
Nelson Mandela Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinian people." - Nelson Mandela
"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears." - Nelson Mandela
"Nelson Mandela's successful fight against apartheid in South Africa made him the living embodiment of his famous maxim: It always seems impossible until it is done."
"Despite facing pressure from many within his party, Mandela stood strong in his belief in the power of forgiveness and called on South Africans of all races to unite and build a true rainbow nation."
"Nelson Mandela, one of the few figures in my lifetime who achieved kind of near sainthood."
"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela
"Mandela, whose parents were both illiterate, was the first member of his family to attend school."
"In 1999, he established the Nelson Mandela Foundation to combat HIV/Aids, a disease with prevalence rates significantly exceeding 10% in South Africa."
"Let us use the lessons taught by Madiba as inspiration."
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." - Nelson Mandela
"Mandela represents our collective better intentions as a nation."
"A man like Mandela truly deserves everyone's respect."
"Mandela goes free today. It's straightforward but beautiful heralding the end of apartheid."
"Nelson Mandela's message of forgiveness, peace, and reconciliation is as relevant today as it ever has been."
"Lead with your heart... Mandela led with his heart."
"The most powerful weapon you can use to change the world is education." - Nelson Mandela
"Nelson Mandela said it's always impossible until it's done."
"Every African should look up to Nelson Mandela."
"The Man known to history as Nelson Mandela was born on the 18th of July 1918."
"It was from 'Long Walk to Freedom' by Nelson Mandela."
"Remember that Nelson Mandela was about to become president. Most of the country was overjoyed, a few people were worried."
"...Nelson Mandela was released just three years later."
"The freeing of Nelson Mandela after 27 years in prison."
"Nelson Mandela came and things are different, but there's still that cultural divide."
"Nelson Mandela... after the country held its first elections in which all races were allowed to vote."
"It's Nelson Mandela's birthday, 20,000 people turning up to his party."
"Under the watchful eye of the tall statue of Nelson Mandela, national hero here, these riders... feel the energy of this area."
"Robin Island, which is where Nelson Mandela was in prison for many years."
"The most difficult things that I ever did in my life was I just walked for a few minutes into the prison cell of Nelson Mandela."
"Nelson Mandela, Freedom Fighter, wrongly imprisoned."
"Nelson Mandela emerged from his long nightmare as a simple man walking his way to Freedom."
"Imagine Nelson Mandela's like 'you're my daughter now' - that is such a big deal."
"The small island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned acted as the second and final race marker of the course."
"Nelson Mandela's biography, it's called a long walk to freedom, and it's a really good book."
"Nelson Mandela... being one of the first black presidents down in South Africa."
"By all means, Nelson Mandela must be released from prison."
"It was on these steps that Nelson Mandela was declared president in 1994."
"What a blast to be back in front of the Mandela crowd."
"Nelson Mandela is a global icon. He spent his entire life fighting for freedom, equality, and justice."
"Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison, a lifetime of personal sacrifice that we in comfortable chairs can barely fathom."
"Nelson Mandela was elected as the first democratic president in South Africa."
"The strength and the power that Nelson Mandela had calmed down the nation."
"Practice being the last to speak. That's what Nelson Mandela did."
"This is Nelson Mandela's statue. It says Long Walk to Freedom."
"When the doors of the Robben Island prison clanged shut behind Nelson Mandela in 1964, I was 2 years old."
"Mandela later said that the South African government did them a service by incarcerating them all together at Robben Island because it was like a university."
"Mandela... became a vocal fighter against HIV."
"It's pretty sad there are people who don't know who Nelson Mandela is."
"We firmly believe it is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world, as stated by Nelson Mandela."
"A leader I'm most inspired by? Probably Nelson Mandela."