
Inner World Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"Self-love and nurturing your inner world is single-handedly the most powerful form of medicine for Earth at this time."
"All the happiness, all the approval, and all the growth is within; the outer world is a reflection of the inner world."
"When we do that, everything starts to transform because of 'so within, so without.'"
"The outer world is a mirror reflection of the inner world."
"The outer world is a reflection of our inner world."
"The world without is a reflection of the world within."
"What does this mean, to become more awake? To become more awake is to recognize that the external world is a reflection of the inner world."
"Your external world is a reflection of your inner world. This is what you teach."
"Your reality is a reflection of your inner world."
"Our external world is a reflection of our internal world."
"It doesn't matter how much money you make or how many people applaud you; if you haven't mastered the inner world, you won't be truly fulfilled."
"There's a whole world inside of you. That's the key."
"Remember, everything happens in the inner world first; the outer world is a mere echo or the fruits of what has happened in the inner world."
"By really having a solid relationship with your inner world, you're able to have more grace, more malleability."
"Religion can be a powerful and poetic tool for understanding our own inner world."
"You must exercise the world from within you."
"Your inner World creates your outer World by aligning your thoughts with the divine Essence within you you bring forth the life you desire."
"Depth is something that's really coming through. Your person sees that you have this depth and you also have this rich inner world."
"Man's kingdom is indeed in the inner worlds, but it can be won only as he sends his roots deep into the soil of human life."
"The moon represents your subjective sense of reality, your inner world, and experience."
"Does a bat have an inner world of consciousness?"
"Nothing comes from without, all things come from within, from the subconscious."
"Does my inner world matter? Do my dreams matter? Are they trying to communicate something to me?"
"The outside world is less important to you, what starts to matter is the inner world."
"When you do the inner work, you allow the outer world to follow the inner world."
"Listen to your intuition. Quiet out the noise. Don't let the outer world be louder than your inner world."
"We can direct ourselves to the internal world."
"I just felt like also in this world today we talk so much about what's happening on the outside and we don't talk enough about what's going on within us."
"Your outer physical reality is simply a mirror image, a reflection of what's going on in your inner world."
"The outer world follows the inner world."
"The inner world is the only support. The only path we all have to go is within."
"The outer world follows the inner world through the law of balance."
"What’s driving the realities of our own personal, inner worlds?"
"You're responsible for your own emotions, your own feelings, like everything that's in your inner world is your responsibility no matter what."
"Start from inside and when you start from inside and you get that in a world sorted then you'll be able to figure out how to maneuver the outer world."
"Your outside world is a reflection and a manifestation of what's going on inside of you."
"Your inner world is becoming a safe haven, a place where you're being reborn in a balanced and powerful way."
"We may not be able to control everything in our outer world, but we certainly can control our inner world."
"Most people have a hard time communicating what that inner world is. They have a hard time speaking their truth."
"Reality on the outside is just a reflection of your inner frame."
"What does this look like? It looks like authenticity. It looks like where my inner world matches my outer world."
"The introvert types tend to be one of my favorites because I feel like we get to share this inner world together."
"Imagine standing before a mirror, not the kind that reflects your physical form but one that reveals the contour of your inner world."
"The outer world follows the inner world, meaning if your inner world is chaotic, your outer world will reflect that."
"Your inner world is real, it is really real, and you have to empower it."
"We tend to empower our outer world, what we can see, feel, and sense with our physical senses, but it's actually the other way around."
"...that inner world of thought and this inner world of power and of inner conviction... is something that you can rely on."
"Our outer world is a reflection and a manifestation of our inner state."
"Our inner world is every bit as interesting, beautiful, and surprising as nature itself."
"In the spiritual world, you're creating the heaven or hell within you."
"It's this bridge between the inner world and the outer world."
"Surround yourself with those who cherish your inner world."
"That's the deep dimension of who you are, which is only found in your inner world."
"Which world are you going to allow to define you? The one within will define you."
"The whole Cosmic realm is inside you."
"Inside of you, there's a village; inside of you, there's a city; if you go back far enough, there's a nation. There's a whole world that is speaking inside of you."
"What I desire desires me back, as the outer world is a reflection of my inner being."
"When I shifted my inner world, the outer world opened up for me for incredible possibility."
"You must create nine stars in your internal world."
"In our soul life, we live within the fullest range of feelings and emotions, and in thoughts, images, ideas, and will impulses."
"You have another world inside of you."
"The real changes happen on the inside, in the subjective world, in your thoughts."
"There are two worlds: the inside world and the outside world. We can't totally control the outside one, but we have absolute control on the inside one."
"What's going on in my head is more interesting than a lot of stuff that's going on out there."
"I have seen what is hidden and it was never about the physical or material world; it was about the world within and the soul."
"The world around you will change to reflect the world within you."
"It's about learning how to live in two worlds, the inner and the outer, and to value and to foster each as substantially as you can."
"The outer world follows the inner."
"The outer world manifests as a reflection of your inner world."
"Outer world is only a reflection of our own inner world."
"The inner world is the cause, while the outer world is the effect."
"Everything is contained in that inner space, whether we know it in this world or we know it not."
"The inner world is the real world."
"The whole vast world exists within me; therefore, it is myself pushed out."
"You're now becoming a creator because we know the real world is within us."
"There's a lot of great things within us, within our mind that we can explore, that we can discover; the inner world is more interesting than the outer world."
"It's no secret that mankind has found itself in a difficult predicament because we've seemingly mastered the outer world through technology and innovation, but mankind has gained almost no degree of mastery whatsoever over our inner world."
"All seven oceans are inside, and hundreds of millions of stars."
"The only person who controls your inner world is you."
"Trust that the nourishment you give to your inner world will manifest into the external world."
"It all starts with the idea that the inner world is the blueprint that the physical world follows."
"Everyone carries art within them. We all of us have universes in our heads, and we all carry 'maps of a world in its becoming, maps and mazes.'"
"Your world on the inside is more important than your circumstances on the outside."
"The idea is that the inside of the earth is hollow and inhabited by an advanced race of people living within their own atmosphere."
"Reality is what goes on in the heart and mind, not what goes on in the physical world."
"What a domain expansion's environment is, is actually the innate domain of the user or the inside of their heart, like a realm for their soul."
"Go to your inner world, relieve, God bless you, God bless."
"We have our own little heliosphere and magnetosphere inside of us as well as a people and as individuals."
"If people want their outer environment to change, they must first alter their inner world, including thoughts, convictions, and dispositions."
"This inner world is magical, I feel like you are really sparking things to life in your inner sanctum."
"The inside world is literally reflected in the outside world."
"The splendor of the inner world, it is indeed the Grail castle where the Holy Grail from the Last Supper is kept."
"Once you change the inner world, the physical world actually shifts."
"You're never going to get it by looking in the outside world."
"Your inner world creates your outer world."
"That sick, rich, dark matter swirled about inside of him; he could taste it now, it was heaven."
"Everything you could possibly ever seek out there in the external world exists within you."
"In the heart of that girl, there is an island."
"Believing in your own inner world, not needing any outside confirmation."
"It's about mastering those skills within the inner world because that's where everything begins."
"You don't need anything but your inner world."
"What you focus on grows; what you focus on in the inner world is what's going to be reproduced in the outer."
"The perfect world that's inside of you, you are your world."
"The whole point of cognitive psychology is that we are building our discipline on the assumption that there is an inner world called mind."
"Everything that's in your outside world started in your inside world."
"The crack opened that led to the highway in her head; she heard voices that came from no living mouth."
"The material world as we see it is essentially a reflection of the inner world."
"We can make the world without but a reflection of the world within."
"She daydreams so much, she's got this really rich inner world."
"Fall in love with love, that new reality within."
"Everything in our life is a reflection of what's going on within."
"Your inner world is sacred, your inner world is private, your inner world is where the truth is."
"People's actions are a projection of what's going on inside."
"There could be some sort of blessing which takes place in your inner world or which you want to keep really private and close to your chest."
"You've done the real spiritual work, you've done the work on your Consciousness and on your inner world."
"Internal Explorer, I feel like your inner world is very colorful."
"What you manifest in the material world is a direct reflection of what is going on inside."
"Everything starts from within, and what's going on on the end will manifest on the out."
"Your intuition and your inner world and the richness of your inner world is going to come alive in wonderful ways if you slow down enough and take the time to let it."
"Your entire world outside of you is based on what goes on inside of you."