
Voting Quotes

There are 2427 quotes

"Encourage your own voters to vote. Why is this so difficult? Tell your voters to vote, however it's legal to vote. Go vote. This is not hard."
"My vote is not as life and death as it is for some people, so my vote needs to be for the people for whom it is life and death."
"Vote. That is our power... you have to encourage everyone in your life to vote because there is something on the line for all of us."
"I'm very proud of the way that I vote. I've voted very consistently on both sides of the aisle because I make it practical, not emotional."
"The world is voting... you vote with your feet and you vote with your pocket B and you vote with... hopefully against war."
"Every person's voice can be heard at the ballot box and that's something that everybody should be able to get behind."
"Vote, and support candidates that are gonna do something about climate change."
"Our Congress needs to act and this is about young people getting out the vote and voting for candidates that share your values."
"Your vote has more consequences now than it ever has. It's literally the fall of the Roman Empire or the rise."
"We should make it as accessible and easy as possible for every single American to vote."
"It should be an obscenity that any American has to wait in line for hours to cast their ballot."
"It's not the only thing you should do, never leave the power of your vote on the table."
"The biggest con out there is 'Hey, just vote.' No, don't just vote, make an informed vote."
"If you don't vote, it is like having a nice classic car and then not changing the oil, wheels, or brakes when you need to. It is fundamental, the bedrock of everything you do on top of it."
"When you're voting for Joe Biden, you're not voting for who you want to marry. This isn't 'The Bachelor.' You're voting for the coalition he's going to bring into office."
"None of this matters if you don't vote. It is like having a nice classic car and then not changing the oil, wheels, or brakes when you need to. It is fundamental, the bedrock of everything you do on top of it."
"Understand what you're voting for. Don't do this voting for a ballot. Go to the polls, make your voice known, understand on a healthcare level what you're doing."
"You vote in the ways that you do, ideally, to make a better world for yourself and for other people."
"If young people voted, the composition of Congress would be way different."
"Everyone understands the truth when you change who votes, you change who wins."
"The single most effective thing that can be done is for people to vote in such massive numbers where it takes the election outside the margin of manipulation."
"Your vote counts exactly the same as the crazy guy who's like 'I like his hair.'"
"Incentivize voting in the right way where people actually make meaningful votes."
"We had newlyweds who left the altar to make sure they voted right after getting married."
"We have to turn up and vote because it's so important our voices are heard."
"You have the right and the responsibility to vote... it's part and parcel of your intrinsic value."
"If a lot of people want the government to do something and they vote for candidates that'll do that thing, then that's the direction it goes."
"A hallmark of democracy is civic participation, which means let's all vote. I'm not telling you who to vote for, but please, in the midst of all that you've got going on, take the time to fill out a ballot."
"The voice of the American people matters, and one of the ways that we all express our voice is through a vote."
"I had 15 competitive Brawl Stars players vote on the best star power for every brawler."
"Go vote, people. Don't forget, it's not the victory that's on the ballot, go vote."
"We are going to have to get out and do things like vote and get on knock on doors... We use them as tools. This is consent to the government. We're the Govern, they operate on our consent."
"The vote is the great equalizing thing about democracy."
"How do we win? In mass, calmly, peacefully, with smiles on our faces, the voters go out in November and overwhelmingly vote."
"Democracy does not make it harder to vote than to buy an assault weapon."
"If you think your vote doesn't matter, then it won't because you won't vote."
"The format of the voting was simple: There would be several rounds of voting on Twitter, after each round a mob would be eliminated until the final vote determined the ultimate winner."
"I'm voting for whoever allows me to have more freedom with the choices I make."
"Voting has to be one day. It should be a national holiday."
"Our vote is our voice; sitting out is just basically you're not doing justice to yourself."
"The black contingent of men, women, and children have a significant vote in this country."
"Voting is the best way to have your grievances addressed in our system."
"Either way, vote like your voice matters because it does."
"The majority of people in America vote for modern democratic values."
"Vote. I don't care who you vote for, just be active."
"Every single vote is an amazing piece of participating in democracy and it should matter."
"The right to vote comes directly from citizenship; it's the foundation of democracy."
"You're not just trying to win votes, you're trying to shape the political landscape."
"He believes voting rights is a fundamental right, it will be a fight of his presidency."
"I'd vote for literally a puppet...anything that wasn't a career politician because I'm just so over it."
"The exemplary democracy for the world should be one where every vote is counted."
"If every single person who listened to this show went and knocked on one door and said, 'Are you registered to vote yet?' then you'd end up with a lot of people registering to vote, making a big difference."
"When you vote in November, it's not about left or right, it's about whether or not you want America to remain America."
"I will be extremely vocal about voting about enacting change in effective ways politically."
"Swilling the Planters with Bumbo, which was a type of rum, sounds better than 50 emails pleading with you to vote."
"According to surveys conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, many people don't vote because they are either too busy or have conflicting work or school schedules."
"Even though many employers are required by state laws to give time off for voting, laws vary state by state and employees can still feel informal pressure to skip voting."
"M.I.T political scientist Charles Stewart estimates waiting in line collectively cost 2012 voters about $500 million in lost wages."
"It would increase the availability of poll workers, and especially if we have it as a national holiday, it would create sort of a civic spirit."
"Thirty-nine states offer early voting. Thirty-three states offer some form of mail voting."
"We get out and vote in numbers too big to rig, and too real to steal."
"It is so essential that all of us stand tall and that when the time comes, we all cast our ballots and we demand that those ballots be counted fairly and fully."
"The only people who don't want you voting are people who know they can't win when you vote."
"If your mama don't vote, if your grandma don't vote, you are probably less likely to recognize the importance of voting."
"Having conversations with people in our community can really illuminate the importance of every single vote."
"It's not just about voting; it's about being part of the process. Voting is important, but getting involved is just as important."
"We've discovered an aspect of our voting process... that leaves us vulnerable."
"We believe in a thing called democracy, and we think you should count every vote."
"If you're saying 'stop counting all the votes,' you don't believe in America at all."
"Vote, vote, vote. If you're able to vote early in your state, vote early. If you're able to vote in person, vote in person. Vote whatever way is the best way for you because he cannot stop you from being able to determine the outcome of this election."
"We need to start voting for people who are going to promote our self-interest and that may not be a Democrat and it may not be a Republican."
"The American people have the power to vote for and elect candidates for national office, and that is a great and glorious thing."
"Making sure that anyone can vote and access to that is critical."
"In Detroit, blacks who had been denied the vote in 1850 were voting in the 1880s, and in the eighteen nineties, blacks were being elected to public office by a predominantly white electorate."
"Republicans don't want people to vote because they know they will lose, and Democrats want people to vote because they believe in democracy."
"Don't give them a green light. Vote for consequences, vote for accountability, vote for justice."
"I feel personally happier if I vote. It's like, 'Hey, I voted, I am part of the society.'"
"One of the most important things people can do is to vote policies and people that are aware of what's happening and who are able to truly intervene." - Sophia Noble
"No matter how hard they make it for minorities to vote, I think you're going to see them willing to stand in line."
"I may not be perfect but I'm perfect for you. That's the attitude we have when it comes to voting."
"The right to vote is sacred to me; my father was arrested at the age of 14 helping to get black people registered to vote."
"Until Barack ran in 2008, I never voted in my life for anything, except maybe a video on like, video music or something."
"I'm not saying vote for Donald Trump. I'm just saying have a reason to vote for who you're voting for."
"Everything's a struggle right now. Vote wisely."
"Speaking of 2020, if you guys want a better public school curriculum so that you don't get idiots like me, make sure to vote."
"The person who gets the most votes ought to be the person who wins."
"If you can't vote the buggers out, then you don't live in a democracy."
"The vote is precious. It's almost sacred, so go out and vote like you never voted before."
"Vote, vote, vote! When you allow people to change the world, vote."
"America is counting on us to fight for strength in democracy, and it starts with voting."
"Vote wisely and carefully because wow does it have repercussions."
"Please register to vote and please become an active member in your democracy."
"It's time for African Americans and those that consider them allies to do what needs to be done. Voting to get the people in our country that are in office that feel as if African Americans and their lives are not valuable, get them out of office."
"It's the first time I'm voting. I realize how it's important to vote and have your voice and your opinion to be heard."
"Elections have consequences. If you think Biden is doing a bad job, vote. There's no remedy to just steal power from the federal government."
"Making it easier and more accessible for the American people to vote is something the president talked about on the campaign trail and he will remain committed to through the course of his presidency."
"If you don't have voting blocs, how do you have power?"
"Our vote absolutely matters, and we have got to recognize that the leadership we have now is working against our interests as African-Americans, our interests as Americans broadly; it's weakening us and dividing us from within."
"Democracy is on the ballot, and if you want democracy and for inequality and freedoms, vote for people that are willing to build up these institutions and to secure those rights."
"Voting is a responsibility; it can be dangerous if you make the wrong choice, but people have a right to vote."
"Your votes are very important. Make sure you go out vote."
"The importance of getting our people to turn out to vote cannot be overstated; it's critical for the health of our democracy."
"Vote like your life depends on it because your quality of life clearly depends on it."
"Every single vote, even a single vote by a single member, can change the course of history."
"Don't be complacent. You know you gotta get out and vote. That's a prerequisite to this stuff."
"If voting actually mattered, they wouldn't let you do it."
"I'm gonna vote for freedom, I'm gonna vote for individual liberty, civil liberties."
"Martin Luther King died for this, so I think that we really, really have to understand it's not about guns, it's about one slip of paper and one hour out of your life per year."
"We have to vote like our rights depend on it."
"The only way to defeat them is showing up and voting."
"Voting is just like, kind of like it's the most important thing arguably that you could do in a Democratic Republic because you want to have your citizens choose the leaders, which is a great responsibility."
"Charizard easily won, getting around 50% of the votes."
"Voting is good; local elections are important."
"Your vote is powerful, your vote can change the country."
"Huge turnout for early voting today in four states, people waiting online for hours to cast their ballots in person."
"Can you vote early? Can you walk in your ballot? Do you have a plan for voting?"
"Even the negging in the deep blue areas, we're like 'oh you know your vote doesn't count.' It does count."
"I think there are a number of things we can do to protect voting rights."
"Votes do happen, but the votes don't totally matter."
"Voters forced to choose between their health and their civic duty."
"If Texas was a free independent self-governing nation right now... what would your vote be?"
"Safeguarding against fraud in voting by mail during the presidential election."
"It is vital to the health of this country that we have universal mail-in voting."
"Cast votes for the desired person you want to be."
"We are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom."
"There isn't a single person in Michigan who thought their vote was being sent outside the United States."
"We've got to get politically active to ensure that they are doing that job, and when they don't, we've got to vote them out and say goodbye."
"Everyone should have the same opportunity to easily cast their vote."
"Exercise that vote is incredibly incredibly important it cannot be overstated."
"Republicans support making it easier to vote and harder to cheat, and so do the voters."
"Vote locally, primary the establishment, and create a more rational and coherent political landscape."
"Mock them, vote locally, and primary the establishment to create real change."
"Voting is not supposed to be a scary thing in our country."
"Despite all the headwinds, Americans are casting their votes."
"Early voting begins today in Texas and Florida."
"I would absolutely probably vote labor because I think that things like um one of the big things they talk about is that uh young people or anyone who works on the weekends should get weekend rates."
"Yes, voting can absolutely be a part of the promotion of a revolutionary sentiment."
"One person's vote cannot fix everything that's wrong with America right now."
"All that [ __ ] about black folks voting and not getting anything in return is [ __ ] ridiculous."
"There's nothing good about voting if you don't know anything it's actually bad to vote if you don't know anything" - A blunt assertion about the responsibility of voting and the need for informed decision-making.
"These votes counted. The voters were validating Trump as a serious candidate."
"The Cruz's idea is a fantastic idea because now instead of voting yea or nay on throwing out votes, they're voting yea or nay on whether or not to have a simple commission to simply investigate."
"When you change who votes, you change who wins. That fact has nothing inherently to do with race or nationality. It's the nature of democracy." - Tucker Carlson
"Your vote matters, your vote will get you the victory."
"Crimeans vote overwhelmingly for Russian sovereignty in the region."
"You gotta get involved. You got to vote. You got to participate."
"There's no reason why I would ever vote to restrict actual constitutional rights from gay people, that's silly."
"I don't know... I think people should be able to vote for who they want to vote for."
"Voting is one-two in our battle, but this is not American Idol. This isn't a popularity contest."
"Voting is not the only answer, but it's a powerful tool we have for change."
"Even the Catholic vote looks to have gone for Trump this time."
"Voting is an organizing tool to leverage and bring your community together."
"Voting locally is even almost more important than voting for president."
"No matter what you do, go out and vote. Make sure your voice is heard."
"Republicans don't have the organizational power to actually push people to go and vote."
"If black people just went out and voted like hell just one good time, we'd see a change."
"These people are serious; guess what? They vote."
"I think we just go out there and just vote people out, you know?"
"If you're an Arizona vote, bring three of your friends with you."
"People did not vote two years ago to be poorer."
"The issues with regards to politics are beyond just voting."
"All they want is to reform the voting procedures to allow for more people to vote illegally."
"Each and every vote for Joe Biden was a statement that health care in America should be a right and not a privilege."
"Elections are how I hold people accountable."
"It's time to get up, stand up, speak up, and go and vote."
"Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson: 'We're going to keep doing everything we can to ensure everyone can vote and that we can trust the results of the election.'"
"Once you suggest that the entire constitutional structure is ordered to keep black Americans down, you can't then claim that if you just vote for the right people within that system, then magically everything will be cured."
"If you don't vote, you can't change the policymakers who then change your laws."
"There is reason to keep voting and keep organizing."
"I think ultimately it's quite clear that if people want action on climate they need to vote green."
"I voted for Ruth Cadbury... and I had no regrets."
"Voting discrimination remains a real and ongoing problem."
"Counting legal votes is a top priority for voters."
"We conclude this is from the security group that dominion voting systems is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results."
"I think Americans, in a way, when they go to the polls, are almost stepping into the shoes of jurors."
"One of her biggest dreams was to become a citizen to vote, and she did."
"Let's count every legally cast vote and obey the will of the American people."
"Voting matters. If you don't vote, don't complain."
"69 percent of black Americans support voter ID."
"Every vote counts. Voters decide the winner. We'll see him in court."
"So if you don't do anything else please vote."
"Let's have a good, peaceful, accurate, COVID-free voting. Put your damn mask on, go to the booth, get it done."
"Access to accurate information about the voting process and the security of our elections infrastructure is the lifeblood of our democracy."
"We've got to get everybody out to vote. What we need to do is get everybody out to vote."
"Your country is at stake. You have the power with your vote to save the American dream for your children, for your grandchildren."
"How in the world you're going to change something if you don't vote?"
"Your vote is not as secure as your venmo account."
"I said I wouldn't vote for Trump in 2016. I'm gonna vote for him in 2020."
"If you made voting easier in this country, if you made voting compulsory and made voting a national holiday, the outcomes would be very different right now."
"Come 2022, people vote for the America First Republicans."
"Make sure you're ready to use them in our elections this year. Register to vote in less than two minutes at vote.org/nvrd."
"Vote for people who actually listen to science."
"The survival of our planet is on the ballot."
"You get what you vote for... You may not like it, but you get what you vote for."
"Progress is happening, but we do need everyone to use their voice and vote on this issue."
"If voting was that effective it would be illegal."
"I completely got why people voted for him and I think their reaction had he lost would have been toxic."
"Your voice matters, it makes a difference, your vote matters."