
World Events Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"Something I didn't even notice before... Shroud marked this world is marked by the shroud. Something fairly bad is going to happen here."
"Nothing is ever set in stone and if you are given information of things to come or eventualities that might happen, you have the ability to also be able to change events if they're not going to be necessarily positive for the collective."
"Many people can remember the instant they heard where they were, what they were doing, the scent of the world shifting on its axis."
"We've got a little bit to talk about. There's been a lot that has happened in the world over the course of the last month, and we are reaching the last stretch of this sort of culminating two months of 2020."
"If you're in the camp that believes the world is about to end, we're gonna know it well in advance."
"Don't write off world events like 'Oh, c'est la vie.' It's never been like this."
"Perhaps we can begin to see that what's going on in the world is related to the third secret."
"Daily Peanut may not tell the future but it will divulge the unknown and keep you informed of world events in a balanced and bite-sized way."
"No event of any significance in the world... takes place without generating a flutter of conspiracy theories."
"The scary thing about this coincidence is how different the world could be right now if the allies lost the battle."
"World history could be completely different."
"What happens in one part of the world affects us."
"All of the plotlines of the modern world deserve a good understanding, but I hope that this video has helped show that nothing in history operates in a vacuum, and even the end of something as monumental as WWII is never the end of the story."
"2023 was a turbulent year for the world and a baffling one on the internet Wars raged and cities burned while people took sides and lost their minds."
"Expect turnaround events in the world, sudden changes, but there is good news."
"Luffy just saying like 'Sniper King, yeah!' It's just like 'Sniper King, shh, fire!' and then he like lights the flag, shooting down that flag, declaring war on the world government."
"God in His grace and mercy is trying to shake the world out of its complacency."
"The chaos in the world is really preparing a stage for the Antichrist to come out."
"The world is not falling apart, it's falling into place."
"We should be optimistic because as these things are happening, we have the return of Christ on the horizon."
"Despite the horrors of events like Kristallnacht, the international community remained unwilling to stop Hitler."
"With all the stuff going on in the world, it's nice to have like a pop of positivity and radiance."
"The world just keeps getting crazier and crazier guys."
"Does this mean the world is ending? It doesn't, sorry."
"Their final fates will show us what the future world is going to be like."
"The world is not falling apart, all the pieces are falling into place."
"We are seeing the stage being further set as the Bible predicts."
"Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. I can't see how you can't see it with everything that is going on in the world."
"Without understanding the history of these things, it's actually really difficult to understand what's happening in the world."
"The world was saved from the brink of catastrophe."
"All signs are pointing to one thing: the world is entering into a very difficult period of history."
"For the Christian, what's going on in the world is not frightening, it's exciting."
"One of the biggest influxes of Galactic's help came after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
"God is on his throne, everything happening in the world is under his watch and control."
"The world events that are taking place are not just chaotic random events no they're following a specific path that was set by God almighty."
"The instability of the world is screaming at us that all of this is trending towards what we read in the Book of Revelation."
"What the camera captures in Russia shocked the whole world."
"This is becoming quite a drama-filled show called the world."
"There's nothing that's going on in the world today that's not a reflection from our collective vibration as a whole."
"And I think that's connected with the general feeling and the general approach to this World Cup as well."
"What other reasons can you think of to explain the fertility Paradox?"
"Wow, that's weird. But nothing about what's gone on in the world in the last two and a half years isn't weird."
"Can you believe what is going on in this world?"
"There's always something interesting happening somewhere."
"We live in an interesting world where a lot of things can occur."
"Social media can be a very weird place during times like these where it almost feels like people are treating serious world events like pop culture news."
"The big thing here is don't react in panic to the current world events and go out and just grab the first piece of land."
"Do not use world events as an excuse to fail or an excuse to quit."
"Pennywise is an abstraction of a larger concept in the dream of the movie penny wise is real he's scary he has real depth to his character in a story all his own but he is both real and unreal."
"In about six months time the world is going to be a completely different place."
"There's some weird stuff going on in the world and I'm lucky to be here, a lot of us are."
"Wow, you know some days it seems like the world is collapsing all around you, and on other days it actually is."
"What's going on in the world, man? Is there some crazy energy that's in the air?"
"You study history because you're trying to understand what is happening in the world."
"There's so much going on in the world today that does not make sense."
"Hopefully the world doesn’t end before this comes out."
"Let me tell you something even though this is not random, I honestly am scared, I'm scared about what's happening right now in the world because a lot of things are going on."
"The Netherlands just saved the entire world from a repeat of WW2."
"World events have a way of making everything feel very sobering."
"This is the world that produces Modi in 2014, the Law and Justice party in Poland in 2015, the Brexit referendum in 2016, Bolsanaro in 2018, Trump in 2016."
"The entire world is basically expecting a kind of messianic or apocalyptic event."
"The world is not falling apart. The world is falling into perfect prophetic place."
"It's too much stuff that goes on in the world right now."
"Imagine if we didn't have World War I and World War II and the Spanish Flu... we would have overpopulated the planet and destroyed everything."
"The world is currently in an unprecedented time of peace."
"Absolutely terrifying things are occurring every single day on this strange world that we live in."
"With everything going on in the world right now, one thing that a lot of people are concerned about is the possibility of an EMP."
"The world is finally at peace once again."
"...a level of audacity that captivated the world."
"The world as we know it is getting ready to experience this prophetic conflict of Kingdoms."
"Everything You observe in the world is interconnected, every war, every rumor of war, each alliance, and every disagreement are all part of God's prophetic timetable."
"His reign would span the most dramatic decades of the 20th century: two world wars, invasion, revolution."
"The world is going through it right now, of course we want some escapism and coziness."
"It's tough out there, man, with all the stress that we've been going through with the whole COVID stuff and all the craziness and now it's like World War III is on the horizon."
"No need to waste any of your time, thoughts, or emotions on any of these world leaders, politicians, or elite families who carry out the evil in this world."
"Many of us feel overwhelmed by what's going on in the world and in our own lives."
"With everything that's going on in the world, and you certainly saw that in what was an eloquent speech in his second language."
"There's a lot of change going on in the world in a lot of ways."
"Oh my god, yo, this is how messed up the world can get."
"Is this just another coincidence in the face of all the timely occurrences between the LHC turning on and the world events taking place?"
"Understand the signs of the times; there is divine purpose behind world events."
"These judgments are to bring about a change in the world."
"Remember the trial, remember the capture; it galvanized the world."
"Can we be affected by that world? Of course we can."
"We are gonna have to examine and re-examine all of us each of us really closely now 'cause the world is really at an interesting point."
"We are transforming every second of the day, especially now with so much happening in the world, it forces you to change, it forces you to grow."
"Thank God we can decide what to pay attention to because there's lots of stuff that goes on in the world that we don't want to have dominate our mental life."
"This is a momentous hour in world history."
"Like how can you be unaffected by the craziness going on in the world? Like if you're just unaffected, something is wrong."
"We are in the midst of world change, World Revolution, an old order is being swept out with a great noise."
"The past few years have been tough for the whole world, right? To see this again, it's very special."
"When I watched that pilot 3 months after 9/11, it had completely different resonance."
"God is in control of world events."
"Not all that happens in the world is bad."
"Is this the end of the world as we know it, or is this just a wake-up call to get prepared for more turbulent times ahead?"
"I'm super excited that now the world is slowly opening back up."
"What is happening in the world, are we going through some sort of change? Yes, I think so."
"Happy New Year, sir! Crazy world we're living in."
"It helped me wrap my head around what was going on in the world."
"By incorporating different inputs from the turmoil of the world, you can actually evolve new ideas."
"Wouldn't it be cool to have a big thing happen in the world that wasn't just awful and depressing?"
"It goes without saying that religion is a major driver of events and circumstances in the world today."
"We are so desensitized to everything going on in the world that we're like, 'Oh, aliens, cool.'"
"Given the current circumstances of the world, it is no longer a priority."
"Little did anyone know, a few months later, the whole world would turn upside down."
"There's so much [__] happening with this world that I want to know more about."
"There's a lot of crazy stuff happening out there in the world, stuff that can really keep you up at night."
"She knows who she is; she's very very aware of what's going on in the world."
"I try my best to understand a little bit of everything that is happening in the world."
"It's a Great Divide going on right now in the world."
"Being open to what was going on in the world at the time... to be inspired by it was fantastic."
"All the events of the world fulfill prophecy."
"There's too much [__] going on in this world to be angry about anything."
"...everyone changes over time, of course, with time and the destruction of the world in between."
"So much has happened in the world."
"Well, we have had so much happened in the last time we did a video, and the world changed a little bit, and we changed with it."
"You'll be more mobile and flexible because the world is a mess right now."
"The ideas of our times and the world events that create them shape our lives far more than we realize."
"This is a critical moment for the world and I think it's a pivotal moment."
"It sheds a light on things that happen that you never would have ever thought could happen in the world."
"The whole world has changed since then."
"These events illustrate how quickly the world can become unglued and become completely faint out of fear."
"We get into the tea, the foolalah, the craziness, and all the shenanigans that goes on in the whole wide world."
"It was the first time in just a couple of minutes that I did not think about what was going on in the world. It was awesome."
"At stake was not just the fate of the world but the shape of the world to come."
"There's still a lot of good things happening in the world."
"Is it possible that an ancient mystery lies behind the events of our world, the leaders of our times, and the course of our lives?"
"I don't know what's going on in the world, but I'm praying for it."
"We all have opinions, you know. We've all got opinions on what we think is going on in the world."
"There are bigger things going on in this world."
"There's always something happening in the world somewhere, isn't it?"
"I fell in love. It was a place that they would pay me to know what was going on in the world."
"There's a ton going on in the world, and I'm not gonna miss any of it."
"The world, the events in it shape our destinies, and the reporting of these events shape our thoughts."
"We are living in strange and unusual times; the world appears to be coming apart at the seams."
"God cares for all, from the least things to the great events of the world and its history."
"I'm not scared for the world or what's next, it's just happening so fast."
"I love it when they can talk about things that maybe are going on in the world and you can hear about it and maybe relate."
"It has been a very, very crazy year all together as friends and in the world as well."
"He's going to use those cultural influences to amplify our current world events."
"Everything's changing, unfortunately for the whole world."
"What world are we living in, man? What is going on?"
"This is the moment that everything has changed, nothing's ever going to be the same as it was, and this is the start of a new chapter for the world."
"It's like a matter of choice, especially because like everything that's happened in the world lately, I really want to spend as much time as possible with my family."
"It all seems frivolous compared to some of the other traumas happening in the world at the moment."
"It's a really strange time in the world, in sport."
"Hope you guys are staying safe, hope you guys are paying attention to what's going on in this crazy world."
"It's been bringing me a lot more peace lately, just because of everything going on in the world."
"Keep your heads on straight; there's a lot going on in the world, it's very disturbing."
"He was actively interested in world events like politics and history."
"It's amazing how much the world has changed in just a few weeks' time."
"I just kind of wanted to have some fun, you know, there's a lot going on in the world."
"When I see bad things going on in the world, I'm always thinking, wow, this could be the day, you know, the Lord could return soon."
"I feel like you know right now there's a lot going on in the world, and to sort of embrace the positivity that we can."
"...so many things in our world are happening in ways that we never thought possible."
"It's hopefully been something to make you forget about what's happening in the world."
"It's heartbreaking to know that just at one time when things were happening in the world, you always had a reason or an explanation for it."
"It's a lot going on in this world; we needed that."
"The world continues to spin, in spite of everything we're doing."
"It's one of those like amazing stories that happen in the world."
"The world's not falling apart; it's really falling into place."
"It's a riveting look at what was going on in the world."
"This movie is coming out at the exact right time that the world needs it the most."
"There's so much to think about, and there's so many things that are so fascinating in the world that are going on all the time."
"It's pretty crazy how the world changed so quickly, huh?"
"The things that are happening in this world literally are unprecedented and very heavy."
"It does feel as if something has really shifted in our world."
"It's optimistic, but at the same time we know there's a lot of factors happening out there in the world."
"Remember to always continue to pray for our families, for our children, for the things that are happening throughout the world."
"There's just so much happening in the world that sometimes you just need to feel good inside."
"Jackie showed her awareness and caring for world events by encouraging her followers to donate money to reputable charities."
"There's nothing that has ever hit the world like this and nothing probably ever will afterwards."
"I really hope everyone is doing good and hanging in there with all that's going on in the world."
"We are going through a major transition in the world in general."
"I just feel like this week in particular has just been so heavy in the world right now."