
Underdogs Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"That's the beauty of football – even the underdogs can dream big and win."
"The 1998 Vikings did something far more special They defied everything they were supposed to be to put something genuinely special into the world that had not been there before."
"They moved up really quickly from being unknown to beating powerful men in power."
"Seven minutes in, the Youth Academy Lads have taken the lead against the money machine of Manchester City."
"Team Liquid the underdogs... will strike first."
"Trying to fight this completely fair and you're the underdog, you're not setting yourself up for success."
"A lot of our favorite stories are about underdogs who take the gold."
"Against all the odds we ended up in the final."
"I tend to understand the plight of the underdogs... like guys like Itachi or whatever."
"That's the magic of the FA Cup, small teams beat big teams."
"The best generals in history were those that won with underdog forces."
"When it really matters, the underdog will find a way."
"Screw those guys, this week I'm talking about the underdogs, the ones who bucked the trends, defied the odds, and inspired the masses on their way to championship glory."
"There is no power greater than the power of the underdog you see that in every single movie underdog is gonna come out on top."
"America loves outlaws and underdogs, and NWA was both." - Anthony Fantano
"Talladega Super Speedway has always been unusually favorable to underdogs."
"The Harlem Globetrotters came and beat the team considered to be the best."
"I feel the BTS they'll always think of themselves as the underdogs and that it took blood sweat and tears to get where they are today"
"People want to hear stories where the underdog attains power to fight for justice."
"Bayern Munich obviously like financially they're very strong... but still, I believe that in certain games it was possible that someone else could have beaten Bayern Munich."
"That's how you have to succeed as a smaller team."
"We won another game, the underdogs beating the dogs, hooray!"
"On the flip side, how many not so hyped up guys emerge as all-time greats."
"Azumarill and Diggersby are Pokemon with low base stat totals but do really well because they have a really good ability."
"The scrubs may be short, small, and unathletic but they've got heart bigger than anybody out there."
"You want to see someone else fighting at the top. Underdog stories make the sport more interesting."
"Both players who were not the favorites beat their opponents, so congrats to both."
"Being a back marker team supporter is actually way more fun than being a top team supporter."
"They'd always be the underdogs against Frieza; they all were."
"It's about The Underdogs, you know, challenging... they're the true Untouchables to me."
"This is an Anthem for underdogs and and you know I can fuse this mythology with my love of the action genre and and and and give give the the audience hopefully something of substance and something different."
"Two teams that have been underdogs this whole time, two teams that have proved so many people wrong."
"Austria are a great team... similar to Hungary sometimes you don't need the most star-studded teams to do well in International Football."
"The Underdogs that wouldn't be denied those who have never had it in them to quit who can dig deeper than humanly possible"
"You end up learning that the underdog actually outperforms Goliath."
"Look for The Underdogs, look for the opportunities that other people are not looking at."
"Physically outmatched, down in numbers, and full of a bunch of lovable underdogs, this tribe instantly becomes one of the most rootable tribes in history despite Sarah's best efforts."
"Don't Take The Underdogs lightly."
"And there are the Bears at plus 370, despite a rookie quarterback, more than a fighting chance to be Kings of the North."
"Revenge of the Nerds remains a significant film in the comedy genre, especially for its portrayal of Misfits triumphing over adversity."
"Playing in their first NFC title game since 1981, the Eagles were cast as underdogs but played like champions."
"Destiny, it belongs to the underdogs."
"You have these underdogs who basically carried the weight of BuzzFeed on their back for years and now they have their own company and it's thriving."
"The underdogs always come out on top. Underestimated you and overlooked you."
"We're like these Bad News Bears of Silicon Valley."
"Underdogs can do unbelievable things."
"2024 is the year of the underdogs. If people counted you out, get ready to see their face hit the ground."
"David and Goliath" is about underdogs, misfits, and the art of battling giants.
"Teams like Tial have done it, and other teams as well. I'm not going to sit here and name all of them, but some of those Privateer teams ended up beating the big boys who had lots of money and lots of resources only to have themselves slip back down the grid."
"This one in particular is for the underdogs, this one in particular is for the ones who want to do it their way, this one in particular is for those who want to bring as many people through the door with them as they can."
"We've won, the underdogs have won."
"What's cool about this new electric era is the big guns they don't have quite as much hold over the nation as they once did. People are more willing to give the once underdogs more of a looking."
"I always stand with the Underdogs of anything."
"Underdogs are healthy. I like it when we're on the back foot. I like it when we're The Underdogs."
"To be the underdogs and to claim three of those titles, it was a great feeling."
"The underdogs have their day, responding to the controversy of the last month, undeterred after the loss of their head coach."
"And the worst news is, it's just the first of two books about baseball. And the second book is going to be called 'Underdogs.'"
"much needed psychological boost for The Underdogs"
"We like underdogs. Totally. It's just human nature."
"There's a bunch of no names that are going to make it happen. They are going to go to the promised land at the end of the season."
"It's about people who usually get ignored or marginalized and are seriously flawed but also quite funny."
"Every year it's proven that underdogs can win."
"Never forget the underdogs, never forget these, the god damn manager Piccolo, the god damn role model Tien, the god damn gentleman Krillin, the god damn optimist Yamcha."
"I seriously felt attached to the underdogs in the whole Dragon Ball story because they were relatable and inspiring."
"Underdogs made Dragon Ball so much more interesting to watch."
"Perhaps the most improbable post-war champions were Ipswich Town."
"We're heading into a bye week right now sitting at three in one which is what we expected but not what everybody else was and as you know right when they count us out that's when we do our best."
"We're the underdogs out there. People don't give us the chance. They're going to look for every excuse to tell us no. We find the excuses, tell them yes."
"The Giants again underdogs put it all aside, knowing full well that October writes itself."
"...just like that, the farm boys and fishermen and shipyard workers from Washington State, boys who just nine months before had never rowed a lick, had whipped the best boats in the East and become national freshmen champions."
"In a little over a month, a handful of poorly armed and largely untrained men had brought one of the greatest royal houses of Europe to its knees."
"No one believed in us... Everyone that doubted us, look at this now."
"It's all about the magic of those Cinderella runs and the underdog storylines."
"Tahiti captured everyone's hearts, to be fair, and I wish them a speedy return to the international scene."
"Gotta love the little giants, my gosh!"
"It's really cool to come out here and hang with the underdog team."
"Underdog has really brought us all together."
"I root for The Underdogs, you know what I'm saying?"
"Two underdogs working together to achieve this big thing."
"That's underdogs too, right? You think they're out, look at this, they're right back in."
"It's not just that the underdogs are winning all the time; it's that they are dominating."
"If you really think about it, like Bacha did one race, Fpol did no race, and both of them, they're up there dominating the race."
"This moment is due to the perseverance of underdogs."
"Yesterday on an NFL Sunday that was absolutely absurd and insane, where the underdogs became alphas."
"Waco Wonders have done it, and they've ended the three-peat reign of a hometown favorite, Portland Lumberjacks."
"We're the underdogs; we're gonna win."
"I love underdogs, that's my world."
"Cripples, bastards, and broken men... they will inherit the earth in some fashion."
"It seemed like the year where people who either have been slighted or haven't gotten the respect they deserve are finally having their time to shine."
"This team managed to charm its way into our hearts despite being outplayed by the Dragon Team."
"It was a magical run with a grabby team full of Misfits."
"They're a team capable of springing a surprise."
"These cardiac cats, they just hang around, hang around, and refuse to go home."
"We love this competition; we love the underdog stories."
"Peace and love to the fellow underdogs."
"From Wild Card underdogs to unlikely Champions."
"It's a bunch of Misfits... who have a chip on their shoulder and something to prove."
"It's like Animal House in that you have a group of mean health the tagline of this movie is the snobs versus the slobs."
"We underdogs have to look out for each other, right?"
"They may not have the superstars... but they're not afraid to have fun no matter what happens."
"I go for the underdogs, I'm gonna push you, push you, push you."
"I like underdogs, you know it's fun when things that happen that are not expected, it makes the sport great."
"Our team wasn't supposed to make it here, but they formed an unbeatable group."
"They continue to be The Underdogs, a force to be reckoned with."
"I've never been prouder of a troupe; they started as major underdogs, they had to change everything at the last minute, and they're still fantastic."
"We may be like a gang of underdogs, but we'll survive like we always do because we are smarter, we are tougher, we are sadder."
"I love the underdogs. I always believe in the underdogs in the situation."
"It's one of those rare stories where you get to read a success story about The Underdogs who did The Impossible."
"Napoli are everyone's dark horses, everyone's Seabiscuits."
"These rejuvenated Jets have become a team of Cinderella charm."
"Who doesn't love the underdogs winning? It's always exciting to see those upsets."
"The underdogs have prevailed once again."
"We weren't supposed to win the pennant, but we had a great bunch of guys that really played well together, and we had a lot of fun on the way to winning the pennant."
"Underdogs yesterday, they came away with a win."
"Can they overturn the odds and history to get themselves into that final?"
"I am cheering for small markets in general, I want small markets to chat, I don't want Lakers Nets."
"This tournament is something special, especially for those underdogs."
"I love this tournament... it's a really good opportunity for the lower ranked national teams in Europe to prove themselves."
"Panama could be exciting underdogs here; we got to remember that they made it all the way to the Gold Cup Final."
"A team without stars looked like an army of heroes on this October day."
"I'm doing it for the geeks, Amanda. I'm doing this for the scorned kids. I'm doing this for the kids who were bullied by their PE teachers in school."
"I've always believed in The Underdogs and I've always had faith in the underdog."
"We love being able to showcase players who don't normally get time in the spotlight."
"It's the first time that a team that had negative point differential ended up in the finals since the Minneapolis Lakers in 1959."
"We all love an underdog; we all love anti-heroes."
"This has been an utter domination again by the minnows."
"I love good games, I love when underdogs make it through to later rounds in the tournament."
"For 25 years, Ring has been gritty, fiery, contentious underdogs."
"We love being the underdogs, we love playing with the chip on our shoulder."
"You don't need a super team. The perfect example is the '04 Pistons."
"How could a group of 12,000 poorly equipped, under-armed, malnourished in some cases, without any training together, destroy in the span of four or five years a civilization that goes back seven centuries?"
"Martinsville has historically been kind of a place where underdogs could have their day in the sun."
"In just its second year, the team is ready to get off the porch and run with the NFL's big dogs."
"They've got an unbelievable spirit and mentality strength."
"If the Sonics had made one simple adjustment, they would have pulled off the greatest upset in NBA history."
"Against all odds, the ragtag boys went out against the rich and powerful."
"Don't look now, but the Giants are some dogs."
"You have to root for them because they've been bad for so long."
"The 2002 World Cup can be remembered as the tournament of the underdogs."
"An extraordinary tale created by this ragtag and bobtail bunch of players."
"The rookie Ferrets came out of nowhere and have made it farther than anyone expected this season."
"Covering the dramatic stand of the small ships against overwhelming odds."
"We might be The Underdogs, but we're not here to just make up the numbers; we're here to try and win this."
"I [mess] with the underdogs, always and forever."
"May the force be with Great Britain here, 'cause they are underdogs."
"A thrilling win for the bad boys of banana land."
"It is interesting how in a world that champions underdogs, strangers can be so cruel to those they do not know."
"I feel like we're going to have a lot of dark horses in the Olympics."
"We may be a ragtag gang of underdogs, but we'll survive like we always do."
"How two batsmen in no condition to even play gully cricket played through an entire day against the invincible Aussies."
"A combination of chemistry, unsung heroes, role players becoming legends in the biggest moments."
"They are the underdogs of course in the herd, but they're doing really, really good."
"Just know the Kansas City Chiefs are never underdogs."
"It's been an encouraging start by the underdogs."
"Finally, the underdogs had the upper hand."
"They were these underdogs caught in the industry."
"These two clubs, only with 10 Premiership points, I still feel now they're going to figure in the finals."
"I think there's some dark horses in there like Denmark, Hungary."
"In order to have underdogs, you need overdogs."
"What we do have here is a collection of underdogs, teams of dreamers."