
Illness Quotes

There are 1385 quotes

"Illness can actually become your teacher, guiding you towards authenticity."
"Almost all illness is stress-related because it's either caused by stress or it causes stress or it's aggravated by stress."
"Seeing her succumb to illness was a call to action for me to learn as much as I could about health and nutrition."
"Illness and cancer... doesn't matter where you are in society, it doesn't matter if you are the most fabulous princess in the world, one can still be affected and still go through it."
"Sometimes it does take a serious illness or a shock to make you realize it's not the little things that matter anymore."
"I felt so paralyzed by my illness that when I achieve something, this is huge."
"Illness in this society, given the conditions, is a normal response to an abnormal circumstance."
"Do not let your illness... do not take advantage of your illness as an excuse."
"Depression is a real illness and can be incredibly debilitating."
"Scout's taken a turn for the worse. He's developed breathing problems."
"The anointing of the sick is administered to bring spiritual healing and even physical strength during illness, especially near the time of death."
"My mom and dad never treated me as if I was sick... it never became a definitive of who I was."
"The veterans in Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering the same illnesses and the same toxic exposure because of the actions of our own government."
"I love my family. An illness in the family... can bring families together."
"She lived 16 years after diagnosis and is one of the hardest fighting survivors of her illness, specifically from diagnosis to death."
"The sick girl is usually bursting with positivity. She's likable, outgoing, and nearly flawless."
"Also I literally have COVID right now and I am really, really not doing well today."
"People are really getting sick... this is real."
"After a few days of this illness, both Mary Elizabeth and her sister die a slow and awful death."
"Mass psychogenic illness is a real occurrence."
"The most effective way to truly understand how much of an impact this illness has had on us all is to explore what the world's largest economy would look like if it never happened."
"When Alex Easton receives word that their childhood friend Madeline Usher is dying, they race to the ancestral home of the Ushers in the remote countryside of Ruritania."
"Respect seniors, care for the suffering, unlock fortune."
"Even in funny ways, like a sickness can unlock your fortune, as seen with Nikola Tesla."
"I'm sorry, little one, but it seems your father couldn't shake off the delirium of the flow."
"Imagine getting sick and every time you get sick, you could potentially [__] die."
"I really want to see my family. My dad was really sick. It just needed to happen."
"I demand extra special attention because I am really ill right now and I've still managed to do this."
"Her body was failing but her eyes were like reminding like this is my wife."
"Jesus Christ I feel like death sucker punched me in the face but hey it's still much better than how it was feeling last week so that's a plus."
"Being sick sucks but something that made my dance with death just the slightest more bearable was getting to watch Martin Scors"
"I contracted the coronavirus, was very ill, in and out of the hospital. But I'm on the road to recovery."
"There are a lot of cases where... they start to feel ill... as if they've got no energy."
"Mental health becomes a mental illness when it affects your ability to function."
"I was on the Levin show and he said, 'How you feeling?' And I said, 'Other than having COVID in my and the country being destroyed, I'm good.'"
"The story of Ecco night 2 follows the Clancy family Jessica Clancy has fallen deathly ill leading her husband and the game's main antagonist Albert Clancy to follow an ancient ritual in order to save her life."
"He was dazed as hell started crying and then threw up all over the floor."
"He's dead you know 24 year Sarah's 24 24 young throwing up flu-like symptoms dad's only 50 something years old."
"So it's like if a tick bit me and then I couldn't smell roses or something. It's like that doesn't even make sense."
"Freya tells Kratos that this is no ordinary illness because of his son's true nature lying within."
"You're using the word 'crazy' just as slang, but to me, having a mental illness is no different than any other illness."
"Nothing else to report. Just a lot of boredom and weirdness trying to do everyday tasks when you're stuck in bed."
"Sickness should not be a cause of financial ruin."
"Your body is trying to tell you not to eat as much when you're sick."
"It's amazing how happy she is why she's sick."
"Chronic illness, fibromyalgia, pain, blindness, deafness, come out now in the name of Jesus!"
"Illness isn't weakness, it's strength in numbers."
"Wow, I mean my flu was already feeling pretty damn bad but after that I felt like I was going to die of cold."
"We made real progress; we were able to determine that there were scientists that had become ill in the fall of 2019 that were working at the laboratory."
"Shame on all of you for attacking an innocent and sick person who was clearly ill."
"It's not happening, it's not real, right? We're not really sick."
"So I got to her house took her to the emergency room but she had like a fever of like 102 the night before she couldn't keep food down she was throwing up it was really bad and she looked like a ghost like her face was like super pale."
"There's no greater desperation than to be told that you or your child has a disease for which there is no hope."
"This mutation works great thematically. The idea of it being flu season so there are sick people vomiting and sneezing everywhere is fitting."
"A man coming back from a life-threatening illness."
"I think it's the sick one because it is very easy to fake."
"Window display of friendship: a young boy fighting for his life and the inspiration he got from far away."
"Depression is a horrible horrible illness and it is it is it is an illness."
"The illness... escalated so quickly... from being fine Wednesday to waking up drenched in sweat... it escalated so rapidly."
"When you contract COVID-19, you start to get sick."
"Cancer is not something I would wish on my worst enemy."
"We just spent the last few days not feeling great and so we are now getting back out. But when you have animals it doesn't matter how sick you feel, you still have some responsibilities."
"I'm sick. You should feel really bad for me. I just want to say what I did was wrong."
"Over COVID, my alpha male, my big 16 pounder, his name was Shadow, he got a series of infections and had a series of surgeries from which he could not recover, and we lost him."
"There's a correlate to that which is that many people experience major awakenings as a direct result of illness."
"He wasn't stoic even in his illness. He was strong."
"He's the only one in the whole house sick unfortunately."
"May, I think he's got that fa flu... if your eyes are pink, it might be the fa flu."
"The biggest the English disease is too many people coming to work when they're sick."
"I think most folks know of someone in their life, who had a fever, and a couple of days later, passed in the hospital."
"Thanks to those who kindly donated me some moneys even though I've been extremely ill."
"You don't have to get sick, and if you get sick, you can actually do things to fix yourself."
"I ended up being bedridden for two weeks, having people take care of me."
"The star had been diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease."
"I'm not less of a person because of my sickness, I'm more of who I am."
"What's really disgusting is when you hear news like... several Republicans were exposed to coronavirus... and see the comments wishing these people will get sick, wishing these people will die."
"People who are otherwise previously completely healthy and fit and active can become unwell with ammonia."
"I'll get as sick as you can actually get without actually dying."
"Painful ending, sickness, basically done, over, dead."
"As your immune system is trying to get rid of this bugger, it's creating collateral damage."
"People are getting sick and you do need to understand that."
"Tonight, the rue, none of us are really. There is a sickness here, the only difference is now my sickness shows on the outside as well."
"It's not a curse, it's not divine intervention, it's a disease."
"Dignity is not diminished just because we're sick."
"When people say cats do not have feelings, like when my cat got deadly sick, she refused to eat a single thing. But when I started crying, she just ate a little bit and upon seeing how happy it made me, kept doing it whenever she could."
"Let's check your fever, open it. Why? Don't worry baby, I'm by your side."
"If somebody is sick do you criminalize him for that?"
"Jackie, obviously, in case you guys haven't heard, is very, very sick."
"I was horribly ill, and nobody could figure out why."
"Sometimes the person going through this isn't aware and can't really understand what their loved ones are experiencing; they really are suffering alongside you, albeit in a different manner."
"Addiction is not a moral failing; it's a chronic illness."
"Seeing your wife deteriorate from an illness... that is the saddest thing, man."
"People who are sick become frail and anxious and need to be taken care of."
"Ultimately, it wasn't the arrows or swords of his enemies that befell King Henry V, but a lethal illness."
"The human brain is a physical organ... in a fallen world it can be afflicted, it can get sick."
"This cancer might kill me, but it's not going to beat me."
"The flu is rough, but I'm just so happy she feels better."
"The further that you go down into the depths of illness, the higher that you can go on the other side."
"Even in the most dire of circumstances, people who are severely ill or people who have been unwell for decades fully recover, so there is always hope."
"We can consider fibromyalgia partly an autoimmune disease."
"Getting chronic fatigue syndrome is not your fault."
"I'm so sorry buddy, you got the hot and cold chills, don't you?"
"Sadly, Kenny passes away before he can be cured."
"Chad said she had been feeling sick with something like a cold lately and that she would have gone to the doctor today."
"Well fiddle-dee-dee, I don't feel so good."
"The worst part about having cancer is having to tell your mom that."
"Andrea maintained a steely resolve and began to plan for life beyond her illness."
"It's literally a dance that happens with the illness and you have to get off the dance floor."
"No one knows exactly what's wrong with him."
"She was sick. It was a moment for sure."
"Poor Wally had a relapse and he can't go to work for two or three weeks yet, but we hope all will be well in a few days."
"I had shingles, like 100% had shingles."
"I lost 22 pounds, so while I got the broken foot and the unidentifiable blisters are my body."
"...life is crazy, you can go through all this, all that, survive so much, and then be taken out by a brain tumor."
"The illness suffered by soldiers... was not caused by inhaling depleted uranium."
"My damn lung cancer moves faster than you!"
"I'd rather live and be sick than die"
"Davis's battle with throat cancer reached its somber conclusion on May 16th, 1990."
"Leah's survival for the next two days would be surprising due to her severe illness."
"There's something wrong with her heart."
"A sickly orphan child with just a few years to live, how much worse can it get?"
"I was getting ready to do all kinds of videos and all this stuff and then last week, well two weeks ago I got the flu for a couple of days."
"There's nothing better when you're sick than just to be in your own bed."
"Absolutely miserable guys. I think it was the flu, but I really don't know. Maybe it was a horrible respiratory infection, cold or something. I don't know."
"I ain't never too ill to not show love."
"Even though you are terminally ill, or the doctors say you have a terminal illness, I believe that God is in control."
"I woke up with a sore throat and a stuffy nose and I'm just really, really tired, so let's see how far I can get on this."
"I don't want to be defined by my illness."
"...those difficulties are short-lived and they're minor compared to the difficulties that you face and the people who love you face with you continuing to be sick."
"I knew it wasn't my period and I knew it wasn't childbirth, but I still wasn't yet, like, it really wasn't until they told me, like you have cancer."
"Freshers flu is real it's a thing I already knew it was a thing so it's not really a discovery is it but still I've been reminded that if freshers flu as a thing."
"Addiction causes people to get sick. We were both very sick."
"No one living in Zion will say 'I am ill'."
"After the incident, cancer took Yoshida’s body."
"He looked at FIA who was in critical condition and asked could they talk about such things now that she was not well."
"On January 15th, 1936, the king complaining of a cold went to lie down in his bedroom for the next five excruciating days he never got up."
"Tragically, the canvas would not be fully completed on Easter Sunday, March the 29th, 1891. Georges Surat was dead, struck down in a matter of days by an illness believed to be either diphtheria or a form of meningitis."
"Drinking a lot of carbonated beverages, my head's all clogged up, this is giant ropes of yellow snot emitting from my nose, you got the gurgle in the chest, the general overall weakness and malaise."
"This illness will not end in death no it is for God's glory so that God's son may be glorified through it."
"...but when in actuality it's you that's sick. Oh yeah and you're trying to cover it up, bravely attempting, uh attempting to cover it up."
"He stood by and watched her waste away over Easter weekend, 1851."
"She spent the whole of her past life as a sick person who could not go outside, let alone to school, and the only way she enjoyed herself was through novels."
"The lack of deliberate attention is highly associated with almost all mental illnesses."
"You can't drop the illness and move on as a normal person; you're now stuck on poisonous drugs for the rest of your life."
"You wonder why he got changed. He was sick in the taxi."
"As we get older, as we get sicker, there comes a point where the treatment is sometimes the disease."
"People tend to want to fix you when you're sick, instead of just loving you."
"Doctors will never tell you that homesick is the worst kind of sick."
"Don't think too much. You're just sick. It'll be okay."
"Illness can be impossibly hard on relationships and many people make it through it and thrive."
"Having cancer makes you realize that you need to live your life."
"There's something about the experience of being sick that's very spiritually powerful."
"He had a disease where pain constantly ran through his body."
"Upon entering our cult, Kalama feels sick, a reflection of his power to spread illness."
"Nobody chooses to be unwell. It chooses them."
"One of the ultimate scary things about a disease is one that changes your personality or your behavior."
"When you're sick, you don't care who or what God they're calling on; you just need the help."
"I did feel bad. I physically felt bad. That's why I was saying that stuff. Oh, you're feeling sick, then, yep, yep. And I still don't feel great. I have an ingrown toenail right now. Have you ever had an ingrown toenail?"
"They began to feel physically ill, verging on feverish, and finally decided it's time to give up."
"If all we're doing is worrying and making ourselves sick, we're gonna manifest some illnesses."
"That's a stack of flights. Must have been too sick."
"Palliative care is for anyone with a serious illness, aiming for the best possible quality of life."
"Palliative care is not end-of-life care... it is care focused on improving quality of life for people with serious illness."
"I had symptoms for about four days solid."
"One of the few pleasures of being sick is the right to feel good and miserable. And don't let any doctor tell you differently."
"Towards the end of the evening, a gentleman involved with the circuit riders ministry asked if I'd pray for one of their staff members who has had Lyme's disease for 38 years."
"Most illness toasts a mutineer but a year I'm a bum."
"My voice is so low today. I have a cold. I can't sleep. When I can't sleep, I make videos."
"She's sick and she's good, she just gives me as the blues though."
"I see the woman I love leave. I'm in Awards here and I look around and see a lot of very sick people and know that I could be like this."
"Every sickness and every disease, even the ones that are not listed in the book, are all part of the curse."
"I've shipped myself a number of times when I haven't even been sick."
"Illness can bring people closer and help you realize who is actually there for you in life."
"Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, can cause a variety of illnesses and symptoms."
"Once my diagnosis came in, everything changed. My whole perspective on what mattered changed."
"I like to look at it like an illness like any other illness whether it be diabetes or high blood pressure or heart disease."
"I began to feel feverish. It started in my forehead and spread over the side of my face before traveling down my body."
"A healthy person can have every wish but a non-healthy person has one wish which is to be healthy."
"What does it tell you when they get mad at Roman reigns because he has leukemia? He's battling it for the rest of his life."
"When I was first diagnosed with cancer, he and I both would wake up every day with this cancer feeling. Every day. Cancer. And today, I woke up feeling like this. I'm dying."
"No one likes to be sick, but in the 1800s, getting sick was barely better than getting dead."
"The greatest illness and sickness upon mankind today are sins and evil desires and temptations."
"You hear that the symptoms can be mild at the start you can feel better and then there's a relapse and things come back and when they come back they come back worse than before."
"The years were beginning to catch up with Ernest Hemingway. His blood pressure was up, as was his weight, and this eventually led to diabetes."
"I feel so nauseous right now like all this fucking shitty ass food is making me feel like I'm dying like I feel like I'm dying."
"He's not healing. No matter what we do, it's like working on a patient with a severe autoimmune disease. The exact opposite of what should be happening."
"God doesn't get Glory from someone staying sick."
"All sickness and all disease ultimately, it is of the devil."
"I mean, she was... she was thriving in her life... like, she wasn't... she wasn't down on herself, saying, 'Hey, I have this illness in my life, I'm gonna moan and groan about it.' She was like, 'I want to live my life to the fullest,' and I'm not... exactly, yeah, exactly."
"Remission from incurable cancer," he said quietly, "for my wife."
"The enemy uses sickness as a doorway to the mind."
"Sophie developed dropsy in the years that followed and eventually died from the illness in London on the 15th of December 1840."
"The other story is a PhD student of mine who's Vietnamese and she was just finishing up a PhD a couple years ago when it was discovered that she had ovarian cancer."
"I spent all of January in the hospital fighting to stay alive."
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer."
"Ming succumbs to his heart disease and dies."
"If there was another kind of illness that made us feel this rubbish I think actually lots more would be done about it and lots more research would be done in that area."
"The mechanism of collapse and transition between types is common to every mental illness and every mental health disorder which involves identity disturbance."
"She died just six months later on the 11th of December 1817 from a kidney illness which she had suffered from for much of her life."
"I must look like I'm on drugs because I'm probably sweating because I think my fever's breaking."