
Overcoming Fears Quotes

There are 279 quotes

"Overcoming your fears is like returning to our childlike curiosity, making life so much more fulfilling and exciting."
"You cannot conquer what you do not acknowledge, and I acknowledge my fears and insecurities in front of other people so I can conquer and master them and move onto the next thing."
"Saturn in your eighth can push you to overcome your fears, face obstacles, and overcome any sort of doubt in your subconscious mind."
"Allow your inner light to shine brightly, overcoming fears and illuminating your path to success and fulfillment."
"Victory over my fear, victory over low self-esteem, victory over anxiety, victory over insecurity."
"The goal isn't to go to therapy and say like, 'I am really scared of dogs,' the goal is probably to give you the tools to overcome your fear of dogs or to have a less negative reaction to them."
"Not to mention the opportunity to educate, to get people over their fears."
"If she wanted to, she should conquer her fears and weaknesses and catch the bull by the horns."
"The worst thing you can do when you have social anxiety is to avoid. Once I started making myself uncomfortable, it really gave me room to grow."
"I hope people get something out of that story, about facing their fears and really trying to achieve what they never thought possible before."
"When you put out your fear to the world, your insecurities, you win."
"Conquering her fears and showing that maybe just maybe Carolyn isn't fully gone."
"Doing something that you've been dreading to do, the more you do that, that will probably give you more fulfillment than even chasing a passion."
"Facing fears is one of the greatest highs that you can get."
"I don't feel comfortable, but in the end, I just thought you know what if I can do this I could really do anything."
"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek." - Joseph Campbell
"The fear before teaching workshops transformed into an opportunity."
"Fears could be turned into fuel for success."
"One thing that makes me happy is doing something that is hard and challenging or something which I kind of I'm scared of doing or I didn't really want to do"
"Facing your fears is the only way to get through them."
"You have to turn your fears into your strengths and be cunning, be smart, be quick."
"Do whatever you're afraid of. Once you do it a few times, that fear either will go away or you will learn how to manage it."
"The more you and this person walk away from fears or negativity in your life, the more you guys will probably come closer friends."
"One of the biggest things you can do in your life is get over the fear of the first 5% of stuff."
"I learned to stop fighting the water when you were in there. I beat my fear and that's how I've been in my life all the time."
"I was doing what I was asking them to do that that getting over your fear and actually doing the thing whether it was in public speaking or whether it was in approaching a girl at the time I really was living that."
"You're bigger than all your doubts, you're bigger than all your fears."
"It's important to not let the fear of rejection stop you from trying anything."
"Overcoming my own insecurities that I built up in my mind, that I was so afraid of."
"It feels really good when you face things that stress you out or scare you."
"It's not fearing the unknown... I know that even though I don't know how I'm going to do it, I know I can figure it out."
"She channeled her anger into no longer being afraid of monsters by making herself the thing that monsters are afraid of."
"The things that scare should be the things that we chase for or run after."
"You face your fears you become the person you want to be."
"I'm not going to be afraid to learn. I can do it."
"It's like you unlock stuff in your brain when you face your fears."
"You unlock stuff in your brain when you face your fears."
"I feel like when you show people a defensive snake that's the best thing you can do to help somebody get over a fear of snakes."
"People are put off by the cold and have an aversion to danger. They don't realize that there is much to explore beneath the icy exterior if you're willing to spend the time and energy."
"Risk being disappointed again or let down again, risk failure, risk going through everything that you were scared of."
"Definitely, a lot of attraction here, three swords, let go of your fears, but yes for sure."
"Trust your instincts; they're key to overcoming fears and barriers."
"None of these sources of passive income would be here if I didn't conquer my fears."
"Acknowledging fears and doubts but moving forward with confidence."
"You don't realize how great you are until you step into that thing that you thought you could not do."
"But you want to look out for these fixations of fear and self limitations."
"Don't let your fears because your fears are going to be based on what's happened in the past, and that's not what you want to project into the future."
"Get those scary-looking demons on your side, because when you do, nobody can mess with you."
"The fear of the thing is almost always greater than itself."
"In life and Roblox, you gotta face your fears and use teamwork to make the dream work."
"Don't limit your potential due to fear of rejection."
"Just make the best of it while you're here, that's why I wanted to go back and jump out again, you know, jump out of a [ __ ] plane even though I hated it."
"To overcome fears and perform for thousands was the most amazing experience of my life."
"Validate people's fears to help them overcome them."
"The thing that made me feel the most powerless became a superpower because I decided to go all in on that fear until the fear disappeared."
"The fear of rejection is one of those things that truly keeps us from doing amazing things."
"I am petrified of needles... but yep I am going to sign up and see if I can become a donor."
"For Taurus, this month's theme is about bringing back the world by getting rid of fears and reclaiming freedom."
"This next chapter is about you and it's about moving forward and no longer staying in this hangman stage where we are debating things or we're letting fears overtake us."
"You want an amazing life? Figure out what you're afraid of, right? And then figure out what you need to do."
"Recognize that you have the power to change your life, face your fear, and align with the light."
"Some of the best times in my life... I've overcome a fear."
"Confronting your fears head-on empowers you to control your nightmares and overcome legendary adversaries."
"Empowerment comes from confronting and overcoming your deepest fears, even in the face of overwhelming darkness."
"In the battle against nightmares, resilience and preparation are your greatest allies."
"Learning about what we're afraid of then, you know, we can easily overcome whatever the challenge is."
"This new moon solar eclipse and Scorpio we're having to learn how to deal with so that we can overcome these fears and do what needs to be done to let old things go and move on."
"You're never going to get over that fear unless you face it. It's just like anything, riding a bike, getting on an airplane, literally anything you're scared of, how do you get over it? You do it."
"A star can't rise if it's being anchored by feelings of fear, anxiety, doubt, or just not having any fun."
"You have to practice things that feel scary, and then you'll get more used to them. It's just the truth."
"Snoop says starting to perform so young helped him get over his stage fright."
"I encourage people to as I said turn within in whatever way and live our lives with our eyes open and don't live in fear and don't worry about you know what fomo is the fear of missing out don't worry about that."
"Conquer your fears, ladies and gentlemen. This is what it's all about."
"The only way to beat your nightmares is to face them."
"I trust that's it. Why don't we take this, because with me, I always like to take people who don't like wild snakes, reptiles, like when they don't like stuff like that. I like to push you into the fire a little bit."
"Things start changing really quickly once you claim your truth and you look your doubts, your fears, and your anger straight in the eye and say no more."
"Wow, we're actually fine. Goodbye, jump scares!"
"No longer feeling scared and powerless in a world filled with dragons and demons."
"I think it's a scary idea to grow up in public... but if we can overcome that fear we have this wonderful chance of connecting with other human beings."
"Don't let hidden fears stop you from enjoying this beautiful connection."
"You're blossoming into your truth, facing fears and doubts that have kept you small."
"I'm going to ameliorate that feeling by proving to myself that the worst-case scenario actually doesn't happen."
"The growth happens when you face your fears, do hard stuff, and get better from the experience."
"It's about breaking through your fears of getting stronger."
"You're stronger than your fears and past; celebrate your freedom."
"You conquered your fear and it's all lit up now."
"We must be willing to face and confront our fears to expand our awareness of what is possible."
"It's time for you to break up with your fears."
"Batman wins the game by overtaking his fear of the Joker."
"There are a few things more liberating in life than having your worst fear realized."
"To solve this once and for all we must, oh that's pretty cute please don't tell anyone I was a scaredy cat on that ride. I've got a reputation to uphold I'm supposed to be the king of those rides."
"She's finally able to defeat the monster in her closet."
"The Phantom Thieves all individually confront the adults they feared so much and break through the hypothetical chains that once held them back."
"New Lilia is going to be about conquering her fears and anxieties and doing things anyway, especially if it makes me happy."
"Don't be afraid of coming here... This is not as scary as you think it is."
"She's facing her fear of loss, abandonment, rejection, embracing the journey, grasping the wand, trusting her intuition."
"Sometimes confronting our fears is the only way to move forward."
"Stories like James's empower the kids who read them to confront the scary obstacles they encounter on their own Adventures."
"Even if you're intimidated or frightened by Monster Hunter, you can start having fun with it."
"They feel with you by their side that they can conquer their fears."
"When my dreams feel scary, it means I am on the right path."
"The scariest things in life isn't shame balls, it's real scary."
"Stop letting your fears and misconceptions hold you back."
"Facing your fears and tackling new projects really is priceless."
"I especially like this scene where Raven enters Robin's mind and tries to help him overcome his fear of Slade."
"Facing fears and anxieties, ultimately letting go."
"I feel like I conquered like 10 fears at once."
"There will come a day where you're kind of laughing at yourself saying man I remember when 33,400 to me seemed so scary."
"When you have a fear of snakes in real life and you take out the big jumble of snakes in the game, it is this feeling of conquering this bigger thing that you didn't think you could take on before."
"Elevate yourself above the fear, above the insecurities, and the dramas."
"I am surviving 24 childhood fears, but I'm gonna have to survive my biggest fear of all: clowns."
"Understand that your darkest fears are just that they're just fears and if you be strong and per house you know you you become a little bit more vulnerable."
"Your fears and disappointments are only there because you have given them life. Take it away because you have the power to do that."
"Love knows no bounds, so the love is going to move you through these fears."
"2024: A year of overcoming fears and conquering mental health struggles."
"I was really scared at first, I just don't like videoing myself but it's getting easier."
"I didn't want to spend the rest of my life being afraid of monsters."
"I was indeed a bit scared of heights and especially scared of falling. But one thing I'm scared of even more is letting that fear stop me from living my life to the fullest."
"They want this with you... just got to work through these fears."
"My fears are only going to continue to show me what I'm capable of."
"The fear of becoming what I envisioned for my future was greater than the fear of what I had to face."
"Congratulations are in order. You overcame your fear and cleared away the grudge."
"I'm on top of the world, pops. I should start facing my fears more often."
"Nothing is impossible, Carl. Beat your fears, focus your mind, and learn to fly."
"Dad said, 'man that sounds like an old demon... Let's go get him.'"
"I feel so accomplished, I just conquered a fear."
"I can actually amass forces without feeling like I'm going to the dentist now."
"I'm so glad I kind of faced my fears with it and went out because wow, there was a moment where we probably saw about four turtles in total."
"What can you wish my friend Will a happy birthday and tell him to not fear flying hellos in Warzone? Happy birthday, my brother!"
"Invalidating any fears or reasons you've been given for why you shouldn't do this and replacing them with reasons for why you should."
"When you realize what you want and overcome fears or anxieties."
"Seeking discomfort is proving to yourself that you are so much more capable than you are giving yourself credit for by taking these small steps towards doing something you're afraid of."
"Embrace the change, they need to overcome your insecurities and let go of your fears."
"Overcome your fear of success or failure. Don't sabotage your own success."
"Fears can be unlearned by practicing self-discipline repeatedly with regard to fear until it goes away."
"Have faith in your dreams, working through your fears."
"Turn your fears into your biggest strengths."
"Life is all about facing your fears."
"It's called conquering your fears."
"She fights her fears and overcomes them every day."
"No one can defeat the monsters that he has not defeated yet."
"This movie's about facing your fears."
"Courage is a skill, it's like something you work on and develop by actually moving towards what your biggest fears are."
"It is time to move on from old patterns, habits, and fears. Now is the time to walk in the direction of your biggest desires and ambitions."
"I haven't been able to go I haven't been to events and for and all because I wasn't willing to push myself and the one I've been telling people baby steps and the first thing I do is I go on [__] stage and it is a baby step"
"...it's like it's like the universe is saying to you Leo how much do you want it do you want it and not you want it enough to finally overcome your fears or your discomfort or your worries your catastrophism."
"Observing the connection that forms between Beal and the cat after the incident, Beal decides to teach the cat to be more intimidating with his gaze in order to overcome his fears."
"Everything is too scary until it's done."
"Your soul wants you to move toward your highest path, even if it means facing fears and doubts in yourself."
"If you're scared of public speaking, go and expose yourself to some sort of public speaking."
"It's basically doing the thing that we are afraid to do or we're told we couldn't do... you never know what you may find out about your Limitless capacities."
"Being able to control Nyla with that bike situation, which is my biggest fear, gives me hope that I can definitely face the other fears I have."
"I conquered one of my biggest fears and therefore all of my other fears kind of faded away."
"Contentment with something. Letting go of certain fears that you might have about connecting with others, especially for those of you that have anxiety or even going out and meeting people."
"Stop pushing them away, let go of your fears, let go of your anxiety. Make the sacrifice for love, love this person, allow your feelings to grow, show this person your true intentions."
"Every time I leave Jiu-Jitsu it's like somebody gives me a th000 bucks because I know I overcame like a big fear I have."
"The only challenge right now is your own limitations, your own fears."
"The message I would sort of take away from this is like, I know there's that kind of thing of you know you should always push ahead or face your fears or just keep going even if you're not ready, but I think it's, it depends on the circumstance and the individual."
"I recognized what was holding me back and most of it was just fears or beliefs that I had about myself so I made an effort to put them aside and clear the way for me to make progress with my dreams."
"This isn't new energy every single one of you, I promise you I guarantee you you've either had to face a really strong fear, you've had to be focused on your Independence."
"And overcoming those fears will help you to live a life on your terms."
"And finally, once you overcome each of these fears, overcome each of these steps along the way, you gain confidence in the ability of yourself, the ability of your crew and your boat."
"This person knows that they have to end their Shadow Self, they have to end their fears."
"Get in touch with your inner wisdom and you will cease to be distracted by fears that tempt you to say no I can't when actually you can."
"Whatever your worst fears are, that is where your blessing is going to come from."
"You took something that was scary to you and you overcame it, and that is a huge deal."
"Life is about experiencing the unknown, getting out there, and jumping over your fear."
"You'll be getting over a phobia or fear."
"...the biggest lessons in this first book in the series is really the characters struggling to overcome their fears."
"It brought me out of financial bondage, it bought me out of all kind of phobias and fears that I had."
"I've done it, I've got into the water, and for me, that was a massive milestone."
"It's going into your own fear and your own insecurities."
"Everything's a little bit scary at the beginning, but then it gets easier."
"What I think is going to stick with me is how sweet the story is with these kids growing up and coming back together again and really facing their fears."
"The nightmares gradually disappear."
"...an adventure through some of my biggest fears with Jonathan and friends at my side..."
"Tackled something I've never tackled before and it was not as scary as I thought it was going to be."
"It's worth doing those things that scare you."
"If you wanna get past your fears, if you wanna live an abundant life."
"Going to that camp helped me get over my social anxieties in a big way."
"I had conquered one of my biggest fears."
"Sometimes facing your biggest fears can give you like the best experiences."
"You're overcoming your fears, right? That you are moving towards what people feel like is again inevitable success."
"You can either live your dreams or live your fears. You have got to get to a point where you say I'm sick and tired of living like this. There's got to be more."
"You're never going to overcome your fears if you just never try, you know what I'm saying?"
"So inspirational, so empowering, and to know that somebody else is out there basically crushing fears and getting behind the wheel when they never felt that they could."
"This is a fun experiment to try and that makes me want to try like other things I've been too nervous to try before like this."
"Those fears are not to keep us from living as ourself."
"Overcoming something that scares you makes you grow faster."
"We can't claim victory over our fears until we take the ultimate ride."
"The things that I feared the most I was terrified of I could have never have thought that going through them would lead me to where I am now."
"That's facing a fear, you will be fine."
"Come with me as I overcome my fears, barf out up breakfast, pass out, learn how the pilot doesn't do all of that, and of course, stay curious, and keep exploring."
"You just got to face your fears. Good job!"
"We faced our fears and made it through the night."
"...you might still face some challenges and some fears when it comes to expressing yourself authentically."
"You're really going to have to master your mind and some fears here when it comes to love."
"There's so much more to life than fears."
"So much of the fight game and life is all in our heads, you know? It's our fears, it's our doubts, but it's us trying to control those fears and doubts and allowing them to motivate us instead of hinder us, that's where success can be found."
"We definitely conquered some fears, we made some fun memories, we lived some bucket list things, you know what I mean?"