
Marvel Quotes

There are 2893 quotes

"The Marvel movies were creating this long overarching narrative while giving you complete stories with a conflict and a resolution."
"The advancement of modern technology and our ever-growing scientific knowledge truly is remarkable, and a feat that we should marvel at."
"This is a trend we're seeing in Sony's Marvel titles: Heroes and anti-heroes seeking holistic cures to medical conditions through mystical forces rooted in nature."
"For the first time in a long time, I actually cared about what I was watching from Marvel."
"Avengers: Secret Wars is what the MCU is actually building toward, and I think that they can easily incorporate all of these characters and teases into this massive story in a way that makes sense and really adds to this epic scale."
"Afterwards, the MCU will be rebooted into a much less complex reality where the Fantastic 4, The Avengers, and the X-Men have always existed in the same universe."
"Your workmanship is marvelous, how well I know it."
"The bridge is lifting up! Wow, Tower Bridge lifts to let tall ships sail through."
"Winter Soldier and Civil War are frequently praised for elevating the MCU, introducing more complex themes."
"Marvel's Midnight Suns is my jam. You take Marvel characters and you hand them over to the people that made the XCOM games, sprinkle in a little bit of card battler, and you have the recipe for what could possibly be my favorite game of all time."
"The very existence of relationships like that is kind of amazing all by itself."
"Marvel Studio's primary magic wasn't necessarily chasing what people wanted from superhero movies but taking IP that most of Hollywood viewed as valueless and making people interested in it."
"When you put the creatives in control, they give us the Avengers, they give us Black Panther and Thor: Ragnarok."
"Marvel is quietly retooling amid superhero fatigue."
"Look how amazing this small little gland is, such a powerful effect on the human body."
"Kudos to that young actor who played young Mark Spector. And kudos to Marvel for going to this place."
"It's one of the best stories coming out of Marvel right now, and there's no two ways about it."
"He was a major character in the Marvel community because he was like the first major black superhero in Marvel Comics."
"I love the idea of just on your cell phone being able to dial a number and cause a phone to ring halfway around the world just by pressing a couple of buttons."
"I think movies like this are some of the few opportunities Marvel has to pay homage to fans."
"With all-new all-different marvel, the first thing the team of The Ultimates did was band together and then basically transformed Galactus into the life bringer."
"This seems like it'll be one of the better events that Marvel's done in the last decade."
"This is one of the coolest stories that Marvel has done regarding Thanos in years."
"Hive cities were once long ago undoubtedly wandered to behold, a quite literal pinnacle of achievement."
"Marvel nuked Marvel because they created a 10-year storyline and it ended. The story is over, nobody cares about any of the Eternals."
"Marvel was successful because it capitalized on nostalgia."
"What's been great about the Fantastic 4 is that they brought a sense of grounded realism to the Marvel world."
"What I think this outrage missed out on is that this story is making a very anti-fascist statement, one that was missed in the rage of the Marvel event frenzy."
"Through his contributions to Marvel, Spider-Man in particular, he had created a significant contribution to American literature."
"The franchises he bought made Disney billions; his four billion dollar deal for Marvel in 2009 paid itself off within five years."
"Mother Nature has its own strange way of surpassing every human marvel ever made."
"Marvel tries to make them more like relatable and kind of grounded. It's not as fun."
"It was more relatable, that's what brought us into this Marvel Age."
"Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful magic users we have in Marvel."
"He is the Sorcerer Supreme for the Marvel Prime Universe."
"There's something to live for... Secret Invasion is coming."
"Future Disney plus Marvel TV series are you looking forward to them? No, after this, no."
"Marvel makes us happy, you know? When they put out their movies, but they also make us happy behind the scenes. So it's the new Disney. The happiest place on Earth is [__] Marvel."
"Marvel kicked off a phenomenon with the release of 2008 Iron Man."
"Luke Cage was the first black hero to receive his own solo series in Marvel Comics."
"You never know with Marvel. They always surprise you."
"The immune system is just the most mind-blowing system."
"Natasha Romanov ended up sacrificing herself for the Soul Stone it was a beautifully Redemptive way to end her own heroic story."
"The sequence in in-game when our heroes put their Heist plan to The Test shows the time travel with in the MCU is distinctly different."
"Marvel used that popularity to shift the spotlight on a few of their other characters."
"The ultimate nullifier is quite literally the Ultimate Weapon in Marvel."
"Why is Marvel so obsessed with Destiny well the short answer is Kang but there is more to the story okay let's"
"David Tennant's Kilgrave, one of the best Marvel villains so far."
"Spider-Man was like the third most popular superhero in existence, but he's the face of Marvel."
"The MCU has the potential to tell a story on the scale of Star Wars."
"Phases 2 and 3 worked so well because Marvel knew where their characters are going to begin and end."
"This is going to be one of the biggest films Marvel ever produces."
"The gauntlet never would have worked had Thanos actually snapped it with all the stones in there; it was secretly a one-time fuse."
"Scott Lang is set to play a huge part in this year's Avengers Endgame."
"Avengers: Endgame delivered on an impossible promise."
"It's 2018, we live at a time where you can play freaking video games, it's mind-blowing."
"It's really the notion that the Hulk and Banner have a very dysfunctional relationship."
"The merge between Fox and Disney to return the rights of both the mutants and the Fantastic Four to Marvel is still being worked out."
"Even if Thor actually aims for the head this time, it might not be enough to take Thanos down once and for all."
"A fun way to add the Eternals in that situation would be for them to be the ones to convince Odin to have his change of heart."
"There has to be a reason why the Eternals have stayed in the shadows for so long, especially given all the world-ending events."
"The scientists of the Marvel universe don't really have a problem creating super soldiers."
"The introduction of Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine."
"After 21 MCU movies, prepare for the final conclusion of the Infinity Saga."
"The MCU wouldn't be where it is today without the Trinity."
"For Marvel, it proved to be another successful project for the X-Men."
"Marvel ultron skip evolution. Only a primitive mind would fail to see the distinction."
"If you have the opportunity to work with Marvel, I highly recommend it."
"It's hard not to appreciate the movie for the marvel and the cinema that it is."
"Infinity War was a great movie, but Thor spilling his guts to Rocket is one of their best scenes."
"Tony had to learn how to let go and trust Peter to do the right thing, and Peter learned that even grown-ups don't always have all the answers."
"Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton go together like a hot dog and mustard."
"Bruce Banner and The Incredible Hulk have always had a strained relationship, to say the least."
"Odin just kind of pawned Loki off on Frigga instead of making sure his adopted son felt cared about by both of his parents."
"Vision and Wanda are both trying to find their places in the world, and this ends up bringing them together."
"A opening weekend of right around a quarter billion dollars - that's just the scale that Marvel works at."
"Marvel has not done a spectacular job with creating memorable villains, but Killmonger was so good!"
"The Avengers: A masterclass in storytelling and the first major stepping stone that allowed Marvel's grand saga to flourish."
"Guardians of the Galaxy - Marvel's first enormous gamble, reshaping the franchise and redefining the superhero genre."
"Happy to announce the film about one of the truly iconic Marvel families: Fantastic Four."
"I'm stoked to see the first Marvel property headlined by a woman. Christian Ritter is fantastic."
"Marco, the Phoenix: flames of revival, healing, flight - a true marvel."
"I think Marvel in general is very smart about it."
"The Marvel versus series is just so good and I just don't want anyone to forget about it because they're all so phenomenal."
"The one above all is too powerful for the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Something about Marvel that I love so much is that they are always on the cutting edge of everything."
"After all, after the Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the fact that Marvel Studios was able to create such a great new Spider-Man is nothing short of impressive."
"There's something exciting going on over at Marvel right now."
"I live and breathe Marvel, call me Queen Challah."
"Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales is like an expansion pack of old same characters new story and with a small dosage of a new technology in today's."
"I think Secret Wars could be an absolutely enormous undertaking."
"I feel Marvel's very usually responsive to like the audience reaction and you know even if they make money they're trying to like make something audiences like."
"I think Doctor Strange could have like one more movie in him."
"The infinity Saga was a piece of storytelling genius because it allowed even the most mundane and unremarkable movies to feel like they were part of something much bigger and more important."
"It always felt like it was building up to something huge."
"Marvel's coming off of a foundation of success."
"Vaccines, antibiotics, complex surgery: healthcare in general would probably be among the luxuries at which they would marvel."
"It's just been too much new. It's almost like, I don't recognize the MCU right now because it's so unfamiliar."
"Yeah and in that scene we got to see Hulk facing off against Thanos which holy shit that was so amazing choreography is phenomenal."
"This movie really made me feel like it paid off for being such a huge Marvel fan."
"I feel like this is worth the 10 years of movies that we've been doing."
"The toxic fandom of Marvel or Star Wars as the critical Drinker says."
"Spider-man is gonna be the perfect character to usher us into phase four." - Perry
"And finally, number one, Emily Bright. Emily just burst onto the scene this year in Marvel's Strange Academy number one."
"Did Marvel bury this show and do it a disservice with this release strategy?"
"He's the one who got the entire Marvel universe off the ground. While Kevin Feige receives and deserves much of the credit, it was Favreau who created the Marvel blueprint."
"Marvel had announced they were going to release this trailer."
"In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, it starts out. There's Doctor Strange who looks different than Doctor Strange, but it's Doctor Strange, so you're like, 'Oh, alternate universe Doctor Strange.'"
"Kicking off phase five, we'll continue that and like the infinity Saga, there'll be Standalone films within the next two phases."
"I think one of my favorite moments is this big Marvel family you have interwoven characters from different movies and shows that are all talking amongst themselves right now."
"We've had just the best time with you two on this carpet, you know. Thank you so much for having us share this incredible experience and bring it in Phase five."
"Bruce Banner has made peace with the Hulk... almost permanently in professor Hulk form."
"There is something so wholesome about Professor Hulk... being a hero to the common people."
"That's America's ass... I disagree mister Captain America... that's America's ass."
"Marvel is aware that this is probably gonna get out and so they just want to get in front of it."
"Black Panther was a huge risk, but Marvel took it and it paid off."
"We've said this before about one of the things we most value about Marvel."
"The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is a cinematic experience."
"Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness hits theaters May 6, 2022."
"The cosmology of the Marvel universe keeps expanding."
"Thanos immediately goes to the top tier of Marvel villains."
"It's a clear tie-in that whole post credits tag is a teaser for Captain Marvel"
"Nick Fury will be a big part of it because this is taking place in the 90s"
"This is the end, it's the beginning of a new phase of Marvel movies"
"Avengers Endgame capitalized on the success of 10 years of Marvel films."
"I think you can totally make a film that is essential viewing, that's not a cumulative climax based, calling back a decade's worth of movies. That's just one way that Marvel has made a billion dollar movie."
"Omega Red first appeared in Marvel Comics with X-Men volume 2 issue number four in January of 1992."
"Just which new heroes that we've met so far would make the best fit on the Avengers squad rather than flying solo?"
"The Fantastic Four is Marvel's most important family."
"I think it's possible given her skills but also she could very likely be a member of the Young Avengers which would be a subset of the Avengers."
"I haven't been this hyped for a Marvel movie in a long time. Black Panther seems like it'll be their best movie yet."
"Guardians and Thor could not feel more different in terms of writing and direction."
"How was endgame able to provide a fulfilling conclusion to so many narratives?"
"Iron Man's character arc is all about progress."
"It's exciting and finally they announce it I guess it's official because it's on the Marvel right it's not just a rumor."
"It's time to go higher, further, faster with Marvel's ultimate cosmic protector, Captain Marvel."
"It's pretty funny to think about how even as Marvel was about to overwhelm the mainstream, its shows were still waffling in popularity and trying out different homes."
"New Mutants are a really cool concept in the realm of Marvel."
"The x-men actually became Marvel's highest selling publication."
"When history of cinema looks back on this decade it'll be like this is the Marvel era, mm-hmm."
"Marvel has created their own genre now, totally."
"In my humble opinion, we have probably the best villain that Marvel's ever had in Christian Bale."
"If your litmus was Avengers endgame then you have to give Marvel at least until 2030."
"Maybe not for his character but because we desire as an audience to see something totally unpredictable happen in a Marvel movie."
"Time to go higher, further, faster with Marvel's ultimate cosmic protector."
"The MCU events were happening what were the X-Men doing? What were mutants up to the entire time?"
"X-Men in my opinion does that way better than Marvel did MCU."
"Marvel Spider-Man 2 is simply put another must-own title from PlayStation."
"There's no denying that the Disney-owned Marvel films have been great. In fact, some have been absolutely excellent."
"Fantastic Four, commonly known as 'Fan4stic,' is pretty much the bottom of the barrel for Marvel films."
"You can see the heart truly sitting in the sac — it's so awesome!"
"Tony learns that he isn't the center of the universe."
"Marvel is more interested in telling stories that are couched in real life."
"Steve Rogers chose to live a quiet, normal life with the one he loves."
"Welcome back to New Rockstars! I'm Eric Voss, and WandaVision just officially crossed over X-Men to the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Wanda Maximoff's hex bubble becomes a sort of interdimensional Pandora's box that spills alternate universe heroes and villains all over the MCU."
"I'm going to go with Avengers endgame... it's the return of the king of the Marvel Universe."
"I really love the Daredevil stuff. The Netflix Marvel shows were phenomenal for the most part."
"I I am excited and glad that they ultimately uh ultimately canonized the Netflix stuff."
"Crazy reveal that all the Marvel movies in the Multiverse Saga are set in different universes."
"I would love to get an agent and maybe they'd throw me in a Marvel movie."
"Deadpool is the hero that the MCU needs right now."
"Wow, technology! The technological advances of a modern day are truly something to behold."
"It's somewhat of a miracle. That thing called science, I think that's true."
"Marvel has always sort of reinvented genres within the MCU."
"Red Skull and Zola are going to be back in Captain America."
"Eventually, we'll have Tony Stark and Steve Rogers back."
"I also want to point out, I don't know if you guys saw this, there is already a group on Facebook planning to storm Sony dressed in Spider-Man outfits to get Spider-Man returned to Marvel."
"Quantumania has had the most ramifications for any Marvel movie that we've ever seen."
"These are two of the best outfits I've ever seen in Marvel."
"The Mr. Knight and the Moon Knight, I think they're both phenomenal."
"As a Jew watching Magneto fight Nazi robots with a train was unbelievable"
"The JWST is a freaking marvel of engineering."
"Shang-Chi is finally out on Disney Plus, meaning those who weren't comfortable going to see it in theaters are finally getting to experience the best Marvel Phase 4 movie."
"Oh, and fun fact, right? The solo Black Widow movie, it's rumored Taskmaster is gonna be the villain, which is pretty cool."
"Venom is a perfect MCU super villain gunning for Thanos' king of mean title considering the Mad Titan is now dust."
"If you've seen the movie Venom or if you've read the comics, you know that Eddie Brock and Venom are just better together."
"When it comes to Marvel characters, it's no secret that Venom has been a fan favorite for a long time."
"By now, you know all about the relationship between Venom and Carnage, but now we're gonna talk about the relationship between Venom and Spider-Man."
"We know Venom is an anti-hero, but he does have the ability to team up with other heroes when the situation calls for it."
"There are many reasons to love Venom, but one of the major ones is that he really stands out."
"Venom and Eddie Brock may share a body, but they're two very different people and personalities."
"Marvel MCU started and everybody went what then we get to Avengers and we see that and we go what oh my god here we go" - Mark Ellis
"I'm very excited about a number of different aspects of infinity war" - Mark Ellis
"Endgame spoilers abroad! Yes, take the little one, I'll take the big one. Fat Thor's amazing, hated what they did with the Hulk."
"This is one of the best things Marvel's done, this is so good."
"The webbed wonder is by far Marvel's most recognizable superhero."
"Known by some as the Superman of Marvel, Hyperion has a ridiculously impressive power set."
"I was absolutely blown away by the huge marvel and feat of engineering in a very short period of time."
"I like a good mystery in the show and uh yeah one division got me uh addicted to a good marvel mystery so, yeah me too."
"And let's just skip down to Isaiah Bradley, yes, Isaiah Bradley he's I know I've said my cap to everyone so far but like he's gotta be he's gotta be my cap."
"She's in charge of [ __ ] visual effects at Marvel uh which has been kind of a problem."
"Phase four was a joke, it failed because it's woke."
"There's no denying that Thanos is definitively a mad Titan."
"Sometimes it takes a second serving of a Marvel just did everything right."
"Guardians of the Galaxy mission breakout has arrived."
"The human body is remarkable. It's like a small Universe."
"The web head is swinging over to Marvel's Avengers."
"Guardians of the Galaxy is probably one of the best jumping-on points for the MCU."
"Marvel and Video Games are an unlikely duo that have been creating good and bad memories for several decades now."