
Socratic Method Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Socrates believed that dialogue was a much more effective way to think and do philosophy, which is a system we now know as the Socratic method."
"Imagine how many debates would end if we simply were forcing each other... to engage in the Socratic method. We would resolve so many issues so quickly."
"True wisdom is knowing that you know nothing."
"We've gone through the Socratic dialogue, we've gone through the meetings with the mentors."
"The Socratic method involves asking deep questions about a person's beliefs to help them better understand themselves and society through cooperative dialogue."
"The Socratic method has been very influential in the West in the Renaissance and the modern era about how to think logically, rationally, critically, how not just accept things but to use your reason."
"Opposition brings leaks in our arguments strength lengthens your argument and then audience we couldn't get people on the left to really come on the show a whole lot and it's not a debate though it was always designed to be the Socratic method."
"For the unexamined life is not worth living for a human being"
"Let's make thinking great again, you know, the Socratic method."
"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing." - Plato
"I think Hugh has done more good as an anonymous figure by forcing us to think for ourselves with the Socratic method and asking the right questions than in one year than Alex Jones has in his entire career."
"The Socratic method of asking people questions ultimately leading them towards something. It's not dishonest, it's not a trick."
"I am a old-fashioned follower of Socrates and Socrates correctly interpreted the Oracle of Delphi: the wisest person in the world is the person who knows he knows nothing."
"The Socratic method... could win arguments without having to win people over."
"Socrates demands that we confront our soul... if we concede to his demands, we can only be made better never worse."
"The Socratic method helps clients discover for themselves that their beliefs are possibly illogical."
"One of those virtues is intellectual humility. You cannot adopt to the Socratic attitude if you think you're infallible. You just can't."
"The Socratic method is about questioning our beliefs, assumptions, values, and the very way we perceive the world."
"The whole Socratic dialogue is meant to bring out this sense for the form, this sense of clarity that's already in the mind."
"The arguments in the Socratic dialogues become indices that refer outside of their frame."
"It isn't that Socrates knows the answers to the questions that he raises and seeks to confuse and perplex others. Rather, he infects them with the perplexities that he himself deeply experiences."
"Socratic piety or Socratic faith therefore seems to consist in a refusal to think that the ongoing zetetic inquiry is pointless especially when decisive questions of how best to live life are at stake."
"The wonderful thing about the dialogues of Plato and the Socratic method of discourse is we are learning about aided discovery."
"In asking these questions is not making explicit claims to knowledge or judgment himself. He's not saying that he knows the right answers."
"Philosophy in this Socratic conception does not compel or threaten or mock."
"The essence of the Socratic dialogue lies in the fact that by asking questions we elicit something from the patient he had known all along but he was no longer conscious of."
"The theme of my book is the difference, the distinction between philosophy as Socrates lived it and sophistry as it's embodied by its most famous representative, Protagoras."
"He is the master of the Socratic method and so he was constantly asking, 'How do you know that? What does that really mean? Go deeper here.'"
"If someone is interested in the Socratic legacy of Athens and fundamentally believes in relentless questioning and self-questioning... then you begin to set up mechanisms of answerability."
"Socratic method, just hands down."
"All I know is that I know nothing." - Socrates
"The acquisition of knowledge by the answering and asking of questions."
"I have a very Socratic approach to any sort of fashion critique. I believe that it's important to ask questions and receive a context."
"The Socratic method is really what has been developed to defend us against being fooled and to strengthen the bonds between humans through reason."
"All that Socrates is doing is calling the slave boy's attention to some of the implications of things he already knows."
"Socrates helps others bring to birth the knowledge which they already possessed within themselves."
"He who taught by asking questions."
"There's a Socratic acceptance of the limits of one's own knowledge, and there's ignorance."
"Socrates does the same thing where he goes out and questions worldviews and he doesn't assert his own."
"True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing." - Socrates
"Every human being is mortal; Socrates is a human being; therefore, Socrates is mortal."
"Dialogue is such a powerful tool. The idea of Socratic dialogue and how people learn, you can correct one another and or ask questions, get really to a deeper truth."
"The Socratic method is based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas."