
Geopolitical Shift Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Power and influence are beginning to shift, and if the United States isn’t careful, they may find governments around Latin America being replaced with pro-Chinese regimes."
"Every country that rises is displacing somebody else's dominance."
"America is in decline. Turkey sees itself as the upcoming superpower, especially within the region."
"The United States is now going to be one among equals."
"This could be considered part of a clear signaling of the shift to the East."
"Germany supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine... it was unthinkable last year."
"You're seeing the collapse of this Western hegemony, you're seeing it before your eyes."
"We are seeing a major change in the balance of power against the Chinese Communist Party."
"The Asian Pacific Century... It's our turn. It's our moment to step up to the plate."
"Russian resources are no longer available to the same degree and obviously the flow of cheap goods from China... well, that's now there's a question mark over that as well."
"We may be close to a pivot by the United States away from Ukraine, which would mean the end of the Ukraine as we have known."
"NATO's role... unloading of large numbers of M1 Abrams tanks... this shift is already happening."
"The encirclement of St. Petersburg marks a turning point."
"Moving away from the West... has never been greater."
"The balance of advantage seems to be clearly shifting towards the Russians."
"The age of expansionism is over, and the age of cooperative development is very much the need."
"China's growing international use of the REMB reflects a shift in the global monetary system."
"Our financial hegemony is ending... our military hegemony is over."
"The alignment of Wagner Group soldiers with Ukrainian forces could mark a significant turning point in the conflict with far-reaching consequences for the stability of the region and the future of Russia-Ukraine relations."
"The power is shifting away from North America."
"It's gonna be a new world where the United States is not the dominant power anymore like empires before it."
"The world is on its way to multi-polarity, Western dominance about to end." - Tony Blair
"The Ukrainian Army made a move that will change all the balances of the war."
"This is a historic pivot point in the decline of U.S. Empire."
"We're entering a new era of geopolitics here."
"Civilization will course correct and go back to having Asia as the center and the Americas will be once again what they always were."
"Whatever happens in so far as China is concerned, it's not going to step in and fill the entire vacuum."
"Spain could replace Russia in becoming EU's main natural gas hub."
"The 21st century, however, is what most analysts... is the Asian century with India and China at its main players."
"It's not a bad thing that the United States is no longer the dominant power in the world."
"The decline of the U.S. as the single global power."
"They've lost their trust in America as a protecting power."
"China is no longer hiding its strength nor biding its time. From the perspective of its Communist rulers, China's time has arrived."
"This changes everything; this puts America in Checkmate globally."
"I think we've had a very distinctive shift where finally we've got some of maybe Europe's doubters on board with making sure Ukraine wins."
"Ukrainians were looking to Pivot away from Russia."
"South Africa is not following the U.S line in Ukraine, it's not following the unipolar order, it's not following U.S domination anymore."
"Multi-polarity is winning, and the US is desperate to stop it."
"I think it's good for America because what's gonna happen here is they want these mining operations that are based in China to flow to other countries."
"The unipolar moment has ended and it ended the unipolar moment has ended and he says that Decades of relative geopolitical stability have given way to an intensifying competition with authoritarian powers revisionist powers."
"None of us has ever lived in a world where the largest economy is governed by authoritarians, but it seems like that's where we're headed."
"Tide turning in favor of Ukraine, creating political instability for Putin."
"The global south is now going to be running the show."
"Norway's evacuation of the Russian army shown to the entire world how powerless Putin has become."
"The balance of power in this world is shifting away from the old guard and towards the Hellenic League."
"The acceptance of Finland into NATO set a precedent for other countries that might have tried to remain neutral."
"The balance of power has kind of shifted over the past few days."
"Modi has set the wheels in motion for India to try to overtake China."
"The balance has really shifted away from US influence."
"This is a trend that is not stopping; the world is moving away from the west and hegemony and the Western hypocrisy."
"What we're seeing is a shift in Europe and elsewhere to understand that Russia is no longer a reliable partner."
"The America we knew with the King Dollar ruling the waves, that is gone forever."
"Poland, which is on its way to becoming Eastern Europe's Colossus, has signaled that it will begin the largest rearmament move in the past 50 years."
"Chernobyl marked the beginning of disarmament for the world's greatest nuclear rivals."
"The rise of the civilization state as well as the rise of the stubborn populist movements throughout the West indicate that the days of neoliberal ideological dominance have ended."
"Saudi Arabia considering accepting yuan instead of a dollar for oil sales is a huge shift in power dynamics."
"And then hurry up and pump that into gold and silver because then in order to really shock the world Trump will move us and back into the gold standard."
"The regional balance is in fact steadily shifting against the United States and in China's favor."
"It's the beginning of the end for Hong Kong as an international finance center."
"Signaling the end of China's reform and opening up era."
"Russia and China's Alliance will further contribute to a precipitous shift in the global order."
"When did Ukraine become part of the Western World?... he converted to Christianity and decided we needed to join the European Union."
"The strong west and weak east is history. The east is rising and the west is declining."
"The balance of power is tilting against [the US] in the naval domain."
"This is the beginning of the end of the U.S.-led post-World War II world order. That is historic if this goes through."
"The entire Western society is distancing itself from China, reducing its dependence on the Chinese economy."
"The rise of China has completely changed the geopolitical balance in the Pacific."
"A world in which the Russians, the Chinese, and the Indians could get together and work collectively, I mean that would simply transform the world into something else."
"Everyone is now beginning to understand that the petro dollar is dying, if not already dead."
"These two countries are the future, this meeting is huge because it is saying, you Collective West, you the United States, do not call the shots anymore."
"The tectonic plates on centuries of Western Imperial domination are shifting with the decline of American Imperial power."
"If China disappeared, the West gains a lot of power."
"The U.S ends up finding itself as the new world superpower surpassing Great Britain as the dominant power of the world."
"Deep forces are driving the shift in power and wealth toward the East."
"I think Pax Americana likely ended on Wednesday night."
"When the Shah lost power and the U.S. lost its closest ally in the Middle East, the Middle East then began a trajectory that led to today's implosion or regional collapse."
"...control of land matters less and less, and that's why you get a transition from a colonial style of empire to a pointillist style."
"With Carthage destroyed and Greece pacified, there were no great powers left to really challenge Rome's dominance."
"The rise of a great power, China, to challenge the existing leading power and the existing world order."
"India is emerging as a great power because of the choices that India is making and the foreign policy that India has adopted."
"The 21st century is going to be the Asian century."
"Now Australia is about to become the seventh country to have nuclear submarines, which transforms the existing landscape of global military power."
"In the age of AI, data is the new oil, and China is the new Saudi Arabia."
"The rise of China as a new kind of economic and geopolitical challenger."
"The post-Cold War peace dividend is officially over, and the era of great power competition has now returned."
"I'm 100% convinced that the next rise is in the East, it's in Southeast Asia, no question about it."
"The rise of China is now a fact... there's not a single issue in the world today from climate change to the global economy that can be solved without China."