
Definitions Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"Intelligence and consciousness are very different things; intelligence is the ability to solve problems, consciousness is the ability to feel things like pain, pleasure, love, and hate."
"You guys are making me rethink what a churro is. Let's keep broad definitions."
"The dictionary defines average as 'A single value that summarizes or represents the general significance of a set of unequal values.'"
"If you thought that we'd opened a can of worms when it came to defining averages and measurements, well, trying to define what a thing is, is like opening a whole truckload of cans of worms."
"Definitions apply to objective facts, whether you know them or not. That's what ontology is. Epistemology is you try to make the best guess given limited information."
"Operational definitions are basically agreed-upon terms or agreed-upon definitions and conditions that will define something such as happiness."
"Marginal versus effective: there's a difference."
"The difference between adult and mature: Adult is aimed towards adults; mature is fully grown and developed."
"We construct definitions to serve our own purposes as humans. The only reason definitions exist is because they serve us, we are their masters."
"If someone calls themselves an atheist and you say that atheism is defined as believing there is no God, but that person clarifies saying that they simply lack belief, responding with 'but the definition of atheist is' doesn't somehow prove that the person's actual position accords to your definition of atheism."
"While the offspring of a god is called demigod or half-blood, the child, grandchild of a demigod, is called a legacy."
"Elite can be defined in many ways; it can be defined economically, it can be defined intellectually, it can be defined educationally. But being an elitist is a mentality that says the rules simply don't apply to you because you are of the special ilk."
"If we do not share common definitions of words, we cannot have conversations with one another."
"People tend to fight the hardest over certain definitions when there is a lot of normativity involved... because when you call somebody a certain thing, there's a whole bunch of moral baggage that's brought along with the claim."
"It's official everyone. The word literally now also means not literally. That is to say, metaphorically."
"The dictionary has over 40 different definitions of the word 'good,' but number one on the list is moral excellence."
"Misogyny has a real definition. So what you think and how you feel doesn't mean that it's real."
"The alt-right was almost more of a negative term. It was defining what we were not more than it was defining what we were."
"Being attractive and being pretty are two separate things."
"Speed is distance by time, and velocity is displacement by time."
"Speed is a scalar quantity, and velocity is a vector quantity."
"Assault rifle is a term; assault weapon, however, is a made-up political term."
"And the ability to make recursive definitions is a source of incredible power."
"This is the kind of story that gives me nightmares... because I can see myself making the same mistake."
"Gender has more than one definition... for discussion's sake."
"There's a difference between poor and broke."
"Is it fascism? Is it a new brand of conservatism? Is it classical liberalism? I don't think so."
"Flexibility is passive static, and mobility is active dynamic."
"It's an adult human female. That's all that needs to be said."
"You're a feminist and I get to define myself as not a feminist."
"When we're like defining things and is it card draw or is it not, there's a tendency to say, 'Yeah, but it's good.'"
"That's amazing. So now which one is an axiom, a law of nature?"
"Words and definitions do evolve. You know what people can do? Reclaim it."
"That's the literal definition of prejudice: to pre-judge."
"What part of the word 'mystery' didn't you understand?"
"It's extremely dangerous because it says Jewishness is about apartheid and genocide and so on which is the epitome of anti-Semitism."
"To be affluent means to flow with wealth. Affluent means wealthy, but it means flow like water."
"It's very hard to call this a recession when you've got full employment."
"I believe so personally, because as I've grown up and come into the world as a human being as a queer person, you know, the boundaries for what sex means or the definitions of sex are kind of ambiguous."
"Entropy can mean two things: one is a lack of order or predictability, gradual decline in disorder. That's the one I knew."
"Relationship ain't a contract... it's a relationship."
"What's the meaning of help? To be assisted, supported, promoted."
"Where space begins can actually be determined by the speed of the space vehicle and its altitude above the earth."
"A virus is an infectious obligate intracellular parasite that has genetic material."
"There's no clear line between sexual assault and rape; both are bad."
"Options and warrants have overlapping terminology."
"By removing it from the laws of our reality, we take away its definitive meanings."
"The UN has five different definitions for genocide... it's a black genocide."
"There are no instances where...dictionary definition of a word."
"Benevolent though is pretty much by definition someone who does get into other people’s problems."
"Feminism is not a single movement, it's actually a term used to describe a bunch of things."
"There are facts out there in the world, but definitions are categorically linguistic. We create them."
"Jihad means to remove oppression and give people their rights and dignity."
"An antique is generally something that's old and valuable; an artifact is something that's old and not necessarily valuable but tells a story."
"There's a difference between being rich and being wealthy."
"So I think that's a pretty safe thing to say, now if you're talking about something like a soul depends on what you mean by it."
"If you oppose somebody because of their race, that is the definition of racist."
"Extreme hunger is a clearly defined phenomenon."
"By definition, we say that person is a Muslim... anyone who submits to the Creator."
"Spur of the moment means without plan, something spontaneous."
"There are as many definitions of introversion and extraversion as there are personality psychologists."
"What Rhonda Santos is doing is what needs to be done; everyone needs to fight tooth and nail."
"Reflex models are synonymous with models in machine learning."
"There's a prize and you have to give up consideration to like participate it's money yeah so consideration the definition is it paying for something is it doing something is it depositing money like is that consideration like i don't know right."
"The right to decide is the definition of self-determination, whether it's over a territory is kind of trivial."
"Because as it turns out, you can in fact change the definitions of words."
"Nothing is technically a vegetable if you want to be technical."
"If you're going to elevate your vibrations, you have to break out of all these definitions that the world has, even of a word like success, even of a word like failure."
"No one has ever said to the Ukrainians that there are different definitions of nationalism."
"In general, I like to define cheating as any behavior anyone in the relationship has agreed is not okay."
"Love can be anything you choose to wrap around the word as long as the two people involved agree upon the terms."
"Russia is not satisfying the definition of imperialism."
"AI is a very overloaded term that can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people."
"There is no holistic non-contradictory definition that you can give for why a word might be bad."
"The difficulty arises in the complex nature of the specific definition of a castle."
"In Christianity it's Christ which means the anointed one, the redeemer."
"It's a sobering reminder of how powerful legal definitions can be."
"Not defining the bare minimum creates a sort of protective dissociation from reality."
"For the statement 'I identify as a woman' to have any meaning, the word woman must have meaning... but then you need to come up with an objective and coherent definition of woman."
"Very, very, very difficult to define and definitions actually matter."
"People shouldn't be so worked up over whether or not something is defined as a remake."
"To innovate means to introduce new ideas, concepts, methods, or products to create or do something in a better or different way."
"Persevere means to continue on a certain course of action even in the face of difficulty, with little or no prospect of success."
"Language matters...we've defined words and roles...to ensure clear communication and understanding."
"If everything is a right, nothing is a right. You have to properly define rights."
"We're not talking about anybody out there saying this book shouldn't be available to anyone that's an actual ban that's what censorship is."
"Remember, it's not just something is a game or isn't a game, but there are all these gray areas in between those two places."
"To encounter someone means that you see them somewhere."
"To say that alternative music has to look and sound like some specific arbitrary point in time like that would be the exact opposite of what alternative music and culture is supposed to stand for."
"Partnerships... If you have a partner that you think I like, he's your friend, not your partner. That's a marriage, not a partnership."
"First of all, let's talk about exactly what I mean when I say metalcore."
"GEOS stands for Graphic Environment Operating System."
"There's a difference between inconvenience and harassment."
"The word 'witch' just means wise and intuition. It's just your intuition."
"We are a constitutional republic and not a democracy."
"I wouldn't say you were racist unless you actually did something racist."
"All machetes are knives, not all knives are machetes. What makes a sword a sword? The instant when a machete is wielded like a weapon."
"He restores my soul. What is the definition of restore? To bring back to or put back something to a former or original state."
"Good definitions tend to care more about reflecting cultural experiences than nitpicking about technicalities."
"What do you refer to as clandestine, please tell me."
"We can't settle for redefining the word racist."
"We're gonna have to really rethink what contribute means, what provider means."
"Surprise birthday parties would meet the definition of a real conspiracy... based on inference."
"Scientologists truly believe this: the definition of clear is..."
"Are there truths that are non-scientific? Well, it depends on what you mean by truth."
"Feminism and women's rights are not interchangeable terms... You can have a non-feminist understanding of women's rights."
"Androgynous: Neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine."
"There's a nice little thing that you can define - it's a finite number."
"Philosophy is defined as the love of wisdom."
"Do you know what a meme is? Well, it refers to an amusing or an interesting item such as a caption, picture, or video that is spread widely online."
"Helping is doing something for someone that they can't do for themselves, and enabling is doing something for somebody that they should be doing for themselves."
"Taking flight is not a jump, and I am sticking to that."
"Is cereal soup? I think disagree because it's cold and you don't boil it with vegetables or bones or anything like that."
"Recursion is typically a program referring to itself in its body, so long as I have what I call a base case."
"Changing the definition of fully vaccinated is more than just semantic, it's serious stuff."
"The truth is the truth, the meaning of 'each' can never change."
"You never go full feminist, but what is full feminist? I hear you ask. It's being so desperate to call yourself a feminist that you will desperately cling to some definition no matter what."
"Technically you're still straight if you think a trans man is attractive. You're dating a trans man, you consider yourself straight, you're still straight."
"Lockdown is now means a whole bunch of different things in different areas."
"Voidable means that it's valid unless you exercise a right to void it."
"What is DAX and what does it even stand for? Well, it stands for Data Analysis Expressions. It's basically a formula language with functions."
"Water is not wet because water being wet, like if something is wet, it's the state that it can be dry and water cannot be dry."
"What does it mean to be a husband? What does it mean to be a wife?"
"The problem may simply be the way 'full' is being defined."
"Readily restored vs. readily convertible... restored means to go back to a condition where you were originally at."
"If love is just love and you're not defining love, then it doesn't mean anything."
"Words are defined, and if you're looking for the definition of a word like domestication, you can find that in something called a dictionary."
"Don't confuse the word occult with something scary... it means hidden secrets or clandestine writings."
"Illegal activity is anything the government tells you is illegal activity."
"Espresso is now incredibly difficult to actually define."
"But therein lies the problem because the amount of definitions of a mechanical keyboard is almost endless nobody agrees on this at all."
"Can we stop trying to narrowly define womanhood in these rather visceral terms?"
"If Benny Hinn is not a false prophet and false teacher, then the term has no meaning."
"Bravery means doing something scary, fearlessness means not even understanding what the word scary means."
"Undisputed heavyweight champion? Well, if it's undisputed, what's all the fighting about?"
"Legislation isn't perfect and there is a reason to keep definitions somewhat open-ended."
"Depends on what your definition of luring is."
"Chemistry is one of those things that seems really hard to define."
"Petition does not mean just a bunch of signatures."
"The whole point of category theory is to find the right definitions that represent the things you care about."
"What is it to be masculine and what is it to be feminine, and who decides what those things are?"
"The first rule of clear speaking is that you define your terms unless you have reason not to."
"It was only about five minutes ago that everyone in this room would have been able to define a woman and a man."
"A liquid has a definite volume but no fixed shape."
"Words have different meanings. If you look up the word 'witch,' you may get several definitions, but one of the definitions for sure is wise woman."
"The right definition of the problem is the only way to get the right answers."
"We should begin with Aristotle's work concerning Definitions since it is the definitions which make up the core of any argument."
"Life and winning is all about definitions."
"Winning is all about definitions."
"Sanctions are defined as government-imposed economic restrictions, and I think definitions are important here."
"It's often not completely disclosed or not disclosed at all and some things we know some things we don't know for example one important thing is how we define what we mean when we are talking about strain so you could define strain in different ways."
"Arguments can use stipulative definitions. When I use the word God, I stipulate that God is infinitely perfect. Anything else is not the kind of God I'm talking about."
"The real numbers are countable here. No, the definition of the rationals are those real numbers which aren't rational, those real numbers such as root 2 that can't be written as one whole number over another whole number."
"By more conventional conservative definitions they are the only triads."
"DevOps is the new cybersecurity. When somebody says DevOps, my question is going to be: what do you mean by DevOps? Because it means different things depending on where you go."
"Our very best definitions of evil or good of beauty or justice."
"Let's just throw out all the buzzwords for this discussion and try to Define re-releases by the terms that actually describe them not the terms that Publishers use to sell them."
"Just because you call something something doesn't mean it is that something."
"You can read the definitions together and understand where this meaning is actually coming from."
"It's amazing so many people have their own definitions. Well, let's see what the Bible has to say."
"I've just learned that definitions limiting they are um they help sometimes bring context and understanding and give language to certain things but they they can be very very limiting."
"First, we’ll look at the definitions of theology. Second, we’ll explore the goals of theology. And third, we’ll touch on the topics of theology."
"Shannon's proposal was to define information content as the log of one over the probability of the outcome."
"The pedophilia can never be that, so a paraphilia is what it should be defined as, and I think that is what it's defined as presently."
"I read a paper that said that there are more than 57 working definitions for what is a species as of, I think, two years ago, that could be found in the scientific literatures."
"Our current definitions of wealth revolve around money, income, GDP, profits, but these are manufactured definitions of wealth."
"Recognize the importance of knowing the exact language and definitions for precise answers."
"Every square is also a rectangle and every rectangle is a parallelogram."
"What is an angel? Let's use the Hebrew word 'amalah'."
"So many folks use them interchangeably or misuse them, but these are the definitions for my Saka. I want you to have those."
"The word income is not an ink blot. Income was understood at the time of the 16th amendment's adoption to refer to gains coming into the taxpayer like wages, rents, and dividends."
"Both of these guys are right, but when you put their answers side-by-side you can see how you can quickly become confused by these terms."
"Why do they even have to have a technical term for anybody?"
"The range is a set of all output values... dependent upon the domain."
"Each translation unit will contain a copy of that definition."
"When you say land in Ghana, it means the land and everything that is attached to the land. Anything that you cannot take away if you are leaving the land or the soil is part of the land. So the house is part of the land. When you see land, it includes the building on the land."
"Everybody has their different meanings of high value men."
"I hope you can see how seriously I take definitions and clarity and transparency in communication."
"In the majority of the world where it's not Britain, the definition of city is reasonably reasonable."
"Some people say cult plus time equals religion and then other people say a cult is a group where the leader claims to talk to god, a religion is where that dude is dead, right?"
"For any density matrix, I can always define a modular Hamiltonian."
"The word 'sum' means not none, in other words, at least one."
"Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about nor whether what we are saying is true."
"What if instead, we define numbers in terms of positions?"
"Definitions in life are important; you got to have definition, you got to set proper boundaries."
"Fickle, firm, wild, tame, restless. For too long, words like these did not have precise mathematical definitions, until now."
"We define cure in two ways: one is called a functional cure and the other is a sterilizing cure."
"Hey kiddos, did you know what group of fish is called? A family. And a group of lions is called a pride. A group of crows is called a murder. And a group of people is called a migraine."
"The history, the spiritualism, the definitions, all speak for themselves."
"We define a vertical line b to mean a divides b."
"First Corinthians 13 has all the definitions of love, which is actually all the definitions or characteristics of God."
"You have to be beyond good and evil to define good and evil."
"A square is a special rectangle, but not all rectangles are squares."
"There's a technical definition, but there's also a widely accepted social definition that has gained respect in basically all levels of society."
"Definitions aren't objective; it's how useful they are."
"The Joker's Wild is a game of definitions."
"Armadillo means 'little armored one' in Spanish."
"What does lookup value mean? It's the item we're trying to look up and match."
"Anything raised to the zero power is defined mathematically just to be the number one."
"Reality doesn't care about our definitions at all."