
Power Structures Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Critical theory has some value in that it questions power structures, and we were born into an imperialist power structure. It's worth questioning, but when it gets out of control and then it loses its own tolerance and has problems with upending itself when it sees its own flaws, that's the wildfire that's dangerous."
"The empowerment of NATO, the empowerment of world Banks, and the WHO, it's extraordinary."
"Typically, satire critiques prevailing power structures, whether political, social, or economic."
"It embodies the duality of Sabrina as both resistance to and a tool of dominant power structures."
"We're at this precipice where people are waking up to the power structure of big Finance, big government, Big Industry, big Pharma, and all that, and going, 'Everything they say is a lie.'"
"Critical Race Theory is about broadly, it's about analyzing power structures that relate to race."
"The reality of human history is that we went from a world where drugs were just another part of life to a world where drugs became deeply embedded in our global power structures."
"If all these rules basically lock people, you know, lock the world into a stasis where the rich stay rich and other people can't climb the ladder, then there's no challenge to that economic power structure."
"Philosophers have always been the small voices calling large and Powerful systems into question."
"Decolonisation is the process of unsetting colonial power structures."
"It's about power. It's about hierarchy. It's about wealth."
"Comedy survives sensitivity because it challenges power structures."
"His influence within the city's power structures insulated him from the consequences of his actions, making him seem almost untouchable."
"Who are the true villains of this story? The one percent."
"Cults are almost always built on a totalitarian power structure. No one group has the power to question their Authority because this person is looked at as their only hope for salvation."
"The power of these sororities is not Sisterhood, it's the Brotherhood that desires it."
"Harvard is two separate structures fused together—one is about power and one is about achievement."
"Powerful interests coalesce and then seek to empower themselves, and eventually you get centralized authority."
"The New World Order is the old world. It's just the names have changed, the appearances have changed, but the concept hasn't changed."
"Who controls the food supply controls the people, who controls the energy can control whole continents, who controls money can control the world."
"It's not just about feelings, it's about calling out oppressive power structures."
"Bits of media by no means create these power structures. They were created BY these power structures."
"Anarchism opposes all hierarchical power structures."
"When a group is growing threatens the existing power structure."
"The question of who was able to successfully kill Jeffrey Epstein is of course something that would provide tremendous insight into the actual power structure."
"What do you imagine the CIA and the FBI and other comparable organizations in your nation are set up for? To ensure the system, whether that's the state or corporate power and its globalist ends, can continue uninterrupted."
"Their tower of power shall surely be struck at its foundation, for judgment is now upon them."
"It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact. The establishment is real."
"Once we put our energy into confronting the real epicenters of power... then we can talk about political effectiveness."
"The black-owned black criminal is an ally of white domination."
"The power structures today, a lot of them are built on lies."
"The press is overwhelmingly run by oligarchs who are part of a status quo."
"In other words what we need to know to make democracy work for all Americans is compromised by media institutions deeply embedded in the power structures of society."
"We can only get so far without actually dismantling these broader power structures."
"Stop pretending that it's a unipolar moment or a bipolar fight with China or anything else."
"It's a system put in place by those in power centered around racist ideas."
"Woke is about tearing down the power structure."
"Think about the French Revolution and the American Revolution as emblematic of a desire to revolt against existing power structures and to carve out some freedom or independence from them."
"The racism and genocide alluded to throughout The Shining are not just acts of violence but acts of violence which create and maintain hierarchical power structures."
"It's either an extreme naivety and an inability to see the invisible power structures or it's a selfish attempt to protect one's own privilege."
"The one thing that time will tell if it has the ability to do is to disrupt the power structures of these 15 almost entirely Caucasian men passing the power down from generation to generation through family lines with a ton of money and property being stored away."
"...the power structures as we know them are only species they're only a blind they're a distraction that's not how things really work."
"It's not because they're evil, it's because they're in a system that is built to protect that model."
"The concept of Elite capture helps to explain how public resources such as knowledge, attention, and values get distorted and distributed by our power structures."
"One should decipher in power a network of relations constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess."
"There is always the possibility of changing a power relationship."
"Learn how to think critically about the systems of power shaping our world."
"The role of Elites in these processes is crucial."
"Race isn't simply or primarily about an identity, it is a structure of power."
"To be understood is to conform to the normative environment, and to conform to the normative environment is to conform to the power structure that produced it."
"What is legitimate, what is normal and natural, is defined by the power structures."
"The human experience of governance and power is related to who is inside and outside of power structures."
"You cannot escape structures of power; you can only turn a blind eye to understanding them."
"...challenge consensus narratives, and to learn how to think critically about the systems of power shaping our world."
"We are governed by this community of incredibly wealthy, very influential people and businesses."