
Public Recognition Quotes

There are 263 quotes

"People get rewarded in public for what they practice in private."
"I told and I've been getting this awesome award in front of a room full of people."
"That's a lovely thing, being recognized tonight for the only award voted for by the public."
"This is the final gift I donate publicly where I want credit. I've grown."
"The public praises people for what they practice in private."
"Time magazine has described Deepak Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the country and credits him as the poet-prophet of alternative medicine."
"As they say, what you practice in private they say you’re rewarded for in public, but you have to do the work."
"Bringing Eric Weinstein, mathematician, out on stage at the Masonic to play the harmonica and have 3,000 people give him a standing ovation... that was good."
"I just got recognized three different times at the gas station. Let me say this: if you ever see me out in public, say what's up. I love that. It's gratifying."
"Getting famous is not an easy thing, but Jenna has managed to get the spotlights on her with the amazing work she's done."
"I've never seen a ticker tape parade for a robot... There's value of human inspiration."
"You guys are destined for some sort of public recognition, success, fame, fortune, victory; you're going to achieve something in life."
"Your talents are finally being revealed to you because they're being showcased in the world."
"It's the right person with the right push at the right time with the right exposure, and that's why the people didn't forget it."
"It's on a cover of Forbes Magazine January issue... no one ever heard of it... and now it's living up to the hype."
"When you build monuments to people, you're not building monuments to their cruelty as a general rule, you're building monuments to the stuff they did that was good."
"Most of the country had no idea who Taylor Swift was. Today, Oprah Winfrey sent her flowers and asked if she could talk to her."
"It's almost every day that someone approaches me in a restaurant or at the airport or somewhere in public."
"She gets no credit from the media but from the people."
"Claiming critical respect, yes you beat a guy like Anderson Silva, buddy let me tell you, you're gonna get it in spades."
"A lot of us didn't even realize Baldwin was gay... to me he's an author, he's one of the most brilliant people you're ever going to hear from."
"Everyone knew about them, practically a celebrity."
"Paris and Prince accepted a humanitarian award on behalf of their dad."
"The Word of God brings us hope at this time, none of this is outside of God's hand, God's got this everyone and you don't need to worry you don't need to panic."
"But the American people I believe deserve credit for the sacrifices that they have made putting the health of their family and their neighbors first."
"There is something about Rogan's success where I'm like, why are they ignoring it?"
"The only difference between a person that's not famous and a person that's famous is familiarity."
"I wish Cardi B would have had that moment, she's more deserving of that moment."
"It's hard to get here man, the people, man listen, there's so many people that see me in the malls and see me be like I'll look at the interview on real life Street star I'm like oh yeah thank you."
"A significant moment and one I think it's right that we mark."
"People are rewarded in public for what they've practiced for years in private."
"Protecting those freedoms...what a service he's done for the country."
"Seems like they've got something to say, something big to say. I'm assuming a lot of our audience already know who you are."
"Vitalik Buterin makes Time magazine's 100 most influential people in 2021. He is on the list with Prince Harry, Billie Eilish, Olympian Simon Biles."
"My whole life, nobody appreciated me... to have people appreciate it on a wide scale is like the best thing ever."
"Books that's like the ultimate when you see your [ __ ] book in the airport you walk by and see it right there yeah I'd be like yes hell yeah take pictures yeah for Instagram cool man I did it for the gram."
"Just because your artwork is not amazing and celebrated, it doesn't define your self-worth."
"This is Alec freaking Baldwin, an actor who has been in starring roles for literally decades."
"If I stuck with melee, you guys would probably not know me today."
"Like a rock star of today, when Poe would walk down the street, dressed all in black, people would call him The Raven, shouting out the poem’s famous refrain, 'Nevermore!'"
"They made sure that if you hadn't heard of them before, you definitely have now."
"The work that Brian Ortega did in the dark and then showed on that stage, it's impossible for me to pick anybody else."
"For the third year in a row, Time magazine's person of the year is... Badlands chugs."
"I thought we did something. I was like, 'Why am I getting so many mentions?' Then I was like, 'Oh, 'cause we're witches.'"
"I think David Copperfield is a household name."
"The photo was published nation wide and even gained international recognition due to the portrayal of everyday heroism."
"It's time for you to step into the limelight again."
"You know, I think Jorge Masvidal has become such a star."
"Don't shy away from the spotlight because you were born to be known for your gifts and talents."
"Francis Ngannou, from literally being homeless to having his name be a household name around the world, he's humble. I mean, it's just, you can't hope for something like that for a nicer guy."
"I get stopped on the street almost every day and people come over to me and say thank you."
"A reunion at which Erza smiles once her victory is announced to all."
"Fame can happen to anyone, but credibility is earned."
"You show a picture of Donald Trump to anyone in the world, and they'd be able to tell you, 'Oh yeah, that's Donald Trump.'"
"The more notoriety they get, the harder it is to deny their involvement."
"Something huge is happening for you guys, like blowing up, getting known for something, public recognition, fame."
"LeBron James, congratulations. You're championing our eyes for the first time..."
"The legend of Andrew Callahan is growing by the day and continues to grow."
"Starfield...kind of forgotten by the game awards."
"There's a reason why people like FD, people like me, all these people see you. They don't see where you are right now, they see where you're going."
"Congratulations, johnny depp, you did the hard thing."
"Overall what you are going to have with your person is a victory and it's going to be public and everybody is going to know about it."
"Your reward will be huge in terms of your reputation within the public."
"Max Homa is a household name with six career victories and is ranked number nine in the world."
"I got an extra dose of serotonin this morning by re-watching James Hong celebrating getting his Hollywood Walk of Fame star."
"You don't do 1 billion streams if you're not good. You don't do 1 billion streams and you don't get, as really did, if people don't like you."
"They doubted you, but now they're about to see the truth."
"Richards finally getting the public validation that he has long deserved."
"I really appreciate that and also across to my family watching at home."
"It's my honor to add my congratulations to you on the President Medal of Freedom."
"Look at IMDB, I've been on it 60. Um, kinda person scroll before his fingers hurt, you see this?"
"So much street cred they write my name on the sign."
"It was a really fun part to play I'm probably stopped on the street about that movie as much as any movie in which I've gotten to appear."
"I think it's very clear we are headed towards some public acknowledgment of other intelligences in this universe."
"There's no public virtue in preventative action because nobody can tell what you prevented if it doesn't happen."
"Spider-Man, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Hands down one of the most recognizable, well-known characters in the world."
"I just gotta stay winning, keep doing what I'm doing. I can't please everybody but the people that know, they respect me and they love me and I appreciate them."
"What you practice in private you're rewarded for in public."
"To your point history is not made by the people we see writing the books by the people we see talking about it."
"The six of wands is an amazing card of success, victory, and even public recognition."
"Thousands of convention attendees come to see plaintiff and or meet him again not a general purpose public figure because walk down the street and say who's vic manana no one knows."
"Pizza delivery man rescues five children from burning house, internet calls him superhero."
"Every kid dreams of being on a cereal box or being in a video game. It's an honor."
"After Marcel Senior went public with his recollections, the town of Roswell, New Mexico, quickly began to get famous again."
"You are going to hit the peak of your career by yourself, but your fame and your mega success will come in a partnership with another."
"Your humanitarian work will be publicly recognized. You will be on TV shows like Oprah to talk about what you're doing."
"I definitely want to be around in 10 years. I want people to still know who I am and you know I don't just want to be a one or two hit wonder, I want to have songs that people can sing and listen to 10 years from now."
"If all this stuff happened to me 10 years ago, oh my gosh, I have you been recognized on the street?"
"She knows she can get this done, that is confidence." - Applause
"Ellen quickly had truly become the funniest person in America."
"Winning Awards like this means the world to us because it's a voting award and that means it's coming from you guys."
"Good music lasts forever, it's just about when people figure that out."
"I am trending, wait, am I really? Oh yes, finally! Oh my god, I did it!"
"The first problem Penny Mordon would have is that the public don't know who she is."
"The biggest changes that you're ever gonna make in your life are going to be pertaining to your daily habits."
"Success would be if you went and asked ten people downtown a few of them would say oh he has stars great they really help me that's awesome."
"I think the world is going to know who Klaus Schwab is in the very near future."
"Most of his fame and glory didn't come from box office success or critical acclaim."
"We went from being unknowns to being known by the entire world."
"The journey has been incredible, even when I'm out, I could literally be anywhere and someone has recognized me."
"These people are literally putting their entire reputations on the line... they need to be commended."
"We had Caroline Smith come up here and get a standing ovation from a wheelchair which is just very powerful shit. It was beautiful."
"Wow there goes my 15 minutes I guess fuck me right."
"Leslie was loving the warm reactions of audiences ah do you like all the attention that you're getting now do you like the fact that people go Looney when they see I think it's terrific."
"Continue doing it; you will receive a lot of positive attention very soon."
"We all know how great Damian Lillard is; we just don't talk about it enough."
"Both fascists and anti-fascists adopted symbols of the RDT as a symbol of bravery and Italian national pride."
"Shout out again to the charity of the day which is Doctors Without Borders."
"He deserves every bit of fame or fortune he's about to receive."
"It's wonderful when people have nice things to say, but it always means a lot."
"Recognition, success, being looked up to, likes, comments, subscribes, people messing with you."
"I know people know I can rap, but it's more so like I'm trying to be ... People knowing I can rap doesn't just do it for me."
"The only true win is if you're at the top of your game and you're being consumed by the most people and you're also being awarded as the best."
"And the next time in a few months, one of us gets mistaken for Ainsley Harriot, at least we know it won't be here."
"Good for Ayanna Presley. Seriously, good for her."
"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the one, the only, Mr. Jim Gaffney."
"Prince William knows why people are there, they're there because of the title he has and the authority he brings."
"Nothing shook us as much as All Might pointing out to the crowd to tell Deku that he's next."
"I admire seeing your growth across all social media platforms."
"I know how important it is. Like, I'll walk down the street, someone will stop me, 'Yo, Myron, blah, blah, blah.'" - Myron
"If you have a million people following you then yeah, that's a million people who all know you."
"You're a winner, victory is yours, wise choices bring public recognition."
"I look at the little things I look at the retweets you're getting the likes you're getting you've never gotten this kind of love before and it's long overdue."
"Jimmy established himself as a household name overnight."
"I thank my lucky stars that people know my name."
"You've got to discover yourself before anybody else will discover you."
"I was the luckiest celebrity alive. I was completely Anonymous... I never never never got recognized."
"Dion Sanders should be getting praise for this."
"What quantifies success in terms of music is like Spotify plays and chart positions, for sure, but I always think chart positions are just like an award season thing, it's more like a bragging rights thing."
"I felt like it was a lot of appreciation. You know, I mean, I didn't know so many people made it such a part of their daily routine."
"Big up Marcus Rashford for that. You know what I'm saying? I'm not gonna lie, I'm enjoying it right because he deserves it."
"Dave Chappelle's the greatest comedian alive. That's a fact. He's number one everybody knows it."
"Let's go LD, what a hero man!" - Celebrating success and perseverance.
"It's almost like it's a badge of honor if they do try to de-platform you or smear you at this point. It's probably a pretty good indication that you're actually standing on some level of truth."
"My hat goes off and congratulations to Rihanna and A$AP Rocky."
"Success that comes from dedication and self-discipline. Celebrating your accomplishments, being in the spotlight."
"He has slowly grown in popularity and I think that's because people finally realize that he is one of the most versatile gadgets."
"He's one of those actors where you know their face but don't know their name. But it's getting to the point that people are going to know his name though and deservedly so."
"Now Megan can confidently be called a successful model."
"I've been stopped in supermarkets being like, is it gonna happen? When is it gonna happen? It's very sweet."
"We just got done having our name dropped on the biggest platform in the world."
"The pile of morons meriting nay demanding recognition in this Edition is so vast that I am for the first and maybe last time expanding the award and the award stand to hold not three not four not six but eight different medal winners."
"He's one of those players that, like when there's not a spotlight on him, he thrives."
"His actions have been hailed as heroic by many who have seen the footage."
"Who gives a damn? Can they recognize your greatness? ... Kiss my ass. That's how you should respond."
"Don't let people clap for you too soon. People will come for you if you let them. You feel like you're doing well... Don't let people cry for you too soon... take your accolades, be grateful for them, but don't let it get in your head."
"There is good cops out there and they need to get a little bit of credit."
"We're not there yet but we're making progress there are some good things happening in the country and you deserve the credit."
"A sucker for the people in the crowd going 'That's Captain America, that's a Black man!'"
"The guy is a [expletive] dog. He answered the bell and silenced everyone tonight."
"A man is rewarded in public for what he does in private."
"People are coming out for this one and saying, 'That's incredible what we've been able to do.'"
"From North Philadelphia, Gilly the King. Oh, that was a hell of an intro, you hear me?"
"Find your passion, work hard at it with all your heart... people notice."
"The six of wands is a big card of victory, public recognition, public success."
"I really want to be a household name. I want to be that person on your TV hosting the best interviews you can watch."
"People are celebrating the fact that you're getting out there, happening to the world with your ideas, and actually being very successful."
"I think he does a great job of... showcasing a lot of efforts that people might not know him and may not know he gets involved with..."
"Talent doesn't make you a man, it just puts you on the platform to be noticed by people."
"A listener's survey conducted by Radio Mirror magazine placed Eve number one top-ranking comedienne between 1948 and 1949."
"I give Elon Musk credit for having courage and understanding people's design desire to stand out."
"Everybody's sharing it, new power couple alert!"
"Success is about what the community notices from what you did, from your performance."
"I applaud her for putting herself out there and really putting it on the record."
"You have serious skill at your creativity that you do in the public eye."
"If you only chase the public greatness and you don't have the integrity, the character, you're not kind to others, you will suffer at the end of the day."
"I think this was the winning look of the entirety of Venice and I think everybody knew that, everybody knows that."
"Nimitz was fated by the American public after the war, receiving tributes and awards across the country."
"A trophy in front of 2,000 people? Yeah, you're looking well. Thank you, I think everyone at home can say that as well, absolutely glowing."
"LA Times: Bill Gates made 2022's biggest charitable donation."
"Do the right thing in secret long enough, and it will reward you openly."
"Vesna Vulvovic's status as a national celebrity and hero was assured."
"You're manifesting a beautiful opportunity where you're going to be celebrated publicly."
"Beyonce is a legend, but I think we already knew that."
"You're making it look easy and you're reaching a lot of people, there's a lot of eyes on you here."
"A complete nobody can make a name for themselves by destroying somebody."
"She gave me the award and gave this entire speech about what a lovely student I was in front of everyone and I had to walk past the entire administration the principal who hated me to grab my award and it was the best feeling ever."
"You're meant to be known publicly for the work that you do."
"I might be in the Wall Street Journal this week."
"Spotlight, fame, viral recognition, stardom."
"I really appreciate all the hype... very unexpected but well-received."
"That's why I say put things in perspective man because it kind of you know it opened my eyes up like okay you know I mean like you know people is watching and you know people really know about rockin it kind of let me know where I was in the world."
"To be told that we're an inspiration, I think that is like the biggest reward you can get."
"Over the years, you'd watch these people that sometimes they'd win like an election, come in second, come in third, come in fourth, and they'd be famous."
"We promote the criminals, but when the heroes of our society do an amazing thing, they don't get the praise."
"Within months of posting that video, I was on red carpets."
"You just seem like you're destined for success sooner or later... you guys are probably the talk of your workplace or neighborhood."
"His story has been seen internationally, appearing in the news, magazines, and as a face for memes surrounding perseverance."
"Our private disciplines yield public rewards."
"Your glow-up is being made public."
"Being famous is a great thing as well."
"Well, let's say a famous person in show business is almost dependent on recognition."
"Successful people are rewarded in public for what they practice in private."
"Wow, adoring crowds cheer. Thank you."
"It felt unbelievable. And for about two weeks after that because X Factor a lot bigger than Big Brother, for about two weeks after that, walking down the street, I felt fine. I was comfortable."
"You want to criticize in private, you want to praise in public."
"Big applause from the crowd, big relief from Becky after what has been a challenging competition for her."
"To be known as a household name, I accomplished that rather quickly."
"How about a big round of applause for our contestants?"
"To be a part of something like that and for people to remember you, that in itself was just amazing."