
Financial Control Quotes

There are 274 quotes

"If you don't control your finances, I promise you, someone else is going to control you."
"Money is my servant, and I am the master of my wealth."
"I am controlling my financial future with my will."
"Once you get that late fee back, you're like, 'Oh my God, I can actually have control over this. These companies work for me.'"
"It's not just about having a large amount of money; it's about having control over your wealth and deciding when and how to utilize it effectively."
"Bitcoin can't really be co-opted. The fact that it's decentralized means no one can control it, no matter who they are or how much money they have."
"If you choose to master it, money becomes a wonderful servant; if you don't, it will surely master you."
"When you have unlawful oppressive governments, it's good if the citizens can resist, but it's going to be a lot harder for them to resist if the government has complete control over their money."
"I get you also having more control over your money. Like some of you, I get some of you kind of going into a cheap mode."
"Control of money throughout the world as a tool of oppression and I kind of wanted to destroy those tools."
"This is just the start, the tip of the iceberg of the kind of financial Jihad they will act against average Americans who they think don't politically align with them."
"We're in a place where Financial transactions or lawsuits will be used to control people."
"The global push for cbdc's comes as physical cash use Falls and authorities look to fend off the threat to their money printing powers."
"That allowed the cia a giant mapping system to which they could literally look into any bank anywhere they could control who could have money who couldn't have money."
"Money is always the way to solve a problem... cut off their purse strings and they'll stop doing whatever it is."
"Our goal is to give you back control over your finances."
"They own central banks in almost every major country."
"If you control your credit, you control your future bro."
"Even the notion that the government can shut down your bank account for giving 50 bucks to a protest is absolutely crazy."
"Banks would be able to freeze personal accounts of anyone linked with the protests without any need for a court order."
"He got upset and said I was weaponizing sex and being financially controlling."
"Central Bank digital currencies are the last shutting of the gate."
"When you borrow too much money, you lose control of your life, whoever you are."
"Whoever controls the money controls the nation."
"Lord, please take absolute control over the Affairs of my finances. Bless me monetarily."
"At the source of all the government's power is the money printer."
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws."
"Try to save as much as you can... savings rate is the only variable we can control."
"That's not only life-altering but potentially generational wealth if you control that."
"PayPal's new AUP goes against everything I believe in; a private company now gets to decide to take your money if you say something they disagree with. Insanity." - David Marcus
"Ridiculous that PayPal believes they can take people's money for the wrong opinions. Anyway, who decided what is and what isn't misinformation anyway?" - Elon Musk
"The refusal of King George the third to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the revolution." - Ben Franklin
"Weaponization of the financial system... effective ways to lock an individual out of society."
"Returning to Gold Standard, we get that under control."
"Well, it's, I always think, you know, extreme optimism, extreme pessimism are both equally wrong. 'Cause they're both excuses for laziness, for not doing anything. So I think the answer is always in between."
"Money is power. Narcissistic folks care about power, so money becomes a tool of control, vindictiveness, and punishment."
"Ownership of your health, ownership of your wellness, ownership of managing the money that you have."
"Income wise, control wise, ownership wise, I'm winning."
"If they go back to quantitative easing they admit that they have lost control."
"If you control the money, you control everything."
"What's the fundamental problem with the world? Those who control the currency."
"For Sagittarius, this manifests as you gaining control of your finances and becoming aware of how you can influence your future financial destiny."
"This is a counter-reaction from society to protect us from those who are trying to use our financial lives to control our opinions, our philosophy, and our expressions."
"If we don't control our money, we're losing the fact of our freedom."
"You don't actually own your money and that's a really powerful statement."
"Money can be and is used as a control tactic to keep somebody in a toxic relationship."
"It's kind of like gold right people buy gold because they want to control their money they want to put it in their backyard whatever right it's the same thing with crypto."
"You put yourself in the driver's seat and begin directing what happens to your money."
"You got to take control of your financial life today. You can't wait till tomorrow, you got to do it today."
"The key difference with CBDC is the central bank's absolute control over its use."
"Why is it a central bank determines this financial future for all of us?"
"It's control as you saw in Canada with Bitcoin if Trudeau can turn that off for a bunch of truckers or turn off their checking accounts imagine how much easier that's going to be with Central Bank digital currencies."
"Gain control over how you feel about money, and you will start to gain control over how you spend it."
"We've created a bigger monster and it's harder to control."
"We cannot allow people to have bank accounts that are outside of the purview of the central planners."
"We're blessed to be here, still in control of our financial state and not depend on any label."
"They don't want you to take money out of the bank."
"Once I catch you with the debt, I hold you forever. You are my prisoner."
"Guys, basically, just hand over your wallet, but be prideful, happy, and grateful about it."
"What did I do before I wasn't keeping track of any of this? It was so haphazard and I just didn't really have much control at all."
"The Fed turned off the stopcock and then knocked the handle off the valve."
"But here's the thing, the spouse that is on board is going to always control and be reasonable about any expenses."
"If you control people's money you control the people... it's really that simple."
"The government and the big banks want every dollar in every asset for us to be on a centralized banking system."
"Money gives a feeling of security and control."
"If we stay sleepy and we let them Usher in the cbdc, they're gonna have total control over your life."
"Every other asset class is more easily impaired, seized, confiscated, taxed, or regulated."
"Once you control the money, you control everything else."
"Follow the money. Who owns everything, right? Who owns the banks? I told you who owns the banks."
"It's your dollar. And it's in it's not being mixed up with everybody else's. It's your dollar."
"If you have gold and silver and you have bitcoin and you have Metallo and you have this, you're back in control of your money."
"This is clearly a money grab. They want the money, they want the control, they want to peek under the hood."
"Control the money, you control choice. Control choice, you control freedom."
"If you keep it on a centralized exchange, you don't have those private keys, it's not really your money."
"They weaponized your bank account. They can shut it down."
"We already have Americans being told that if they think the wrong way politically that hey maybe it's okay if we shut down their bank account because they say bad things."
"The reason this is happening is that the people who run the show understand that if the world gets back control of its money, it's going to be really hard to put a global regime over humanity."
"As the only person that has the financial means to destroy me, I'm afraid I'm going to kill Brian."
"Control yourself, don't let the market control you."
"Whoever controls the finances is the one that has the leverage... that scares the hell out of them and quite frankly it should."
"You are in control of your destiny, your control of your pockets, you're in control of your money."
"Don't complain about things that you don't control if you don't fund them."
"The power is held by the person who can get the money."
"If they control your money, if they can zero out your bank account with a keystroke, then you have no autonomy. They control you."
"The Federal Reserve controls liquidity to a much greater extent than it did in 2008."
"The debt is no longer controlling your life, you're controlling it."
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws."
"Money is power, and with enough power, you can rule the world."
"Bitcoin gives you the ability to own your own money. It's like digital cash. It's yours."
"You control your money. That's a big part of what we do here at Ramsey solutions, helping you with your money."
"Money was the root of all this evil, and so how do you take down Goliath? You destroy their mechanism of control."
"The ultimate weapon of economic tyranny is coming."
"Whoever pays you controls your financial destiny."
"President Trump has done the impossible, has taken over the Fed by absorbing the Fed into the Treasury Department."
"You'll be better off because Scoremaster puts you in control of your finances."
"The power a cashless society would give authorities over their citizens is frightening."
"One percent of the richest people control 44 of the entire world's wealth."
"Crypto brings ultimately brings freedom to the people... it's really about personal freedom or controlling your own money."
"I think in a lot of ways she became less tolerant of me. Then I'd get upset and the whole relationship kind of fizzled. A lot of times she wasn't very nice. People would see how I got mistreated. She controlled the money…all that kind of stuff."
"Cryptocurrency is rearing up to become more powerful than what governments could control."
"There is so much power to give you or rather for you to gain control over your financial life."
"Abuse comes in many different forms, and one of them can be financial."
"Bitcoin can be a powerful tool for people to take control over their finances."
"I won't allow you to f*** up anymore of my money."
"You have the opportunity right now to take control of your money."
"This is the federal government freezing the assets and shutting down the bank accounts of its political opponents who are peacefully protesting."
"Critics who warn about total government control of citizens personal finances through programmable money have long been saying that E IDs will be the first step toward an economy run on CBDCs."
"It's powerful elites who run the banks... decide who has access to resources."
"The fact that you have to manually collect it... allows you to choose when you collect the money, and I actually like that."
"The bailout is based on the idea that the government knows what to do with your money better than you do."
"Bitcoin lowers those processing fees to the absolute minimum and allows the people to truly be in charge of their wealth."
"It's truly decentralized, you have full control over your own funds."
"It's very evil, how much control it's like very centralized, and they control the whole world through the system of money."
"I command that these bills be paid. That's true power."
"When money drains power drains, when a nation loses control of its finances it loses control of its destiny." - Mark Stein
"Financial sovereignty meaning having control over your finances rather than your finances having control over you."
"Financial sovereignty... having control and authority over your finances."
"Most cults have a leader, a person that all the money gets funneled to."
"Control your cryptocurrency; never leaves your wallet."
"If you give them unlimited money that's unaccountable... it eliminates the incentive to show restraint in the exercise of prosecutorial power." - Eric Holder on prosecutorial overreach.
"You need to take control of your money and not let your money take control of you."
"It's really simple. They only want to talk about climate as a means to control where money goes and how money is invested, period. That's it."
"If you don't control your money, your money controls you."
"When you create a global system that you can essentially turn off access to somebody's funds, that's going to change the game."
"You may be dealing with somebody who thinks they have the right to boss you around and tell you how to spend your money."
"It could be a farm animal sitting behind the resolute desk and it wouldn't make any difference because the banks run the entire show."
"Control your financial destiny by investing wisely and creating passive income streams."
"Give me control of the finances and it matters not what your political persuasion is."
"I don't want to tell you anything to do with your money that you can't always tell yourself and that you can't always be in control of it."
"Whoever controls the world's money supply controls the world."
"Money is power, and as long as you got it, you make the rules."
"To control money and information is to control the world."
"Don't put your value in currencies that are controlled by human beings. You can't trust the CEO, you can't trust the company, and you can't trust a custodian."
"It's about control, especially monetary control."
"You know where this is heading is basically greater and greater control of your money and inability for you to actually..."
"But the whole purpose of Bitcoin is it can't be confiscated unless they physically, you know, force it out of you."
"It's the big boys, and they control all the money and all the billions we're sending them in the name of aid of course."
"The problem is our spending, our income, our lack of control, our lack of working together, our choices, our behaviors, and our principles."
"It's really a time for you to take control of your finances, it's really a time for you to take control of your career."
"Please try not to stress over stuff you can't control with your money and career."
"Setting financial goals is an amazing way of feeling in control, of making sure you know what's coming, you know what you need to do, you know how much money you need to save."
"It's massive and I think what you just said it's like it just it's so important just to give people some hope and to know that you know it is possible they can take control of their finances."
"I hope that you enjoyed this video and I really hope that it's going to help you get control of overspending."
"She made sure that you had enough money to make the business possible but not enough to make it a success."
"I'm here to help this princess take control of his money."
"Smart women can't be controlled; they control with money."
"I want to control my money rather than my money controls me."
"She was able to regain control over her personal finances."
"Bitcoin enables an individual to hold the private keys of their own wealth."
"Every domestic abuse relationship starts with financial abuse."
"What other profession can you control your financial destiny? How much money you make?"
"You can control the controllables in your life. I can keep my job, I can use that money to build my 401k, I can get out of debt, have the emergency fund, stay out of debt. I do not have to participate in panic purchases."
"The more in control you are of your money, the less stress you're going to be."
"See yourself as a business owner, see yourself as an entrepreneur, see yourself as somebody who's good with money. Take control of your financial situation."
"You're feeling that sense of bravery and courage to take control of your finances, take control of your financial destiny."
"Rich mom mindset: talk about money as though you have control over it and understand it."
"The power to make change is in your pocket."
"Real estate investing puts you in front of the driver's seat of your financial future. That's what we call transgenerational wealth."
"This gives you the ability to now control one hundred thousand dollars worth of real estate."
"We can control all the transactions with our MetaMask wallet."
"Don't live in fear, take charge of your credit and take back control of your life."
"Taking control of your finances is more about behavior than math."
"Pursue your creative endeavors to be in control of your finances."
"We're helping you own your finances because we don't want them to own you."
"I use my planner as a way to help control my spending."
"Give every dollar a job, you're so much more aware of what your money's doing."
"Take control of your finances right now, you're not going to regret it."
"The fast lane is about seizing control of your financial destiny."
"Its influence goes beyond the financial sphere and guarantees its complete impunity."
"Cryptocurrency allows people to have control over their finances and their money, and it's going to be extremely powerful in the future."
"Control and focus your money; don't diversify."
"If you get into the habit of updating this every single day, you'll really be able to take charge of your finances."
"If you can control your household income, keep your living expenses low and your transportation expenses low, then you're winning."
"It detects and reacts to unclear debts before they happen, so you can control how money moves from your account."
"I actually have control over my money, and my money is not controlling me."
"Let's just take charge of our finances."
"Feeling in control of my personal finance changes, it's just nice to have one place to go where I can monitor my credit score, set budgets, and see all of my spending across multiple different banks."
"It's a great opportunity to start your own business to take control of your finances."
"You should be able to have limits set up; the fact that you can't just say, 'Hey, you're not allowed to exceed this much spending,' seems a little crazy, especially if you're on a free tier."
"Encourage you to take control of your life one paycheck at a time."
"I control money, money doesn't control me."
"It's about control and future money, and that is why it's so crucial to own your masters."
"Central banks live on borrowed time; they live on perception. You don't want to mess with that perception because if you lose it, then you essentially lost all control over the process."
"Take control of your money, get out of debt, and create a life you love."
"Take control of your finances for yourself, by yourself."
"If your savings and your debts are denominated in a unit that someone else has unilateral control over, they have power over you."
"You're in control of how much you can make, and the possibilities are endless in the market."
"100% of the money is yours and this also means you can withdraw 100% of the money in the account at any time."
"I don't want money to be my boss; I want to be the master of money."
"Where do I have control and the area of control is your work, and you can increase your financial abundance and prosperity."
"Your income is completely under your control."
"We don't control interest rates or the jobs market, but we do control how much we spend and what we spend it on."
"Banks control pretty much everything in the economy."
"With cryptocurrency, you can take those coins and you can have complete ownership of them."
"Don't let money control you, you got to learn how to control money."
"There's hope; you can gain control of your money at any time and win with money."
"Money is something you created, and you control it."
"A self-directed IRA is the ability to use your IRA to invest in assets that you know and can control."
"Take that money out of the financial systems, have it in your control, you can do with it what you want, be your own bank."
"You are taking back control of your money."