
Character Contrast Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"You know what's amazing? The contrast between Griffith and Guts."
"Where BoJack harms others, Mr. Peanut Butter heals; where BoJack hates, Mr. Peanut Butter loves."
"In terms of showcasing the true opposite end of the same coin in reference to Batman, he truly does it the best."
"Esther and Wally are just hanging out. The smartest and dumbest people that we know."
"Sevika embodies the cold dehumanization of a mass movement, Vi embodies the passionate humanization of family."
"Hank's awkward and uptight personality juxtaposed with all the craziness."
"It's like they are yin and yang, completely different individuals but kind of also the same."
"So unlike Jotaro who is pretty much your model student up until high school, Jolene is an actual delinquent with a questionable past."
"God's hat is the empiricist; Paulina is the emotionalist."
"The contrast between the simple decency of Forrest Gump as a man and the wild chaotic energy of 20th century America."
"Most superheroes are rich, we're dealing with the opposite."
"Hunter serves as a dark foil to Luz and a worst-case scenario version of Amity at the same time."
"In fact, let's contrast that now with the hero of the film..."
"Meanwhile like Lola is so unfazed everything bad is happening and Lola's just like so chill."
"Keller and Loki: the outlaw versus the lawman."
"Category is unlike any villain Luffy has ever fought before, essentially a shadow version of our hero."
"Madame Mim is the antithesis to Merlin, the yin to his yang."
"There's such a wonderful feeling to play characters that are so diametrically opposed."
"Imagine a debate between Larry Elder, fact machine, who's got a good sense of humor and is a good man and fun and smiley and happy, against evil American psycho Gavin Newsom."
"Complete opposites: tall woman all about order interacting with short clown man all about chaos. Charming little relationship dynamic."
"They both deal with opposites in a romance, characters that have very conflicting outlooks on life."
"In a film that holds Bueller's freewheeling truancy and tension with Cameron's hypochondriac repression."
"Both Tifa and Aerith represent two sides of the same vessel in name and in temperament."
"I've done a lot of things that I ain't proud of. Yeah, I never claimed to be an angel, but you meet Trevor, Franklin, you'll swear I am an angel."
"While the two conflicting terminators in T2 are so iconic for their physical differences, unique fighting styles, and contrasting personas."
"Two characters could not be any more different."
"You hate, I help. I f*** love that he called him a Honda to his Hermes."
"Pitting a self-professed and self-righteous straight-edged savior against a devil-may-care candle burner was a stroke of genius."
"Emily is the polar opposite of all-American Rachel Greene."
"Superman is the light Batman is definitely the dark and no story shows how dark and twisted the Batman universe can be more than The Killing Joke."
"They have managed far better than Kiriyama as they had each other to rely on."
"It's the tale of two Shugs: the big mean black guy and the black woman."
"I love how while Jane's skin is still pink and raw and irritated, Thor's tough as nail skin is already healed from the needle."
"Batman's desire to hold those who commit crimes accountable for their actions is unshakable, but Wonder Woman's honor when she makes a promise that she keeps it, that is just as unshakable."
"Captain Marvel is a name that inspires thoughts of wonder and amazement. No one's really clamoring for a hero called Captain Comcast though."
"Realistic villains like Frollo contrast the message of who's the monster and who is the man."
"Orlok by contrast is a monster who has learned to live among us, driven by the need to hunt, to feed."
"Those who worked for Walter Vance say around Christmas time he was the exact opposite of a Scrooge."
"A completely genius way to place Xehanort in stark opposition to our protagonists." - Xehanort's goal and contrast to Sora.
"Phil represents the past, especially in contrast to the story's other characters."
"If nalet Verina and nahita are Gods amongst men Al haam is a man among Gods."
"While this is fairly common among pet owners, the fact that it's the incredibly straight-faced Captain Holt who does it takes this ordinary idea and makes it comedy gold."
"Octavia looking bored out of her mind and an excited Stolas watching just perfectly encapsulated their two personalities. This frame was memed a lot on Reddit so it's definitely a fan favorite."
"Empathy is our greatest strength and that's what separates me from Dolores."
"These are two people who represent two very different sides of life: good and evil." - Reflecting on the contrasting natures of Kylo Ren and Rey.
"Venom is supposed to be the opposite of Spider-Man."
"Vlad is the perfect idea for an arch enemy leans into that hole We're Not So Different you and I gimmick."
"Alman isn't just an evil Batman... he is an interesting and in-depth opposite of everything that Bruce believes in."
"Katniss was a fighter forced to perform, and Lucy Gray is a performer forced to fight."
"Garfield and Friends existed in the same universe but characters were so different."
"They were two different women and I wasn't surprised to learn later that in the intervening years after the demise of the disgusting Mandeville, little Annette had earned a fine living on the boards."
"He's like so serious like we need to get rid of them and you know make up for the fact that my family was killed and then it was just like he just gets assigned like the two most like idiots yeah just like absolute fools silliest fools."
"Mike and Sulley were interesting because you know Sulley is really big and Mike is really not."
"He's like me, but bad. He's a Time Lord like me, but where I'm happy to just see the universe, he needs to control it."
"The difference between the characters in Piranesi is the difference between seeing the world as something to possess and seeing the world as something to take joy in."
"Don Quixote is a very noble figure, often pictured on a horse, but his sidekick, his friend called Sancho Panza, is a much lowlier figure but an important figure in the book."
"Shakespeare conveys Macbeth to be a violent and deadly soldier in order to attain his ambition, but he's caring and passive in his marriage."
"She's the one turtleneck amid a sea of plunging necklines, and when she falls in love, it's pure and selfless."
"She is a direct foil to Ruby herself, not a rival but a polar opposite meant to challenge Ruby's way of life."
"Unlike Zeus or Poseidon, who were known rapists and sex addicts, Hades was loyal to one woman."
"Maximus the farmer was Maximus the Commanding General of the army of the north."
"I think Phillip allows himself to open up to people, and I don't think Elizabeth is like that."
"Saka starts the show as your typical funny man... he's a very science and logic-minded character in a magical world."
"Dan Say and Neil were both mad Irishmen, and here their similarity ended."
"Gohan isn't a fighter like Goku is. He doesn't relish the idea of facing strong opponents."
"The juxtaposition of Fred who was a child-friendly character talking about such a serious subject is actually pretty funny."
"One of the most important contrasts it puts forth is how Jimmy is in a much more dangerous situation than Kim, yet the two are equally distraught because she cares for him so much."
"It's what makes it that almost all of the comedy is from Gotrek being an old worlder in AOS."
"Superman is clear, bright, all that is noble and good, and Batman represents the dark, obsessive, and vengeful side."
"He's always nice, and then it's like when you see him mad, it's like, oh God, he's terrifying."
"Doofenshmirtz is a bad villain but a great dad."
"Let no man mistake Jaehaerys for his father Aenys, however, there was nothing weak about him, nothing indecisive."
"Stella Rondo is exactly twelve months to the day younger than I am and for that reason, she's spoiled."
"It's kind of funny how Tama is scared of Queen but she's not scared of Big Mom."
"Spock was frequently the voice of reason in opposition to Captain Kirk's emotional brashness."
"Meet Kathy, who's lived most everywhere, from Zanzibar to Barclay Square. But Patty's only seen the sights a girl can see from Brooklyn Heights."
"Joaquin/White... he's basically the perfect counter to Bam."
"She's not used to being cheered like this, but against an unlikable character, I think it's playing in her favor."
"It's really interesting to have these juxtapositions of characters."
"Paul is a far different trainer than Ash."
"Silence versus speech and the contrast between characters."
"What's the deal with Kermit and Miss Piggy? One's a frog and one's a pig."
"Angelus..." "Angel... people are going to die." "And yet, somehow... I just can't seem to care."
"And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents."
"The DC universe is about these bright, optimistic heroes; they're idealistic characters, whereas Marvel kind of has more realistic, down-to-earth type characters."
"It's so unlike you, Jean-Luc. I have a sense of humor. I was more like you."
"This is the man who could crush you with his arms, but his heart is even bigger than that."
"The devil is presumptuous, but God is powerful and He loves His people."
"Working with him was very nice, he's a lovely guy, completely different from the character."
"Notice the contrasts of style and character; they range from ingratiating simplicity to regal splendor."
"Zuko is still in many ways a good contrast and a good lancer for Aang even before he officially joins the group."
"Harsh at work, Cordell Walker in life is a loving father and husband, always ready to protect his loved ones and help his friends."
"The dichotomy between a lovable family man just running a convenience store and a hardened assassin who can kill you in a million different ways."
"Just as how Izuku had his origin story and he was set on a path to become the number one hero, obviously there needs to be someone on the opposing side, and that is where Shigaraki comes in."
"He's described as having like sleeve tattoos and he's just this very like hard shell of a man on the outside, but he's so sweet and soft on the inside."
"Everywhere Kid goes, he makes enemies and everywhere Luffy goes, he makes allies."