
End Times Quotes

There are 534 quotes

"In the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy."
"The more we move into the perilous times spoken of in the Holy Bible, the more people are becoming interested in the prophetic aspects of the Bible."
"Both believers and unbelievers are increasingly fascinated and hungry to know about the end times."
"The message for the last days is not 'get rich' or 'play church'; the message for the last days is 'be holy, fear God, keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man.'"
"This Gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to All Nations, and then the end will come."
"Sometimes it seems that life doesn't make sense anymore, but the Bible scripted the last days and has let us in on the end game."
"In the last days, particularly the time of the rise of the first and second beasts, will be an age and time of deception like no other."
"Deception is the number one characteristic of the last days."
"The end times aren't happening to us; we are happening to the end times."
"Let no one deceive you by any means; for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first."
"The End Time church must be a prophetic church."
"The scriptures, rich and resolute, lay before us a roadmap, a divine navigation through the tumultuous times that signal the end times of human history."
"We don't need to worry about what's going to happen in the last days if our faith is rooted in Christ."
"Everything that has a beginning also has an ending, and it's all outlined in the Bible."
"This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."
"So maybe it was happening, maybe the end of time was unfolding. I was standing there, and I got goose bumps. I said, 'Wait a minute, is this it?'"
"Before we explore these strange phenomena happening around the world, let's examine the Bible's stance on the signs of end times."
"Satan will once again make another attempt, maybe the final assault on the human race, in order to wean men and women away from the worship of God."
"The message of the last days is not wealth, it's not prosperity... The message of the last days is, be holy as the Lord our God is holy."
"The end-time book for believers is not the Book of Revelation; it's the Book of Esther."
"The Bible describes the end times as the conclusion of the current system of things."
"The word of God did not leave us in the dark regarding the last days."
"When Jesus returns and he has killed the Antichrist, then Gog and Magog will be destroyed by something which attacks them at the back of their necks, something like a bacteria or a virus."
"We are most certainly living in the end time, and we are now on the verge of the greatest war of all history."
"It is the one thing almost every religion agrees on—that the world will end."
"The phrase 'latter rain' is taken from Joel 2:23 and 28, and sometimes James 5:7, as a label describing an end-time revival and evangelistic harvest expected by many. They believe the Holy Spirit will be poured out like never before."
"So here's this: a big heaping helping of hot takes about the end times in fiction, their histories, and the philosophy underlying them."
"We are seeing that happen again in our times. And I believe that before the Lord comes for us, we are in a time of deep darkness, but at the same time, the Lord is showing forth the glory of His Son in the church."
"In the last days will come times of difficulty for people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive."
"Jesus is telling us by means of this riddle how he wants his servants to act during the end times."
"It's deeply uncomfortable for me and I don't like to go there, even though I know how."
"The end of the world as we know it now is not bad news from a Christian perspective, it's something we look for and hope for and pray for."
"We are living in the final hours of Earth's history."
"Time is running out, we're living at the time of the end."
"The only safe shelter in the last days is to be in Christ."
"Jesus affirms Daniel, and Daniel says that the world is going to be ruled by four great empires. It's going to culminate with the rise of the Antichrist and it's going to end with the return of the real Christ."
"Stick with me in the Mark series as we continue to do end time stuff in Mark 13. It's gonna get hairy but hopefully it'll be a huge blessing to you."
"Who will be protected through the seven last plagues?"
"The return and triumph of Jesus Christ will ultimately transform the devastation of the end times into a remarkable new beginning."
"There is only one thing that will keep any of us from receiving the mark of the beast in the end time: that is a love for Jesus so deep that nothing will break our hold on him."
"Stay diligent in these end times and do not be deceived."
"We are going to discuss the end time views of the different world religions."
"We are living in the very last days of Earth's history."
"Strong delusion that is promised for a final generation."
"Jesus is coming soon, the appointed time draws closer by the day."
"Revelation's prophecy: Satan's final fall and the link to past events."
"We're getting much, much closer to the tribulation and the end times here."
"When you see these things begin to happen, then look up and lift up your head, because your Redemption draws nigh."
"I hope people wake up to the fact that what is happening before our eyes is what the Bible warned about in Bible prophecy."
"We're not called to hide... we're going to be called to preach the gospel during this time."
"For centuries man has believed that an end of this world as we know it would come, an event preceded by signs and wonders mysteriously shrouded in the pages of prophecy."
"Jerusalem is God's timer for the end of the world."
"Are you prepared? Are you living your life every day like Jesus will come at any time soon?"
"When you see these things begin to come to pass look up because your Redemption draweth nigh we are right now living in the last days."
"Our safeguard in these last days is a love of the truth."
"We're living in the last days okay we're living in the last days."
"In these last days, scoffers will come scoffing and following their own evil desires."
"Jesus said a temple for Israel will be operating in Jerusalem when the tribulation starts."
"Once this information starts to come out... it's gonna be a sign that we are now in the end."
"As it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man."
"A day of deception is coming that was so intoxicating even God's children would succumb without His intervention."
"The highest shall show the visions of the high things which the most high will do unto them that dwell upon the earth in the last days."
"Don't let that spook you out of knowing what the Bible says about the last days."
"The Ephesian Knight has literally been told...there's nothing to fear whatsoever in the end times for those who have been predestined to be a part of the family of God."
"Antichrist isn't going to appear on the scene until after the system's in place and the Ten Kings are here."
"The love of many will grow cold, and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations."
"Put a purpose on it put a purpose on it because when you find yourself beyond your understanding you gotta pivot to the purpose."
"The end time issue revolves around true and false worship."
"The end of all things is at hand. Therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer." - Peter
"The Lord was letting me know that's the end of times."
"As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man."
"Jesus can return to rescue us from this world at any moment."
"This is happening, this is the end times, I've seen things over 34 years of preaching the gospel I never dreamed I would see."
"Jesus said there would be wars and rumors of wars... these are signs of the times."
"As believers we see and know that the world system is lying to everyone and it is directing the masses towards judgment in the lake of fire."
"Yahushua told us that these last days will be like the last days of Noah to prepare us for dealing with it."
"God's work in the last days separates the good servants from the evil ones."
"In these last days, it's not about how strong you are but about how dependent you are on God's grace to sustain you."
"The battle of Armageddon is predicted to be the grand finale, the ultimate showdown in human history."
"We are living in the last days and the return of the Lord may be just moments, days, weeks, months, years, or decades away."
"But for many, those are just the warning signs, omens of the final day and the final battle."
"Maybe our civilization has reached its end stage."
"We're living in the last days, in the end times."
"We're in the end times, we are in the last days, and if you don't know Jesus as your Savior, I think the very first thing I want to say to you is understand something: this is the last days."
"People are hungry to know what the Bible says about the last days."
"Mockers are a sign that we are in the last days."
"May we be worthy to be marked with end time protection."
"This will likely end in fulfilling biblical prophecy, I think. Yeah, mark of the beast is like upon us."
"As we lead up into this end time Harvest, it is becoming a lot easier for us to identify who are the wheat, the righteous."
"I think all of us are holding out for the Rapture wipes this country out and it's no longer what it used to be when the Lord snatches us off the surface of the Earth in a moment in a twinkling of an eye."
"God is raising you up as an end time warrior."
"When it comes to Celestial phenomena and the significance in relation to Endtime scenarios, the Bible is anything but silent."
"It's the end of the world as we know it and you know what guys I feel fine."
"We are in perilous times, we are in the days of Noah, Jesus is coming soon."
"All the signs of the second coming of Christ point to His soon return. We live in amazing days. We live in great days. We live in wonderful days."
"You're with us even to the end of the world."
"We are entering into the very final harvest."
"We're in the end of days, man. We're in the end of days."
"The Bible's historical and prophetic writings tell us where we came from, where we're going, what's going on today, and how it's going to end."
"Israel's rebirth is a critical sign of the end times."
"It's very interesting isn't it we really are in the end times it's a very exciting time to be alive."
"Survivors universally believe it is judgment day or the end of the world."
"Literally feels like it's going towards the end of the world."
"Know this, that in the last days mockers will come."
"In the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man."
"We are living in the end times, witnessing events that will continue to become more frequent and intense."
"Parallel the days of Noah as we read in Matthew 24:37-39, but as the days of Noah were so awesome will the coming of the Son of Man be."
"We're living in the era where so much of this is coming to pass right before our eyes. Jesus told us that when we see these things coming to pass that we're to look up; our redemption is drawing nigh."
"Biblical cosmology, especially in light of end times, is critically important."
"Don't be afraid, there is one thing that will come before the end."
"We're in the end times, give your life to Jesus Christ if you want to be saved."
"The world will only end when the Lord Jesus Christ returns."
"We're right near the end. The Rapture of the church is going to happen so soon."
"Jesus warned that in the last days the world would once again be like it was in the days of Noah."
"It's behind everything from the past, the present, what's happening right now in current events, what is yet to come. It's really the master blueprint of the end times."
"In the end times, the whole world's going to focus on Jerusalem. So here we are, the reality of God."
"Your discernment has to be top-notch, especially in these last days."
"In the last days, right before Jesus returns, there will be a time of severe distress this world has never seen."
"Bible prophecy is coming to pass right before our eyes, and it has never been more important for believers to understand."
"The prophetic message is so on track that soon many will realize we're in the end times."
"When you begin to see all these things coming to pass you better look up and lift up your heads cuz your Redemption is Drawing Near."
"The challenges in the last days are going to be so enormous that only those who have faith or developed in the life of faith will be found standing."
"The Bible is clear. The number one indication Jesus will return soon is all of the signs appearing at the same time."
"Both the Old and New Testament predicts plagues or pestilences in the last days."
"The core issue of the mark of the beast revolves around worship."
"The martyrs of the end times will be the greatest martyrs in history."
"There's a storm coming... we're living in the end times."
"We're living in the end times. We're certainly living in the last days."
"Cutting edge faith is what is needed to survive the end times."
"What's driving all this is an end time scenario that again God told us about."
"The fact of the matter is what's driving the last days and the end times and God's great end time plans."
"It's the end of the world folks, it's the signs of his coming."
"We're living in the last days, you're watching Bible prophecy reveal itself right before our very eyes."
"You're literally living in the end times, and the Bible says that we would see these signs of his coming."
"To be a shaman is to have seen the end. To have seen the end is to know the political act."
"The Antichrist Spirit has already possessed many."
"It's crucial especially in these end times to return to the foundational truths of the faith."
"They know what's that Revelations 12. They know that."
"My thoughts are that we are going to start the tribulation at any time, that's my thoughts."
"Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe that a messiah shall come towards the end of time."
"We're getting closer to seeing Jesus...we're that close, guys."
"Politically speaking, we are reaching the end times for our system."
"The more that we work together, that means sometimes saying, 'You know, I don't quite see it that way, but I know you're my brother and you're my sister, and I'm going to lock arms with you.' We have to do that folks, we have to in these end times."
"His resurrection power is going to reignite the church in these end times."
"Jesus told us that in the last days, there would be earthquakes in diverse places."
"We're winning souls to Jesus Christ, we're in the last days now."
"We're in the last days, but we are the winners!"
"We're witnessing the prophecies of the Bible. The signs are coming true, and we are coming to a point where people need to start counting the cost."
"We are in the last days... the signs are everywhere."
"The ones who are going to succeed in the last days and do the greatest work are the ones who know God."
"The 144,000 are those who are alive when Jesus Christ returns to the earth."
"The spirit of antichrist is preparing the way for Antichrist."
"The end times are not happening to me, I'm happening to the end times."
"Could you imagine being so oblivious that you miss the end of the world?"
"In the last days, angels and demons will be involved in struggles."
"We are living in the end of days as we know it."
"We grossly underestimate the pure and sheer supernatural deception that will occur during the rise of the Antichrist."
"Remember, Jesus loves you. We're at the end of the end here."
"One of the signs of the time of the end is when knowledge shall increase."
"He's predicted the end of the world twice now and the world is still here."
"The New Testament predicts that before the second coming there will be a great Falling Away of the faith."
"Now watch verse 40 a lot of people take verse 40 and they say no this is the rapture that's not the context the context is jesus coming at armageddon and destroying his enemies."
"This whole December 21st thing, it really is the time that it's over."
"By the time we get to the book of Revelation, we find there are two sole powers left in the world."
"Folks, we're living in the last days. We're living in the end times."
"We are truly living in the days that the Bible said would come."
"As the prophet Daniel foretold knowledge shall be increased in the end times and that time is now."
"When these things begin to happen, look up, your redemption draws near."
"This is a message for the last days. May God help you, may God keep you, may God preserve you."
"The end time prophecies are coming much much closer than many many in this world understand."
"Technology must be a part of the mark of the beast."
"God's word tells us exactly what the end of days is going to look like."
"In the end times, the worldly church is gonna take hold of Jesus, but they're gonna say to him, 'We want to teach our own lessons.'"
"This ladies and gentlemen should tell you that we are living in the last days."
"2024 is the most likely time... for Antichrist to declare himself to be god in the ultimate abomination that is desolation."
"Jesus said when you see these signs of the end times start happening, don't get down. Don't get discouraged. Look up, I'm on my way, your redemption draws near."
"These events are indicative of the end times, urging us to deepen our spiritual commitment."
"The silence was deafening. Oh, absolutely, the silence is definite, and yet it matters to Jesus. It matters that we know how it ends."
"One of the many signs that we're living in the end times is the epidemic of wickedness and violence."
"The final outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the sons and daughters in the last day is a promise."
"Do not be alarmed, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end." - Matthew 24:6-13
"If you dwell too much on the end of the world as we know it it robs you of your joy."
"Many Christians believe today that the horsemen will come to earth in either their physical form or the forms of pestilence, war, famine, and death."
"Don't be deceived, the rapture is a real event."
"Daniel's prophecy speaks of the time of the end with armies pushing against him from the South, the North, and from the East."
"The only way we can remain steadfast in these last days is by drawing from the wisdom and strength of the Holy Spirit."
"The most repeated description in the end of days..."
"It's the number one sign of the last day's events."
"When you see the tribulation near, be encouraged because Jesus is coming."
"I truly do think we're in the very last days."
"So you also when you see all these things... it is near at the doors."
"One of Satan's greatest deceptions I believe regarding last day events is that God's people will not go through the tribulation."
"It's simply a Biblical major sign of the end times."
"There's a strong possibility that we can help bring in this end time harvest."
"It's just satanic attacks to keep us away from proclaiming the wondrous gospel in these end times."
"The only way for us to make it through these last days is to invite him to be the lord of our lives, to lead us, to give us his spirit and his power."
"The answers to all the questions we have about Scripture, about the end times, they're in the Bible."
"The Lord is preparing people to get out of here."
"When you see these things, begin to come to pass, look up."
"God has a plan, He has a strategy, and there's something that Holy Spirit is doing in these last days."