
Doubt Quotes

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"Doubt is one of the greatest enemies of our lives."
"Doubt is a part of faith that is inescapable."
"To know itself, it must have the capacity to doubt itself or be unsure of that certainty and therefore overcome it."
"The greatest gift anyone can ever give you is doubt."
"Sometimes, the most formidable enemy is not the one standing against us but the doubts within us."
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision."
"I'm tired of this doubt. You think that's what they said to the Founding Fathers as well? And look how they turned out."
"Descartes is saying I can doubt everything... but the fact that I am doubting... itself means that I have to exist to be doubting the fact that I exist."
"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."
"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence."
"Study leads to the opposite of doubt, which is understanding."
"Every believer doubts at points in life. And those doubts may come and go in every believer’s life."
"Just a kernel of doubt is all you need. If you don't have any doubt, you're an extremist."
"I enjoy being doubted...if too many people think that what you're doing is obviously going to happen, then it gets a little comfortable."
"He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure."
"Doubts, dealing with doubts honestly is the best possible way to develop a faith that can last in the face of anything."
"The beauty of science is that it works because it's propelled by doubt rather than by belief."
"There's definitely smoke, but is there fire?"
"Doubt is both the bane and the enlightenment of man."
"You have too much doubt. Life's full of experiences. Just go along with it."
"For the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."
"Doubt can be considered a type of awareness. How you turn that into self-confidence is here we are, alive on this planet at this moment."
"Doubt and fear are the devil, are they not? Is not fear the most destructive of all wrong elements?"
"Belief lies at the heart of that conflict because if there's no room for doubt, then there's no reason to believe, is there?"
"I hope I hope I never stop asking myself the question, 'What if I'm wrong?'"
"I hope I never stop asking myself the question, 'What if I'm wrong?'"
"No one in this world is so strong that they have never experienced doubts of some kind."
"Sometimes, doubt can rob you of success quicker than failure can."
"You cannot ponder the greatness of God and be filled with doubt."
"Let doubt prevail and I realize that that's not a political point of view it is a personal right."
"Everyone has these thoughts and feelings and wonders if they're in the right place."
"The serpent employed a strategy he would revisit; he questioned the reliability of God's Word."
"It's a delusion that the enemy has to try to bring doubt into our lives, to make us afraid and think, 'Well, Heaven is closed. My prayers are not being heard.'" - JD
"The whole thing is just very, very questionable."
"These clones were already having doubts before they even experienced a real exchange of blaster fire."
"Draco appears to be musing on the war, doubting his hardness quite literally."
"I didn't think we were gonna make it here, man. I did not think we were gonna make it here in the slightest."
"Stop increasing your doubts by rehearsing them with other doubters."
"He might not be guilty, and if there is that small little slice of might not be guilty, it's gonna be really hard to be okay with sending a man to his death."
"I told them like I'm just struggling in my faith. I don't know if I believe in God anymore."
"Faith has never been the absence of doubt; faith is the means to overcome it."
"It's justice because these are scummy people and I think they did it but there's like that little tickle in the back of your mind that's like oh something just kind of feels gross like it doesn't feel like proper justice."
"Doubt usually heads us in the wrong direction."
"There's enough doubt that we can wonder whether he was there at all during the time the killing took place."
"How did I doubt them? Oh ye of little faith!"
"Despite the official ruling being a suicide, many officials involved seemed shaky on that prospect, to say the least."
"Sometimes we're asking god for a miracle that seems like a lie and the miracle comes and you're really doubting it."
"Fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Don't get dissuaded by any fear, uncertainty, or doubt."
"The best thing you can do for me is doubt me."
"Everything I thought I knew I realized could be wrong."
"There's a very big difference between a leap of faith and a leap of doubt."
"How could you say you love me? That's so accurate."
"Can we make it happen, bro? Nah, nah, what am I looking at?"
"The dream starts to become what's real and the self-doubt, you look back and you realize, actually the self-doubt was the LIE."
"Maybe the proof, supposed proof didn't help."
"Would it be worthwhile to have a few doubters or look stupid if you woke up energized by what you were doing?"
"Their doubt means nothing and neither does their despair."
"If you have any doubts, there's a reason to explore that and talk to people."
"We kind of think that's, you know, no law is going to get that."
"Century is a nearly omnipotent being crippled by doubt."
"There's just too many things here that don't add up."
"I highly doubt that you've had three people here."
"You don't think my credibility is now in doubt, brother?"
"Deconstruction often stems from crises of faith, suffering, or Church hurt."
"He was just rambling, and I put my arm around him, you know. He was crying, and it was deep, but the one thing I did not notice was any sort of real tears."
"He appeared to try to cry, but he couldn't really shed any tears, and I thought it was a little bit strange."
"You are going to be dealing with maybe some doubt."
"Something really negative tries to take our light."
"A lot of people believe that prayer doesn't change much at all because we lack faith when we pray."
"As for danger, that comes not when we start to doubt, but when we stop doubting."
"Never let doubt make you dig up what you planted in faith."
"People are going to doubt you, people aren't going to believe in you. It's how you believe in yourself."
"Everyone will doubt you if you doubt yourself."
"Life is so much better when you never learn to doubt."
"Meditating on overcoming doubt: Proverbs 3:5-6 - 'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.'"
"I had a massive bet on Tyson Fury... honestly I doubted him a ton too."
"If you have more questions than answers, you have reasonable doubt."
"Don't give doubtful matters an attentive ear."
"Many times the reason why we doubt parts of our religion is because of excessive free time."
"There is no diminution of your skills, so why would you even think about that?"
"You guys doubted me, you doubted me so much."
"Everybody questions whether they're with the right person at some point in their life."
"I almost stopped because I was like, 'But if she's right...' Something just told me to keep going."
"I was already kind of questioning all my right-wing positions and sort of thinking, could I be wrong about this? Could I be wrong about this?"
"If you have that voice in the back of your mind and you're starting to doubt this system of capitalism..."
"God does not mind our doubt as long as we are seeking answer from God in the midst of that doubt."
"Something does not feel right or something is simply not adding up."
"This is not a case about Meg versus Tori, it's about Reasonable Doubt."
"Doubts and insecurities triggered by continuous imagining can suffocate manifestation."
"Reasonable Doubt is all over this case. He had no reason to harm his family."
"There's good things happening, but don't let doubt restrict you."
"I fear the worst, have you ever found yourself in a position where you found yourself questioning everything you once believed to be true?"
"I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing."
"The doubt is the gift, like the possibility that things might actually be okay."
"Believers should acknowledge and wrestle with doubts not only their own but their friends and neighbors."
"I know what it feel like when a [ __ ] people change on you and people doubting you and you start to question yourself."
"Those doubters were probably right. Fortunately, fate smiled upon us and brought us to this day."
"Doubt is the cornerstone of growth in understanding."
"Your doubts handled properly, they can actually be a catalyst to a stronger faith."
"Guys remember, they're not trying to prove themselves innocent. All they're trying to do is manufacture doubt."
"You doubt her strength, you hear the traitorous friends mutter something about going back to plan A."
"I could be wrong about anything, I could even be wrong about Christianity being wrong."
"I remember saying, 'These guys are going to go nowhere.'"
"You are putting it all over your face. There are moments, many moments, looking in the mirror, applying that makeup, where you go, 'I don't know if I should do this.'"
"Something doesn't make sense to me. Something doesn't feel right."
"I just didn't know if I could do it anymore... there were three different times."
"If the jury have a doubt, then the law says they should find them not guilty."
"It's not just about taking a leap of faith, it's acknowledging doubts."
"Maybe this is a big brain play, don't listen to him."
"Real faith pushes through the doubts to even a deeper faith."
"Doubt is often an invitation to a deeper faith."
"Doubt is not the enemy of faith, but doubt is often an invitation into a deeper faith."
"The reason people lose their healing is because they begin questioning if God really did it."
"If you're saying, 'Oh God, come,' and then if you don't see anything special happen, saying, 'Well God wasn't within a hundred miles of that place,' that's unbelief."
"If there is a scintilla of Reasonable Doubt you must have the courage to speak up and say so."
"The forensic work does not fit the story. If Marty didn't kill his parents, then who do you believe in?"
"If the whole case was how did the tail light get broken you've got Reasonable Doubt right there."
"Could chasing this dream actually be the biggest mistake of our lives?"
"The worst information is not twisted facts about our nation or society but information that causes my people to doubt my goodness and character."
"Love had to hurt, so when it was peaceful, it made me doubt."
"Relationships, they have to be overly optimistic, otherwise you start getting that doubt in there."
"Faith does not mean the absence of doubt. Faith and doubt cohabitated in the same space."
"I was told that... she did not write the note but that there were some similarities which exist in all of our handwriting."
"Let faith swallow up your doubts and you will find yourself in a higher level of walks with God."
"Do I think we're supposed to win? No. Do I think we can win? Absolutely."
"Maybe you want to do something completely off the status quo of the beaten path, but you're doubting it."
"Just because you doubt something is gonna happen doesn't mean it can't."
"Your doubts, your losing your faith, your anger, your hurt, is all part of it."
"I just think you're having a wobble, it's completely understandable, but it's almost like... well, I thought this is what I wanted but what if it isn't?"
"It's okay to dream really big even though you still have doubts. Adversity can't stop you."
"Plenty of reasonable doubt and it's concerning to me when you have a dog pile that happens on anybody."
"They doubted us, they said we couldn't, now that makes us worse."
"Sure, and once you experience failure then you can't forget that and if failure goes you go whoa okay so then there's doubt and then in that doubt Creeps in fears and all those anxieties and all those kind of things for sure for sure."
"Are you beginning to feel crazy? Maybe you shouldn't have followed that white rabbit."
"You really think this can work? I think it's worth trying."
"Yes it's actually possible I wasn't sure I really wasn't sure if it was gonna be possible but I got them"
"I believe so. I believe so, and you know, I think she's factually innocent, and I think there's so much Reasonable Doubt."
"Doubt can be a positive force and the imaginative engine of future possibilities."
"Are you really going to be able to walk away from it without that nagging feeling in the back of your mind asking yourself if maybe just maybe that could have been the one?"
"How does he know that? Because it's also possible... if he doesn't even know what it looks like."
"Could this ever be done again? I don't think so."
"This person feels like a failure, you know. And this person is in the energy of doubt and they are earning any energy of regretting heavy heavy guilt and regret energy."
"Something's not quite smelling right about all this."
"The confession of Marty bothers me because it doesn't fit."
"I still believe in Teresa. Was I wrong? Tell me, because if I stand corrected, yes, I'll go back and get her back."
"I can only look at the evidence I haven't been for so long I have to I have to assume that I don't want to be but but some part of me wonders if if if I might do that again at some point you know I I don't know."
"If you're wondering whether it's worth it, you've already lost."
"When you see the doubt and unbelief in your life as a road sign, wait a second, something needs to change here."
"Jesus suffered terribly and he was broken by it to the point of doubt and a feeling of absolutely abandonment."
"Question the reality that you weren't quite sure you wanted to be a part of."
"Anyone who makes up his mind to evade the uncertainty of belief will have to experience the uncertainty of unbelief."
"You really think so? Uh, what? No, you didn't change much."
"Gaslighting: They want you to feel uncertain about what you believe and what You observe and how you interpret things."
"Your doubts are not a disqualification of your faith."
"I do believe... Lord, I believe but help my unbelief."
"We're all gonna have doubts but we don't have to understand everything."
"Every time that something solid is put into doubt or dismantled, something else opens up and allows us to see further than we could before."
"If you don't have a desire to tell other people about Jesus, I would question the Jesus that you encountered."
"Christianity isn't always a smooth road. At times, it can be more like a minefield loaded with objections and doubts."
"Doubts are inevitable. The question is, how will they affect us when they hit? Do we draw closer to God or are we pushed away by uncertainty and confusion?"
"The lives of the mother and child were finally saved, however, Carol was filled with doubt. He sought out the enigmatic Chief Physician and asked why the demon wanted to take him away."
"The enemies that work in our lives try to nurture unbelief."
"The opposite of faith ain't doubt it's when I got it all figured out."
"Doubt doesn't mean you're not a Christian; even the greatest saints have doubted."
"Every single bit is fake, they all could be."
"Your fear is going to be the thing that's going to say, 'Well I'm not really sure' because and try to justify it."
"The presence of doubt, the presence of fear does not mean I don't believe."
"This is not a time for pessimism. This is a time for optimism, fear, and doubt."
"Life is showing us the power of destiny, and even though we have to make choices to move in the direction of our destiny, doubt is actually a beautiful part of our human experience." - Michael Sandel
"Last year definitely had me scared I thought we made a huge mistake."
"I don't see why I even care about the Bible anymore... if I want to take the Bible seriously."
"If this was my soul mate, I wouldn't be questioning it and I wouldn't feel stuck."
"Listen, I'm confident because Ollie knows how to cook bread. Bread, no he doesn't."
"Constantly dwelling on 'if' leads to doubt and despair, hindering movement towards Allah."
"Despite the fact that you strongly wish it, doubt may sneak in."
"Did we just send a man to prison based on the belief that jurors can read body language and determine intention?"
"You have to have the willingness to doubt what you think to be true already."
"I feel like you're not rooting for us, I don't know why."
"Doubt is when you don't believe what you already know."
"He should have think something is wrong with it."
"Passion pushed through the doubts."
"Doubt your doubt and believe your beliefs."
"Everybody always going to doubt you, but you have to overcome every like it's going to be hate."
"I no longer know what to think. The wise man says perhaps."
"The opposite of faith is not doubt, the opposite of faith is certainty."
"Believe in yourself. I never believed in myself."
"I smell impossibility on the wind."
"Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."
"I think my doubt drives you; it motivates me."
"I've always doubted religion but whatever it was moving that plate absolutely dipped after praying."
"You should never, never doubt what nobody is sure about."
"After all the doubt or the naysayers, everything... I did it, man, I did it."
"Somehow I doubt that this will be the last ship to carry the name Enterprise."
"I am the truth, but you will not believe me."
"Always give the benefit of the doubt."
"You get the sense that Tony is not 100% convinced."
"Things are not what they seem; this is the type of energy like something is just too good to be true."
"I don't really believe my mother committed suicide."
"I'm gonna give it like the benefit of the doubt because I'm not sure."
"It's just not gonna happen, you know what I mean?"