
Proportionality Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"Punishments ought to fit crimes; there ought to be a level of proportionality."
"All our rewards in life are in exact proportion to our contributions to the world."
"If you talked about proportionality and reason, you would surely get to the point where you agreed that diplomacy and peace was the best proportion to offer everybody."
"Your ability to learn advanced skills is directly proportional to how good you are at fundamental skills."
"Life is in percentages... everything is proportionate."
"Let every one of you give in proportion to how God has blessed you."
"The anointing of God is in direct proportion of the revealed word of God."
"Your confidence should be proportional to the evidence."
"The comeuppance that he receives is not consummate with the crime that he commits."
"Everything we do or don't do can be proportionate to the moment."
"The amount of time that we spend in this country worrying about gerrymandering is wildly disproportionate to the amount of evil actually done by gerrymandering."
"The punishment doesn't match the literal crime."
"I said that the response to the government was completely out of proportion to the size of the Menace."
"The punishment should be proportional to the crime."
"Our actions will be proportionate to the scale of this crisis."
"Now that we're a little bit further away, everything looks a lot more proportional."
"Is simple possession without committing any other crime truly worth ruining someone's life?"
"Proportion in both time and price is extremely important."
"Perspective helps you see your life in true proportions."
"In response to this, Israel bombed a Palestinian nursery school, which I thought was a very proportional and appropriate response."
"Size is all about relativity to your wrist. It's got to be proportional to the wearer."
"We need to double the distance from here to here to keep proportions."
"It's not so much a matter of whether or not the actions of the individual of the accused were right or wrong that's a primary question the really important question is whether or not the punishment fits the crime."
"Legislation has to be in the best interest of people, it has to be proportionate."
"No normality does not need to be guided by the worst case extreme don't let the binge eating tail wag their healthy dog it could almost be Shakespeare."
"Even if you happen onto someone else's land, the law is always going to require that your response to that trespasser be proportional to the threat."
"Punishment should fit the crime, that's exactly right."
"It's a just law because punishment should fit the crime."
"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is merciful because it limits vengeance."
"Punishment should be measured and should also be commensurate to the crime committed."
"Sure it wasn't right for the magician to put his advertisements up on bugs's home but getting this level of revenge hardly feels appropriate."
"I'm supportive of that, okay? Everyone, you should like proportionately."
"I try to make it proportionate to how hard I worked, you know what I'm saying?"
"Finite crime should not deserve infinite punishment."
"There are no numbers in nature, but there are ratios and proportionalities."
"All that over these small little things... weren't even worth killing."
"That's your starting point for the proportional."
"Speed is directly proportional to the input voltage."
"The joy in your surrender is proportional to the love that you have for the one you're surrendering to."
"This is not a proportional reaction to a behavior... this is his life, continuous, even in the best-case scenario."
"So, one of the things that happens when you're growing a plant upwards and it's maturing and getting bigger is... The size of the leaf is directly proportional to the width of the stem."
"A just war must be undertaken with a reasonable expectation that the means employed will be proportionate to the end sought."
"If a national political party gets 12 percent of the vote, they should have 12 percent of the seats in parliament."
"The amount of leptin that's released by the adipocytes is going to be proportional to the size of the fat cell."
"The sadness that you feel is in proportion to the love that you feel for someone."
"The punishment should not be worse than the crime."
"The proportions encrypted in the Parthenon in Athens are an example of the use of proportional means."
"You cannot use data unless it's necessary and proportionate to the use that you are gathering the data for."
"The pattern of the rug and the design of the rug is proportional to the size of the rug."
"Make sure that the size of everything is proportional and that they're not taking a design from a larger rug and using it on a smaller one."
"If y is equal to kx, where k is a constant, y is 24 when x is 6."
"You don't have to be big to be powerful, you just have to make sure those elements are in proportion."
"It's all in proportion, isn't it? You do what you like, as long as nobody gets hurt."
"The punishment must fit the crime."
"The return that you earn should be proportionate to the risk that you're taking."
"The stretch of the spring is proportional to my weight."
"Achievement is gained in direct proportion to effort."
"My confidence is proportional to evidence."
"My belief is proportional to the evidence for it."
"The means to be employed must be proportioned to the extent of the mischief."
"Our ability to suffer is in direct proportion to our ability to experience joy."
"A small percentage of a big thing is always big."
"Doubling the concentration of x, it's actually going to increase the rate by a factor of four."
"Our ability to succeed is directly proportional to our ability to manage risk effectively."
"Your rewards, both financial and emotional, will always be in direct proportion to your results, to the value of your contribution."
"Changing inputs by a multiple changes output by the same multiple."
"If anyone has done anything bad, then yes, they should be punished, but the punishment should fit the crime."
"I think the point about proportionality is a good one."
"I'm advising that you make the punishment fit the crime."
"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth wasn't exactly literal; it simply meant that punishment should be equal to the crime committed, classes being equal of course."
"Any straight-line relationship that goes through zero is a directly proportional relationship."
"For an elastic object, extension is directly proportional to force."
"The ratio of the areas is equal to the square of the ratio of the side lengths."
"The force required to maintain a spring stretched X units beyond its natural length is proportional to X."
"The power of a ship and the cube of its speed do have a proportional relationship."
"The risk from COVID is almost exactly proportional to the normal risk that you have as an individual."
"Anyone who's losing sight of the goal of proportionality has crossed some ethical line."
"When you struggle, the reward felt is inversely proportional to the struggle that you've gone through."
"Happiness is actually proportional to awareness."
"The amount by which the stock price changes is typically about proportional to the value of the stock itself."
"The severity of the punishment is contingent on the severity of the crime."
"The actual physical thing that you measure is force on charge which is always proportional to electric field."
"Pressure is proportional to density times temperature."
"If 235 multiplied by 48.7 is equal to 11,444.5, then 23.5 times 0.487 is equal to y."
"I think I have smaller arms today than I did in my early 20s, but I have better looking arms because they're more proportionate to my shoulder."
"The square of the time taken to go around the Sun is proportional to the cube of the distance."
"Justice should be proportional and often merciful."
"Y is proportional to x, but what's most important is that we create an equation from that information."
"If they are inversely proportional, then Y is proportional to 1 over x."
"Thermal resistances are inversely proportional to the surface area."
"It's much more proportional, so that's a positive."
"The average speed of these balls is directly proportional to the time taken to reach the ground."
"If A is directly proportional to B, that's the statement A equals K times B."
"Directly proportional means it's going to be something like y equals a constant times x."
"The simplest model of growth is the rate of change is proportional to how much you've got."
"The amount of our endurance is directly proportionate to the clarity of our vision."
"If g is equal to GM on R squared, then we can say a proportionality statement and anything that is remaining constant or is a constant becomes a one."
"The force of attraction is proportional to each of their masses and weakens inversely as the square of the distance between the two bodies."
"The current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across those two points when the temperature is constant."
"You are justified in using reciprocal force, but we would like it if you use the minimum amount of force necessary to affect the desired outcome."
"Population growth is multiplicative, so that if you have a certain number of things and they are making more things, then the amount you have next time is proportional to the number you have this time."
"The restoring force is proportional to the position."
"Our brain assesses difference proportionally, not absolutely."
"Always make sure that your output is going to say equal proportions, it's going to say true."
"The proportional gain is proportional to the step change."
"I am relieved of the bondage of self in almost direct proportion to how much service I do for others."
"When we want to make things look real, then the proportions become really much more important."
"We call this a doctrine of proportionality within the military institution; you attack the situation in proportion to what is on the ground."
"If you increase G by a factor of two, then your B value may go up by a factor of four."
"The diffusion assumption is that the flow, whatever comes, is proportional to the difference of the values."
"If we want to keep the ratio the same, what we do to one side, we also need to do to the other."
"The principle of proportionality... the anticipated amount of civilian damage should not exceed the concrete and direct military advantage obtained."
"Exponential functions have output values that are proportional."
"Flow is directly proportional to speed; pressure directly proportional to strength."
"L is directly proportional to \( H^{2/3} \)."
"The equation connecting L and H is \( L = 4 \cdot H^{2/3} \)."
"The size of the circle is proportional to the number of genes in the gene set or in the pathway."
"The gravitational force between two objects is directly proportional to the mass of the first object, the mass of the second object, and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two objects."
"Love can only happen in proportion to knowledge."
"We tend to proportion our confidence level to the evidence."
"There are also degrees of reward proportioned to the measure of man's faith and obedience."
"Two figures will be similar if all the angles inside the figure are the same as the angles inside of the other figure, and the side lengths are proportional to one another."
"Don't shoot a cannon at a rabbit."
"The strength of a bar is proportional to its cross-sectional area and is independent of its length."
"The number of multiplies and adds involved in computing the discrete Fourier transform this way is proportional to N times a sum of the factors involved in the decomposition."
"The absorbance of material is directly proportional to its thickness."
"Light intensity observed by the sample is proportional to intensity of the incident light and also proportional to the number of light absorbing molecules."
"Y is proportional to X if there's a nonzero constant K such that Y equals KX."
"The rate of growth or decay is proportional to the amount that there is."
"Do you understand that even though this says proportional, when I take my integrals, I'm going to get an exponential based on the fact that if that's the first power, I'm always going to get an Ln, and solving that, you're always going to get an e raised to some power?"
"When it's said that y is inversely proportional to x, it means that y changes as 1 over x changes."
"Velocity is directly proportional to the flow; more the flow, the more velocity."
"The idea that the size of the punishment should be proportionate to the size of the crime."
"The current through a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage across the circuit, inversely proportional to the resistance."
"When we say y is directly proportional to x, what we mean is whenever x doubles, y will double; whenever x halves, y will halve."
"Whenever x doubles, y will double; whenever x halves, y will halve."
"Frequency density is proportional to frequency over class width."
"Temperature, volume, and temperature pressure are directly proportionate."
"You've got to sort of have some sort of proportionate response."
"The polarization or the dipole moment \( P \) was actually directly proportional to the electric field."
"The I term is proportional to both the magnitude and the duration of the error."
"The work required for size reduction is directly proportional to new surface created."
"Results are proportional to effort."
"If two triangles are equiangular, then their corresponding sides are in proportion."
"It's linear; as you increase the frequency, you increase the kinetic energy."
"Infinite for infinite is proportional."
"This plan will definitely help with sculpting your body and tuning your proportions."
"Your ability to actually fix a problem is directly proportional to your understanding of the root of that problem."
"Your success will be in direct proportion to the quality of relationships in your life."
"The basis of all linear relationships are what are known as proportional relationships."
"Six apples can be bought for four dollars."
"Four dollars is to six apples as X dollars is to twelve apples."
"The ratio of two variables always stays the same in a proportional relationship."
"C is the total cost and N is the number of apples bought."
"The distance she travels is always 60 times T."
"The value of the proportionality constant is 60."
"60 miles for every hour that goes by."