
Online Behavior Quotes

There are 909 quotes

"Mike Tyson made the quote that being online has made people comfortable with saying things that would get them consequences in real life."
"The online abuse, the racism, the homophobia, the abuse in general is disgusting."
"Online abuse is really, really disgusting, and it is very important that people stand up to it."
"When anyone can say anything online and potentially reach millions, and when that speech increasingly coincides with violent threats and attacks against marginalized groups, we must question the boundaries of free speech."
"Our online feeds and recommendations can quickly funnel us into echo chambers in which unqualified opinion is magnified over facts."
"This sort of bias in online content is how echo chambers form."
"These are keyboard bullies; they wouldn't say that to you in the elevator."
"The crudity of the online world is bleeding over into the real world."
"You really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?"
"The reality is, the vast majority of people that you see online engage in politics do it as a form of recreation or hobby."
"I myself have seen numerous posts on the Steam discussion threads and elsewhere that could charitably be called spiteful and vitriolic at best."
"I think that there's a quiet majority of players of Fallout, and every game franchise, that you don't see on Reddit, you don't see them on image boards."
"Being kind and respectful in the comments is essential, no matter the discussion."
"In an attempt to sell the idea to players, Blizzard's Community manager posts his full name on the forum...and within mere minutes, they find and publish his home address, phone number, age, Facebook, family names, and a list of his favorite music and movies."
"The reality is, most trans people, even on Twitter, are probably decent, reasonable people. You don't see those people. What you see are the crazies."
"Be a little kinder online... just have a little bit more compassion."
"Jacqueline, do the right thing. Delete the profiles, or at least change the content up to be more about yourself."
"We are creating some weird mental separation between our online behavior and our real-life behavior."
"I hope people realize that if you write a nasty comment to one of us, 30 seconds later you're probably going to forget about that and move on with your life, but those can be burned into our brains forever."
"Before you type your negative comment, remember on the other side of the screen is a human being."
"We are delusional online, and I feel like we need to kind of come back to ground zero and really remember what it is we're doing here. We're just entertaining each other."
"I always give people's items back after I invade them, and I literally never grief. In fact, I do the exact opposite of griefing. I give them more than I take."
"People will dig through someone's Twitter account to find something offensive they said 10 years ago."
"Being anonymous online doesn't make you immune from accountability."
"Online behavior can cross into criminal harassment, which isn't expressing your opinion; you're basically just harassing someone."
"Guns Akimbo is an off-the-walls crazy, violent, ridiculous movie with an underlying message about the anonymity of online behavior, keyboard courage, and the dangers of lack of accountability when it comes to trolling and targeted harassment."
"Online harassment is nothing unique to any single region."
"Don't just send unsolicited dick pics, y'all."
"We are wired to crave connection, yet the pseudonymity and detachment of online platforms trigger emotional reactions and amplify negative behaviors, resulting in an ever more polarized society."
"If people are like openly calling for genocide, then that's probably reasonable they be removed from online platforms."
"Don't feed the trolls. Do your thing, do your best, and don't worry about the rest."
"Be nice to each other, especially in internet comments, because this is all we have."
"Sending and spreading hate online isn't the best way to deal with any of this."
"If you are nice to a woman online, don't friend them afterward. Just go on your day... just be a decent human being, move on with your day."
"Please do not send any hate or threats to the people involved; be constructive, not hateful."
"Being nice to other people on the internet...there was an increase in self-esteem when women received positive feedback on their photos."
"If you're posting in a public forum, expect responses."
"It's the Internet; don't take things too seriously, kids."
"Pettiness, spitefulness, and direct weaponization of a follower base—these are the hallmarks of what anyone with any form of following should never engage in."
"For a website that caters itself to an audience that is also under 18, flashing them with potential lap dances that they can literally buy through a website, we are literally turning Twitch into another cam website."
"I don't think spoctor is an irredeemable [__] like CreepShaw, Prizmate, Luke, Kai, Omnia, Junkie, and a few others."
"The problem is this permanence on the internet."
"But sort of having these quite thoughtful takedowns of people who are being unethical with their online popularity or fame."
"There's a difference between people trolling in the comments and legitimate criticism."
"Insults, swears, death threats, and the like will never be a tolerable or warranted response to writing."
"I only submit pictures of my thighs, it's just my thighs, no genitalia."
"How far can I push this before sensible, rational, tolerant people say this has to be a troll?"
"It's all up to you... who you're following, what you decide to look up or follow."
"Everyone sucks on Twitter, that's how this case feels right now."
"A reminder: the people you see online are real people and your actions surrounding them have real consequences."
"Hurt people hurt people, that's why in the comments that are negative, it's because they're hurt."
"People get pretty crazy online, it's a lot of fun, I'll tell you that much."
"I have compassion for the lostest guys who are mad online. Because they've been through things they won't tell you, they've been hurt."
"I know death threats are inevitable; we're talking about Star Wars here, but just try to be a decent human being in the comments below."
"Wiki vandalism is the most cringe [] thing you could ever [] do in the history of all of the world. Anybody that vandalizes wikis is a sub-human."
"I can't be out there saying that stuff and be on the internet lying. I can't do that."
"I'm a simple man, I see the intervention, I click."
"The internet just kind of sucks right now and every platform seems to be incentivizing everyone to generate as much outrage as they can all the time."
"People are always their worst online, very rarely do that when you're standing or sitting across somebody."
"Maybe they'll learn their lesson, but it's very sad that a very large and usually really good gaming community had to suffer the way that it did."
"You're kind of spreading the crime out by pouring eyeballs onto it when pedophiles are all... if you look at those videos... it was one of those situations where the people gathering around became like outrage junkies."
"There are certain types of people that exist in online communities like that are very clearly bad faith actors."
"You're not gonna be successful here on this platform if you get angry over somebody who asks you to credit them."
"People should be allowed to be crazy, people should be allowed to do crazy things online, people should be allowed to criticize."
"You do it, but obviously between the naruto run between the fact that it was used by the worst ttv in name people of all time wraith mains have a huge stigma of being toxic as [ __ ] and it is entirely not like not that false."
"Do not be a sore loser I really hate seeing those type of comments where everyone's saying like this is fake don't I didn't win I've never won this is fake like bro just say congrats someone out there just won a thousand V bucks"
"We shouldn't take lightly cheating in any way, shape or form, including online."
"In conclusion, a quick reminder to please be kind in the comments."
"Nobody deserves a flood of hateful messages for a gaming mistake."
"It's just [expletive] to threaten people on Twitter over a case that's being discussed on YouTube. No one should be harassed in this case."
"A woman has been harshly criticized online after she slammed her date for being cheap."
"I don't like when people are hated online, I don't hate people online, I don't bash people online."
"I feel like people online have very weird views of how Hispanic and black people function."
"Being aggressively transphobic constantly on social media is a particularly judgmental thing to do."
"Do not be transphobic in the comments. Transphobia will not be tolerated."
"There's just something about Cod lobbies that brings out the worst in humanity."
"These internet trolls, they're not like out and about, like, they like the app, or the thing that's backwards, and they're spineless bitches. They sit behind their computer and they don't leave."
"If you advocate for the censorship of slurs don't get mad when you get banned for using a slur."
"I don't usually click on Dono links involved with promoting, otherwise it seems kind of dis."
"Good people don't post fake news online... think about that."
"Be careful with what you share online. Be careful with your personal data."
"Dissenting voices are silenced every day online for expressing even the most lukewarm controversial opinion."
"Killing animals online should be banned I don't think there's any reason why we should have it on there."
"More bold than you would be otherwise. Things like name-calling or stereotyping. Prejudice or mockery are all things that occur in real life but are repeated tenfold online."
"You better be nice... I'll block you so hard."
"Do not harass this person, blah blah. That will help with your actual audience, your community, the people you actually like, uh, enjoy."
"He was always on Twitter you then had to be on everything too every minor infraction was a big deal."
"The most important takeaway from Quinn's research was that engaging with toxic content only made it worse."
"There is no shortage of abusive, destructive, scammy, and just overall douchey antics online."
"They weaponize their follow and unfollow button as soon as you hold them accountable."
"Dream did not cheat, it was George, but it's not real and now George is getting hate."
"Basically, I'm going to become a troll. That's an absolutely fine strategy for playing the game anyway."
"Harassing people in games is not a valid form of entertainment."
"Please remember to be kind to everybody everywhere, especially in the comments section down below."
"Do not send hate to him if you know who he is or if you see a video from him don't send hate towards him it was just like a stupid situation."
"The game is full of children and despite that has the most competent hacker and scamming scene I have ever seen in any video game."
"Jones made extremely comfortable work of the American Gangster... even beating Sonnen at his own game."
"To be kind to everybody everywhere in your everyday life in your home in the grocery store and especially in the comments section down below."
"There's a misconception on the internet that bitching about things somehow either changes people's minds or makes the problem disappear."
"Don't feed the trolls. Because the best thing you can do is respond, even if it's like a really good slam dunk, there's still gonna be some people that look to that and go, 'Oh, there's movement here.' Oh, I can get a rise out of this person."
"If you commit hate speech online, you should be doxed."
"If all of those people that write all that stuff do they ever think that there's actually a person at the other end?"
"When you see people not tweeting about stuff, think about what they have tweeted in the past."
"Honestly, every single person can play a part in how they are online, what they share, how they react."
"Online bullying affects those without a platform the most."
"The ones who are doing the best are generally people who don't spend much time online."
"Please make every effort to not be the exact player that you hate every single game you queue up."
"This perpetually online culture war bully (beeps) that's Trump, man. He did this, he broke Ted Cruz."
"I hate when swatting and prank is in the same sentence. It's attempted murder."
"Eventually you have to recognize that the approval and affirmation of the online left is about as fruitless a pursuit as trying to appease an abusive father."
"If you let something like this stand, all you do is enable more griefing."
"This conversation has got to start with the trolls."
"All my beefs are real, I don't set stuff up for drama online."
"People just have to realize at the end of the day everybody on this platform is human."
"If people give you [ __ ] online, especially if it's just one geezer, do not let it affect you."
"I'm just a troll at the end of the day, and so people are playing my game."
"You broadcasted a pretty racist message to a whole platform of people and maybe disparaged people along the way by doing that."
"Don't feed the trolls." - A brilliant piece of advice that everyone should follow when navigating the internet.
"What kind of parent uses their child's emotional trauma for awareness."
"Don't be a jerk; there's real people on the other side of the keyboard."
"Screw you, I'm just gonna play a game and you know, harassing people is not okay, bullying people is not okay."
"You can adjust how you do things to negate the toxicity that you see or sure um and do I deserve people telling me I'm a piece of garbage and I should die because of a video game no."
"Ignore the trolls. Ignore all negative comments."
"Every single time I think the drama level on the internet this week has exceeded everything that was humanly possible something new happens that absolutely is mind-blowing."
"Don't go send this family any hate, honestly, I think that they're trying their best."
"Let that like button like your mama told you right."
"I think if you're banned on one site, you should just flat out be banned everywhere."
"You don't know what a person might be going through...Telling them that it's not okay to log off and that they have to just sit there and bear it all is seriously wrong."
"Social media can be a dog-eat-dog world. People just jump on other people's downfall for some views. It's sad, it's very scary, honestly."
"The hate is all in bad faith, it's basically trolling."
"It's important to have discussions but also understand that we will never fully know every single aspect of a person enough to judge them entirely off of a few actions that we see online."
"Surround yourself with content that reflects your dreams... What you follow online reflects what you value."
"The alt-right online presence is also first irony sarcasm... maybe we need to match a little bit of that."
"In a world where everyone else online is always walking on eggshells... adp 445's brash attitude was somewhat refreshing."
"The comment section is just a literal cesspool of hell. Get in there and find out why it's the most infamous gun comment section on YouTube."
"If you are going to adopt a persona online as a presenter, then surely, it's better to adopt a persona that is nicer and kinder than you are in real life."
"What the [] is this comp? We get this in ranked bro [] fff five I [] alt f4 after pistol to make sure they can't remake [] that [__]."
"He's the guy you want to ban from every platform."
"I think it's cringy to focus on making people angry for content."
"If you like PewDiePie, you're supporting somebody who has repeatedly given exposure to a crypto-fascist and Nazi propagandist."
"If you fail to take down the YouTube video or spread further content in relation thereto or take adverse actions against our client on the basis of your receipt of this letter we will advise our client to report your misconduct."
"You cannot go on the internet on the PC and say 'I know you guys don't like this but PC gaming sucks' and not expect for people to have a few things to say about this."
"We're going to have conversations about parental controls, spending amongst young people, toxicity amongst online communities."
"Stick to music. Do I hate fantano? No, I just think right now and for the last few months he's been acting like a [ __ ] terminally online crybaby 40-Year-Old Virgin."
"Please try not to make the comment section vile."
"If you're gonna be an influencer, influence for good."
"What does it hurt me if I just say hey don't say that about her on the internet."
"If your Twitter block count is higher than your number of followers, you might have a problem."
"I would propose the general term online violence."
"Online violence can be as mild as disparaging remarks about your appearance or intelligence."
"It's not toxic to express a negative opinion on a character, but making it personal is toxic."
"There are real human beings on the other side of these lies and these tweets."
"If people are gonna come to you online and say mean, hurtful things to you trying to hurt your feelings, trying to upset you... chances are, my friend, the problem is not with you, but it's with them."
"I'm all about removing toxicity from my life, and if you want to be toxic, I will happily take the two seconds to permanently ban you."
"You will actually get banned for three days if you're constantly stalking your favorite YouTubers—joining their games, trying to get in videos, making groups, you know, all of that kind of stuff. Kind of creepy behavior, I guess."
"Marking your post not safe for work will probably make more people read it."
"Was it a free choice or was it manipulated in a certain way subconsciously that you think you made the choice but you actually didn't?"
"Being crappy on the Internet can be very rewarding."
"Nobody should be harassing anyone else. We don't like ad hominem attacks here. We don't like them out on the internet."
"You're acting like a basement dwelling 4chan conspiracy theorist Nazi in public. Yeah, you should be fired. That's not being canceled, that's being held accountable. That's what's up."
"What about being selfless and actually replying to the eight people, you just posted an hour ago?"
"I love bringing women on stream, verbally lighting them up, knowing that I had them screaming."
"For reference, an unsolicited genital picture is not a joke, even if the genitalia might look like a waterlogged rodent fetus."
"Nothing is off-limits, but if you're just trying to spew a bunch of hate or [__], then people are gonna flag that."
"Just because someone posts sexy photos of themselves doesn't mean they are responsible for someone else's actions."
"Healthy internet discourse is possible, damn it! I believe in us."
"Creating a community built around hating people and saying negative things about them shouldn't be promoted."
"I don't really hate myself, but I do hate the way I portrayed myself online."
"Whatever you say and do online is going to be recorded."
"Online harassment is something that almost every online creator experiences to varying degrees."
"I'm of the opinion that doxing is almost never justified because it can impact not only the intended target, but their children, siblings, parents, and other family members as well."
"Empathy is a rare commodity online, it really, really is."
"Cancel culture at its core is breeding the fake activists, the people who want to do glorified Church work through a computer screen."
"Every time I read in the news that some famous YouTuber was sexting with a minor again."
"Please keep your opinions respectful in the comments."
"Be careful what you're saying online because words are like arrows, you know, they find their mark and they can do economic damage and damage to your person."
"If you're happy and you know it, then the chat will surely show it."
"Act online like your kids will watch you in 10 years when you have them."
"I don't care if there's thousands of them threatening to round up certain minority ethnicities and put them in camps. Two dozen? I don't care."
"I'm genuinely starting to see the online left turn into what it was back during the gamergate era."
"Happy holidays! We're making fun of them for being toxic, while we're reading out super chats and laughing at it. Big difference to me."
"When someone writes something mean, they're telling their story of unhappiness."
"Not everything is as it seems online not every post is accurate not everything everyone says is the truth and people can still be misleading online even when they have full-fledged audiences of like 400 000 people."
"If you're not bold enough to go say that to somebody's face then you probably shouldn't tweet it."
"This goes to show people like you gotta watch what you post on social media."
"Girl, we're in a whole panoramic. How you going tweet about a purse that is literally more money than most people make in two or three years?"
"I'm not a perfect person, but I'm going to do everything I can to create a positive, kind, inclusive, safe space online."
"If anyone is online, you're going to get it, and you just have to think if it's talking behind your back, bullying to your face, doing it behind a computer screen—all of that, those people have their own issues."
"Do you guys think that I'm fair with my ban Appeals? I am extremely [__] fair."
"I am very generous on people that are trying to not be pieces of [__]."
"A share is an endorsement, it's a tiny vote, and we need to be judicious about it."
"I don't understand it like I genuinely don't understand why people got this fing mad."
"This person's constantly stalking you online, trying to figure out who you are."
"The internet don't lose, man. Everybody tough on the internet."
"It's morally wrong? Then get the [__] off the stream."
"Criticism should be constructive, not fueled by hate and toxicity."
"This never would have happened if roblox mods noticed the red flags he showed on twitter."
"Don't waste time harassing someone who plays the game or someone who has said they won't."
"Warn me not to do that because you screw with the ad blockers, warn me to open that in Brave instead. Can you do that for me? Can you give me that reminder?"
"The number one rule for me is always: don't feed the trolls."