
Academia Quotes

There are 2177 quotes

"Philosophy, the glue that holds all of the rest of academia together."
"We find ourselves in an academic setting, and the purpose of this singular space, the academy, is to foster good faith conversations, often difficult ones, about life's deepest and most important questions."
"It's an extraordinary demonstration... that something is changing and if not going to change within the Academy and the universities, then it will change from outside."
"It's so important to me that Stony Brook University be at the forefront in the struggle for gender equality."
"It means something if your alma mater gives you an honorary degree, particularly if you have developed different ideological views from your mentors."
"What I'm most proud of is that it got done in what was widely regarded as the most amiable department."
"If we want to level up our campus, we're gonna need to produce academic works."
"Roland Fryer...became the youngest black person ever to be awarded tenure in an Ivy League school at the age of 30."
"How do you balance between the academic things that you care about and just being human?"
"A Discovery of Witches: where academic pursuits meet ancient magic, igniting a forbidden romance."
"It is such a great honor and privilege here to speak at the Oxford Union, where for 200 years, people have been thinking about the crisis of the university, the crisis of the West, the crisis of Classical liberalism."
"Now, Gamerkin isn't your average scholar; he's a bit of a maverick, a trailblazer who isn't afraid to challenge the status quo."
"We are big believers in dialogue; that's what college campuses and academia are supposed to be all about."
"The goal of the book... is to make Academia be one of the healthiest places."
"The moment that the academic world stops engaging with the public, it drives people towards pseudoscience."
"Please put your hands together for Daniel Dennett. Can I ask for the house lights to be put up? I'm not an actor; I'm a professor. I like to see the students' eyes; I like to see the audience's reactions."
"This philosophy... has taken over nearly all of the University system and has taken over at a lot of major companies."
"Academia has a lot of room for improvement. Science and technology should lead the way, and the basic message of science is sharing of knowledge and cooperation."
"But fear not, MIT is here. They always seem to save the day."
"Informed respectful debate is central to academia."
"CP Snow pointed out that there were two domains of academia: humanities and sciences, and they seemed to have a difficult time getting together."
"The phrase was made famous by my colleague, Tom Nagel at NYU, who back in 1974 wrote an article called 'What Is It Like To Be A Bat?'."
"What an honor to be doing a talk for the Royal Institution."
"She has helped to shape the discourse and contours of post-colonial studies, cultural studies, feminist theory, and literary theory, always resisting facile categories, always seeking to overturn both conventional wisdom and trendy clichés."
"Social scientists want to do high school social studies projects and pretend that they deserve a PhD for them."
"It's a huge pleasure to be here. I am a former president of the Yale Political Union, which was very much a copy of the Oxford original, so it's a particular pleasure and delight."
"Over 4,850 research papers were submitted to NeurIPS... and this paper... won best paper."
"I think the biggest misconception is like who does the science. People think of academia, they picture an Einstein-esque person... and it's just not the case at all."
"Academia and education are foundationally essential principles to modern liberal democracy."
"If dark academia can help liberate the glamour of scholarship from the control of intentionally exclusive institutions, it can help the beauty of knowledge to illuminate the world for all of us."
"The idealised vision of yourself on an autumnal campus with a clothbound copy of a classic novel in your hands has a uniquely heady appeal."
"There seems to be a tremendous effort not to disturb the status quo when it comes to the stories such scholars tell about ancient Egypt."
"I will never go back to Harvard. It's not a university, it's an echo chamber."
"The fact that there is 'little research in this area' doesn't give you a green light to base your arguments on bad research, even if you admit it's bad."
"Academia needs to be the pure pursuit of truth."
"Truth has to be the north star of academic institutions and the society, our friendships, relationships, interactions when we talk to people when we try to navigate the world."
"Anti-intellectualism positions itself as a populist movement, generally right-wing, and seeks to damage or discredit academia and scientific research for its own goals."
"Most academics don't know how to talk to a normal human being."
"Your network is your net worth. Remember that. No one's gonna do it for you. You gotta have a solid network. Time to level up."
"Ian Stevenson was a psychology professor who was regarded as the master of the studies regarding paranormal events."
"The idea that universities are encouraging this is disgraceful."
"The son of a factory worker, Princeton history professor Stephen Cotkin has one of the most fascinating minds I've ever encountered."
"I think that today in many universities there's sort of a crippling sort of left of center left ideology."
"She exemplifies the new legal process school."
"So, and because he had academic pretensions, was a professor, I have a lot less patience for professors and professional journalists than I do for, you know, other people."
"They don't want conservatives speaking on campus."
"If you lose academic freedom, if you lose the ability to contest what appears to be an orthodoxy, then we will actually get worse at dealing with all kinds of problems."
"I think we're still at the very beginning, at least in certain respects, of computer science as a discipline."
"Of all races, green scholars, religions, you know, excited about the character and could see the natural parallels."
"Nonetheless, mainstream academia by and large does not support the specific notion of Nibiru as translated by certain individuals from the early Sumerian cylinder seals."
"Honestly, I feel like these left-wing academic types always have to connect everything to their intersectional obsessions... it produces bizarrely entertaining content for you and me."
"I want to ensure I am the last woman who contemplates dropping out because she has been assaulted."
"We fell asleep at the wheel and let the universities dictate where the culture was going."
"Randy Pausch was a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University when he was dealt news that would turn his life upside down in September of 2006."
"Academia tends to be pretty left-leaning because being aware of society's history means you tend to catch on to some patterns."
"The Internet has not only opened the world of academia to those who would otherwise not have had the opportunity, it also gives them the chance to be heard."
"It's an extremely hard scientific problem. It involves thousands of PhD students. Their whole PhD life will be dedicated to it."
"Just education is key here I think that's what all of us in the academic circles would say."
"Most of the anti-speech activities going on on campuses targeted towards conservatives and libertarians."
"I have become convinced that the scientific community... has been casually ignoring as nonsense a matter of extraordinary scientific importance." - James McDonald
"The greatest taboo on campus is to shut down those who disagree with you."
"They're talking about high standard, academic people."
"Academic and intellectual curiosity are important."
"There are no greater scholars of that ilk than the thousand sons, even as we fight in the forefront of the emperor's crusade we study the things others ignore, questing for knowledge in the places others fear to tread." - Magnus Primark
"Stephen Hawking was a professor at one of the best universities in the world since he was a man who shared his knowledge with the world through books that could be understood by everyday folks."
"Academia is tremendously liberal... there is every desire to bring people who do not look like the old white guys."
"Let's keep it up in the next one." - Professor John Malleus
"A book for when you are in love with your biology teacher? This is the only thing that came to mind. This is 'The Love Hypothesis' by Ali Hazelwood."
"Ultimately my goal is to go where the evidence leads no matter how uncomfortable or threatening it is for the mainstream academics."
"To make sure the professors are prepared, the document provides a small sampling of the certainly infinite number of genders that are out there."
"Critical race theory is the study of systemic oppression."
"It allowed me really to just sit down and do all this research... and read you know read journals..."
"No it's not ongoing, it is not called an atrocity by Academia."
"So I thought this was a really smart play by Reed of course he's read freaking Duke no surprise they're not making a mistake anytime soon."
"Many pure math students go on to do research in academia."
"Ideological diversity within academia may not produce revolutionary information, but it gives potential for falsification."
"She became patron of over 300 organizations and charities and became the chancellor of London University."
"So Acemoğlu teaches economics at MIT and Robinson teaches government at Harvard, which is important because they're not, like, academically trained historians."
"If you're in the 90th percentile or above, you're gonna contribute. In theoretical physics, you've got to be like one of the top 50 people in the world or you're really just not helping out much."
"I love that there's such a big focus on like the academia of magic and the studying of magic."
"So few people like end up reading that work and I think part of it the Academy is full so a lot of articles are published in journals that are behind paywalls that aren't accessible to the public."
"What's in a name potentially a great deal." - University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson.
"Fighting the good fight IRL against the SJWs in the university that are putting themselves against him." - Professor Jordan Peterson of the University of Toronto.
"Prepare to be red pilled my dudes." - Professor Jordan Peterson.
"It's a cabal of radical left-wingers." - Professor Jordan Peterson.
"It's the con consistent attempt to force every political issue into a single lens." - Professor Jordan Peterson.
"Academic writing in the humanities is often complex because the use of new and initially obscure terminology that most people wouldn't be familiar with is necessary to express new things about the world around us."
"Edward Bouchet, the first African-American to earn a PhD in physics, breaks barriers in academia."
"Critical race theory is just that, it's a theory."
"Academic freedom is not about 'no', it's about 'why not'."
"Why is the history of Parthia treated as such by modern historians?"
"A release coming to academia...downloads coming of revelation and inventions."
"I've been impressed. I've been on a lot of university campuses. Matter of fact, for four years, I was a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania."
"I think communication of science is an extremely important responsibility of scientists."
"Libra, March 2024 is poised to be a month of transformation and self-discovery."
"This more than anything highlights the importance of research."
"We're very much about open inquiry and defending open inquiry."
"The scariest part is that in the last 10 years, when you look at the graph in terms of where AI is being developed, it used to be 100% Academia."
"He is a social psychologist at New York University's Stern School of Business."
"Radicals of the 60s transitioned into academia, shaping scholarship."
"Academics are human beings just like everybody else."
"No single contemporary intellectual has broken more ground or elucidated more of our reality as a society, nation, and Empire than Noam Chomsky."
"The most creative people live outside of the university system."
"No matter what, you're gonna have friends, you're gonna have good classes, you're gonna have professors you like, you're gonna have all these things."
"They are collaborating with Dennis Hong right now who is a very famous professor in robotics."
"Professor Hapgood's work... should have entirely turned the story of the history of human civilization onto its head."
"We have a lot of older film theorists who are like horror movies and like older properties and stuff."
"There is a hunger for games to be given academic legitimacy, to not only be accepted as an artform but to be studied by scholars of the humanities for their themes and subtext."
"Academia needs diversity of opinion... challenge you."
"I want to see debate about the man, not at Columbia in the halls of Colombia."
"I'm committing to it now... I deserve some time out of academics."
"Why do they care so much about Nobel Prizes and research grants and working for the most prestigious universities? Precisely because it's not about the truth, it's a status game, it's a game for authority, it's a social construction."
"One thing which was valued there was education."
"Free speech is most important in an intellectual setting."
"Do not give one more dime to universities who have diversity equity and inclusion that is either ill-defined or does not include diversity of thought."
"What kind of world are we living in when a best-selling children's author can't speak on a college campus?"
"Protesting but faculty members are trying to close in their students and insulate them from hearing other opinions, and that's way scarier than any 20-year-old who doesn't want somebody on their campus."
"If you believe in the theories of the world of academia, these people who have never tested those theories in the real world, this is going to backfire on you."
"Most scholars dream of upsetting the status quo."
"The religion and mythology traditions of the modern Pueblo peoples have been studied by academics for generations."
"Now go back to your room and answer the other three questions."
"People often join the humanities precisely because they care about social issues and then find themselves living in one." - Megan Blythe Adams
"We've been continually reset and reset and reset."
"We have suffered through more Dark Ages than Academia will reveal to you."
"In academia, there were once brilliant, non-conformist minds; now, conformity deadens the search for knowledge."
"Critical theory is this umbrella category that encompasses entire disciplines like critical race Theory queer Theory critical pedagogy postcolonial Theory intersectional feminism."
"Scholarly recognition should hinge not only on a scholar's contribution but also on their character."
"I love drunk academics, I think he's so [ __ ] entertaining."
"Congratulations Dr. Ben on a very difficult task."
"The entire basis of academic research... is fundamentally just looking at the parts."
"I suppose the extended phenotype, which is the title of my second book, it's the only book that I wrote with a professional audience in mind."
"Grad school is a trap. Only possible secure academic job if you get a PhD."
"As an academic, I can't just be an academic; I have to be an activist, building organizations and making things better."
"Wokeness is the new secular religion, dominating academia and media."
"One of the reasons we wanted to bring it back was to re-establish a venue to publish peer-reviewed scholarly articles on firearms history."
"Never forget this station was built by scholars and this station will be maintained by scholars."
"The battles in academia are so vicious because the stakes are so low."
"Sharoni promises to challenge the rankings by pulling his weight to achieve excellence in his studies."
"Even if I fundamentally disagree with every single thing that you said, it's perfectly legitimate for your work to be published, to be peer-reviewed, to be criticized by your peers who are qualified to talk about history."
"We got Peter Klein who's got a PhD from Berkeley scholarly publications of all kinds here he is taking a stand with the Austrians he could be anywhere he could be doing whatever he wants and he's with us."
"We want to apply a very high standard of intellectual rigor."
"The scholars, they did a great job, great topics."
"Accepted to Harvard at the humble age of nine, lectured the Harvard Mathematical Club on four-dimensional bodies at 11."
"White supremacy is baked into science and academia."
"I think it would be beneficial for academics to entertain this kind of stuff in my opinion."
"This is just not how civilization works yet most people just nod and smile and that's exactly what happened just because some academic running in egyptology department at the university said so."
"Why dedicate your life to being an intellectual if you're not interested in the truth?"
"And 1,500 professors have warned of a profound risk to humanity."
"Together we can fight wokism in academia, in the culture, in business."
"Intellectuals without moral standards can only be academic rascals driven by power and money, no longer truthful experts."
"I truly think it's always a privilege because I do think you're one of the greatest living economists."
"Most of the philosophy departments though are not deeply infected by... they are still in the analytic tradition."
"it's very different from academia it's targeting a very different audience but i think it's very very important that whatever we do in the academic world we bring it out to the people so that the information is available out there"
"The concept of inheritance... is a legitimate possibility that is sadly generally ignored by mainstream academia."
"We feel that regardless of what academia claims is the truth pertaining to the origin and creators of these ancient wonders the skills required to create them are thankfully beginning to become apparent to the majority rather than the few."
"In principle, it's okay to ask to do a genre analysis. Hey, just ask what's going on here."
"As a war hero used to moving in academic circles, it’s likely Turing never realized anyone would care that he was gay."
"Anybody who works or studies in an institution like a university close to the frontiers of knowledge has got to get used to the idea that you are not entitled to be safe intellectually."
"The only way to salvage American Academia and restore a safe learning environment for its students is by rooting out anti-Semitism and standing up against hate."
"I think Academia and science institutions need to do a much better job at communication."
"What about you, professor? I do have to drop something. I think it's March 21st I'm with King Simon."
"I don't listen to YouTubers alone, besides, having a PhD and being a professor, you know, have you. Any of you professors will have a PhD."
"Bridging the gap between academic research and real-life industrial applications."
"Good scholarship had to put the search for truth first, and the quest for social justice second."
"I'm 28 years old from Nimo University working on my PhD. I don't plan to have children either."
"Inside this building behind me are some of the finest minds in the entire country."
"We're also defending the free speech rights of Christians on college campuses."
"I realized from that that if you are an academic doing research on issues of public corruption like lobbying you couldn't get that on the political agenda and sustain it unless you had a campaigning organization."
"The woke movement came from cushy wealthy academics."
"Yes, even theoretical physicists have haters."
"It's criminal that the Great Owl Institute isn't talked about more."
"I thought Shakespeare, Voltaire, shuffler record artist slash psychology professor, teach for the eat never falls under pressure repeats from the east for that glide like Clyde Drexler."
"Call exactly how much you tag someone... always call when you are in a gunfight."
"Robert Sepper, anthropologist and author, invites support for his work."
"Universities used to be a place that taught students how to think, sadly they are becoming a place which teaches students what to think."
"The entire university campus is a place to criticize, argue, and question."
"There's nothing good and wonderful and virtuous about frittering away all of our time on academic disputes."
"Joining us now, Dr. Leah Stokes, professor of climate and energy policy at the University of California, Santa Barbara."
"We believe in free speech, including online and including on campus."
"These stones are unquestionably an incredible valuable find and regardless of academia's deliberate ignorance in regards to such discoveries."
"It's time for Egyptology to start taking the pyramids seriously again and to follow Petrie's advice and quickly publish the data."
"Professors, we need you. Some of the smartest thinkers in the world are professors."
"UA High School: the school widely renowned as Japan's most prestigious hero academy."
"Obero was a student at UA High School who attended the same class as Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead and Hizashi Yamada aka Present Mic."
"I think the take home lesson of the story is that you should never give up on an idea that you think is obviously correct, and you should get yourself some really smart graduate students."
"In order for Black Culture to continue to thrive and grow it has to also be protected, one of the ways uh that culture gets protected is it becomes uh academized."
"We need more bridges from the world of academic science to the public."
"Academia exists to encourage young people to learn how to question things, how to use critical reasoning."
"He is the most cited living author."
"It's a great year for students, what fantastic research and study can be done."
"This is a deep read, one that will be talked about and critiqued for many years in various universities and colleges of higher learning."
"The amount of smart people devoting their lives to intellectual pursuits is just amazing here in the Boston area."
"It's complete [__] for any colleagues of mine that try to shoot down actual evidence."
"Japanese was my first love in academia."
"It's all so academic that a lot of the time the big thing they're missing is like the big obvious thing or the human factor."
"That was my passion, and so I snuck in through the back door of Academia."
"My academia is a universe that shows no signs of slowing down."
"Remember that you're applying to a PhD knowing that it's more work than a full-time job."
"The greatest opening line of any academic study in history... 'Happiness is love. Full stop.'"
"It's part of our responsibility as social scientists, as academics right across the board, to speak truth to power."