our pigs that get them to the weight that we want in the right time, finish well with the flavor we like."
"We want the pigs to eat as much as they want, I don't want them to be competing against each other to get in here."
"The next food that you must give your snail almost three times a week four times a week two times a week depending on the situation on the ground is the calcium feed."
"Just because your little one eats a lot one day and doesn't eat so much the next day, don't stress about it mama. Just do the best you can and feed them the best you can."
"When you feed something, it grows. When you feed pride, it grows. When you feed anger, it grows. When you feed jealousy, it grows. It gets bigger and bigger and bigger. When you feed something, it grows. This is just a simple idea that is absolutely true."
"Feeding is an important part of having a pet."
"When you feed a troll, it's almost a reward."
"Feeding wise, you can feed your frog three to five insects. It really depends."
"Feed them earlier in the day so they have plenty of time to sit and digest under their lights."
"Bed bugs only come out in the dark to feed at night."
"Turns out once you feed a good dog, they stop growling and looking at you like a four-course meal."
"A lot of these fish like the pyaras, we're gonna have to power feed them and get them back to full health before we can ship."
"You could put those rabbits in rabbit tractors and they could get 100% of their caloric requirements from the ground right in your yard."
"Exclusively pumping has worked for us. At the end of the day, I just need my daughter to be fed and safe."
"Just do what's best for you and your family. A fed baby is best, and a good healthy mom is best as well."
"...we're going to feed extra thin syrup because we're not trying to add a lot of poundage we're just trying to get them from the point they are now to where they can be big enough and have a big enough forager population to go out there and get the real stuff..."
"The most important part is that your baby is fed."
"You feed your baby the way that's best for your family."
"The greatest joy in life is feeding people."
"Every time I feed, they're on that bubbling within seconds."
"...maybe your baby is just not getting other types of food and only wants to get the milk from the boob."
"Most of us are used to putting in fish food into our aquarium."
"That is going to be going in out long along with some th perfect twoo pellets again hardly any I'll show you how much I'll feed in a sec."
"I mean the main reason why Jesse and his little vampire flock as he calls them were kicked out and burned alive is because they were probably not feeding on people in an efficient way."
"I'm exclusively pumping... he feeds with a bottle."
"As long as your family is fed, that is all that matters."
"They're really awesome little things when it comes to feeding for sure."
"It's fun that they eat right out of the hand we normally just throw stuff."
"Monsters are considered well monstrous because most of them feed on regular people in one way or another."
"Yellowstone was always known as the bear park and the practice of feeding them was so tied to our image of Yellowstone."
"Fed is best. That's what's important."
"You chicken's got a bunch of feed over in your little house."
"Feeding people. Sustenance is quicker in reaching the one who feeds people."
"You're a feeder, aren't you? You're an absolute feeder."
"Pigeons will fly over see the decoys which they think are other pigeons and basically join the flock to eat because obviously there's pigeons here the other pigeons that are flying over think oh it's safe and it's good feeding"
"...an easy meal right there and they'll go up and all the chaos and just grab whatever they're feeding on."
"He fed on her he's not himself anymore"
"Feeding time is training time, and we call it dinner and a show."
"I don't feed my tanks constantly; I feed most of my tanks three or four times a week."
"Hognose snakes have the calmest feeding response."
"It has a permanently ajar mouth with teeth that angle in towards itself and primarily feeds on shrimp."
"If you've been trying to offer food during the day, you might want to try it at night."
"But perhaps the most impressive feature of the Blue Whale is its gigantic mouth which allows it to take in huge volumes of water to filter for food."
"Wow, that was pretty cool though. She ate a hornworm, guys. I mean, that is definitely entertaining to say the least."
"...now we've done all the boring jobs, we get to feed, so what we do is we've got a big bucket of food, and in that food bucket, there's loads of different foods."
"For baby blue tongues like under three months of age, I would say you're going to want to feed every day and they do need a little bit more protein at this age."
"We're excited because the elephants are going to come in just a few minutes and we get to feed them."
"Granny, I wanna feed you. Today is your day."
"When it comes to feeding, they are ready to party."
"It's feeding day here at the camp, and so I'm just giving Guapo and Lola some food."
"These are amino acids and small zooplankton."
"She's a pretty girl, likes to eat, loves Fluker Buffet Blend aquatic turtle diet, fish, invertebrates, anything she can capture."
"We work to feed the hungry, we work to heal the sick in medicine."
"If you couple a good weaning program with sound feeding and a good marketing program, it'll pay some dividends."
"He is so food motivated when it comes to feeding time."
"It's like the tigers at the zoo getting thrown red meat."
"The feeding's everything; you've got to get that feeding right."
"You are not doing the bees any harm by feeding them this; this is what they need."
"The amount of bait you feed at the start of the match can make or break your day."
"Key points to any fishing, not just skimmer fishing, but any fishing, is how much to feed and what to feed."
"Following your baby's cues, feeding them when they're hungry, stopping when they're full."
"The feeding of birds is a huge subject and as your interest in bird-watching increases, you'll soon become acquainted with the most effective offerings to make."
"Oh my goodness, guys, let's see if we can hand feed him right here. Look at this, oh, guys, he went straight for the grape."
"That means these babies want to eat, and that's exactly what time it is."
"We're gonna give him a break right here so he doesn't choke, but that was a very very good first time feeding this little guy."
"When they come out of that they go crazy, they feed hard, it's almost like they're making up for lost time."
"The first 6 to 9 months is crazy because they got to feed like every 2 to 3 hours."
"We're trying to feed a million people in the first five years of the charity's existence."
"Feeding someone is the most loving act you can do."
"When you feed him, how do you know how much? A scoop and half."
"We're going to throw the rest of this food in here so all the fish can live, eat, thrive, and grow."
"She feeds the world and she does a superior job of it."
"For a buck and a quarter, you get a paper cup full of pellets, and the girls would lean right over the railing and eat right out of your hand."
"It's pretty amazing, the alpacas just come up to you, you feed them."
"In 2023, we were able to feed over 160,000 people with over 1.3 million pounds."
"The cookie cutter shark feeds by gouging round chunks out of larger animals with its sharp teeth."
"Birds can be feeding on them, on the seeds."
"It's starting to warm up outside, so it's better to feed the animals now because they can bask after eating their food."
"Once the new growth starts to appear and grow to about an inch or so in length, then I'll probably give a small amount of houseplant feed."
"When the water's getting colder, I have to eat, I have to pack on the pounds."
"Please don't feed the baboons; it's illegal, and they don't need any food."
"Feed the baby, whatever way you are able to."
"New Birth in 2023, we were able to feed over 160,000 people with over 13 million pounds of food."
"It's stimulating and challenging your dog, promotes active and healthy feeding."
"I want feeding to be a really positive experience."
"Offer them veggies, either hand feed them or just put the veggies down on the fleece blanket for them to get themselves."
"What do you do with pumpkins? Feed them to the Salata tortoises."
"The enthusiasm the little monsters do when they're eating is just awesome."
"We have a male Eastern happy cichlid in here, he just ate some pellets."
"Regardless of what brand you use, pay close attention to how much you feed; this is very nutritionally dense and a little bit goes a long way."
"This is always a good sign that your fish are doing well when they eat very actively."
"You're going to want to feed them things like carrots, fresh fruits and veggies, greens."
"I hope this kind of gave you guys a bit of information about what to expect from your first feed delivery and how to roughly set up your feed."
"If you think about in the ocean, the corals are eating all the time."
"Gila monsters can swallow larger animals than similar sized lizards of other species could."
"The big climax of that was the feeding of the 5000."
"It's really important to put out a variety of feed if you want to attract a variety of species of birds."
"He's like an octopus, he had arms everywhere, feeding."
"I practice what we call the division of responsibilities in feeding... my son decides if and how much he's going to eat."
"These are heavy feeders, so during that active growing season, fertilizing them monthly with an all-purpose fertilizer is going to do them good."
"Our personal favorites turned out to be the Komotomo because it's supposed to represent more of the natural breast."
"That was absolutely amazing to watch the orangutans feed."
"Now can you imagine if you have the assignment to feed just one blue whale?"
"Fish feed selectively during a hatch, they're only going to eat that certain size, certain shape, and certain color of bug."
"The adorable yet fearless deer swarm tourists in the hopes of getting a free meal."
"The best way to get close to animals? Feeding them, of course."
"Now the birdies have their own seeds to eat. Hooray!"
"When the whales are hungry, you have to be there to feed them."
"Penguins, adorable aren't they? And now it's their feeding time."
"It's a delicious bone-crunching experience for the Ls."
"I'm working at knit Beefcake, we mixed that corn all up in there; we haven't fed him probably in a month."
"We've got to feed the dinos, right? We do, and feed ourselves. I'm pretty hungry."
"Ditto ate all of his food. He's a very good boy."
"When snakes eat, they dislocate the back of their jaws so that they can swallow things larger than their heads."
"On an average day, over 100,000 people are fed here, and over 150,000 during holidays."
"They're feeding machines; they can eat up 25% of their body weight in one day."
"I love the feeling of feeding the girls, and it's a really nice bonding method."
"It's so important to make the most of these times when they do feed."
"The baby still trusts the parents. And that's the really key part of the relationship with feeding and introducing some of these foods."
"Maybe it's being ostracized. Maybe like your mother-in-law or your mom is saying, why can't you feed your baby? I could feed you. Or some family member. There's a lot of social stigma to children that don't eat easily, and that one's actually huge."
"Corn snakes are definitely a lot easier to feed, these guys will eat anything."
"Unlike ball pythons that can be really picky, this guy is really awesome."
"Pythons only really need to be fed once every one to two weeks."
"Please don't tease us, don't be mean, Mr. Food Man, bring us our feed."
"Boa constrictors can strike from all angles; they're crazy but only for food."
"It's less important what you feed than how you feed it."
"Whenever I walk near the turtle tank, they just swim at me: feed me, feed me."
"Dwarf seahorses prefer a smaller tank where food is much more likely to swim past them constantly."
"Muscles, muscles, all right first guys first here we go, we're gonna feed."
"Kitty really wants that milk. Should we give you a little bit, huh?"
"They're nocturnal and then they maybe swim a little bit when you're hand feeding them."
"It's pretty fun, I got to be honest; it's cool seeing them all feed in and stuff."
"I need you to feed me like you mean it, like you love it, like it's your job."
"She's such a sweetheart, I mean there's not a lot of snakes that you can literally offer food to like that."
"Giraffes have very long tongues and are very happy to come over and get some food."
"My one top tip is to never let your feeding station run empty."
"When you feed something nutritious, you feed less."
"Sponges have bodies full of pores and use them to feed on plankton and tiny particles of bacteria in the water."
"Imagine a turtle that big, imagine us having 10 to 12 of these giant turtles coming up to the dock for food when we feed them."
"When the big female wahoo are migrating through at this time, gorging themselves, they seem to bite more voraciously."
"One of the shared accounts between all of the Gospels is Jesus feeding the five thousand."
"I just never in my wildest dreams thought that I would literally be able to hold a bowl of food for a monitor lizard like this, a little dinosaur, and him just take it like nothing."
"Feeding your baby is a great time for bonding."
"In lakes, trout are very opportunistic on the food sources they prey upon."
"I'm so grateful that we got his tongue tie cut because it made a huge difference to the way that he has fed."
"One fish eating will inspire the other fish to feed."
"You know he's the most fun person I've ever known in my whole life to feed. He loves it."