
Love Life Quotes

There are 275 quotes

"Your love life is going to be full of passion intensity; it's never really going to go out."
"Your love life is going to transform in a beautiful way over the next nine months to become more fun, more exciting, more flirtatious."
"Your days of your love life sucking is coming to a coming to a halt."
"Everything that has happened in your love life is in alignment with your destiny."
"What does spirit want you to know about the future of your love life? Well, my friend, this is the juicy, specific, in-depth, timeless love pick-a-card reading specifically for single people."
"Nurturing the bonds of friendship within your relationship will dramatically improve your love life."
"Your love life is going to flourish...but it will only flourish if you put yourself first."
"I do see growth and expansion in your love life."
"By the end of April, you'll be setting a new foundation for your love life, filled with emotional growth and realizations."
"Stay optimistic about your love life, positive thinking will bring you romance."
"Your love life is transforming, things are turning around here."
"Group number one, if you guys chose this pile, this is gonna be your love life prediction for the month of September."
"You don't have to focus on love. It's guaranteed to come your way."
"Stop worrying about your love life, focus on making yourself feel good."
"Love is here, your love life is gonna really come together quite strong."
"Focus on your work, your business, your career. Some of you are gonna find love at work."
"A blessing on your love life and your heart."
"Make the effort when it comes to your love life."
"Who's most likely to reconnect with an ex-love this year?"
"Meet a new romantic interest, rekindle your love life."
"Positive things are coming towards you in your love life, newness is coming."
"You're still optimistic about your love life, positive thinking and faith will bring you romance."
"I feel like I'm in control of my business career. I feel like I'm in control of my love life. I'm madly in love, and I am not in control of my weight and how my weight is playing out in my life and the happiness around it."
"If you haven't found love in your 20s because I haven't, it's totally fine, it's not about you, you are a boss."
"Your future fiance is just waiting for you to meet them, and they're waiting to meet you."
"Springtime is going to be a more better time for your love life."
"People have been getting really good results in their financial situations and also in their love lives."
"There is like a divine timing as basic as it sounds in your love life."
"I think it's a good message for women actually cuz women don't understand that about us."
"Am I willing to trust God with my love life? Am I willing to pray and surrender this area to Him, make myself available, but not manipulate the situation to get what I want?"
"If you believe you're not good enough to be loved, you're not gonna find it. It's not gonna come find you."
"The government should not have the power to dictate your love life."
"There's a soul mate coming on in and there is a real potential for you to fall in love this month."
"You're manifesting a relationship, a partnership."
"You're going to have a breakthrough here when it comes to romantic love life and you are going to be very thankful."
"I guess if I were to analyze my love life, all the times when I didn't feel good were times where I was compromising my sense of self."
"You're gonna have movement in your love life, you're gonna have movement. And you're gonna be literally attracting the person that's a reflection of you."
"Expect a dramatic improvement in your financial situation and romantic life."
"It's never too late to press reset and fall madly in love with the life that you've been given."
"September can bring a shocking change to your love life."
"It's about love and relationships and maybe even your sex life to a certain extent."
"Prepare yourself financially. Love will fall into place."
"You're meant to have the ten of cups in your love life that has been destined for you, that is the blueprint of your love life this lifetime."
"Your wishes are coming true, stay optimistic about your love life and healing family issues."
"I do see some good lovins happening for you guys after a bit of a dry spell or being single."
"There's a big change unfolding in your love life."
"Some of you guys feel that something's coming for you in your love life."
"If you want to see change and excitement in your love life, you really have to fight for it. Speak your truth."
"Worth freaking waiting for. Divine timing is at work in your love life."
"Romance is in the air, expect something to happen in your love life."
"Stay optimistic about your love life. Blessings are coming in very soon."
"Stay optimistic about your love life and love yourself first."
"You're getting exactly what you want in your love life."
"Someone's finally feeling like they're in a place where they can just reactivate their love life."
"Your love life will start to improve in the spring, and sex and screwing."
"You're manifesting beautiful things in your love life."
"Be optimistic about your love life or finances because I see financial gifts are coming towards you."
"There is a new opportunity in love coming your way."
"Love is on its way, you get to choose the form it comes in."
"True love exists, Virgo. This is a romance of a lifetime."
"That's what allows you to have the love you want, to stop having failed relationships."
"You're gonna have an unexpected love when you least expect it."
"You're coming into true love, whether romantically involved or not."
"This is really a very abundant time for you career-wise but in terms of love I do feel like there's going to be like no that's gonna be bad there's new people gonna be coming in if you're not gonna be with them just yet."
"October is a month of new love for you. I see deep healing coming in for you."
"Don't settle for second best in love. Don't make that mistake of just settling because you don't want to go out there and impress anyone else."
"There could be stagnation going on in your love life... inner growth going on expansion..."
"This new moon is opening up a whole new love story."
"Romantic love can pick up, sexual and romantic love can take off over the next 14 years."
"You are protected at this time and you're being guided to the right person Virgo."
"Yes, your current relationship situation will work out."
"Your love life is going to be a bit of a mystery, it's basically on God's time, on divine timing."
"Shining light on your love life. The sun signifies radiance, happiness, and abundance in your romantic journey."
"Something will be brought into balance, yes, it will make you completely happy in love."
"Divine timing is at work in your love life. It's worth waiting for."
"You've got love coming in, whether it's past or new."
"Never speak another negative word about your love life again. If you can't say nothing positive about your love don't say nothing at all."
"Your love life is about to take off and speed up if you want."
"Your love life is ascending to a higher level of consciousness; engagement is in your recent past energy."
"You've done a lot of self-study here about what you want and you can have a victory here in your romantic love life, my Capricorns."
"Financial issues are a factor in your love life."
"This is an incredible reading, good year, good love year for Tauruses."
"Success in your love life over the next three months."
"Everything wants to fit in the schemes of love. Stop letting your thoughts get to you."
"Embarking on a new adventure when it comes to love."
"There's gonna be something quick that happens between you and this lover, it's a wish that's granted."
"It's time you receive some really good karma in your love life."
"It is time to set your intention that you're leaving your single life behind, you're gonna go out there and you're going to mix mingle do your thing and call in a love relationship."
"Staying optimistic about your love life. Positive thinking and faith will bring the romance that you desire."
"This is the time to do it because there does seem to be a new beginning in your love life."
"Your love life now from now on will be unblocked... your soulmate is ready to show up in your life."
"You've got every single awesome card you could have gotten for your love and money."
"The Page of Wands brings a message of positive change and excitement in your love life."
"It really brings happiness and joy in your love life."
"Enjoy satisfaction and a breakthrough in your love life."
"Release your ex, understand they're blocking you from receiving new love."
"Others of you though who have neglected or abandoned your love life or think you don't want connection there is a soul that's wanting to come into your child here so this is giving birth or a partner you end up with giving birth to your child."
"Enjoy what you like about being single. Once you enjoy it, transition into looking for love."
"This person is making good decisions in love."
"The universe has decided it's time for you to have love so no matter what you do it will orchestrate a meeting between you and someone that will lead to something a little bit more romantic."
"The more you laugh and feel close, the more you desire each other and make love."
"No matter what your love life holds, remember that positive change is possible. Trust in the process."
"Your love life will improve as you learn to express your emotions better."
"You're on the verge of a breakthrough with your love life."
"Your love life will benefit from forgiving your parents."
"If you as an individual learn how to be more proactive in your love life... those statistics are not going to be the primary thing affecting your love life."
"Don't give up on love because there is something better when it comes to your love life, romance."
"God is working on my love life right now."
"You get that paintbrush in your hand, what do you want your love life to look like?"
"Love life doesn't have to be all crazy... it's sweet, it's Cracker Barrel and walks on the beach."
"We are going to be looking at the single people today and seeing who is coming towards you next in your love life."
"Something is changing in your love life, Libra, and you're learning a valuable lesson through this experience."
"You are just an average gal with a not so average love life."
"If you're seeing the number 999, take it as a sign from your angels that your love life is about to blossom into something good, deep, and pure."
"Next chapter in love, yeah you have a whole new chapter in love coming, honey, that's the tea."
"Spirit's guidance for you on your love life."
"Your next romantic partner differs from your usual type or expectations."
"Dopamine hits like there's all these things that are happening that get us in this junky cycle in our love life."
"Your love life may require taking calculated risks."
"Worth waiting for: Divine timing is at work in your love life. Your crush is patient, but persistent."
"They may talk about your love life, saying you have exactly what you wish for."
"These are the things you can expect in your love life feeling at peace with things sweetness moments of connection."
"The love life at the moment for whoever I'm picking up on is quite chaotic."
"People view you as someone that doesn't have any trouble attracting love because they may view you to be quite beautiful or quite handsome."
"For those looking for love, be patient, it's worth the wait."
"Your love life is changing, but in a positive way."
"Don't give up. It's coming. You could be someone who's feeling frustrated because nothing is appearing in your love life. Don't give up."
"You put out an image of having everything fine, but in reality, your love life is incomplete."
"Trust your intuition, now let's look at your love life."
"How's your love life? Killed any girlfriends recently or sentenced any more of them to Hell?"
"Keep your thoughts positive. Stay optimistic about your love life."
"Stay optimistic about your love life, there is still potential here."
"Your love life is transforming to illuminate some of your emotions."
"You're likely to uncover some pretty interesting and alluring truths about yourself, your love life is transforming because ultimately you're going to be more connected to yourself."
"Your love life is unpredictable. Anything could happen. It's wild, absolutely wild."
"Your love life isn't over. It's just changing. It's in the energy of anything can happen right now."
"Your world is about to light up. Your world is going to get a lot more exciting when it comes to your love life."
"Life as you know it is changing, and you may have had a difficult love life for a very long time, and that's changing too."
"I asked about my love life with my person, she explained to me how devoted he is and that our connection is only getting stronger and better, helping us to build a strong foundation."
"It's going to be a transformative change in your love life."
"Religious factors are something or spiritual beliefs, you know, your morals and integrity. That is very important right now for your love life."
"You're making healthy choices in your love life."
"If you're single, stay optimistic about your romantic life."
"You will be catching a lot of attention, especially when it comes to your love life."
"For those who are single right now for those who are suffering right now not happy with their love life be ready to fall in love soon."
"It's not very complicated, it's not rocket science, and it's no mystery anymore about what it takes to have a great love life."
"You're meant to walk away, to experience this peaceful connection, to experience this lucky period in your love life."
"Addictions are affecting your romantic love life."
"You are going to be happy with your love life in three years time."
"It's not going to be my love life honey my uterus my lineage."
"You have some big opportunities coming for you in your love life."
"Nothing is more important than that connection and that spiritual connection than your relationship with Spirit. If you don't have that, you got nothing, including a good love life."
"Becoming more independent and willing to take more risks when it comes to your love life."
"Your love life is upgrading, you're entering a more serious, formal, and committed phase."
"Something about your love life is definitely going to be improving."
"Her love life would be extremely hopeless."
"Your love life is gonna be very enjoyable."
"For the first time in years, I actually feel hope for my love life."
"Your love life, it's only costing you a beautiful, incredible life of love with someone."
"So get out there, participate in life, and become open to and excited about meeting the next great love of your life. The sooner you do, the sooner you will feel better and the sooner it will happen."
"You've had enough. You've... you have been working really hard on this connection, on your love life, on your ships, your relationships with family, friends, yourself, which is the most important relationship you can ever have."
"Those who are actively making moves to improve their love life will be successful."
"There is going to be a decision in 2024 around your love life... it does feel like this is going to be a difficult decision for you."
"Something in your love life is changing, you might be meeting somebody new."
"Trying new things can bring vitality to your love life."
"New chapter could be starting in your love life. You could be meeting someone new, or maybe your family disagrees with the square to Mars in Cancer."
"You know you absolutely are doing this whole love life thing completely wrong."
"Your stability is about to pick up, your love life is about to pick up."
"This change or ending that you dealt with may even be renewing your love life for some of you."
"Your love life is moving in a very positive direction."
"Your summer love life is going to pick up."
"This to me looks like major change for you in your love life whether that means that you are releasing somebody or you are releasing something within yourself."
"I am the architect of my love life and I build its foundation on self-respect and mutual respect."
"The quality of your love life is directly proportional to the quality of your relationship with yourself."
"Don't feel too bad for Kennedy's wife Jackie Kennedy Onasis - the former first lady wasn't at a loss for love."
"You're definitely being watched over, big time here, and there's something very significant about a change that's happening, especially in regards to your love life."
"You guys are ready for a more fulfilling love life. You really are ready for a more fulfilling love life, spiritual life, true love, passion, loyalty."
"Perfect timing is at work in your love life."
"Some kind of movement, a spark in your love life."
"a bear Market in your love life is a bull market in self-reflection"
"For some of you there's a reconciliation on the horizon, your love life is being influenced by religious upbringing and spiritual path and that again is that we don't share the same values."
"Someone on the other side is helping you with your love life."
"Stay optimistic about your love life. This is a new love."
"You're going to be extremely attractive in your love life around this time and there may be many potential suitors who are interested in you."
"Prince Charles' love life has certainly been colorful."
"Maybe you're doing things that you felt you couldn't do before. Something here is transforming in your love life."
"For everyone, it's gonna be different, but whatever's going on right now in your love life, if it's not going right or you're not with a certain person that you want to be with, understand that this is only for your good."
"All my life, I have been devoted to my studies, and my love life was secondary."
"You're going to meet the love of your life, someone who's going to make you very happy."
"Your love life is definitely getting better, as well as your financial situation."
"I met the woman of my dreams and is the woman of my dreams."
"Your love life benefits as you forgive your parents and give your relationship a chance."
"I'm genuinely happy, no I'm not happy with my love life right now, but that is coming to fruition."
"Healing is coming your way in your love life."
"Your love life and spiritual life will flourish in the next two weeks."
"It's empowering to know that you are in control of your love life."
"Some of you are going to start totally over with your love life, like there's something that is just gonna... it's just clean slate energy."
"Sometimes when you're about to give up on your love life forever for the 17th time, destiny intervenes."
"It's not about exposing what it is that people aren't doing or could be doing better, it's to get the conversation started so that people can live very wholesome, full love lives."
"There's the birth of something new that's about to happen in your love life."