
Economic Influence Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"The more China invested in Latin America, the easier it was for them to drive policies and economic decisions in its favor."
"The balance tipped in the year 2000 when the Institute for Policy Studies in the U.S. reported that of the hundred largest economies in the world, 51 were corporations and 49 were national economies."
"Women control 51% of all personal wealth in the United States."
"We have already impacted about 30 million workers, and it will be a lot more."
"Distributors of coal in Australia now are saying we don't want to build any more coal plants. They are actually lobbying the Liberal government to put more money into renewables, please, because it benefits us because it's cheaper."
"China is doing to Ghana what the United States of America historically has done to everyone else."
"Money has conquered everything in this society, including the party that is supposed to be the great check on free markets."
"Russia gets political influence, new customers, and also, of course, further enrichment for the oligarchs close to the Kremlin."
"Taylor Swift has transcended her role as a mega-star and emerged as an economic powerhouse."
"As a consumer, there's only one thing we can do at the end of the day, and that's vote with our dollar."
"Examine the success of any titan of industry, whether it be Carnegie and his mountains of steel, or Rockefeller and his sea of oil, and you will find a coveted green commodity fueling their industry ... Money."
"If you look at China they come in with lots of cash and they offer to do things and expand their relations but they're not interested in involving themselves in the internal affairs of other societies."
"The most power that we have is our wallet, where we're spending our time and where we're spending our money. That has the most. That is how you vote, right? That is the best way to vote."
"Are you using your money to vote for change?"
"I saw it develop from almost nothing into this large asset class, which is now the tail that wags the dog."
"It's really exciting to see the power of women and their purchases having an effect on what economists and economic commentators are talking about."
"If I'm being paid to say things that I don't believe and I'm more successful when I'm not even saying my true beliefs then you are expressing your true beliefs then you suck and maybe your side should pay somebody too."
"The Chinese spent eight trillion dollars building ports and schools and hospitals and roads and they are now eating our lunch abroad."
"I am a firm believer of voting with your money."
"The mode of the economy affects people's moods as well. And with the Japanese stock market the way it is, Mother really wants me out of the house."
"Money makes the world go around. That's what's fueling the change in the United States."
"You need to go after the people with the money."
"We have this tremendous economic power over China and I'd use it if we have to."
"Germany is the lynchpin of the European Union, an economic powerhouse that’s also home to one of the world’s top creative capitals."
"China runs like the mafia, and this is what they've been doing."
"Money controls everything, but without us, there's nothing."
"The letter urged Canberra to step in and buy the plantation to boost ties with Solomon Islands and prevent China taking control of the port an airstrip and establishing a base."
"The logic of money and the desires of those who have most money starts to take over whole of society."
"We're gonna stay the course with the ship and as the economy recovers so will our stock."
"The only way is economic. Vote with your money. Put your money where you want it to go, where it supports your best interest."
"That's what's got to happen, I mean if the Instacart workers went on strike, if the Ralph's workers went on strike, they would shut this country down tomorrow."
"Every time you got a hot little dollar or peso a yen or a yuan in your hand you have the power to determine what you do with it."
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws."
"China is becoming a more significant shaper of the global economy than the United States."
"That's how you vote with your dollars everybody."
"It's not red or blue, it's green." - Rupert Murdoch
"Black dollars mattered the minute black people stop supporting people who don't support them that's when people pretty much go downhill in history."
"While the Yuan currency is still a long way from challenging the Dollar's dominant position as the world's Reserve currency, its growing use in international transactions is a sign of China's increasing importance."
"Voting with your dollar is sometimes more important than just actually voting."
"The economy penetrates every dimension of life. It would be a tragedy for democracy if we all are convinced by the establishment."
"From our old friend, Upton Sinclair. Remember he said, 'It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.' That's kind of a law of human nature, isn't it?"
"They argued that capitalism was going to change China. Now we stand here 23 years later and realize capitalism didn't change China; China changed capitalism."
"Money is a real abstraction, but it's also totally real because it runs our lives completely."
"If your doctor had to raise their salary, you know, like no, no, I want them to focus on medicine."
"Money trumps everything you guys. It's you gotta understand, money does trump everything more than politics and social things and all that. Economics, they just fuel everything especially in the modern era."
"Central bank actions and money printing is absolute rocket fuel for Bitcoin and all of the other good cryptocurrencies."
"NFTs were exciting for artists... but it's another example of a thing's potential already ruined by the ultra rich."
"Money talks unfortunately, that's the language we all speak."
"Money talks and BS walks. Zion's bank, why did they pull out? Because money talks and they looked at it and said the amount we're sponsoring this for and the amount we're going to lose over this is not worth it."
"Voting with our wallet is the only way to make you listen."
"You can literally vote with your dollars to say to corporate America, 'Hey, I'd like you to custom-fit an environment for me.'"
"If you control the money, you control everything."
"That goodwill translates into massive foreign investment, the acceptance of Chinese exports, indulgences when the government or state-affiliated organizations are caught stealing technology."
"Your party's influence on economic policy is crucial."
"Law by now was the wealthiest subject in Europe."
"The economic allure of China could usher in a realignment of diplomatic and strategic priorities."
"Why is it a central bank determines this financial future for all of us?"
"The president only moved on his reaction to the coronavirus because the stock market went down."
"Trump was probably going to win if the economy was as good as it was back in January or February."
"Wall Street, Jeff Bezos, big Democratic donors, resistance media operation. This is a political hatchet job."
"If you're involved in a bank, if you eat food, if you buy gasoline, you're supporting these families."
"World domination for America is allowing American businesses to make deals in countries all around the world."
"Billions of dollars from Wall Street are poured into the single-family housing market."
"Monopoly's been horrific, but it really pervades every aspect of our life."
"Taking away his piggy bank would prevent him from going to war again."
"Use the buying power that you do have to show what you're invested in."
"The government cannot allow our movement to be successful because they literally make more money, they have more power, more dominance and control when we are weaker."
"It really is basically who is appointed to the Fed jobs."
"Credit could be a good thing. Credit pretty much runs the world."
"This Ambani Adani story may have an impact on the politics and this may be used more and more for political gains."
"Once I catch you with the debt, I hold you forever. You are my prisoner."
"By 1970, they're the second most important political and economic power in the world. It's an unbelievable, fuming achievement."
"We hold the power, and if we see ourselves as citizen consumers and if we vote with our dollars, we can change the industry."
"The sheer size of the US economy makes it the most important single factor in global trade."
"China is actually going to help contribute to inflation."
"You get to vote with your dollars and that vote will always go through and it will always take the effect that you want it to. You vote with your dollars, that's how it works."
"This really shouldn't be that surprising because in today's world it feels like everything is bought and sold by China in some way, shape or form."
"Gas stations that pass along the decrease in oil prices to lower prices at the pump."
"Consumers are voting with their wallets in a big way."
"The use of capital as a weapon to foist your views on society... might actually even be the more frightening of the two."
"Strive Asset Management announced its launch... to restore the voices of everyday citizens in the American economy."
"The institutional side is just like the short-term rental side, where they're not a huge amount of the housing market but at the margin, they can have an impact."
"You vote with your wallet and your attention."
"People are able to walk with their feet as well as their wallet."
"Social media is a deadly game for power and money."
"We have to understand the power of our dollars."
"When Brazil adopts bitcoin, that is going to have a knock-on effect on the rest of the entire continent."
"Banks create 97 percent of the money supply, so their decision of who gets the money and how much they get reshapes the economic landscape."
"Women control the market, keeping prices high."
"The biggest economic choke point of the 20th century may have been oil passing through the Strait of Hormuz, but now it's microscopic silicon transistors manufactured in Taiwan."
"China would have a hand in just over 40 percent of the global gross domestic product."
"Bitcoin whales now hold 9% of the circulating Supply totaling about 1.8 million in Bitcoin."
"The dollar is king when it comes to Hollywood."
"This is 'Magnetize Yourself' where we talk about life, love, spirituality, and of course, the law of attraction."
"Bitcoin's the rising tide that lifts all boats."
"Vote with your wallets. If you like something, support it. If you don't, walk away."
"Vote with your dollars, most powerful thing we could possibly do."
"Russia can afford that because Russia has a big oil pipe that can produce oil and transform it into money and buy people that will later change the opinion of the international community."
"You cannot call this a democracy if democracy means we just get to go vote but with the economy, if we have no say in this, then it's not a true democracy." - Michael Moore
"Ultimately it's all in jeopardy because greedy people are dragging this out for their own personal gain."
"We started telling players that money equaled quality. We brought this on ourselves."
"If what happened in China stayed in China, that would be bad enough. But instead of America's changing China, China is leveraging its economic power to change America."
"Ultimately, money underlies a lot of what goes on in our life...and then across boundaries as well."
"We cannot let a company, a hedge fund, or a private equity firm get to a point where they can move the market."
"These companies, because they are so large, have tremendous economic power and tremendous political power, and they're spending hundreds of millions of dollars trying to protect the status quo."
"Money in the United States lets you do whatever you want and it's just going rampant."
"We can vote with our votes but we can also vote with our dollars."
"He controls the biggest gold mines in Zimbabwe right now."
"We have allowed ourselves to be trapped by idiotic ideas... pushed by very rich people."
"It remains to be seen whether this will have very serious effects on the hegemony of the U.S. dollar."
"You know the biggest root of evil on this planet is money."
"If you push them lower, you might get the opposite behaviors."
"Depreciation is single-handedly the most powerful Market shifting tool in the used car market."
"It's always been about the Petro dollar... it's about the Petro dollar supply and demand."
"The power is held by the person who can get the money."
"How will the pharmaceutical industry make money unless they buy their way in?"
"As you're earning money because it's really really interesting the way the world works if you have enough money you control the police you control the government."
"We communicate more with what we purchase than what we actually even say."
"Money runs the world period correct whoever has the most money buys the best weapon absolutely you know so on so forth."
"Big media today is so much part of big money that we need decentralized media to regenerate democracy."
"Americans are going to vote with their wallet."
"All markets are affected by this, even the supermarket."
"Meta on the other hand has almost 4 billion users, an 800 billion dollar market cap."
"It's either going to change the world or it's going to zero."
"China's Belt and Road program aims to create economic dependency on China."
"Ukraine controls at least a quarter of the global market despite being home to fewer than one percent of the world's population."
"Most of humanity's issues it boils down to money."
"If you are around people that make more money, you have the ability to see what options really are."
"Cheap cars go up in value when the market goes down."
"Instead of us doing business with china and that leading to china becoming more free what has happened is a place like china has bought our silence with their money."
"If you control the money supply, you pretty much control everything."
"China owns me, yeah. China owns me, yeah. And every part of everything I do, 100."
"The best vote that anyone can make is with their pocketbook."
"The power of the Fed: they have the power to move markets just with a few short words."
"In a capitalist society, the number one method that's going to be used to control you is money."
"You vote with your dollar and you follow the money and you ask questions and really that can solve so many things."
"The web doesn't suck because of JavaScript frameworks, it sucks because of capitalism, because of the attention economy, because we pay for everything with data, and because we're all slaves to the algorithm."
"The tax code is going to dictate economic behavior."
"The big companies like Google, Apple, Tesla, these companies, no matter what happens in the market recession or not, these are gonna be the killers."
"One of the worst things that can happen and the best things that can happen to a cryptocurrency project is price appreciation and notoriety."
"Your children are going to be going to fight another war here, a war that is being propagated by the Federal Reserve and other world central banks."
"Silver is the underlying mechanism which can change the whole system."
"However they do depend on our dollar they might not admit it they might not admit it but they depend on."
"The corporation is bigger than the government. Of the 100 largest economies on earth now, 51 are corporations."
"Saudi Arabia... it will be a devastating blow... to the power of the U.S dollar."
"He goes, 'I go to McDonald's every morning for a sausage egg McMuffin, and depending on how the stock market is doing, I get cheese on it.' I was like, bro, you need something."
"I think the main reason for this is the market being spooked by the federal reserve raising rates this year."
"Blackrock and Vanguard, they own everything... They are the evil you look for in the world."
"East Asia is the economic powerhouse of Asia and indeed the world."
"Warren Buffett is such a skilled investor and he manages so much capital that he can allocate capital to companies that have pricing power."
"China is still manufacturing and providing various products worldwide."
"Money is the trigger to everything else, it has a ripple effect."
"If you're rich they want to do need help and you'll call up the central bank and you'll say it's Western civilization you must save me."
"No president of America has ever won with a bad economy, ever."
"You can't make somebody understand something if their salary depends upon them not understanding it."
"The greater their economic power, the greater their political power."
"I feel like there's just way too much money to be made to leave racism alone."
"The winner is not who's first, but who gets their values built into their currency."
"The Federal Reserve controls the economy and financial markets. We need to know what they're saying and planning next."
"Google is kind of a gatekeeper for commerce, and suddenly they're making money hand over fist."
"Soft power cannot be a substitute for hard power. You must talk at the hard power level of military, of money, economics, finance. All of that you have to talk."
"Morality changes when the dollar signs go up the zeros get bigger behind a number."
"But they also go in there and they try to influence the financial system."
"Money always wins out in the end and the league is still run by a handful of billionaires that get to play god consequence free."
"The real motto of the New York Times is, 'Do not significantly alienate those on whom we depend for access and money,'" Layman revealed.
"Interest rate hikes will crash the crypto markets? No, they won't. The crypto market is on its own trajectory."
"Finding solutions rests in the power spaces, which is the economic space as well as the political class space."
"Voting is just one part. The other aspect of politics is holding elected officials accountable and continuing to push your agenda after the election, leveraging your economics to enforce your politics after the election."
"But there's a raid, there's a magic number, there is a reading in the dollar that will shock the stock market and bring it back into its senses and that could happen as soon as tomorrow."
"The US dollar has really grown across the globe through stable coins."
"Money Talks y'all this is a fact if y'all ain't learned nothing from this channel one thing for sure you should have learned is man money really does talk."
"To deny the effect of gas prices on politics is crazy."
"Anything's possible if you have the right checkbook."
"Your book is the different instances where white people actually wanted to be friends and be social with black people but it was against their wealth interests."
"Elon Musk has become the wealthiest person in the world today, passing Jeff Bezos."
"When you have multi-billionaires into a multi-billion pound organization such as the Premier League, what do you expect?"
"Whoever controls these things controls the markets and economies." - Industrial warfare explained
"Money pretty much drives everything. We've said that on the channel before. Whether it's right or wrong, the rules tend to follow the money."
"If you control food you control people... then you control all the wealth."
"Chanel made the poor walk like millionaires."
"You have the power to vote with your dollars."
"You can have all the hope you want, but we'll follow the money."
"We gotta hit 'em in the pocketbook. That's our only Avenue."
"Whoever controls the world's money supply controls the world."
"Our country losing the massive adoption of our currency and losing the world's Reserve currency status."
"Look, the reality is Asia's going to be well over 50% of global GDP in the future. If China dominates it, which it clearly wants to do, it will dominate our lives, our jobs, our economic prospects, and security."
"China invested $24 billion into Italy between 2005 and 2019."
"Wherever China starts to encroach more of its economic influence, the fentanyl trafficking follows."
"Ripple is all about worldwide shipping, it's all about oil, it's all about all of the money."
"It's absolutely not healthy for us to have corn in everything, but it's just so damn cheap."
"The crackdown on Ma and Alibaba denied the Jiang faction a huge source of money."
"Taiwan's growth indirectly influences China's economy."
"Under Lorenzo's Guidance the medich family's Financial influence reached New Heights with the gold Florin of the medich bank becoming the standard currency throughout Italy and parts of Europe."
"Vote with your dollar in today’s world."
"I think that the the way in which data is the new oil is that it is in by and large going to be the main lever for economic power and economic influence over the course of the next few decades."
"The restoration of American centrality to the economic system."
"You become a Force which even Central Bank of Kenya can't ignore."
"...the Delano impact on the economic stability of the US is not confined to just one family member."
"As goes Saudi Arabia, there goes the oil business."
"Animal migration can also influence human behavior and have a positive effect on the economy as animals pass through a local area on their spectacular journey."