
Irreplaceability Quotes

There are 778 quotes

"Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but unfortunately, you can't get more time."
"You don't get a childhood back. It's this is it. You know, that's it for children."
"I wouldn't trade them in for anything in the world."
"You cannot be replaced. There is no one in all eternity that can replace you."
"A precious one from us has gone, a voice we loved is stilled, a place is vacant in our home, which never can be filled."
"Time is not money because time cannot be bought or taken back. It's the most valuable resource you have."
"The most prized, the most significant commodity of your life is time. You can't get it back."
"It’s precious. And once it’s gone, it’s gone forever."
"No price could be put on how much she's worth, so valuable, she's the soul of the earth."
"Make yourself so good at what you do that you become irreplaceable."
"Your time is the greatest investment you can make. You can get more money, but you can't get more time."
"You can't replace your mama with another mama, but you don't always have to replace people with people."
"There is one thing that cannot be bought or bought back, and that is time."
"Everything is replaceable in this world, but nothing can replace or fulfill your soul's fulfillment if it is not coming from a soul place."
"If you want to be irreplaceable, you learn how to generate leads."
"In a way, I feel like I'm not replaceable. I've done something in a way that's not copyable. I'm unique."
"Time is the most expensive thing that you can never get back."
"That's a special unique thing, a group of people in a space and time and place and everything can't replicate."
"The most precious thing you can give somebody is your time. It's the most important thing you can give someone. You can't get it back."
"What all of these stories tell us—birds and thieves and lost civilizations—is how hard it is to truly replace what's been taken."
"You can never duplicate who he was and what he meant."
"Time is one of the most important things in life because you can never get it back."
"Time is precious and it's something you can't get back."
"It's mainly about the personality, right? That's what you can't replace."
"The love from your mother is never replaceable."
"Property can be replaced, black lives can't."
"Your time is an asset that you can't buy. You can't get your time back."
"We're mourning. He's an irreplaceable person and the kindest person and he loved what he did."
"Nobody is truly irreplaceable, but you can certainly make yourself pretty replaceable by being uniquely good and valuable."
"The brain...we're never going to be able to replace with any machine."
"Time is our most precious resource. Once it's spent, you can never ever get it back."
"No automatic robot could ever replace the specialness of you."
"So no the next me isn't going to be me because no one's gonna do what I do better than me it's not possible"
"Narrative and creativity can never be replaced by this thing that we have here."
"She was as irreplaceable to them as to many other organizations, causes, and charities."
"I realize now that no other person can ever replace you."
"Being a mother is the only job that someone else can't do. It's the only job that someone else can't do."
"That's the type of history that you just can't replace."
"A mother's love is something you can't repeat, no matter your child."
"You know those Bush pilots in Alaska that have that skill I mean they're those guys are irreplaceable."
"Don't miss it... time with your child is not repeatable."
"There is no competition when it comes to you, no one will ever be good enough to take your place."
"The reality is everyone needs a place to live, housing is something that a new company can't just go and magically replace one day, can't be outsourced and it can't be made cheaper online."
"Club legend Sergio Aguero announced that he will leave the club at the end of the season. Pep has described him as irreplaceable."
"This is a piece that you cannot buy. I feel like something for a lot of people is shifting and changing."
"You cannot buy time, borrow time, or make time."
"That night brought me to where I am today and no money or fortune in the world could convince me to ever give this up."
"It's that special bond, you can't replace it."
"Make the most of your life, 'cause you only get one shot at it. And once it's over, nothing can replace it."
"On the spiritual path, the personal relationship with God... cannot be replaced."
"They realize now that no other person could ever replace you."
"There are some footballers who seem irreplaceable upon their departure or retirement, and they really are."
"You never get to be a child again once you're not a child anymore."
"Even Peter Jackson couldn't remake The Peter Jackson Trilogy."
"You are here, and we will never replace you."
"He is absolutely an individual star and you couldn't replace him with anybody else."
"Nobody's irreplaceable, and Michael, he's never coming back."
"Unless there's another support with this much stuff in her kit, she's near impossible to replace."
"You can't replace displacement and this motor has certainly delivered."
"Time with my family is the thing that you won't get back."
"The unconditional love of a mother is impossible to replace."
"You can't go replace this piece of real estate."
"Time is the only real commodity that you can't get back."
"My two little girls, they are irreplaceable."
"That consistency and that hard work is not something that anything can replace."
"Passion is irreplaceable; there's no substitute for passion."
"Time is the most valuable commodity ever. You can get the money back, you can get all that other stuff back, that's replaceable. But you can never get that time."
"The most precious thing we have as people is our time. It doesn't come back."
"There's no point in bringing up Robin Williams in it because we all agree there is only one Robin Williams."
"You can't recast Prince, my dude. He's Prince."
"As you walk away, you're irreplaceable. They're not going to be able to replace your energy, your love, or anything that you offer."
"Hold people accountable for heartless acts, even if they're not with us anymore."
"The most precious thing, the most Irreplaceable thing a woman can give you is the version of her who 100% believes in you and loves you even loves not just you the bad of you but what you can be."
"But when a thing takes on meaning because it becomes an avatar for a person, a memory, or a place, well then it's not replaceable."
"Seize those days, you're not gonna let them, you know, you can't ever have them back again."
"There's no activity, no award, no medal or trophy that can replace your relationship with your child."
"This is an important family heirloom, right? These are the types of things that you just can't replace."
"Time is so valuable; the hour that we just spent will never come back."
"Some of these guys are absolutely irreplaceable in the role that they serve."
"An experience like no other, unreplicable. Cannot replace that with something else. You could only take it away."
"They realize now that no other person can ever replace you."
"I would not trade those experiences for anything."
"Time, nobody can buy time. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, can't buy time. When it's gone, it's gone."
"There is no doubt among Alexander's officers that no single human being could ever take his place."
"Nobody can replicate E40. Bro, there's nobody like E40."
"Time is precious, you can't get it back."
"Time is the only thing that money cannot buy you back."
"Time's the one thing you're not getting back no matter how rich you are."
"Your time is one thing that you will never get back."
"There's no substitute for knowledge."
"Money is important to keep the business floating and build the business and add value to other people's lives, but sentimental value, time, you can't replace."
"You can't replace an apple; you can't replace a peach."
"He existed alongside his irreplaceable friends."
"Nothing can replace that brotherhood."
"Someone is learning a lesson that you can't be replaced."
"No one has ever made me feel the way you do; you are irreplaceable."
"It's hard to explain, you never get back what you had."
"It just will never be able to be replaced."
"No one can ever replace another. You can never ever be replaced."
"You're not replaceable. If you were, do you really think I'd go so far?"
"There'll never be anyone like him, ever."
"There's nobody that compares to you."
"Someone is realizing what they have with you can never be replaced."
"You aren't paid according to how hard you work. You are paid according to how hard you are to replace."
"You are hard to find, you're irreplaceable."
"I am very replaceable in the corporate world but I am not replaceable in my home."
"No one can replace you, there is no one that they would pick over you."
"There'll never be another Eddie Van Halen."
"Nothing will be the substitute for that first show, that's right. It's nothing, you can't replicate people."
"Portia are right. There is no substitute."
"How do you get to a point where you're singular, you're irreplaceable?"
"Things can be replaced; lives cannot."
"There'll never be another like him."
"I'm far harder to replace than the Rover."
"It was the end of an era. Nobody's going to take Johnny's place ever."
"Lightning in a bottle, you can never recreate the magic of this season."
"It's just that ability to actually persevere and push through and essentially the ability to realize that what you've actually created isn't irreplaceable."
"...a human cook that a robot that's programmed simply cannot do."
"There will never ever be another gun."
"Some of these products are literally Holy Grail products for me that I feel like personally cannot be replaced."
"I think the real estate in here can't be replaced easily."
"A quality woman is not easy to replace, her value is not tangible."
"I'll never find another love like you."
"I will never take the place of your mother."
"You couldn't be replaced by anybody."
"Nobody will be able to replace you for your current job."
"There's just nobody else that can recapture the magic."
"There's nothing that compares to it."
"You cannot escape the work of becoming irreplaceable in a day."
"Everyone in the Empire is replaceable except for Palpatine."
"Nobody can replace Freddie Mercury."
"They realize that you are somebody that can't be replaced."
"You can never replace Johan Cruyff."
"You cannot replace those two people. Sammy and Mike are just like... oh, Eddie and Al would beg to differ."
"Feels good and it's just hard to replace."
"Fire you? Darling, you’re irreplaceable."
"You can replace most things you can't replace people."
"Sacrifice is a non-negotiable requirement. No amount of money will replace you."
"We can fix a house, we can fix a business, we can fix the damage, but we can't replace people."
"Make sure that you are so good at what you do they can't replace you."
"There's no replacement for an avocado."
"Magic of purification is also irreplaceable."
"I just don't think anything could replace it."
"It's gone. It will never be repeated."
"We'll never replace those firefighters."
"My favorite adventure is traveling. I love to go travel, see new things, try new things, and in those locations, be adventurous."
"Property can be replaced, you can't."
"It's the need for what you do, your ability to do it, and the difficulty there is in replacing you."
"What you need to become is the type of person that can become irreplaceable."
"No one could ever take your place, no one."
"There can never be another Bobby Thompson. When Bobby Thompson either retires or like all of us go to the clay to finish, I quite frankly can't see another man to fill the little waster's shoes."
"Thank God that Frank Welker was the voice of Scoob because you could not have replaced that."
"This team can't be replaced by anything."
"Shakes, you tried nanotech, but no tiny gizmo is going to replace what you've lost."
"You're a rare breed, you can't be replaced."
"There's nobody like him. The day that comes when he leaves us, there's not going to be anybody else like that."
"With what Joker brings to his crew night in and night out, that's something that you can't replace."
"It's like one of those bands that you can't replace a member and still have the same sound."
"You're not a light bulb, you can't just be replaced."
"The importance of preserving these treasures is immense because they can never be replaced."
"You can't replicate that magic now."
"Four days a month, she cannot be replaced."
"You can't redo a dmx man yeah you really can."
"...I don't think we'll ever see anything like it again."
"Nothing has ever replaced a DC3 or Dakota C47, except another one."
"That's something that just can't be taken away."
"All this can be replaced, family can't."
"There is no substitute for power."
"It couldn't have been nobody else."
"No one else will ever be able to replace you."
"There won't ever be anything like that over again."
"When Klopp departs from Liverpool, the fans are going to be like this: 'We cannot replace him. We cannot.'"
"People will do anything to continue to make a dollar but you can't never get a life back."
"Nothing could bring back their dear Shannon."
"Time is your most valuable resource. You'll never get that time back."
"You don't normally mean it when you say someone is irreplaceable, but this is one of the very few times you can say it's true because there will never be another Brian Johnston."
"You cannot replicate it in any other way in my experience."
"No one else can take your place. The best person on Earth can never take your place."
"Nobody can take their place and nobody can take your place."
"You're giving up something you can never get back."
"Greg is an impossible person to replace on the show, his football acumen and his ability to disagree with everything cannot be replaced."
"I'm sorry I could never do enough because the value of the lives that have been lost can never be replaced."
"You'll never get it back, so make sure you're not wasting it."
"Time is one of those commodities we're just not trading on the internet, and you can never get."
"Originality is something you'll never get back."
"Time is the hardest non-negotiable. Once you let it go, there's no possible way to get it back."
"You can't buy that. It's... it’s special."
"But most importantly, it buys something you cannot replace: Time."
"I don't think you can put a price on that. I think its value is essentially infinite and it is something that is really easy to lose and then hard to recapture."
"There's no compression algorithm for experience."
"Nothing that this movie offers can be replaced by a machine or by AI or by technology."
"So these are irreplaceable pieces of jade."
"Time is infinitely more valuable than money. If you run out of money, you can get more money, but if you're out of time, you don't get more time."
"There's definitely no substitute for experience."
"Time is of the essence, the only thing you cannot buy."
"You can never beat home, can you?"
"You can always make a dollar, but you can't replace the people."
"There is no substitute for speed."
"No one could ever replace Chadwick Boseman."
"You can't replace those experiences... with one another over years and years."