
Moral Action Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"You matter. You actually matter and wouldn't that be cool if that was the truth that you could actually affect the nature of reality if you actually started doing the right thing."
"Integrity is essential, and we'll always make mistakes and will fall short because we're imperfect, but we can act with integrity."
"Jesus crafting a scourge and chasing the money lenders out of the temple shows his incredible devotion to his father and his love for his father."
"The moral worth of an action depends on the motive for which it's done."
"Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up."
"The only means of fighting a plague is – common decency."
"Cease to say things that you believe to be untrue; cease to act in ways that you know to be wrong. Start with that."
"Courage is doing something in the face of possible danger, but standing up for what's right."
"I didn't plan on being an activist, I just did something that I thought was the right thing to do."
"I'd rather know somebody dumb who does the right thing than somebody smart who does the wrong thing."
"Being committed to your ideals means doing the right thing even when it's not convenient."
"Real men stand up for their partners because it's the right thing to do."
"Government action should not be a moral substitute for social disapproval."
"It's always the right time to do the right thing."
"Act in such a way that you treat humanity... as an end, never merely as a means."
"Rules don't always mean something is right. You did a good thing."
"Tomorrow, there will be no excuse for anyone to not do the right thing."
"It's the right thing to do and it will help the kids from the families that really really need it."
"Evil cannot be prevented simply by legal mechanisms; usually, evil can only be prevented by good people."
"It's never too late to do the right thing for you or for someone else."
"All Greeks know what is right, but only the Spartans do it."
"They did it selflessly because they felt they needed to do the right thing."
"He's doing what he believes is the right thing to do."
"We must engage in moral fusion, organize for moral analysis, moral action, moral articulation, and lift our voices at the ballot box."
"It was the right thing for America to do to put itself at great risk to rescue all of Europe."
"I still have this hope that folks are going to do the right thing."
"You realize that the sky didn't fall. You actually did a good deed."
"You have to give props to people when they apologize if you do something wrong and you apologize that is better than if you do something wrong and you do not apologize."
"Repentance is a core value. It's a necessary thing. It's never too late to do repentance."
"Jesus laid down his life to accomplish a high and holy purpose. He did not lay down his life to enable bad behavior to continue."
"By definition, God is perfectly good. If there's a good action, he will inevitably do it."
"The morally correct thing to do...is to jump in and save the child."
"I'll be the first to say Alex Jones should not have defamed the families involved in the Sandy Hook tragedies."
"It's not never too late to do the right thing we just need to start doing the right thing for our people."
"If you're using moral judgment, you're acting as a moral agent."
"I did not do this to be safe. I did this to do what was right, and I'm not going to stop my work in the public interest just to benefit myself."
"Supporting the Democracy in Ukraine and supporting their self-defense is an act of Americans acting morally."
"If you don't confront evil when it's young and small, it will always get bigger."
"By doing the right thing, it's worth the struggle, it's worth the pain, it's worth even the tears, the bruises, and the blood."
"You just do the right thing and you just say what is true."
"Someone has to do the right thing, and unfortunately this time again it has to be a woman."
"That took courage, but it was the right thing to do and say."
"The selfless act of an instant can undo a lifetime of guilt."
"Thank you for using that fearlessness of speaking up for the right thing."
"It doesn't have to be about one side or the other, it has to be about just doing the right thing."
"To protect justice, I have become its merciless sword and executed justice."
"And there's never a wrong time to do what's right."
"The only thing moral about a man doing the right thing is making sure his family is safe."
"We're not going to be complicit... we're not going to turn a blind eye."
"It is never too late to resist... it is the morally right thing to do."
"Thank you Ethan for putting an alcoholic on blast, sending him on an emotional roller coaster. You're doing the Lord's work, man. Papa bless ya."
"Fear's nothing to be ashamed about. Being brave means being scared and doing the right thing anyway."
"So we can rest in that and simply do the next right thing while also doing everything that we can to make the world around us better and safer and more orderly."
"He did what he thought was the right thing, not that there was anyone to witness it."
"For great justice, you have to help us fight for great justice."
"Take a step for what is right and the Lord will fulfill every one of his promises."
"Courage is doing the right thing when you do not know the end result. That's what courage looks like."
"Speaking to people's material needs is not only the right thing to do politically, it's the right thing to do historically, it's the right thing to do morally." - Michael Brooks
"Doing the right thing is going to hurt, but it's the only way to make progress." - Andrew
"For sin to be forgiven: acknowledge, repent, confess to God, make a commitment, do something good."
"Please resolve these issues, take accountability for your actions, and do the right thing moving forward."
"Challenge authority and defy the law when the law is unjust."
"If you do the right thing, people will reward you."
"Let's just do it 'cause it's right. Let's just do it 'cause He's worthy. Give Him praise and give Him thanks, wonderful Jesus!"
"Courage is doing the right thing when you do not know the results."
"Things just don't get better when evil is on the march. It takes courageous and good people to stop it."
"We must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don't give up."
"Courage is doing the right thing when you do not know how it's going to end up. That's what courage is."
"We're gonna trap the dolphin... we're saving this dolphin's lost soul!"
"We must do the right thing...in whatever power that we have."
"You're never too young, you're never too old to do the right thing."
"I'm a hero, I guess people aren't all monsters."
"Even if it's difficult and inconvenient, it's never too late to do the right thing."
"What do we do? We have to enact virtue, not vice."
"A guy who extends a helping hand to the weak."
"We're going to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God."
"My grandmother put greedy preachers in their places - twice."
"Should we fight for what's right and should we stand up for Freedom? Yes, yes."
"Silence in the face of evil is evil. Not to act, not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act. Thank you for speaking, thank you for acting. You are an inspiration, sir."
"The righteous deeds of humans can temper the angel of death's agenda."
"Remember, it's not about protesting, it's about doing what is right before God."
"Courage simply defined is doing the right thing or the good thing when the outcome is uncertain."
"Be heroic if you can't be certain, be anguished if you can't be smug. At least do something interesting."
"Evil must be mopped up; we leave the world cleaner than we found it."
"When good people stand up to bad people, good things happen."
"There is a reward for those who have pitied upon."
"Violence needs to be imposed on evil when they're not listening to reason."
"It's about just doing the right damn thing for once."
"Apologize for it, do some good works for people you might have hurt, that sort of thing."
"All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." - Addressing the importance of taking action against darkness.
"Everyone in the world should do the right thing."
"We can't keep talking about being better human beings if we do not act in moments like this."
"This is not about being popular, this is about doing what's right."
"You do good things for the honor of doing good things... so you can look in the mirror."
"Encouraging others to make the same apology."
"It's never too late to do the right thing, that's the beauty of the message of Jesus Christ."
"Maybe they'll stand up to their values and their morals and start doing the right thing."
"True enlightenment encompasses taking right action in the world."
"The best way to fight evil is to make progress toward the good."
"Doing the right thing, good things are gonna happen."
"I do things because it's the right thing to do."
"I don't think the problem is that evil exists. I think the problem is that good men do nothing."
"Young feels so proud of himself for doing the right things."
"We change the world when we step up to do the right thing, not just complain about the wrong."
"I did it because I believed it was the right thing to do."
"Love and do what you will, but if you love God, you want to do what he's asked."
"If you find something that's not yours, don't keep it. Give it back to the rightful owner."
"The best action is the one that maximizes overall happiness."
"All it takes is for good men to be neutral in times of evil."
"I feel like he should have apologized because it's the right thing to do, not because everybody's gonna want me to anyway."
"If you do the right thing, you'll be rewarded for that."
"You did a good thing, man. You did a really good thing."
"Courage is not the absence of fear, courage is doing the right thing in spite of your fear."
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
"Do the right thing. It'll gratify some people and astonish all the rest."
"Forgiveness is a powerful Act of obedience and love."
"You gotta trample down evil for our hearts to go forward."
"Standing your ground and doing the right thing is winning the day."
"You may defend yourself honorably without hurting those close to you."
"Be accountable for the actions that you took."
"If your enemy is hungry give him something to eat if he is thirsty give him something to drink you'll receive a reward."
"Being good is proactive, it's doing something."
"I acted to the best of my ability in what was morally the right way and I did it for these reasons and nothing can take away from that."
"The best people of the vicinity said I did a good thing."
"If you do good, won't there be exaltation for you too?"
"We should act only in accordance with moral principles."
"What his father left to do, the right thing."
"Grandma used to say when you have a chance to make something right, make it right."
"Do the right thing when nobody's looking."
"You have done a beautiful action today, dear child."
"Don't forget to go out and do good."
"You did the right thing. Forgiveness is the first step you have to take to begin healing."
"It's the right thing to do, especially when you're family."
"So if anyone sees evil, you change it with your hand. If you cannot do so, then speak against it. If you do not have the power to do so, then think of it as something evil in your heart."
"You don't have to feel like doing the right thing in order to do the right thing."
"I had mercy, I showed you mercy; now go and do likewise, show mercy to others."
"The right thing to do is always to be honest."
"You know she fights what's wrong, and that's what's right."
"Right now, you could always be doing the right thing."
"Love isn't just simply a feeling of affection; love is a willingness to do what's right towards another person."
"When we see other people acting badly, help them act well or feel sympathy for them."
"I think I'm doing the right thing."
"We're trying to do the right thing."
"Intention matters, it's not just about what you do, it's the intent behind it."
"Thank you very much, Father. A man can only do what's best."
"I don't want a society where these arbitrary characteristics... matter more than the action and the moral choice of the person."
"We're not just doing it because it's so convenient and it makes us these moral grandstanders; we're doing it because we do truly believe that's what's right."
"...most cops even on their off days if something were to happen they're gonna dive in and try to do the right thing as they should, as I think actually everybody should."
"The law of karma, or cause and effect, applied to moral action, seems to indicate that by our own psychic integration, we can take over any situation and make it the instrument of immediate ripe destiny."
"We need more people to do that, and it's become a very sadly rare commodity on earth to find people who will do who live their life that way and walk that talk."
"True repentance will yield works meet for repentance; it will be practical repentance."
"Be a nice human being and do the right thing."
"Whoever performs an atom's weight toward the proper application shall see its good result."
"Destroying the regime responsible for the Holocaust is one of the most morally defensible things that America and the other allied powers ever did."
"The importance of doing what was right even when they might get in trouble for it."
"Most people want to do the right thing if they only knew what it was."
"The Red Ajah act in order to save the greater good."
"You can slip, fall, and get back on your feet and do the right thing. You can strive to be great."
"That doesn't make what you did any less heroic."
"Optimism does not come from a guarantee that there'll be a certain result. It comes from doing the right thing."
"Our actions are moral only insofar as our intentions are good."
"An action is only moral if it's done out of reverence for the moral law."
"When it's time to do something right, no matter what it is or situation, you always do what's right and what God put in your heart."
"Let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and cover a multitude of sins."
"Self-control is more than just refraining from doing bad; it compels us to do good."
"Try to do the right thing, go out, have yourself a great weekend, take a little bit of a breath here."
"When one represents an upright action as it is carried out with a steadfast soul, it leaves far behind and eclipses every similar action which is affected even in the slightest with an alien incentive."
"The categorical imperative declares the action for itself as objectively necessary without reference to any aim."
"Act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law."
"Ethics is a practical science because the goal of Ethics is not merely to know what the right and the good are but to produce the right actions into good persons."
"The only question is, as our hem has it, do what is right, let the consequence follow."
"Deeds are what the intentions are."
"I just felt like I had to do the right thing," Tyler said.
"He's just like the good man on the inside trying to do the little good he can."
"You don't have to be a hero to do the right thing."
"Choosing to act right, choosing to fight right."
"The way you break that cycle is morally, you break it, but also by giving back."
"I'm not acting out of fear, I'm trying to do the right thing."
"When does an action become permissible?"
"Rand's trying to do the right thing."
"Therefore, if you're offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift."
"If someone's beating up someone, the morally virtuous thing to do is to intercede to try to save that person."
"A moral action is an action that you would want everyone to do."
"The only thing good is acting from a goodwill, and goodwill means acting from duty."
"If you do the right thing, I've found that people usually find you on their own."
"He that does righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous."
"If you need the law to make you do right, then you're not doing right."
"We should never grow weary in doing good."
"What you should be doing is making sure you do the right thing."
"Being a hero isn't about the powers; it's about doing the right thing when no one else will."
"You get to feel like a good person for helping out a teammate."
"You're supposed to do good things because you're good, not because you're seeking moral dessert."
"Please do the right thing. God has a bigger blessing for you."
"Pray and do what you know is right."
"Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good."
"Wherever you are, have taqwa of Allah, and follow up a good deed with a bad one, it will erase it."