
Culinary Appreciation Quotes

There are 512 quotes

"This is an entirely different taste. It's very, very good. I mean, oftentimes, unless it's got that really crispy amazing skin, I don't particularly love duck and goose."
"Most people say this cake looks nice, but it also tastes wonderful."
"Butter chicken is warm, aromatic, just delicious because the smoking technique gives it umami to die for."
"This is such a delicious, hearty dish, and it tastes luxurious."
"Food is not just about the expense. The food that I find is the most precious is the stuff that's only available on what I call the last stop on the subway."
"Giving respect to the ingredients is only going to be earned when you really see that and you understand that."
"The gravy that they have here is seasoned so fantastic."
"Vietnamese food is like the epitome of simplicity at its best."
"Fat is flavor, fat is an excellent mouthfeel, and fat is a ton of incredible good energy."
"Masala fried in coconut oil is one of the great Aromas on Earth."
"Thank you very much Chef Ramsay for what you did for us."
"A properly cooked hamburger is a beautiful thing."
"She tasted the food prepared by the hero and came to an incredible delight from the taste and smell."
"If you make her something this delicious, this nutritious, and this beautiful for that brunch, she's gonna be extremely proud."
"The seafood, a wonderful pan-seared salmon, halibut, and scallops. Love it!"
"I'm very impressed with how well all this food tastes."
"Cheese is one of the most important joys in life and I think we should treasure it more than we do right now."
"I love food so much. There's a reason everyone eats food every day."
"A good home-cooked meal is a wonderful thing."
"This is so good it has a ton of fresh tasting flavor."
"My husband said this was one of his favorite lasagnas of all time."
"I really believe in really enjoying your food."
"I love the textures and the fucking flavors of dishes that are prepared not because we need a thin waistline but because I want to taste something special."
"Wow, that's nicely balanced, that sweet and savory combination, huh?"
"This is one of my favorite chickens to eat in the world. I am thrilled, I am excited to be at the origin where it comes from."
"It's absolutely tender inside and crispy, so spot on perfect. The dumpling, this is restaurant quality, this is something I would love to serve in my restaurant."
"There's absolutely no denying how good this broth is."
"This dish, it's beautiful, the lamb is cooked perfectly."
"I think we got it right, it's one of the best dosas I've ever had too."
"The Aromas is really good oh my gosh this is that beautiful basmati rice it's a long grains vegetables tons of meat all mixed together this looks incredible."
"This is the best Indian food you'll have in this city, thank you."
"This is like real food, one of my favorite Indian restaurants."
"I love eating Indian food, it is the best cuisine on the planet."
"Fish finger sandwiches, done properly, are absolutely fantastic."
"This is my favorite part about going to eat at Indian restaurants: seeing the dosas being made."
"That's stunning. Say 'Oishi Yoshi.' It's so light, melts in the mouth."
"Excellent, excellent steak, so there you have it beef sirloin strip steak and beef fillet."
"Sushi is one of the most perfect foods in the world."
"I love any delicacy, I love Lebanese food, I love Haitian food, I love Thai food."
"Look at that amazing, crispy, buttery, delicious fried bread and eggs!"
"Chinese food so good, make you want to slap out!"
"The crunch on the edge of that latke is insane."
"It's so fun how they put some simple straightforward ingredients together in a really entertaining and delicious way."
"The way they executed that first bite of Ratatouille was so emotional and genius just seeing him get transported back to Childhood and eating Ratatouille from his mother."
"He actually is happy because he's being served food that he truly loves and is worth swallowing."
"It looks incredible, that's absolutely beautiful, Chef."
"There's something to be said for high quality ingredients and really well flavored meats. Like this just packs a good punch."
"The best foods in the world are gonna have the best mouthfeel, the best texture."
"Food really is one of the greatest parts of life."
"South African food is awesome. China, as we all know, is filled, it's such a huge country, it's filled with so many different choices when it comes to food."
"Your intuition is being heightened and illuminated."
"It's very tasty Pizza classic and you know that's the type of pizza that you could have got a hundred dollars in a restaurant."
"New Orleans has the best food I've ever had in my life."
"That blows the pork out the water, to be honest, it's a beautiful piece of meat."
"Nothing is more special to me than the Liguria's focaccia with its crisp olive oil-intensive crust and its tender and fluffy crumb."
"Pizza is so good though, I know it tastes great."
"Have you ever seen a more beautiful chicken sandwich?"
"Her cookies are some of the best cookies I've ever had."
"Speaking of eating Thai food is a well-known variety of Asian cuisine that's massively popular around the world defined by the rejection of simplicity and celebration of complex recipes and flavors."
"It's the perfect marriage of sweet and sour and it's very delicious."
"That is a good cheesecake, it has a really, really nice sourness to it."
"Oh, that single bite right there, that is worth making a trip to Chiang Mai just to eat that."
"That single bite right there, that is worth making a trip to Chiang Mai just to eat that."
"Palasa, right up there with the Great Soups On Earth."
"There is always something to be said about the beauty of a simple, well-crafted drink that is both light and sweet and perfectly balanced."
"American Chinese food is authentic, it's just not traditional."
"American Chinese food is worth eating here but it's also worth exploring in your own neighborhood."
"Unbelievable that you can get this taste this quality this flavor in Los Angeles."
"This is delightful... oh, this is so good..."
"This may be my new favorite meal of all time."
"I just love how this dish celebrates the simplicity of the Lebanese cuisine, and how it can make you connect to your heritage and identity."
"The beauty of Italian pastas is that they usually have really simple ingredients. That's what we all love about it."
"I definitely miss about traveling is you we'd go to Austin I think you know once a month or every other month or something like that and I I love Texas barbecue so much."
"Martha made all my favorites, and I was spellbound."
"Express our gratitude for garlic. Garlic isn't just great, garlic is the perfect plaything."
"I always felt that extra virgin olive oil was extra fancy. Everything from the viscosity of the liquid to the imagery of Mediterranean groves to the name, it just makes me go Mamma Mia, it's fancy."
"Thank you chef, my daughters would be very proud of me right now."
"Eating off the kids' menu is one of my best money-saving tips."
"I see the care that the restaurant kind of took in actually crafting these dishes."
"It's a pretty cool dish, it's very uncommon in the western world and I don't know why 'cause it's delicious."
"Salads are so good, all of them are delicious, fresh."
"The broth here is 100%, hands-down, the best."
"The broth is nice, the veggies are nice, the rice is nice, the chicken is nice... it's nice."
"Sarah then tasted the miso soup and found it delightful."
"Now, that was some of the best food I have ever eaten."
"I love this rice the Masala gives it a nice little texture."
"The chicken is so crispy, they batter it really well. It's like light but still maintains its crispiness."
"It's a beautiful, nice soft bread, that donam me in there."
"Every day like that, every day. Why? Because what's the point of having all this delicious food if you're not gonna do your best to enjoy it?"
"You can really taste the spices and the mushroom sauce."
"I think Claudia's dish is the best on the table."
"When we shoot a deer... carefully package it... treat it with reverence... the end result: flavor."
"The most important bit of the meal is probably the potatoes."
"Fried okra is one of the best southern dishes."
"Grilled cheese is probably the most underrated sandwich in the game."
"Personally, what I'm feeling right now is that Filipino cuisine is one of the most underrated, one of most unique, delicious, vinegary cuisines in the world."
"Honestly, that is one of the best quick Asian bowls I've ever had."
"One of the best pork dishes I've ever had... Filipino cuisine is one of the most underrated."
"The best food ever invented: pizza. It has all the food groups, potentially you could survive off pizza easily, easily."
"French culture really emphasizes the importance of food, they focused on a balanced and diverse culinary experience."
"That's phenomenal. If you like crispy skin on lechon you would love this."
"Sourdough bread is great. I love sourdough bread."
"The core of this is just having that respect for your food."
"Wow this is a delicious side profile isn't it."
"Jamie if you're watching this, your food is great, we love it."
"That is really good food guys...welcome to good food."
"Just slurp away, I love the chili sauce because it's not just spicy, it's a really interesting and complex chili sauce."
"It was hands down some of the best chicken I've ever had."
"How do you know when somebody enjoys your food? When they eat like this."
"Sugar is amazing. I know it gets a bad rap but if you're making and eating candy then we have to celebrate sugar."
"This is definitely one of the best ramen broths I've ever had."
"Peanuts and Chinese sausage, thank you for adding so much more texture and a deeper flavor to this already lovely bowl of noodles."
"This is delicious, like I need to know what you got going on here."
"The food is great and clearly doesn't want my advice."
"American cheese is the unsung hero of sandwiches."
"Salt tastes good, man. It makes everything taste better."
"He finds out how delicious it is most especially he is thrilled with how good it tastes with not too much meat."
"Chicken 65, I mean, just look at that. You see food that looks like this and you just know there's frigging flavor in it."
"Let people enjoy pizza, it's like one of the few beautiful things left on this planet."
"You know what? I dig that spices that they use, amazing."
"The broth has like a sweetness to it, it's so good."
"Well, this food is amazing. Seriously, this is so nice!"
"Split pea and ham soup, that is my favorite that you've made."
"It's got the flavor it's got the heat it's got the sauce got the savoriness it's a good rib."
"Y'all, I really love these oils... the taste and quality of Brightland is unmatched."
"Praise to the bread! Yes, I definitely think we could use a few more of these."
"Thanks to Italians for your invention of quick and easy and delicious dinner."
"French cuisine, in my opinion, is one of the richest cuisines in the world, one of the best cuisines in the world."
"When you think of delicious autumnal root vegetables from now on, I want you to think of parsnips."
"This looks like I'm holding raw steak to me this is a solid five star cake it is exactly what I wanted."
"I want to save this city for one reason only: their food is delicious."
"Never underestimate the power of a sweet potato pie."
"That is the best fondue I've ever had."
"The grated pecorino Romano, parmigiano is the right thing to do because it makes love with everything else."
"That chicken is juicy and the skin sitting on top is also pretty crispy."
"That is a sauce with dimensions, that is a sauce that has depth to it."
"I love that flavor, definitely get the sauces that you put in, the A1 and the Worcestershire sauce, and the flavor of the steak is just amazing."
"This is more than just a hot dog, this is good. This is really good."
"Bacon is just a superior meat. It's got what I would call the chef's ratio of fat to meat right, it's just perfect."
"The best part about bacon is the crispiness. Crispy fat, that's all I want out of life - crispy fat."
"I don't know anybody who doesn't like Indian food. I don't know how you could. It's so rich."
"Nobody gets sick of Indian food. You can actually get sick of other foods, but not Indian food."
"Every single layer that you add in pairs so well together."
"You shouldn't have to work too hard to chew one of these burnt ends and that's why it's the best part of the brisket."
"This is a roasted chicken walnut pesto with burrata cheese, fresh homemade white bread, Lord have mercy I am salivation right now."
"The coffee here is so nice. Everyone who comes here thinks Australia has the absolute best coffee in the world."
"It's astonishing how pancakes can be this good."
"I might just be hungry but this is up there, this is one of the best ones we've ever made."
"The satisfaction is so much greater, so much more complete. A potato... the most satisfying of all foods is the potato."
"Nothing beats a good lobster dish honestly."
"They only do it on Saturdays, so again, that sandwich, they only do that sandwich on Saturdays. Wow."
"This is the most delicious sandwich I have ever had."
"We had a really good time at dinner last night, the food was absolutely amazing."
"The bhaji and the mint sauce steal the show, 'cause they're talking about cars, what are you talking about? You know what's coming now."
"The aroma that's coming off of this duck, that's beautiful."
"This sauce is on freaking point, on point."
"It's all about the sauces. It is all about them sauces."
"This looks incredible. Are you kidding me? It's like nothing I've ever had before."
"This is legitimately one of the best things I've ever tasted in my life."
"We've arrived at In-N-Out. If you guys don't live on the west coast, In-N-Out is basically the best burgers ever. It's the love of our lives."
"This pork chop is so good, this is the best pork chop I have ever had."
"British cuisine: best in the world."
"You got a beautiful halibut tacos with cilantro lime sauce, a little lettuce, pico de gallo. Yeah, not too bad at all."
"How good the food and the wine and the beer actually really is."
"Nothing better than peanut... it's sweet, it's oily."
"I've never even heard of Slovenian food before, but this stuff is so good."
"This looks like the yummiest Caesar salad ever."
"Blue Plate special. Ah, well done."
"Japanese people have very high standards when it comes to food."
"It always turns out so moist and so good."
"I cannot explain to you how delicious it is."
"oh whipped cream is so good you're hearing Bells the bells of have been ringing out with love just the cake is so fluffy I love the the sauce on there the sauce fruit I love this I love the fruit on there and this is just the absolute perfect afternoon treat"
"You just can't beat avocado on toast."
"Oh my god these falafels look amazing."
"I challenge anyone in this kitchen to find me a better salami and olive loaf in Toledo than Aldo's."
"Seriously awesome. That has a ton of different spices in there. It's absolutely delicious."
"Wow, all of those flavors just married so well."
"I'm craving jerk wings, cuz he makes some really good jerk wings."
"We just was having jerk wings back to back, back to back."
"The flavors work so well together."
"Jerk ham...we're gonna big it up."
"Chef Emmalee, this is exactly what a pot pie should taste like, very savory, very comforting."
"This might be the best chich chadon I've had."
"Hands down, this is a nine out of ten meal. This is so good. You can taste the mushroom and the burger, and avocado, and mozzarella, and parmigiano."
"This soup isn't just an appetizer; it's the main event."
"Yucatan's food is among the top three in Mexico, hands down. Seriously, if you enjoy eating as much as we do, you'll love living in Vad."
"It's flavorful, it's got like fresh qualities to it because of that zucchini and tomato, it's nicely seasoned because of the sausage, it's great."
"The flavor of the meat is the star of the show for sure."
"A good side dish can steal the show."
"That's cooked to perfection right there."
"Man, that salty, sweet balance again. This place got it down."
"It's so good. I mean, they've balanced salty and sweet perfectly here."
"This bread is like the best bread that I've had in Marrakech so far."
"The combination of chili, ginger, cumin, and lentils is really, really good."
"Herbs make such a difference. I think that's one of the best attempts at this that we've ever had. Nicely done."
"Long live Mama Cherry and her finger-licking food, I'll definitely be back for more."
"Philadelphia, for your seemingly endless sirens and your good food which is mostly meat but hey, we like that."
"That was the best pasta I think I've ever had in my life."
"There's something really special about dishes. They're memories, cultures, people, and stories."
"These brownies are delicious with the extra chocolate and sea salt."