
Civic Duty Quotes

There are 1865 quotes

"Encourage your own voters to vote. Why is this so difficult? Tell your voters to vote, however it's legal to vote. Go vote. This is not hard."
"The basic table stakes of your duty to this country should be to know the bare minimums about this country and the Constitution."
"Democracy is a daily practice... it's required of us to engage with it."
"Vote. That is our power... you have to encourage everyone in your life to vote because there is something on the line for all of us."
"I need to respect the dignity of every single citizen in this state. I don't have to agree with them, but I need to listen to them and I need to hear them and I need to respect who they are."
"This is democracy—300 million people in this country. We're the ones who are going to vote. There's no other people that are going to save us; it's just us."
"Journalists need to be on their game. The stakes don't get much higher when it comes to fulfilling their core mission: informing citizens of what they really need to know."
"The gravity of the moment demands it, and the fate of our republic depends on it."
"The country doesn't work for you; you as president of the country work for the people."
"Twenty crore people stood in queue, and no one had any complaint."
"None of this matters if you don't vote. It is like having a nice classic car and then not changing the oil, wheels, or brakes when you need to. It is fundamental, the bedrock of everything you do on top of it."
"Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."
"What free speech is, is the right and maybe the obligation to conduct discourse in a manner that's aimed at addressing and solving serious problems."
"The most important office in a democracy is not president or prime minister or chancellor or governor or mayor, it's citizen."
"This country needs you, your families need you, your neighborhoods need you."
"You have the right and the responsibility to vote... it's part and parcel of your intrinsic value."
"If you see something wrong, you better do something."
"In the dance of democracy, we all have a part to play, a rhythm to follow, and a voice to be heard."
"Politicians work for us. It's about the people, we the people."
"Go vote, people. Don't forget, it's not the victory that's on the ballot, go vote."
"At the end of the day, we're really public servants, and we're here to serve the will of the public."
"If that tax money is going to be used to open tracks or keep more parts of Australia open and beautiful, well then sign me up. I'll pay more tax tomorrow."
"To keep a republic requires exactly what I'm asking you to do tonight: the hard work of understanding history and context, and of asking difficult questions."
"Our vote is our voice; sitting out is just basically you're not doing justice to yourself."
"Either way, vote like your voice matters because it does."
"Here's your reminder, Americans off the internet, go do your taxes. It's important."
"We have to make sure that not only every year on September 11th we never forget, but every day we owe it to the men and women here, we owe it to the men and women who sacrificed on that day and in the weeks after, to renew this fund."
"Jury service is one of the most important things that we do as a citizenry."
"Voting... may not be the fastest but it certainly has an impact."
"You can still be a patriot and, as a component of patriotism, want to improve it."
"Don't talk ill about your country. Go stand up for it. Roll up your sleeves, get to work."
"The government's job is to look out for the people."
"I feel personally that you do have a civic duty to make your community, society, country, nation better."
"I think that after people leave high school, they can go to the military, Peace Corps, Americorps, etc. I think that unites the country."
"I've lived the American dream. I've made a lot of money by building businesses. That's one side of what it means to be an American, but part of it is we also have duties to this country."
"Don't harass the jurors; we want good people to do jury duty the same way we want good people to be politicians."
"She said time and time again that she believed it was her civic duty, her civic duty, that her sense of citizenship, that act of grace, that feeling that you have a commitment to country, to causes larger than yourself."
"We are the city of angels; we are guardians, we are protectors. It is our job to make the space better for everyone around us."
"The state of our Union is confused...but I also think that's an opportunity to define what it means to be a citizen of this country."
"Voting is more like washing your car or ironing your clothes. It's part of the thing you do to make stuff work."
"Without civic-minded citizens like you, our system of justice could not function."
"This country isn't going to be saved by some Messiah coming from on high. We each have our own role to play."
"It is so essential that all of us stand tall and that when the time comes, we all cast our ballots and we demand that those ballots be counted fairly and fully."
"If you don't like what you're seeing right now, take ten, fifteen, twenty minutes today, find out who's in your district, find out what they stand for, and go support the ones you believe in."
"Promote the general welfare, it's like right there in the Constitution."
"Vote, vote, vote. If you're able to vote early in your state, vote early. If you're able to vote in person, vote in person. Vote whatever way is the best way for you because he cannot stop you from being able to determine the outcome of this election."
"If you want the economy to be reopened, then put on a mask."
"This really isn't supposed to be a partisan thing, this is supposed to be a patriotic thing."
"I feel personally happier if I vote. It's like, 'Hey, I voted, I am part of the society.'"
"We cleaned up the city to... represent ourselves well for these foreign leaders... but we should be doing this every day."
"America needs you and our democracy needs you."
"Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country."
"We have lost that republic. All of us have to act to get it back."
"We the people have to fight with all deliberate speed to save our freedoms."
"Every U.S. citizen has the right to vote; every U.S. citizen has the right not to vote. Those who chose the latter lose their right to complain."
"The vote is precious. It's almost sacred, so go out and vote like you never voted before."
"If you were drafted, you'd certainly have some responsibility to this country and it would force civic engagement."
"This produced an attitude which was that it was the job of a man who was a citizen of a polis, beyond anything else, to fight bravely in the ranks of his army."
"Our democracy must be perpetually defended by every generation of Americans."
"Always stand up for yourself, stand up for your rights. It's how we keep the Constitution alive."
"You and I should...be holding our politicians accountable for that because everything can't be done on an individual basis."
"The importance of getting our people to turn out to vote cannot be overstated; it's critical for the health of our democracy."
"They did not just defend a building or the people sheltering in it; they put their lives on the line to defend who we are as a country and as a people."
"Don't be complacent. You know you gotta get out and vote. That's a prerequisite to this stuff."
"We have to vote like our rights depend on it."
"We love this agency, we love this city, and we're going to make sure we do the things the right way every single time."
"The only way to defeat them is showing up and voting."
"The oath and the institutions in the guardrails of government are only as good as those who are willing to take them seriously."
"Voting is just like, kind of like it's the most important thing arguably that you could do in a Democratic Republic because you want to have your citizens choose the leaders, which is a great responsibility."
"You shouldn't throw trash anywhere. Let's pick it up."
"It is my duty to at least be respectful towards my fellow citizens to the extent possible."
"We each have a part to play by staying at home, protecting the NHS, and helping to save lives."
"Simply put, if you see something, say something."
"The Medici were the most powerful family in Florence... imagine a family that can produce two popes. It's much more than producing two presidents of the United States."
"I sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the American people. I humbly ask all the members to do your jobs and consider the merit of what I have presented."
"Every man should serve in the military at some point."
"If you're an honest person, you understand this is exactly the moment in our history when we need serious adult conversations about the world around us."
"Your vote is powerful, your vote can change the country."
"This is not about saving a party, it's about saving the future of the country."
"The church needs to wake up, pray, preach, and vote. When the righteous rule, the people rejoice."
"Individual rights are predicated on individual responsibilities."
"Voters forced to choose between their health and their civic duty."
"Vote November 3rd because your way of life, your actual life, your friends, and your family, they all depend on this."
"This is about maintaining free and fair elections in this country."
"We hold a strong responsibility to make sure that our elections are run properly."
"Poll watchers exist because there is so much opportunity for fraud."
"Georgia voters have got to return to the polls."
"We've got to get politically active to ensure that they are doing that job, and when they don't, we've got to vote them out and say goodbye."
"Democracy is not free it's not a free-for-all you gotta work at it."
"Exercise that vote is incredibly incredibly important it cannot be overstated."
"I think it's another data point on the journey of American, we have a government of the people, by the people and for the people."
"Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and Military Machinery of Defense with our peaceful methods and goals."
"Gotham needs heroes like you, elected officials, not the man who thinks he is."
"We must set aside our differences stand together united and ask what can I do to help it's time to put people ahead of politics to put country over party it's time to vote for America."
"Trying to save your democracy is a noble ambition."
"What CNN is doing here is not properly informing citizens of what's been done in their name."
"We need to vote as if our lives and our livelihoods, our liberties depend on it because they do."
"The upcoming November election may very well be the most important election many of us will participate in."
"Every election between now and when we expire is the most important election of our lifetimes."
"This is America and we have to keep on knocking."
"If we don't stand up, then we're no longer America."
"No matter what you do, go out and vote. Make sure your voice is heard."
"It's a disservice to your city or it's called a re-election."
"You must follow your heart or in many cases your religion or your faith. Do what's right for your family and do what's right for yourself. Do what's right for your children, do what's right for our country, and vote. So important to vote."
"Stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives."
"It is the obligation of every generation to safeguard and protect those freedoms."
"Protecting our democracy is of the utmost importance."
"The citizens of this country have a duty to stand up to people just like this. This was the reason that this [__] was written."
"Election Day isn't a national holiday but people are required to be let off of work for a certain amount of time."
"There's nothing more important for us to do than protect our Constitution and our democracy."
"Election day is November 3rd. Don't forget to vote. Thank you everyone and have a great night."
"I made a promise to the city that I would make it better."
"And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."
"Government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen's responsibility to be prepared for a disaster." - President Obama
"It secures all other rights when push comes to shove, thereby preserving freedom."
"Prince Harry respectfully calls on authorities to do their duty for the British public."
"If you don't vote, you can't change the policymakers who then change your laws."
"Any civic responsibility that you abdicate will be taken up by tyrants and used against you."
"Voting is more essential than anything else in this country."
"I think Americans, in a way, when they go to the polls, are almost stepping into the shoes of jurors."
"I think the important thing that we know in this room and the growing number of Americans are realizing that the worst thing we can do is remain silent."
"Every legal vote is entitled to be counted, and every illegal vote nullifies the vote of an American citizen."
"I did it because I have... I believe in our country. I believe in this process and I'm... so disappointed in what I saw. You shocked."
"But when a long train of abuses evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government."
"Georgians, you've got to come out and you've got to show up."
"You can't just sit this one out, politics affects you whether you acknowledge it or not."
"The political process is incredibly important and it can't be ignored."
"Each of us has the power through our own choices and actions to save American lives and rescue the most vulnerable among us."
"You can be the generation that stood up and reminded us just how precious this experiment in democracy really is."
"We're gonna need every American to take this seriously."
"The Constitution is a living, breathing document."
"So if you don't do anything else please vote."
"We've got to get everybody out to vote. What we need to do is get everybody out to vote."
"We gotta keep fighting for our country because I love it, man."
"The sacrifices our citizens have made in this time of crisis will be remembered, studied, honored, and praised for generations to come."
"Democracy is on the line so if there's one exhortation I would make to people again I'm not making a bunch of money off this book but what I want you to do is share this with someone who needs to read it."
"Do your own research but it is only an informed Republic that is going to be able to put a stop to it."
"The only thing holding up the law for law-abiding citizens is us thinking it's still being held up."
"It's more than our right to do so, it is our responsibility to do so."
"We have to rise to the standard of what we want this country to be as individuals or it will cease to exist."
"A nation of victims: We need to bring back the concept of civic duty."
"In a city where Justice is supposed to be blind, it's up to all of us to ensure that it remains so."
"There's your civic duty to get vaccinated. It is my opinion, you are putting everybody at risk if you don't."
"My respect for the justice department and my commitment to this country are why I agreed to serve as special counsel when asked by the Attorney General." - Honorable Robert Her
"You have to respect the office no matter who's in the office."
"The most important lever of power is the American people."
"We have no choice but to continue the fight to save our democracy."
"We owe it to the citizens of this nation to make sure that our government is transparent and accountable."
"Every American should want to fix our country."
"I hope we have helped make it clear that there is a broader kind of accountability, accountability to all the American people."
"Democracy doesn't happen by accident. We have to renew it with each generation, and this is an urgent matter on all our parts."
"I saw criminal activity. I needed to get this to the proper authorities."
"Every vote counts, and we honor those who fought for our right to vote."
"If you have not been vaccinated, do it for NASA, and do it for our country."
"Election day is November 3rd, don't forget to vote."
"Let your voices be silenced. We must keep our seats in the Senate." - Melania Trump
"That's what voting's about... not making things perfect but making things better."
"It's extremely important to continue to support our democracy and keep our institutions working."
"It's not about me, it's about America. It's about what can we do to make this kind of place that it was supposed to be."
"We have to hold our government to a higher standard."
"You have to know that it's your duty to speak out when you see wrong happening."
"Your salient voices on what's happening... could not be more important than the moment that we find ourselves in right now."
"Demand investigation. Write to your local representatives."
"Demand more out of our elected officials. Make arguments. Start to say, 'Hey, we want not excuses and we want action.'"
"Our democracy demands no less than full transparency."
"Be a real Republican stand up and fight against autocracy and dictatorship and fascism."
"We have to actually do just the opposite. If you don't vote, the socialists and the communists win."
"Focus on local elections, school boards, attorneys."
"Every hour you contribute, every precinct you walk, every phone call you make, every postcard you write will determine the outcome of this election."
"The right to vote is precious, that is almost sacred."
"That's what democracy is about. That's what our job is: to vote these things up or down. Let's get that vote."
"Vote early, vote however you gotta vote, you make sure you get the votes in."
"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
"Our democracy will always be as strong as our willingness and preparedness to fight for it."
"We have an important election coming up... don't vote out of hatred, vote out of what you feel is going to be the best for your country, for yourself, for your family, your children, your grandchildren."
"This is the greatest country in the history of the world it's worth fighting for."
"You need to convince people that by not voting they are voting but they are voting in the wrong direction."
"If we are willing to pick up the baton of freedom right now and carry it forth, we will truly have one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
"You know our democracy mandates that we do something now."
"People should join juries to promote societal change."
"Jury duty, voting, all those things are things you gotta do."
"Not voting is worse than voting for the wrong person."
"Vote, just make sure you understand, you have it in your control to determine what this country's going to look like the next four years."
"Vote vote vote if you're able to vote early in your state."
"If good people are not willing to enter politics we should stop complaining about bad people ruling us while we celebrate democracy."
"We need to know this stuff. We're going to have to be the investigators and the police of America. It has to be us."
"It's important for all of us as citizens to speak on things that we feel strongly about."
"What New Yorkers did nobody could have imagined if they show that same resolve and intelligence in this next phase, it's up to them."
"You shouldn't say to a person if you want to exercise your civic duty you have to endanger your public health and possibly endanger others."
"Holding police accountable is a process that requires us, the people, to work."
"If you don't vote and if you're not active the democracy ceases to exist."
"I still firmly believe that there are more of us there are of them but it starts with the midterm elections."
"Do you believe that all citizens in the United States of America should have the right to and exercise their right to vote?"
"The real jesus of the bible said render unto caesar the things that are caesar's."
"The integrity of our elections is a critical part of our nation and it must be upheld."
"Don't forget tomorrow is the general election. I voted in early voting last week for a total of six hours."
"You can make it happen. Take your ass a folding chair, some snacks, and spend the day."
"Even if you vote for somebody who loses, the people who show up and vote help determine how money's gonna be spent in future elections."
"When we stand up for those that are being wronged systematically wronged, we are actually doing a service to our country."