
Religious Inquiry Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Religious questions arise from the very core of what it means to be human."
"Who is Jesus? Did he die on the cross? Did he claim to be God?"
"How do we know a prophet is a prophet? This is a good question."
"It's important for us to ask questions. Islam allows us to ask proper questions. The Quran is full of thinking, pondering, reflecting, and researching. No blind belief is there in Islam."
"Every one of us who claims to be a follower of Jesus, here's where we have to start: doesn't matter what your background is... the only question is, God, what is right in your sight?"
"You need to ask our Father God, 'Father, what are my gifts?'"
"We are not told whether or not there are female angels in the Bible."
"Take a lesson from Joseph Smith who pursued all sorts of avenues of learning but he went and asked God if you want to learn about the things of God ask God and do it his way not your way."
"Why do you ask me about what is good? Well, you're the Messiah, it's pretty you should bear to ask you questions like that but anyway."
"The real question is not whether there will be a rapture, but when will the rapture occur?"
"Who is Jesus? Who is Lucifer? Well, the answer is..."
"Is it normal for religion to start with a story about one or two people having a mass revelation?"
"You can't shy away from these questions. We have a book of truth."
"The community allows for more questions of essential doctrines."
"You owe it to yourself to take a look at the resurrection of Christ and to do so trying to figure out what actually happened rather than just trying to punch holes in the Christian case."
"My big point is this where is the church in chapters 4 through 22?"
"God if you really are real like this Pastor said Jesus if you are the Messiah I want to know you I want to know you."
"Brother, do I need to be diagnosed with something for me to wake up to myself and turn to Allah?"
"Do you truly believe that a man named Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day?"
"Start with questions when dealing with Deliverance Ministry doctrines. Seek clarity, ask for biblical evidence."
"How can Allah be infinitely just and infinitely merciful at the same time?"
"Who's Jehovah anyway and why did you witness him?"
"That's why those those early stages of trying to determine exactly why the person in front of me has drifted from the church is so important."
"You're not supposed to question God. Why not? That's the exact same question I've had."
"So the first one why do Catholics Google search pray to Mary pray too why do Catholics pray to Mary wow I think that's the number one question."
"If we have a question and we go to the Bible to answer the question we go to the record of Genesis... either God is the authority or he isn't."
"What do you have to lose? Might as well do this right, father. Maybe we Jews are stubborn and maybe that's a good thing, but I really need to know: Is Jesus the true Messiah? Maybe you could show me a sign anyway."
"Why does your God reveal himself to everybody else?"
"When did we reach the place when Jesus was no longer enough?"
"So, we asked Jessica's Instagram story to give us some questions about our religion and our faith stuff."
"If you would know God, be not therefore a solver of riddles."
"Why are we assuming that the scriptures are 100 percent true?"
"Why do we know all these things and we don't know anything about heavenly mother?"
"If God shows up tomorrow I want to know that but I mean I'm a seeker of evidence..."
"Press your bishop... ask where is it in the bible..."
"Asking questions is a great way to start conversations about Jesus."
"I decided with my free time that I had, now I was going to dedicate it all to researching religion and finding the objective truth. And that's what I did. And five months later, alhamdulillah, I came out of my room being a Muslim, alhamdulillah."
"Do you think Jesus the man, not the legend, was a witch?"
"Tell me, Bishop, is there some way my family could learn about your church?"
"Who really is Jesus of Nazareth? For if he is the Eternal God in human form, the kingdom of the Cults disintegrates."
"What think ye of Christ? What do we think of Jesus?"
"Jenny, how can I know that the Bible is actually the word of God and not just a book full of pretend stories?"
"May Allah have mercy on the women of Ansar; shyness did not stop them from asking questions about Deen."
"How can I connect with my God and how can I advance His kingdom?"
"The True Religion begins when you ask the question what can I do for God."