
Temporary Solutions Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Diets never work long term because until they become a habit, it's just a temporary fix."
"Medications should be seen as temporary...like if you have a headache, you take an ibuprofen to relieve the symptoms but you don't go on ibuprofen chronically."
"Money is not going to help these girls. Money is not it. It's a Band-Aid for a wound that you cannot heal."
"If you put $1200 or $1700 into our hands in April, that money's not going to last that long and we're gonna be in the same boat in May."
"Lockdowns are effective; you lift the lockdown then it just starts growing again."
"Is there ever any example in history of a government being able to print or borrow its way to prosperity only temporarily?"
"If escalator goes out of order it's temporarily stairs."
"This alternative seems to fill a hole making it very hard for the victims of our loneliness epidemic to quit."
"The practical effect of all this is gonna be that we're gonna have to hold our breath for the next 13 days."
"It may give you some temporary lift, but in the end, it is about them, not about us."
"All right, y'all. Our temporary fencing is all up here. You can see it running all the way around."
"These are all essentially band-aids, hoping to pave over a larger root cause."
"It helped his family it didn't actually solve the issue that made his family poor in the first place."
"As Christians we should support efforts at peace even if we don't believe it's going to last forever, peace is a good thing."
"It's a roof over our head, we're warm, we're able to take a shower, and it's temporary. It's a means to an end."
"Absolutely no progress was made, but social harmony has been restored at least for a time."
"But do not fret, for staying in one place is the man's only peeve. Keep him at bay for another five minutes, and he'll leave."
"Lowering your standards as a man is only a temporary fix."
"One storm will not fix a problem that's been a hundred years in the making but it certainly won't hurt."
"That should only be temporary exigent emergency for natural disasters."
"When you have a society where there are very high levels of social cohesion virtually any system will work well for a time, but only for a time."
"Charity is a band-aid to the wounds that are structural poverty, but sometimes you need a [__] band-aid, dog, give the band-aid, especially if you have the means to."
"Short-term band-aid does not equal long-term sustainable approach."
"We've all been wrong many times my friend... it's almost like you can say well look we'll worry about the hangover afterwards but for now it's it's time to get to the party."
"Substances are not a treatment, they're a short-term band-aid for underlying problems."
"Ultimately if we're not changing the root cause of the problem which is capitalism man, then the changes he might bring are just temporary."
"Don't burn your opportunities for temporary comfort."
"Casual sex isn't the solution to loneliness. It's a Band-Aid, a way to fill your void."
"Lockdowns were always going to end in this, it's a temporary fix."
"Build a reality that makes you smile by connecting with the environment around you."
"Temporary solution to a permanent problem. I've said it forever, but that's how you describe children."
"This is a hack and can be improved, but it is necessary to do it this way for now."
"A moratorium policy merely delays the threat of eviction as renters continue to accumulate debt."
"We never solve the problem. It's like plugging a hole in a sinking ship."
"Change your environment, even if it's temporary. Clear your head."
"It's not built to last, it's not built to be a home that we're gonna pass down and use to create any kind of wealth story of our lives."
"It's just a short-term fix for a long-term problem."
"Prescribed like a band-aid, not actually fixing these things."
"Making polarizing decisions to meet the city's needs, even temporarily."
"What if you just pretend the Asian beauty industry has conjured up some interesting ways to temporarily enhance your natural features?"
"When you medicate you put a Band-Aid on it and it typically allows that behavior to continue."
"What is the point of working really really hard for like 10-12 weeks to lose a bunch of weight if you're going to gain it all back right away? Why bother?"
"Money doesn't buy happiness, it just rents it."
"So yeah maybe Universal can get one or two new projects done because they reached a secret agreement with the wga but it would eventually fall apart."
"You don't want to constantly fill them and you're creating this band-aid that's actually making it worse over time."
"Sometimes makeup sex is often a cover for the inability to communicate."
"If you're not doing some of that inner work, all this other is just a temporary satisfaction."
"There is no solution; you keep saying there's a solution. You keep temporarily fixing it like a band-aid on a wound."
"What you're saying is a band-aid, it's not a long-term fix."
"Rent in your case is just buying some time."
"We're going to borrow two until I can come up with a set."
"Until then, you can rent airbnbs like this, and it works perfect. So then you don't have to own it, maintain it, do any of that."
"Sometimes it's fine to have a Band-Aid, guys, you know what I mean? It's okay."
"If you don't have time to do a hot wax but still want your board fast enough for the next day, one good temporary measure is to give the base several passes with a nylon brush."
"Currently, we don't have any authentication in our application, but just for here, we can use the random uid to create a user."
"If you're in a position where you need to cut down some expenses, listen, do it for a little while. Even two weeks, right?"
"There's plenty of things that can fill the void that can only feel it temporarily there's only one thing that will fill the void forever."
"I didn't want to permanently fix this as I knew that come time to do the actual radio work, everything was going to need fine-tuning."
"I can recognize that this was just some form of temporary placation that wasn't actually dealing with an underlying issue."
"Sometimes temporary fixes end up being permanent fixes, aren't they, Caleb?"