
Character Comparison Quotes

There are 377 quotes

"S KANNUR VS. GAROU... I gotta go with Eskanor, 'Big Daddy Sunshine'."
"The perfect parallel is drawn between the early life of Naruto and the early life of Boruto."
"Would you rather be SpongeBob or be Patrick?"
"It's like Attack on Titan, but I'm Captain Levi."
"Winnie the Pooh is a lovable character, but Xi still didn't take kindly to the comparisons."
"I really like what you point out about the trade-off between a Tracer and a Sombra."
"Sasuke says he met Boruto and the boy turned out to be just like Naruto."
"The grit of Naruto versus the grit of Boruto... the manga is not at all childish or colorful like the anime."
"Eden is beautiful, graceful, elegant, smart. Aiden is... Aid. It sucks."
"To me, L and light might be the greatest anime rivalry of all time."
"A learned man is apt to be generous, while a wealthy person is apt to be miserly. Thus, knowledge is better."
"Superman is like Mickey Mouse, a universal theme."
"He's like the new Indiana Jones, but only for American history."
"Rika was compared to Tomb Raider and Perfect Dark."
"In many ways, Tony and Thanos have had similar journeys over their histories in the MCU."
"Carnage's overall abilities are far more enhanced than Peter Parker's."
"To be frank, he did fairly well. Nobody would have expected him to match up to new form Vegeta."
"Master Chief is just the main character, it's better than Halo 5."
"I never thought that I would see a character that would make me look at Homelander and say, 'Homelander, you're not so bad.'"
"Scarlet Witch... she's basically just been turned into Jean Grey... I'm fine with that."
"It's just a better Zofia like literally Zofia is a three armor Great Gun like decent utility then they give the r4c to ram 2X and 1.5 those LMG three armor shotgun secondary the MK1 was just a crazy secondary."
"Think of him as like Jack Sparrow mixed with a cool youth pastor."
"Vader is better at attacking with the force while Yoda is better at defending with it."
"Who was working to make the universe a better place? Was it Odin's son or was it Jane Foster?"
"Yeah, it's like I think the best example, uh, basically like almost like an outlaw rogue if an outlaw rogue had like an entire spec built around attacking from range."
"All Raindog wants to do is run away from you. You're gonna see Raindog over here and then once you start fighting him, Raindog is over here. Does that remind you of anyone?"
"Bugs is literally Steve. Bugs is the most crazy character in this game. You should play him no matter who you play in Smash."
"Shaggy is Captain Falcon. The way he operates is very Falconesque. He kind of runs around, he's very fast, very agile, goes all over the place."
"One of them has decency, compassion, generosity, and caring for other people. The other one doesn't."
"Reviewers have seen her as DC's female equivalent to Deadpool for her r-rated irreverent playfulness."
"You know, a lot of people always compare Luffy to Roger, not because of his abilities, but because of his personality."
"Doflamingo versus Crocodile, Doflamingo." - RogersBase
"You are a better Spider-Man than I will ever be."
"Sarge's character has also been compared to Moses..."
"I know this is pretty much Funtime Foxy but better."
"She's kind of like a nicer version of Coach Greg. Okay, a nicer version, much nicer, the opposite of me in a way."
"Dragons, I mean she's no Karaxes but isn't she a lovely girl?"
"Ah, that's funny. Oh man, oh man, he looks so shit. Oh dude, so I'm spoiler alert, Viserys isn't dead, he's just Emperor Palpatine. Can you persist forever?"
"Vegeta is looking good again. Vegeta... is better than everything else in the game."
"He's just gliding. He's like Dr. Manhattan. He's walking on water."
"What if Saitama has the same origin as Superman and Goku?"
"Character A performs better than character B in this specific scenario does not mean character A is better than character B."
"Han Solo and Mad Max have a lot of similarities... I think it works perfect." - "Han Solo and Mad Max have a lot of similarities... I think it works perfect."
"There's no way Rey's journey can compare to Anakin's. Rey is just handed power without any struggle or consequences. Anakin's journey had depth and consequence."
"Prince Dion absolutely shits all over characters like Apollo or RC because being a multi-dimensional character with flaws will always be far more compelling than the sexuality of a character."
"You ain't him, Cell, you ain't been him since that 12-year-old beat you up at that playground. We different."
"I thought they did so good, like Phoebe, she was Egon, but cuter."
"Link's appearance isn't his only similarity with Peter Pan however."
"Snow White vs. Belle: Which story brings more tears to your eyes?"
"Goku would probably destroy Superman, let's be honest."
"It was a close one, but I firmly believe that Zoro is all around the stronger combatant."
"I am not Hammond, he was all ego. We are Masrani in his tech-first approach."
"Unlike Gon, I don't have a goal, only things I don't want to do."
"Oh, I love this one way more than Goku's, I'm gonna be honest. I love this one way more than you, boy."
"He's basically the closest thing you're gonna get to Deadpool in the bleach series."
"Goku is pretty static as far as protagonists go... Vegeta on the other hand has become a very different character over the course of the series."
"Yamcha is just the shit like he's like Crillon even has a line or he's like man you know back home you couldn't get him to train but here he's a superstar."
"Cornelius is like a character in The Game of Thrones."
"Sakura was way stronger than Naruto and Sasuke."
"You know who's better than Luffy and Zoro? Who's better than Naruto and Sasuke? It's usually Goku and Vegeta."
"Marcus is definitely a whole lot cooler than Aiden Pearce."
"Great fighters are like great beers, it doesn't matter where you come from, it matters what you're made of."
"He's comparable to the anti-spiral and truth from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood."
"It's kind of like the relationship of Jim and Pam from The Office."
"Zofia, S tier. She does Ash's job but better."
"At the end of the series, Neji just cannot win. Gara is simply superior."
"He's not underpowered like Zhang Li, he doesn't have super hard scaling issues like Chichi."
"The reason why I call this Kaching syndrome is because it's a very similar situation for Kaching."
"He'd be Tony Stark if he hadn't changed his Wicked Ways."
"He's the least likely Batman to have a portal machine."
"Muland easily outpacing Elsa or any of the other Disney princesses."
"She's basically small Aladdin. This is gonna be another S tier here. I think it's gonna go right beside Xiao."
"After analyzing Thor's demeanor and other encounters in the same era, it seems very likely that Godzilla is easily a sky father level threat."
"But Sonic will always outshine Mario in the personality department."
"Kirby was chosen from a game development standpoint as well because he's so easy to use compared to characters like Bayonetta and Palutena."
"Unlike He-Man, who thinks whipping out a big sword solves everything, Skeletor is creative with his evil plans."
"You're just too fast like Sonic the Hedgehog but edgier."
"Goku is like a six, Beerus a ten, and Super Saiyan God even stronger."
"He's outshined by his on-screen Batman, who is much funnier."
"Jiren is supposed to be like a benchmark, like Hit was."
"Kaido is the mirror of Luffy, a dreamer." - Ron Winter
"Ark Mage is just that good or Zar Baba is just that bad."
"Old Kai is strong, but on par with Beerus? That's a bit much."
"Sid is the best character they've had since Auron of Final Fantasy 10."
"You cover so much ground, reminds me of the Incredible Hulk."
"My dude looking like a transformer or something."
"Villagers jab is literally Pikachu's jab on steroids because not only is it safe you can choose to keep it going however as long as you want."
"Imagine a debate between Larry Elder, fact machine, who's got a good sense of humor and is a good man and fun and smiley and happy, against evil American psycho Gavin Newsom."
"There is no doubt that Utah is so freaking close to Gojo's level of battle prowess."
"Stormtroopers are like Star Wars Nazis, no one cares when you're fighting Stormtroopers."
"With his ginger curly hair and elongated face, his resemblance with the beloved Pixar character is quite striking."
"He might even supersede something like Inaros as the premium 'has a lot of health' warframe."
"That's true but is it too late? No, like me personally I know it's never too late, no it's not too late."
"They are more and less similar at times, with incredibly similar start and end points."
"Soldier Boy is almost like their Captain America."
"Honestly when it boils down to it Modera doesn't have as much kill ability or Peak defense as Itachi."
"So in a short fight Itachi absolutely but unfortunately I think the only person with higher battle IQ than Itachi is moderate."
"He's always been sort of the other side of the coin of Luffy."
"Wonder Woman was always kind of viewed as this character who was in a lot of ways equal to Superman and in some instances more capable than Superman."
"He already looks like he'd have a grudge match against Captain Falcon."
"Gregory Stark seems like a better version of Tony, smarter and more focused."
"I've done a lot of things that I ain't proud of. Yeah, I never claimed to be an angel, but you meet Trevor, Franklin, you'll swear I am an angel."
"You have to know who you are in Christ... before operating in his authority."
"That's what... assuming like a single target right... isn't there was some math thing done... comparison between official and ryden..."
"I'm guessing I'd be most like Beckman, Rayleigh, or even Katakuri."
"Date John Wick, marry James Bond, kill Ethan Hunt."
"Miranda is an A-tier squad mate, she doesn't quite stack up to the high-level S-tier squad mates."
"He looks like he's straight out of 'Inglourious Basterds.'"
"Godfrey, the First Elden Lord... This is an S to your fight, is it better than Riker? Probably."
"Kind of reminds me of Jonathan Jones from Super Mario RPG."
"Really good spellcaster, comparable in terms of damage dealing with other flying spellcasters."
"Nothing is cooler than Kurt Russell. We're all having Kurt Russell fever. Santa Claus? But we forget he was Captain Ron first. He was the original Captain Jack Sparrow, the better Captain Jack Sparrow."
"She was like Cersei Lannister with feathers and talons."
"She's actually giving me Starfire vibes, you know what I mean?"
"Dr. Manhattan is a human who has lost his humanity and created a darker world, Superman is an alien, but it's the most human of us all and will always represent hope."
"Superman wins that easy because they have shown in well while Homelander is the Superman of the Boys world they have definitively shown that he is nowhere near as powerful as Superman."
"Zuko is one of the greatest literary characters of all time."
"Marvel's Deadpool is extremely heavily inspired by DC's Deathstroke."
"Grizabella is fighting to regain a feeling that she's lost while the Phantom is fighting for a feeling that he's never had."
"Batman versus normal characters are really good."
"She almost looks like the Golden Freddy. Get out of here."
"I'm not saying Bennett's lame, but it doesn't have the same impact as your Gene, you know what I mean?"
"She reminded me of the main character from 'The Devil Wears Prada'... very abrasive."
"Evil Morty is consistently way more clever than normal."
"He's pretty much like the downgraded version of the Griffon however he is slightly slower."
"Yoriichi's scythe sickles: 'Definitely gonna be better than nezuko... it's gonna be insanely good.'"
"John Wick doesn't just kill hundreds of people in the course of three movies, he does it in style rivaling James Bond any day."
"Adam Brashear is one of the coolest characters out there. If you guys thought Black Panther was cool, he's got nothing on Adam Brashear."
"It's like mixing Punisher with the Transporter."
"Dr. Mario has some gimmicks that are pretty good and he can kind of compete with Mario in some regards."
"He just gets a lot more buck for his place, like for example if Mario were to make a play he gets a lot more reward off of it."
"This is our sort of Shia LaBeouf from Constantine character."
"With his supportive abilities, Byron is replacing Gene as the king of duo showdown and for good reason."
"They have managed far better than Kiriyama as they had each other to rely on."
"There's more Rich [ __ ] than there are good people."
"Anakin would take a three to one advantage over Tano, his strength-based gym so would break Ahsoka's Ataru and Ahsoka's speed would not match Anakin's reflex and natural ability."
"The two sides have vastly different Heroes right."
"Compared to Rengar, of course, a lot of you guys are Rengar players."
"Mithra is a rush-down character similar to Sheik but with a sword."
"You're never gonna be Iron Man... it's a metaphor."
"The dangerous white knight versus the weak husbands of America."
"If there's any Pokémon trainers out there that I can be compared to, it is Ash."
"He's very much like Horus, 'you failed, I won't.'"
"Who wins? Will it be Russell, our high fashion queen, or James, our stoic commercial King? America's Next Top Nigga is, dammit, is Russell. Russell on the left wins. He is America's next top new."
"Spider-Man is like the Batman of the Marvel Universe."
"Unbelievable series fell I feel pain for whoever Eric thread is because he is not that far off from Robin Hood at all."
"Riku with nothing else and Sora with nothing else, Riku wins, wow."
"Cloud can go toe-to-toe with Sephiroth... he's really good."
"An absolute icon of the game, all right? I was thinking maybe like a Mario or Dario."
"I think Toad is a big enough Nintendo character to where he should be the next Mario character included. Yes, over Waluigi. I think Toad has more spunk, more personality, and he's also just not Waluigi."
"Your items are so efficient. It's the same principle that we see with Janna top and these types of champions."
"Even though he's King Kong, he's Godzilla, and still the king."
"He acted out of generosity and love and hopefulness. And you acted out of greed and selfishness."
"Now he's just a weird little Ice King lookalike and deserves this spot."
"Gigantamax Gengar is clearly superior to regular Dynamax Gengar."
"The way Peggy uses the shield is so different than the way Steve uses his."
"Boba Fett was the John Wick of the Star Wars Universe in Mandalorian."
"Earned, and that's why Joe's just feels so good because it's just, it feels like Mimi's."
"Miles actually has two additional abilities that put him pretty squarely head and shoulders above Parker."
"Blast is faster than flashy flash, stronger than blackluster, and completely resistant to radiation."
"Some minor and some major changes like in the original Novella called the Hellbound heart his brother was named Rory instead of Larry also Larry did not have a daughter."
"He's kind of like the Millennium Falcon in sort of a character format."
"Craig's Bond would absolutely murder all the other Bonds."
"Above all else, he makes us think of Gandalf."
"If nalet Verina and nahita are Gods amongst men Al haam is a man among Gods."
"He's sort of like Han Solo except really, really drunk Han Solo kind of a situation there, right?"
"Street Fighter characters are like superheroes in this world."
"Join me as I present for you Darth Zannah versus Asajj Ventress versus Darth Talon. Let's begin."
"Yeah, it's not one for one but like they're definitely you definitely get hints of of like Homelander in there."
"Although red and blue battled eight times throughout the course of Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue Ash and Gary have only battled three times"
"Blackwood oh it has he has a surname all of these cromoz I don't know that this one looks really I don't know oh it's like Android 16 from Dragon Ball Z."
"Spider-Man is essentially the base average for comparing power levels."
"The most powerful Spider-Man of all the spider men is the cosmic Spider-Man."
"Did you see the skill? Just extended his freaking leg like in that character in One."
"I'd rather live with Pennywise the dashing president than I would with the molesting dad."
"Wong does have better cred now, I think, than Stephen."
"Both Riddler and Unabomber are driven by political agendas and both use ciphers."
"This guy is a mega giga chad compared to his father who is a stain on this earth."
"I think that uh you can definitely argue that like War Arc KCM to Sage Mode Naruto is stronger than hashrama a live hashirama is questionable but Edo hashirama he definitely seems to be."
"Bloom's story shares most in common with that of Superman."
"Who's worse, Eva or the Android? Charlotte Flair is by far the worst thing on television."
"He's sort of like the Loki of the Star Wars Universe."
"Chris is the Snake Pliskin of this livestream."
"Better get the shovel because he looks like shovel knight."
"Comparing Luke Skywalker to Paul Atreides reveals a stark difference in character development."
"It actually kind of reminds me of Mad Sweeney from American Gods."
"Volkanovski reminds me of Jack Jack from The Incredibles—he's just trying to hold it together."
"Be like Mr. Tangu or this my wifey brother from Delta State."
"Vegeta would probably be able to face Broly and do even better than Goku did against Gohan."
"Mace proved himself to be at least the dark lord's equal with the blade, which is beyond incredible."
"I honestly don't want to be the guy to say this but God of Death Flash probably solos Dragon Ball super."
"Dude, she's like the Velma girl, right? No, no, no, no, no, she's the stepmom, oh [__] she's just too much thick woman."
"Katana is arguably more memorable than Sonya Blade."
"I loved hearing that Leia reminded Obi-Wan of Padme, though I thought he was actually going to say Anakin because that defiance was a very Anakin thing."
"Silver character on the same level and the same star rating as the gold character is almost as good most of the time."
"Warden is sadly the C-tier category he's a much worse warmonger."
"If there is one thing this film does a bajillion times better than the Raimi films... it's all together now Gwen Stacy."
"Big Mom is scarier than Kaido, I'm just gonna say it."
"He's not that bad. I mean, compared to many of the other characters like Magnus the Red or Mortarion, he's not this gigantic beat stick, you know? He's just a... he's just a smart leader."
"Pink Cresselia it's just another sound mon it feels more like a Volcarona or a rotm."