
Intellectual Stimulation Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Conversations like this are vitally important not only because the topics that arise on themselves are intellectually stimulating but because they allow us an opportunity to gain some insight into the worldviews and beliefs of people vastly different from ourselves."
"What, what, what, what, ah, that was some next-level stuff right there, my brain is exploding in awesomeness."
"This world would not be very intellectually stimulating if we all thought and felt the same."
"Some of us watch television to be stimulated intellectually."
"Revelation is not intended to quench thought but to stimulate it"
"I want to see more video essays that talk about the subjective interpretations that provoke something emotional or intellectual to its viewers."
"I began to find myself being excited intellectually and stimulated far more than I dared to think by the Christian faith that in the end I came to face swapping my old faith of atheism for my new one of Christianity."
"Rick and Morty while providing plenty of fart jokes and lowbrow humor also provides a lot of food for thought."
"The smartest, best designed, and most intellectually stimulating immersive sim I've ever played."
"You've really given me a lot of food for thought."
"I love these sorts of theory debates because they really force you to think about music in all sorts of ways you might not have previously considered."
"The pro of these sorts of spaces is the robust conversations and debates."
"Shared interests and passions create intellectual stimulation and bonding. Explore activities together that you both enjoy."
"I'm just here to make your brain move cause they're paralyzing too many minds."
"I think more intellectually substantive music and music that's maybe more visceral, you know, I don't think either is mutually exclusive."
"The 6x6 puzzles were intended to be harder than the quite hard 9x9 puzzles."
"Problem solving is inspiring for me all by itself."
"You guys make me feel incredibly dumb, like listening to you guys, the way you can break everything down, it's just awesome."
"Excuse me, just gimme a moment while I pick up the pieces of my blown up mind."
"That is a sensational puzzle. Sensational puzzle."
"I love things that make you have to critical think."
"Rejoice in paradox; it signals your creative center."
"Every single day, new puzzle, new answer, new number."
"There's really no end to the incoming audio and visual food for thought that you might be craving."
"He really left a lot on the table for us to think about...there's so many things out there very thought-provoking very mindful very meaningful."
"This is an extremely smart film with an absurd amount of creativity and thought behind it."
"Perhaps it will provoke more questions in your own head."
"Logical perspective, insightful, blunt, and exciting intellectual challenge."
"The popularity of puzzles goes far beyond simply passing the time."
"This puzzle is absolutely brilliant, isn't it?"
"Stimulate thought and encourage people to do more research."
"Isn't that interesting stuff? Maybe your brain would be more lit up if on a daily you couldn't just reach for the cereal box."
"Stimulate some thought and provoke some change."
"You've given my brain a ton of wrinkles over the last month. Thank you so much."
"It's genuinely refreshing to have an intelligent film that challenges to think a little deeper about the movies we like to watch."
"For some reason, hearing someone problem-solve about an industry that I know nothing about stimulates my own brain."
"I love when we get insight that is unusual and that we don't always get to hear or see."
"Mostly it's for fun, mostly for fun. That's sort of like intellectual stimulation."
"...you guys will be able to talk about all types of subjects because this person is going to be well versed and well educated in all subjects."
"...this pet project that was completely very intellectually stimulating to me and something that I could not just shelf and come back to at a later time."
"They really enjoyed expanding their mind through the conversations with you."
"The reality is like, bro, I date very high-caliber women. So the women I'm talking to, like, my, I'm stimulated intellectually by women."
"You're a very stimulating person to talk to."
"...I don't want to be bored in the work that I do... I want my opinions and my views to be challenged. I want to make sure that I have the best possible views on various issues in the world and country."
"Intellectual stimulation, we like when a woman can respond back and be attentive."
"One thing I'm going to miss about Sabs is someone to constantly mentally challenge my mind."
"I am now at a point where I just, I want to just target my muscle only."
"This person is going to stimulate your mind. They may come in and shake things up."
"This is really intellectually very stimulating."
"Step into our weekly compilation of intriguing Mysteries and thought-provoking discussions. Brace yourself for an intellectual Journey that will challenge your perspectives and ignite your curiosity."
"My brain is very different when I'm completely alone. It focuses intellectually a lot harder and it makes reading just a joy."
"There's nothing like a girl that can challenge intellectually, it's orgasmic."
"Whatever furnishes the semblance of an idea governed by its principle furnishes Food For Thought through astronomy, Natural History, Chemistry, music, mathematics, thought passes naturally from effect back to cause."
"I'm going to be honest, this is like activating my neurons."
"The film is filled with gripping dialogue, interesting philosophical discussions."
"I need somebody that intellectually stimulates me."
"I need to talk to someone that's really intellectually stimulating."
"I certainly have gotten enormous stimulation from interaction with philosophers for many years."
"Kickstart your smarts and massage your mind."
"Dripping with well put thoughts and smashing ideas, taking you to a whole new level of mental ecstasy."
"The research that we do is super stimulating."
"This book is hurting my brain but in the best way possible."
"We are going to be intellectually teased, emotionally challenged, and spiritually lifted."
"For me, psychiatry has been intellectually stimulating."
"I need to be doing something that stimulates my mind, something that makes me think."
"I think this is a really cool problem. It tickles all the right parts of my brain."
"There's something just fascinating in solving puzzles."
"Conversation should be able to stimulate your mind."
"But what it was, was magnificent. What a puzzle."
"I hope your brain feels tickled." - Unknown
"Wow, that is a mind-bending puzzle."
"Thanks for always giving me interesting stuff to think about."
"It's a great intellectually stimulating environment with interesting people."
"She stimulated every corner of my mind."
"I like Nigeria, but that damn Lucas, his commentary is so intellectually stimulating."
"I spit too many lines, I'm just here to make your brain move."