
Diverse Perspectives Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Conversations like this are vitally important not only because the topics that arise on themselves are intellectually stimulating but because they allow us an opportunity to gain some insight into the worldviews and beliefs of people vastly different from ourselves."
"I want people to have real conversations with people that don't believe what they believe, to come to the truth."
"Wherever you fall on this topic, you're still a Christian...there are believers on both sides genuinely seeking to honor Jesus."
"I absolutely love hearing your kind, funny, and passionate reviews of such a diverse range of voices."
"I think learning from different people helps you grow."
"Joker is a deeply political movie but it isn't one interested in only giving lip service to one possible perspective."
"Are we alone in the universe? Well, that question may be tantalizing and produce different answers from different responders."
"Someone that can um like argue with you about things like I love like getting like I love like someone with different viewpoints."
"I think we can all learn a lot from people's different beliefs and how they understand the world."
"Accepting others' realities without trying to change them."
"I think people come to human rights issues from different experiences and different perspectives."
"The university is one of the few times in your life when you can hear every view under the sun."
"Pixar's entire history of filmmaking, its culture of production is based on expert diverse collaboration in the writing room, and that has led to stories with viewpoints and perspectives that no one person might have been able to come up with."
"Poke holes in your information bubble, you know, take a look at some outside perspectives that are different from your own."
"Perspectives and different opinions help you grow."
"It's not criticism that bothers me, it's not contrary views that bother me, it's not the presence of brown skins that bother me."
"Exposure to a lot of different ideas and perspectives is just a good thing."
"I think it's important to let people know that there are other perspectives out there."
"Through doing what I do, and through listening to people with such opposing views, I expand my world view."
"Women have shown they can bring a different perspective to crises and are able to reach out to those they disagree with."
"Real courage, we have to hear those voices too."
"Remember, be balanced and listen to diverse perspectives."
"We've got to listen to a variety of voices and some are going to come from the left and some are going to come from the right and some are going to come from mysterious sources."
"I don't really think like that. The way I think is that you can learn something from every player."
"It's always worth hearing what he has to say. He's always coming at things at a different angle."
"I want people to feel empowered because there's so many different perspectives in the show."
"If we all should start opening up our minds to different perspectives and ideas the world would be a better place."
"Democracy demands that we're able to understand different points of view."
"Been watching a bunch of your shows and a few people like Peter Bagosian to see all points of view and my mind has been changed from a lot of things."
"I like to hear ideas that I've never thought of. I like to hear views that I agree with and views I disagree with. I like to have my thinking evolve."
"It's crucial to the discourse that we have different voices talking about this stuff who are actually educated in the stuff they're talking about."
"Try out a different flavor, watch or read news from a particular country or region."
"You gotta travel everywhere, change your comedy, different perspective on everything."
"Twitter gives me access to all of these differing views that are outside of the bubble that social media is trying to push people into."
"Everyone brings their own experiences and expertise to the table."
"The collective wisdom of being able to hear from so many different people and their first-hand experiences, you just can't replace that."
"It's now to the point for us if we want to be as huge as we can be is telling multiple stories from multiple perspectives."
"Enjoy stories from all genders, all life situations."
"It's all about finding your own answers and your own understanding, it just helps to hear different viewpoints."
"We're all here just to support each other and to see the different methods and the different mindsets that other people take."
"I'm just here to be myself and showcase another perspective, that's really it."
"What doesn't resonate for you will resonate for someone else."
"And I feel very strongly, and that's why I believe in public discussion. Let's have the discussion on the table from different points of view but trust the people to make up their own mind."
"You should get analysis from all sources, even if you disagree with it."
"I believe that this point is made all the more clear by every single one of the theories in this video whether it be a conspiracy theorist or a trained archaeologist having some glaring flaws."
"He'll have discussions with people who are in completely different groups... and have a perfectly nice conversation."
"I just think it's really helpful for you to hear about how other people work not just how I work because I might have something that I do very specifically but it's not the only way to do it."
"What I love the most about this show I got to see unique perspectives man each and every single one of you guys has your own point of view your own style of comedy and that's what this show is about."
"Nobody can argue that Logan and I are stronger together. We bring differing views, different life experiences, and simply make each other better."
"Never underestimate the power of an audience that's not you."
"Order 66 being told from 50 different perspectives, basically endless mini-series potential."
"A good robust conversation with lots of different perspectives is always really important."
"Follow people you don't like, interact with people you don't agree with. That's the best way to learn."
"Do your research, find the content you see on one side, find some content saying the other side of the story, do your research, figure it out."
"It's the perfect way to smash Down the Walls of the echo chamber and get the news from multiple perspectives."
"It's always fun to hear different takes from different people."
"It's fun chatting. I always love to get different views on different things."
"Knowledge is power. Talk to lots of different people and read everything you can on your journey."
"There are simple, easy answers to what people say are complex problems, and the simple, easy answer is this: smart, well-intentioned people who come from different backgrounds, from different perspectives, sometimes disagree."
"Being a man and masculinity, those are two different things, and I believe that we can redefine whatever that means to anybody by including other types of men or other types of masculinity."
"The less people watch, the more they'll get a wide variety of views."
"It's important to have varied perspectives around you for better citizenship."
"I think it's relative, yeah, it we all enjoy when there's room for different interpretations in art and obviously there's always like a a core idea when the piece was created but it's cool when when it can take on different lives."
"Opposing angles of thought are so important."
"Learning from others' perspectives is how we grow."
"The show portrays different perspectives so they're understood without being preached."
"You possess infinite wisdom by seeking understanding from different perspectives."
"Maybe people have different points of view and that's okay. All righty, uh, Kitty Mom Carol says, 'Jason, you're an academic, you like to live in theory and thought exploration.' I do too sometimes."
"So to have such an Eclectic mix of people on the screen such as you guys who don't always agree as we've seen that I find far more fascinating than everybody just kissing each other's asses."
"If you come into a movie and you're very focused on one thing like you're very interested in how people of this ethnicity or people with this belief system or women or children or people from Canada are treated in this movie that's your viewpoint."
"We are all different, we all go through a different way of processing things, we all have a different perspective."
"When you hear the word artist, you might think of a painter, a museum, fancy degree. When I hear the word artist, I think of my friends, the local restaurant owner, a little kid sitting under a blanket with a flashlight dreaming of the stars."
"Most of the time, I love hearing different opinions and different ways of thinking about things because it challenges me mentally and cognitively as well."
"Innovation starts in those sort of gray areas or whenever you... start to get exciting is when you are mixing all of these sort of different perspectives."
"All people have different views on things."
"When you value a company, leave the room, show your valuation to people who think least like you."
"We need to get back to the old idea of a really good debate and hearing all sides."
"It's all about talking to different people with differing opinions and starting a conversation because I genuinely believe that's the way that we're going to find the best way forward."
"Whenever I do research for videos, I always look into opposing viewpoints to make sure that I'm not just existing in an echo chamber."
"At the Dakota, we create detailed analytical videos presenting you the truth from all angles."
"Everyone has an opinion on and some people like and some people won't, but we are all entitled to our own opinions."
"I'm down for more voices, I'm down for more perspectives, and I'm down for more ways of interpreting media."
"I love a good discussion with different viewpoints of how people go about collecting."
"Different forms of evidence are useful for different purposes and throw different light on different aspects of the problem."
"Honestly, so inspiring to be around people with such interesting perspectives."
"We are only successful as an intellectual community when our discussion benefits from the entire range of diverse perspectives present on our campus."
"You have to take the ego out of it and know that it's a lot of different people with a lot of different perspectives that have to be heard."
"Language learning is a multi-faceted system, so it would be wise to have multiple viewpoints in order to provide better balance."
"I'm very much enjoying hearing their point of view about their experiences and I'm glad it was in three different cities because they're giving slightly different answers and analyzing it a little differently and that's very interesting."
"If you give enough contrary points of view on a story, the population at large start looking at these things and think, hang on a minute, can I trust how information is presented to me?"
"Listening to all sides doesn't mean agreeing with all sides."
"This book was interesting in the sense that it takes a lot of different perspectives."
"It's a book about the modern day in multiple different ways."
"Use multiple sources, perspectives, and think critically."
"I love hearing people's perspectives and absorbing different points of views and learning from other people."
"It's good because you're gonna get varying opinions from different people on how the show stands on its own against the rest of the series."
"It's always good to have people saying things from a different point of view."
"The amazing thing about football is there's millions of players around the world who each have their own view of the game."