
Sports Ethics Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"We're in no position to have the moral high ground on a player and say 'Get out of our club if you don't want to be here.'"
"All I can hope for is that they finally listen to their players and start treating them with more respect."
"I have so much respect for FC Manchester United, who years ago set themselves up because they opposed what the Glazers stood for."
"There are further updates to bring you in relation to this ongoing battle that football faces with these greedy owners."
"Questions have emerged regarding the permissibility of proceeding with the bout, especially in light of concerns surrounding Tyson's well-being."
"We have suspended people, fined people, who have made homophobic slurs, and that was the right thing to do."
"Lovers of the sport, as well as animal welfare advocates, will be enraged by this footage, seeing the pitiful way the horses are treated when they're no longer profitable or wanted."
"It's a such thing called a weight bully, where you're actually too big for the division and you're fighting people that you can dominate because you're just bigger than them."
"It's not about whether or not they're women; it's about whether or not Fair Play has been maintained."
"British lawmakers urged the International Olympic Committee to reconsider Beijing's host of the 2022 Winter Games."
"I'm not against performance enhancement in the sport when you sign a contract and it's supposed to be fair. Yeah, you're not gonna take it, I'm not gonna take it. But then I go and I take it, yeah, this is not fair."
"What PEDs can do is push you that extra little bit that can push a great player to a phenomenal player."
"People in all sports use steroids, it's just the degrees."
"Sports are about fun and hard work and respect. It's not a goddamn war."
"God bless them with some great genetics they shouldn't be punished for that."
"If you are a modern football fan and you're engaged in any issues beyond what happens on the pitch, then it's already compromised."
"The idea of sports washing... it's a tactic as old as a lot of sport itself."
"I love football, but only when it's morally right."
"You could be a millimeter offside and that's not in line with the integrity of the sport."
"Caitlyn Jenner is a [ __ ] hypocrite. This woman competed in a women's golfing tournament on the women's side as a woman, which, by the way, she only started transitioning in 2015."
"Goalkeeper Joaquin Buchetta is facing a year-long ban from football after he started urinating on the pitch during a first division match."
"Usada will only make it hard for poor fighters to cheat cheating is or I should say doping rather is highly incentivized across all sports and at some point we are all rational actors."
"It's not like Gatlin is the only one, every single one's doing the same thing."
"It's disrespectful, it's unacceptable what Ronaldo did last night," emphasizes Cavani.
"Gene doping is targeting people's gene variants within their DNA and altering them so they have gifts."
"What a way to treat a club Legend... it's a horrible way for a football club to be run."
"There is absolutely no logical way that you can treat a United great like that because he makes a mistake on a corner in a preseason friendly."
"Play nobly, pay attention to your teammates, pass the damn puck."
"If City are found guilty, the maximum punishment should be issued. Titles should be stripped because if you've cheated to win them, you don't deserve them."
"If you cheated, you should be stripped of your titles. It's as simple as that."
"If they're found guilty, strip them of the titles, and simple as."
"It really feels unfair to punish those players for things that are beyond their control."
"You can put in a bad performance and you can come back from that, but what you can never come back from is lack of effort."
"Kids, if you want to make it to the MLB, start cheating. Trust me, who cares, just cheat." - A humorous yet provocative statement about cheating in baseball.
"We're not allowed to bet, but I acknowledged I think a few of the mates and a few of the fans had."
"It's the people that are desperate to be elite right now who dive into a reckless drug protocol."
"Slaying someone across the ball in your box should be like that's an absolute disrespect."
"It's the death before dishonor sort of moment for the PGA Tour."
"Never happened to me but doctors were telling players lies to get them back on the field faster instead of taking care of their health."
"Definitely not taking performance enhancing drugs."
"I'll be livid if Astralis still picks him up after this. What a humiliating climb down to go from iconic model professional to two-time cheater."
"I don't do steroids cuz I've never done them in my life. I was drug tested throughout my whole career and I'm now 36 and I don't do them."
"He's been juiced the whole time, all right? It ain't fair, he says. You're not... he says you're not the one missing an eyeball like Michael Bisping, so I'm sure cheating ain't a big deal to you."
"I really don't think that they should be hosting a grand slam."
"How are you giving someone a 10-match ban for racially abusing someone and then giving Kieran Trippier a 12-match ban for betting irregularities?"
"It would be the biggest flirt we've ever seen in football and it would be disgusting really."
"It's bad for the sport, man. Oh, terrible. Yeah, terrible for the sport."
"Everybody is surrounding the field trying to get this person taken care of so they do not die and unfortunately the results of this match between two people is not more important than a person's life."
"If you have to cheat to get it, get it. If VAR is on-site for us for one game, please."
"It just irked me a little bit that he's like, 'oh these guys [] greasing.' It's like I broke your foot just to [] live with it after seeing this."
"The NCAA will tell a kid your mama and daddy's lights and water gotta just be turned off because this $3500 that you're about to make from signing your own damn name is illegal."
"The end of the day the cheating in baseball needs to stop."
"Everybody takes responsibility for that today, that's absolutely perfect. So, those players are about, they're holding up, they're embarrassing now, they should walk straight off that pitch."
"Support your players. They're human. They can make mistakes. Respect them, respect their privacy."
"Club over any player, always. Whatever decision's being made, like you said, we'll find that out in six months, 12 months."
"You got to earn the right to rush the passer."
"He never cheats the game, never. He shows up every night, he plays with passionate heart."
"I personally think that Harry Maguire playing tomorrow is not right and it's not fair."
"Everybody cheats. Lance Armstrong cheated the best."
"You can't swim in a swim meet and then complain that a trans man won the swim meet. You can't have it both ways."
"Especially in sports, it's completely violating women and women's rights."
"You didn't move people. You tried to pass somewhere, you did it. That's not the way the world works now. You do the bump and run."
"How far are we willing to compromise the merit of competition to manufacture a more entertaining spectator product?"
"I'm embarrassed as an Arsenal fan... if it's not stopped, it's a very sad day for football."
"People saying like 'oh yeah, our players should stand against it and turn against it'... they're gonna if we offer them to double their wages they're not gonna say anything."
"We can do better, we should do better, and the fighters deserve better."
"When biological boys and men are allowed to compete in girls and women's sports and rob them of victories and use their bathrooms, that's madness."
"It's a choice in a competitive and controlled environment."
"The decision is a significant win for fair play and clean sport."
"I like to think the best fight the best, and that's what the sport's all about..."
"You've still got to have players that are going to work hard for each other."
"People aren’t against Becky’s return or her winning the title. It’s the dismissive way Belair was beaten that’s so damaging."
"Be true to the game because the game will be true to you. If you try to short cut the game, then the game's going to shortcut you."
"This chair shot unprotected to the head in 2019... Do we need that in wrestling today?"
"Men in women's sports, men in women's locker rooms, you're protecting kids, you're protecting their sports, you're protecting their safety and their privacy in the locker rooms. That's important."
"With great power comes great responsibility. Refs should prioritize entertaining millions of viewers."
"Passion, fight, desire. Whatever it is, now when you see a player not doing that, we can't comprehend that as supporters."
"Everybody's on steroids and it's like well do you do it as well? Not man because it's cheating."
"They're so well protected, these referees. They have to be accountable for these decisions that they're making. You know, they've changed the outcome of the game."
"I think it's irresponsible for custodians of these great clubs to basically take money off the table for shareholders or for profitability or both and not reinvest every penny in maximizing the value of the assets."
"Looking back at it, was the match necessary? You know, and we could have avoided this injury."
"Men biological men should not be competing against biological women in sports."
"We don't owe anyone a gold medal." - Sunisa Lee
"No player should be bigger than a club. Disgrace."
"Football's not about that, this is not how it started."
"If you turn on a manager or player, you need to remember just how hypocritical that will be."
"A super league where only a few are allowed to participate will be a breach of the community in solidarity."
"This league is founded on the competition, right on the integrity of the competition."
"Being a good teammate, being accountable, being there every single week, that's massive to me."
"The kid's getting beat, he's, you know, getting his ass kicked. But the damage is done. Like, you let it go for 15 minutes, what's another minute and a half?"
"Sport is based on the ethos of play and competition being fair and equal for all."
"You're only cheating yourself to some degree because golf is a game where you have to referee yourself."
"This documentary is a really interesting watch, it highlights how widespread performance-enhancing drugs are in athletics."
"This fighter could have just finished off his opponent, but his respect for him was much stronger than his thirst for victory."
"You publicly stated that I use cocaine... I believe that you're a cheater and I believe that you use steroids."
"Bounty Gate is one of the most humiliating scandals in the history of the NFL."
"Every time a man plays women's sports, no matter who receives a medal, at least one woman loses, the one who doesn't get to play."
"If they were to be found guilty and if they were to face punishment, I would say relegation and massive fines."
"Emma was described as a good writer, intelligent, quiet, charismatic, goofy, a free spirit, adventurous, giving, gullible, a good listener, and private."
"Natural or not is not black and white. It's a spectrum."
"Kevin Durant broke every rule of competition. He not only quit on his team to join the best team in the entire NBA, one that had just won 73 games." - Mike
"If being progressive in 2018 apparently requires us to support biological men going into the ring to kick the crap out of women, then I think somewhere along the line we may have lost the plot."
"Sport is not about equality, sport is about maintaining a competitive advantage for as long as possible legally or illegally."
"The Patriot Way is your best players working their hardest and putting the team first."
"At the end of the day, man, we just try to go ball and do the best we can."
"She got caught cheating, A sample positive, B sample positive, and Court of Arbitration for Sport upholding a four-year ban is about as clear-cut as it gets."
"She failed her A sample, she failed her B sample, she was banned by AIU CAS unanimously rejected a repeal, Let's Run crowd rightfully roasted her and will continue to do so."
"What I do requires telling the truth about the welfare of fighters."
"If we are in favor of football, we should be in favor of diversity and equality."
"You can absolutely respect and not bully somebody on the basis of how they express themselves, but at the same time honor the biology-based provisions."
"Just be yourself, then stop selling wolf tickets, and then MMA will be in a better place."
"I just want to be known for a player with relentless effort."
"It's also important to discuss what biological unfairnesses mean to sports and which ones we should tolerate and which ones we should not and whether our decision to tolerate some unfairnesses over others is based on reason or bigotry."
"When you're a top pick and number one overall pick, you're not getting respected by the other team, you gotta take some pride in there."
"Vitor's case with TRT highlighted the loopholes in drug testing and its impact on MMA."
"A biological man with a clear advantage won the women's division."
"I guess I'm naive, but it did seem like for a little while people were worried about sports washing."
"Shame on you, the referee in the VAR room. Shame on you, you cheaters. You're cheaters, you do like you belong in a zoo with the other cats, you cheaters. Absolute disgrace."
"Imagine if it's killing Mbappe at PSG and PSG say yeah we don't want you to play anymore there'd be a queue of clubs saying yeah we'll take you football's immoral so you could never implement something like that."
"The main point, in the end, is ethic of life, to be professional, to be serious, to go to the training ground and forget everything, and be concentrated and give your best."
"When these things happen, it does rear a lot of the ugly side."
"This is one of those matches that nobody really loses."
"Abuse is never okay, but fans and pundits should be able to have a fair opinion that is sport-based."
"Well done to Chelsea Football Club for pulling out, well done to you, absolutely brilliant."
"If you want gambling out of the game, don't accept the money of a gambling company."
"There's something systemically rotten within the Evil Geniuses organization."
"Fair competition: leveling the playing field every season."
"How is it that a deflated football is four games and Deshaun Watson just is alleged to have harassed about 25 women that have actually come forward and they're talking about six games?"
"They have crucified Gerard Piqué, haven't they? Fair Play."
"Steroids aren't the solution to everything but they are a massive tool."
"There's a lot of other things they could do to improve their performance other than take more performance dancing drugs, yeah."
"How could y'all be okay with the best not fighting the best?"
"I just can't believe if you're a Valieva who I understand that she's caught in the crossfires here but to watch that performance was really upsetting."
"If Hoys Gracie can take steroids, who could possibly be clean?"
"I think if it gets proven that Eteri's team gave their 15 year olds banned substance heart medication she should absolutely be banned from the sport."
"People do in track and field to get ahead, to get that gold medal, to get that money."
"It's not okay for the UFC to be silent about it."
"Football is a platform to teach values. FIFA and UEFA should lead by example in tackling issues like sexism, racism, and homophobia."
"If everybody had to drug not drug test but do blood work and have to take less stuff, the guys who work the hardest would still be at the top of the game."
"Why did 30 plus horses die at a single track? Were they being mistreated, getting sick or being pushed beyond their limits?"
"Your willingness to go along with this fight and hide truth from the public about the drugs test to push this fight through because you wanted to make money shows that you're making money is more important to you than than a fighter cheating."
"I think it's more respectful for the club to come in and just pay the money."
"Football is a collection of individuals working towards a common goal... your teammates are depending upon you to do what's right when no one's watching."
"It's a weak move that he'd go team up with another all-star and another all-star."
"Aaron Rodgers actually lied and said he got the vaccine shot so he could play in the NFL a couple years ago. They found out the [___] was lying."
"When you can devalue that life for the sake of competition, when you are willing to disregard that black body that has a family."
"He should have never been a sore loser. If he would have took the loss like a man, I would have gave him a rematch."
"So that makes it very unfair to have male-bodied athletes in female events."
"Green has a disturbing habit of kicking players, often in the groin area."
"Anabolic steroids provide a competitive edge in powerlifting years after doping has ended."
"Reigning defensive rookie of the year brian cushing was being suspended for the first four games of the 2010 nfl season after testing positive for performance enhancing drugs."
"Is that really what it is going to take to protect these athletes?"
"Anyone that thinks that this is good for the sport, you are part of the problem."
"I don't blame an athlete for using it if it's part of the rules."
"You want your players to be humble, knowing that you've got to work harder and you've got to earn the right to win the game of football."
"I think the key is he didn't let it tip over into a point where he got too aggressive."
"No one is above this, and in fact this isn't the NBA it's not like these kids are taking a roster spot."
"Imagine you're training and training as a female athlete, and then you have this male come up and wipe aside all other competitors."
"Silence is betrayal. That time has come for us in relation to biological males competing in women's sports." - Jason Whitlock
"Sport should be a diverse representation of talented people."
"Where do you stop it?...we can't have you in the locker room...where do you stop?"
"He became one of the first athletes to speak of said usage candidly and honestly."
"It's professional football, okay, no one's going out there and just laying down."
"Just because we play professional sports... that gives us carte blanche to do everything moving and our wife has to accept it, it's nonsense."
"I believe you should continue to have an anti-doping group that is involved with the Olympics."
"I have never disrespected or cheated fellow athletes and supporters of any of the teams I have played for or against."
"That's one of the nicest things about this sport, yes they want to win, but they want to beat each other at their best as well."
"If you want something to concentrate people's minds, if you want the next generation of players to look at that and say, 'I don't want to be anywhere near that,' then you take down a big beast."
"It's better if we read the decision from TAS that it was a contaminated supplement, was not doping."
"I think there's always character lessons to be learned in sports: hard work, sacrifice, determination, willingness to give your all and fight until the buzzer."
"So much respect from between these two guys."
"That's good for the game, that's what we're doing here."
"Personally, I think the players' needs should come first, and then ours as fans."
"Fighters should fight at their natural weights, and we should develop another system that can better match fighters."
"Rugby is a game with a lot of integrity and respect, and we have to have that integrity and respect with the referees and our fellow players."
"This is unprecedented, it is wrong, and these people deserve their medals."
"He was an intense competitor who never gave up and ruled by intimidation, not dirty deeds."
"Outworking your opponents but doing it the proper way."
"Money is undefeated against morality in sports."
"We don't play basketball to hurt people, we play basketball to have fun and to win games."
"They didn't hold on to grudges or be upset. Kudos and acknowledgement and a round of applause for Brandon Ingram."
"I want to see athletes treated well and respected."
"He plays the right way, every single possession. It's all about the team."
"Our Sports system needs to be grounded in human rights, accountability, integrity, and safety need to be at the center of sport governance and operations."
"It's pretty sad fans would demonize a fighter for doing his job as a boxer, fighting full-time in the ring."
"Inside the octagon, outside the cage, I'm the guy that tries to set a good example."
"What we're talking about here is the integrity of the NFL and the NFL protecting its own integrity."
"You can compete, you can play hard, you can be physical, but at the end of the day, when you walk away from the court, that's it."
"I'm a massive fan of chants like this and discriminatory chants on all levels being completely evacuated from sports because there's no place for it."
"It's a victory, but it's a bit of a shallow one because I don't want to win like that."
"There has to be some sanctity, there has to be some privacy out there."