
International Support Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"Deterrence of China is a principal reason why we have to support Ukraine and help them defeat Russia."
"Enjoy your gift. I was watching your channel; Egypt was amazing. This is just a little something for the kids from Queensland, Australia. Andrea Palin, all the way from Australia."
"We continue to be the largest provider of all of those and we continue to have the backs of the Ukrainian leadership and the Ukrainian people."
"My country urges the international community to show empathy and support all the victims of war without discrimination by nationality or race."
"The world supports Ukraine. I think that's a good thing."
"The United States and other like-minded countries are there to lend a hand and assist Bangladesh as it starts to rebuild the democracy and rebuild the institutions that have been so damaged over these past decades."
"The Free World is with you, America is with you, I am with you."
"As we are supportive of the people of Ukraine in their fight to protect their land, we likewise must support the people of Palestine who do the same thing."
"I literally spend 25 million dollars a year feeding children in Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq."
"The state-of-the-art tanks that the United States and Western countries sent to Ukraine immediately after enabled the Ukrainian Army inventory to have much more advanced tanks."
"The UK is there to support Ukraine during their time of need."
"These forces in this region, they're on our side. They are confronting these medievalists, the ones who want to take us back, and so therefore, they're the ones that should be supported."
"The Cuban people have provided an inspiring example of courage, and they deserve our full support."
"This is an international incident, and I think that the international community's got to come together and back the protesters in Hong Kong."
"All you have to do is look at Hong Kong and look at Taiwan during this covert situation and see how they supported themselves and how they acted and how they added to the world."
"It's now time for the world to have their back."
"We stand very much behind uh that support support expressed in the Budapest Memorandum and doing everything that we can to uphold Ukraine's independence uh its security its well-being."
"The UK to provide 1.3 billion pounds of further military support to Ukraine."
"Even if you hate and vitriol, even if you think that I'm lying, you still couldn't look me in the eye and tell me you think on social media that there's been a fair representation."
"We got all 50 states, Finland, France, Canada, it's cool to see everybody get behind this."
"We need to allow Ukraine to stand up for their country."
"Let us give the Ukrainians the tools to finish the job. They're fighting for our freedom as well."
"So here She is again so she's really emphatic how much she loves Ukraine and how Germany will stand with adding more money and more weapons to Ukraine."
"May you please grow in that, just know that you also have followers here in South Africa. And then all the best Wendy Williams, definitely thank you so much for calling."
"Japan has consistently shown unwavering support for Ukraine."
"America is still helping us, but step by step, we will simply have to increase our contribution."
"I don't care. We need to help Ukraine to win."
"Tonight, we stand with Ukraine and we are doing so unwavering and determined." - Representative of Germany
"But if we are going to continue to be a place that believes we can have a role in making a more prosperous and peaceful world, then we're going to have to stick with countries like Ukraine when something like this happens."
"Australia must stand with Taiwan from a humanitarian, freedom, democracy, and sovereignty standpoint."
"Poland has provided key support to Ukraine from literally the very first day of the Russian's Insidious Invasion."
"Shout outs to India, I know a lot of y'all rock with me heavy and I [__] with y'all to death for it."
"Finland is providing military assistance to Ukraine... for the sake of Ukraine." - Ukrainian Foreign Minister
"Hold strong Ukraine is going to win this war."
"If Ukraine thinks there is a path that would help advance its interests, protect it in the war, and we can be helpful in that, of course, we're fully prepared to do that."
"Since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian Army has fought valiantly with international help, achieving significant steps toward retaking the occupied territory and inflicting significant losses on Russian soldiers in the process."
"The Free World stands with Ukraine." - Narrator
"The American stands with you and the world stands with you."
"History would have been very different if Canada weren't there supporting the Chinese Communist Party."
"Germany has agreed to send advanced battle tanks to Ukraine."
"We're fighting for freedom, democracy... If Ukraine failed, everybody would fail."
"Good news for Ukraine German ambassador states that a new Patriot air defense system will arrive this winter."
"We have to invest everything that we have to support the Ukrainian people and to support President Zelensky."
"We need to invest everything that we have to support the Ukrainian people and to support President Zelensky."
"Supporting the Democracy in Ukraine and supporting their self-defense is an act of Americans acting morally."
"We must continue to support Ukraine politically but also with defense means and also make it clear for Russia that this unjustified war must end."
"The fact that South Africa stood up to represent for Palestine has created new hope in the world."
"Spending positive vibes from the UK, y'all know we here to make a difference."
"I will say over and over the United stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance."
"Direct American support would arrive shortly."
"Western leftists need to critically support progressive movements in the third world; their victories will weaken capitalism at home."
"We can do both: build our wall and continue support to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan."
"America will always stand with those who stand up for their dignity and their rights."
"Portugal joins initiative to provide Ukraine with artillery shells."
"We will stand with our Ukrainian friends. However long it takes, Ukraine can win, Ukraine must win, and Ukraine will win."
"Unfortunately for Ukraine, the key to its resistance is not any magic potion but the support of the West."
"Sweden's support for Ukraine is worth considering Sweden has given Ukraine vital military supplies since the War Began."
"What is it going to take to put the country back together? It's going to take the effort of the entire international community."
"The message that President Putin can take from today's extraordinary meeting of NATO and the G7 is this: Ukraine is not alone. We stand with the people of Kiev, of Mariupol, of Lviv, and Donetsk."
"The United States will stand with South Korea against Chinese economic retaliation."
"I think it's the fact that we were the first major Western country to stand with them..."
"Many Ukrainian refugees will wish to stay in Europe closer to their homes, but we also will welcome 100,000 Ukrainians to the United States."
"Americans overwhelmingly support Ukraine instinctively."
"Thank you so much for supporting my country because last year, we were not sure that Ukraine would last. This year, we have no doubt that it will, and Russia will collapse."
"Japan provided Ukraine with a 550 million support from the beginning of the war."
"Will the United States hang Taiwan out to dry?"
"Western countries who are furious are extending their help to Ukraine even more."
"We need the Paradigm Shift from supporting Ukraine from as long as it takes to doing whatever it takes for Ukraine to win."
"It was Donald Trump who began to provide lethal weaponry to Ukraine to defend itself."
"We must support the Ukrainian people in their fight, and we must ensure that Putin fails."
"What we do is provide support to Ukraine, an independent nation that has a right to defend itself."
"Providing military assistance to Ukraine has been and continues to be a colossal task; it is arguably the largest logistical operation undertaken by the West since the second world war."
"We need Ukraine to win not just for Ukraine but for the global proposition that you cannot by force take another country's territory."
"The ultimate goal here right now: give Ukraine the momentum."
"To remind people... that Ukrainians are just like us... and that we support Ukraine because actually it's their struggle but it's also our struggle."
"We simply will not stand by while Russia kills civilians."
"We must and we will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes."
"We cannot cut and run from Ukraine they are in the midst of a counter-offensive they can win if they are given the support and the material that they need."
"We don't need any attention in Azerbaijan, I mean we need you to just stand up for your own values."
"Nonviolent tactics can help us to galvanize international solidarity and support."
"Support for Ukraine in their struggles against the oncoming invasion is the most important issue to me."
"For the United States to walk away from the conflict at this crucial moment and cut off support to Ukraine would be an open goal of historic proportions."
"Foreign volunteers from around the world are doing their part to help fight this war."
"But I think that there's at the moment a considerable degree of optimism about what Ukraine would look like with the kind of support it would get."
"I recommend us being committed not to Ukraine's survival but to a more rapid Ukrainian Victory."
"Western Military Support Ukraine does not stop even more new countries such as Bulgaria start assisting the country."
"The United Nations is committed to supporting Afghans."
"Future offensives must convince westerners that Ukraine is worth helping and can overcome Russia with military aid."
"This country stands united with the French people in our opposition to all forms of terrorism."
"Every press freedom group in the West condemns this prosecution."
"Poland has been a staunch supporter of Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict."
"The Ukrainian Army has reached an incredible strength thanks to the support packages sent by the United States and other Western countries."
"In recent years, there has been growing awareness and efforts within Masai communities and by international organizations to end this brutal practice."
"Majority of civilized countries of the Free World they already agreed that yeah we have to help Ukraine."
"Canada could help fuel its allies to victory."
"Please believe that we in Czech understand what it means to the Taiwanese people to have the big brother always behind your back. For our shared experience, we understand you, and we stand together with you in Taiwan."
"Americans have rallied to support the Ukrainian people and made it clear we will not be part of subsidizing Putin's war."
"73 percent of Americans are now in favor of giving Ukraine NATO membership."
"Freedom and democracy have to win and we will stand with Ukraine as long as it takes."
"We need to support decent Russians and the Russian people."
"And if you show your support, I will also put a sentence you can use, which would just be your country's name (in English is fine, or whatever language), and then say から応援しています!Which means, 'I'm supporting you from (this country)!'"
"We have to help the Ukrainians to win the war."
"Honestly, good for Ukraine and good for the rest of the world for backing them."
"The British army survived the onslaught helped in their hour of need by volunteers from Burma India and across the Commonwealth."
"Fulfilling Biden's vow to support Ukraine for as long as it takes is a matter of capacity not just political will."
"Fortunately for Italy, it can look across the Atlantic for aid from the superpower on the western hemisphere: Cuba."
"We have the Strategic endurance to support Ukraine as it defends itself against aggression."
"The commitment that we've made to the Ukrainians is absolutely extraordinary."
"Britney is free, congrats from Christianland, Norway."
"China's already said that they love the VeChain initiative and so many companies in China already using this, this could get really really big really really fast."
"Congratulations America, much love from the Netherlands."
"European production is building up to meet Ukraine's needs." - Czech president
"We're going to support Ukraine as long as it takes."
"Standing with Ukraine every step of the way."
"Thousands of foreign Fighters stand against Russia, willing to risk their lives to show it."
"We remain keen to build that coalition of countries to give Vladimir and his people the aircraft support that they need."
"You are doing a great job, love from India. Respect, man. Really appreciate that."
"The work of the Progressive International and the work of the Belmar's Tribunal depends on small donations, so please, everyone who is watching this, subscribe to the Progressive International and consider helping and supporting our work."
"We'll go to Italy, we'll go to France. It will go to Spain, which is, you know, very hard hit."
"Stay strong, stand with France, stand with free speech, and greetings to France, greetings to Macron, greetings to the French people, and stay away from Islam."
"Australia had been massively vindicated by the outpouring of support from other countries in the world."
"We should support Ukraine, we should support Israel, we should support Taiwan, and we should support humanitarian aid."
"We are 100% in united in our support of Ukraine and in our opposition to the Harvey."
"For moderation to prevail, there must be an international community standing behind them."
"Canada's support for Ukraine is unwavering." - Minister of Defense
"Street Fighter 6 is gonna be awesome, it's gonna be great!"
"To support the Ukrainian victims of Russian aggression, you have to support the Yemen victims of Saudi progression."
"The courage of the Ukrainian people is unlimited."
"Ukraine demonstrated it was capable of vanquishing the Russian army with the assistance of its Western allies."
"Jack Dorsey and Jay-Z set up a 500 Bitcoin blind trust in India and Africa."
"We stand resolved with the Ukrainian people and with your fight for freedom."
"Major supportive help coming towards Ukraine."
"NATO members have reaffirmed their commitment to bolstering Ukraine's defenses."
"So, yeah, I think the atrocities and what we're seeing in terms of you know the appalling behavior of Russian troops in the occupied territories definitely likely to increase um support for heavier weapons supplies and we absolutely should do that."
"By the end of the summer of 2022, Pakistan was making significant amounts of artillery shells, munitions, other ammo for the war in Ukraine."
"Canada will continue to support Ukraine as long as it takes."
"NATO's confirmed the full support to Ukraine."
"The biggest contributor by far to no one's surprise has been the United States."
"We will continue to support Ukraine's democracy, sovereignty, and independence."
"Hi from Canada! Just wanted to let you know that people absolutely love you. Most of my friends who are not United fans think you're awesome."
"Chancellor Schultz committed to long-term military aid to Ukraine to the tune of about 17 billion euros or about 19 billion US Dollars by 2027."
"The Ukrainian Army has become unstoppable with the support of the United States and other Western countries."
"The majority of equipment for this run is going to be forcefully provided by other countries."
"Taiwan owning its own defense will directly contribute to American support."
"We will be victorious. It's 100% Russia cannot stand against the whole world that supports Ukraine."
"We needed a better United Nations and I think we can support you in that absolutely."
"Emergency aid has to continue because many states cannot or will not protect the rights of citizens around the world."
"Not only are other corporations and countries, but this International Finance Corporation is in support World Bank delegation also praise the Central Bank of Iraq."
"Taiwan's path towards a sustainable economic future depends on the support of the International Community."
"So many of you are from all over the world, so it may be your only chance to shop in my booth this way, and I appreciate you all being here and supporting me in the ways that you do."
"Tahiti captured everyone's hearts, to be fair, and I wish them a speedy return to the international scene."
"We will continue to give unfaltering support to the United Nations and related agencies."
"Other countries sent aid in the form of food, fresh water, and medical supplies."
"We need to deal from the alliance perspective, continue the investment, the cooperation and the longer term support for Ukraine."
"The people of South Africa would have fought hard even without the support of the international community, but the cost of that struggle would have been too crushing for us."
"Our best hope is that aggression will not succeed, that there will be tremendous international pushback against aggression."
"The people of Venezuela are standing for freedom and democracy, and the United States of America is standing right by their side."
"We love Palestine, Philistine, we love all every Muslim country, we want good for them, we make Dua for them."
"We remain resolute in providing support to Ukraine as it continues to defend itself against Russia's aggression."
"Anything that takes thirty five thousand people to the other side of the world in support of a team that comes together once every four years deserves to have a 10 game tour."
"The English-Speaking Union is an international body that provides support to young people engaged in educational activities that require high-level communication skills."
"Austria therefore fully supports the vision set out in this resolution for two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security within recognized borders based on the pre-1967 borders."
"It's all about helping the economies of these countries that deserve some help."
"Tanzania pledges its full support to you and your entire Bureau."
"We love helping international students and professionals find success in their cross-cultural journeys."
"The United States and the regional community stood in solidarity with the Venezuelan people and demanded that their voices be heard."
"The support from the state of Qatar is most welcome."
"Women on the ground defining the policy... then the international community kind of backing them up."
"We all want to extend our regards and our hopes and God bless you to Paris and to France."
"The most important thing that the United States can do is be much more aggressively supportive of the international financial institutions for the developing world."