
Brazil Quotes

There are 349 quotes

"In Brazil, the country with the largest economy in the region, China ramped up bilateral trade from 2 billion dollars in the year 2000 to 100 billion dollars by 2021."
"Brazil is the most populated country in South America, and they do not speak Spanish."
"Being in Brazil, I think of the Amazon... every time I see trees or birds, I feel like I'm really close to Amazon and I get so excited."
"Most slaves were brought to Brazil than to any other place."
"The current attempts against Dilma is a coup there's no other word for it it is a coup in this country cannot accept a coup against Dilma."
"There isn’t any country in the world quite like Brazil."
"Brazilian serial killer who is believed to have killed over 70 people."
"Being black in Brazil often means facing significant challenges."
"Income disparities: blacks earn only half of what their white counterparts do."
"Structural racism has become deeply entrenched in Brazil's social fabric."
"Bringing an end to Black discrimination in Brazil is an ongoing and complex struggle."
"The experience of being black in Brazil is unfortunately marked by pervasive racism."
"Finally, the facts will be revealed. The Virginia case is considered the most well-kept secret in the military circles of Brazil."
"Brazil's use of ethanol to power cars has fundamentally changed the economy and future prospects of that country."
"Brazil has a fascinating history, in large part because its success looked unlikely from the very start."
"Completely changes not only the sentiment of the public but also the sentiment of the supreme court inside Brazil."
"Harvesting acai is a dangerous job in Brazil."
"It's a force that developers would love to harness, particularly in Brazil where 80% of all the country's electricity is created by hydropower."
"Romario was the man who carried Brazil to their 4th ever World Cup title."
"Denis Luiz de Souza, showed up at the Guarulhos Airport in Sao Paulo to live there."
"Need Brazil for the world balance more than ever."
"Escape to a dream version of Brazil where the sun is always shining, the air is warm, the water is nice, the drinks are good, and there's always bossa nova music in the air."
"The English may have invented football, but we Brazilians perfected it."
"Brazil's style of play caused most Brazilians to fall in love with the game."
"Brazil's expectations: The only team that can beat Brazil is Brazil themselves."
"When Brazil adopts bitcoin, that is going to have a knock-on effect on the rest of the entire continent."
"Brazil is home to some of the most biodiverse regions in the world."
"Who needs luxury restaurants if in Brazil you can dine at the height of a 50-story building overlooking a waterfall?"
"This is big! A few days after launching Agi or Aggie, an open platform that democratizes access to financial and non-financial products and improves the lives of Brazilians, the company has announced the creation of Aggie Inc."
"I was born in the largest city in Brazil to two loving parents."
"So Henry Ford built this Utopia in the middle of Brazil..."
"Brazil has beautiful beaches, delicious food, amazing people."
"Under Lula's leadership, Brazil lifted 36 million Brazilians out of extreme poverty."
"Brazil's economy grew from 1.72 trillion to 2.8 trillion dollars during Lula's tenure."
"Brazil is among the top 10 largest oil producers in the world."
"Brazil is a dream and it's a fantasy and it's a comedy, but I mean to me it's also it's rather a chilling reality."
"Brazil today is a flourishing democracy -- a place where people are free to speak their mind and choose their leaders; where a poor kid from Pernambuco can rise from the floors of a copper factory to the highest office in Brazil."
"Brazil -- a country that shows how a call for change that starts in the streets can transform a city, transform a country, transform a world."
"Brazil is known as a UFO hotspot, and has some of the most bizarre, terrifying, and mystifying UFO encounters in the world."
"A new report leaked documents show Brazil's Bolsonaro has grave plans for the Amazon."
"This is a perfect way to start a Saturday morning, it's São Paulo culture: bread, coffee, early morning at a bakery."
"Rio was actually the capital of Brazil from 1763 until 1960."
"Living in Brazil, I experienced a currency collapse there, but Brazilians are used to it. The problem is that we in the West think these things never happen here."
"Brazil is rapidly positioning itself as one of the top three major players for cryptocurrency."
"Brazil dropped the first nuclear weapon in world history, fantastic!"
"Portugal and Brazil together forever, United as one."
"Brazil passes law to legalize crypto as a payment method."
"It's okay to pursue Brazil, a real opportunity here."
"Brazil is so much more than just the Amazon and soccer."
"Brazil's first European colonizers were met by the native tupinambá people."
"Vasta is an online educational tool in Brazil."
"These are some of the earliest pieces of jewelry ever, found in Brazil's Mato Grosso State."
"Maria is viewed as an important figure in the formation of the Brazilian State."
"That's the foundation of bossa nova, Brazil."
"My name is Leo, I'm from Brazil, and I have helped more than 3,000 students teaching how to produce maps in QGIS."
"So you can see where people in Brazil have the most interest in the World Cup."
"The pumpkin toadlet, an entirely new species of poisonous frog, has been found in the mountains of Brazil."
"They've got jaia Gomez the one that started for Brazil, he's quality they do."
"A wave of grief and emotion swept Brazil."
"Something about Brazil, they really punish you for mistakes."
"Vagner remained at large in Brazil for most of the 1970s."
"Brazil has it all: sun, sea, beautiful beaches, and exciting cities."
"Brazil has many beautiful places, from islands and beaches to the Amazon rainforest and the wonderful Iguazu waterfall."
"What happened in Brazil on April 1st did not just happen, it was planned months in advance."
"Brazil are back. Look at the level of superstars they have right now."
"...Brazil, a country known for its vibrant culture and beautiful landscapes."
"Proper Brazilian skillful, composed on the ball."
"The king of Rio is back in his own country."
"Brazil is a very important Market, loaded with tons of fans and tons of talent."
"It's a beautiful day to go to Brazil."
"Coming to Brazil is definitely one of the best things that I've done in 2023."
"I feel like living in Salvador as a black person is much more comfortable than living in some of the other cities in Brazil."
"The hunger is real, 110% in Brazil."
"That's right. He died last week in Brazil, the result of a hunting accident, and he has named you in his will."
"Salvador is the third largest city here in Brazil and like most of the other cities, the majority of the black people stay in favelas."
"It's just us two, we were supposed to meet in Brazil but we didn't."
"Brazil has such a rich and intense history."
"Brazil was one of the 51 founding members of the United Nations."
"Around 6.4 million tourists make the trip to Brazil each year."
"Brazil has the world's most biodiverse country."
"Brazil contains more species of monkey than any other country."
"The highest vertical cemetery in the world can be found in Santos, Brazil."
"Brazil not only does an Osama Bin Laden themed bar exist, but there's more than one of them."
"The middle class is growing in Brazil."
"Brazil is under-leveraged in all senses."
"Let's go to Rio then, too. Rio, real. Real. Yeah, I want to go to Brazil for sure."
"I want to go to Brazil for sure. You have to witness the carnival, the whole, the whole country comes out for it, right?"
"Next week Brazil is starting, so we have the season premiere of Brazil."
"Brazil is a dancing country, musically dancing and being romantic."
"From one shop in Brazil, three guys got to Formula One. What an amazing story."
"It's a night life here in Brazil."
"Another beautiful morning in Brazil."
"Nobody wanted to talk about companies' returns and capital. You know what's the inflation now? You know why? Because in the early 90s Brazil had hyperinflation."
"So Brazil is really like nowhere else in the world."
"Brazil's not like anywhere else. There's just more fanfare here, more excitement, the way people live here, the lives that people experience here, how they feel about sports."
"This kid from Brazil, shout-out to vapor rub boy, who edits some videos on the channel -"
"In Brazil, they remember him as a sporting hero who gave away millions to help underprivileged children."
"See the largest street art mural in the world, depicting iconic figures from Brazil's history and culture."
"Hamilton's impact extends to Brazil where he was granted honorary citizenship in June 2022, highlighting his strong connection to the Brazilian people and his significant influence both on and off the racing track."
"Brazil breeds great race drivers."
"Wow, at the very end, you have the flag of Brazil. And that is gold, blue, green, like gold, you know, obviously gold because the land has gold, blue because it has the Atlantic Ocean, and green because of all the forest. Whew!"
"Fantastic skill here from Brazil."
"Skateboarding is the second biggest sport in Brazil right behind soccer."
"Brazil has won the World Cup a record five times."
"The 1964 Brazil coup was notable for its relative lack of bloodshed, something that would encourage further foreign support in other countries."
"This recipe... albeit with sugar which I thought was kind of weird until I found out that in Brazil even to this day they make something called 'creme de abacate' or avocado cream which is basically what this is."
"I just got back from Brazil last week, and I saw hundreds and hundreds of miracles."
"Brazil's 1982 outfit became the finest team never to win a World Cup."
"It was a new moment of hope in Brazil that had been suffocated by the military dictatorship."
"Brazil has the healthiest view of sexuality."
"You associate with Brazil with glory and the beautiful game of the World Cup. It doesn't become much better than that."
"Um, since I'm from Brazil, I might like to share a little bit of my culture with you guys too."
"She is a minister of the Gospel in Brazil."
"What makes it all the more compelling is that around the same time UAP sightings have also been occurring in Brazil not too far off the area in Peru."
"I think in addition to growing up with stories of the Marine Corps, I grew up with stories of life in Brazil. And this is in the 1970s in the Amazon region, so it's very remote, primitive living."
"Brazil, you're gonna have a great time."
"He's definitely Brazil's best active player."
"You have to say the three Brazilian goals have been sensational."
"This makes me want to go to Brazil."
"Brazil holds the crown as the number one among 17 mega-diverse countries."
"Brazil fits the bill perfectly, with lush rainforests, unique wildlife, and diverse ecosystems."
"The Brazil carnival is a six-day extravaganza that kicks off about 46 days before Easter."
"He was very lucky but obviously that was a pretty remarkable win in Brazil."
"SpongeBob SquarePants theme restaurant will open up in Brazil."
"Brazil, a country that conjures up images of vibrant carnivals, pristine beaches, and lush rainforests."
"Brazil stands as a democratic federal republic with a rich cultural tapestry."
"60% of the Amazon is located in Brazil."
"France's longest border is with Brazil."
"Super for the Brazil is qualified for all the World Cups."
"Brazil, thank you so much; you've been a badass country."
"Brazil on the other hand basically built out midway into the continent and their borders are almost always rivers."
"Brazil has been by and large a pretty successful country."
"Brazil is a vast, mysterious, wildly contrasting nation, and Bye-Bye Brazil mirrors those contrasts."
"I fell in love with Brazil, the Brazilians, the warmth, and the sunshine."
"Brazilian Constitution guarantees free access to health care to everyone."
"The first thing you need to learn if you come to Brazil is to use the thumbs up sign."
"Something magical clicked and since 1999 Brazil has been the star in my universe."
"This has been so much fun in Brazil."
"Brazil received the 1970 World Cup, first embraced then stripped on the pitch by fervent fans in search of a souvenir."
"The famous Rio Carnival happens each year in February."
"Brazil's population is nearly the same as the rest of South America's population all combined."
"Brazil's capital city is Brasília."
"Brazil has the highest density of uncontacted people on earth."
"Brazil is the most successful country in the World Cup."
"Rio de Janeiro literally translated, it means River of January."
"If you're looking to build a Social Circle in Brazil, you can start with events like Mund lingo."
"Brazil has a 40% import tax on goods."
"If you're trying to buy an iPhone in Brazil, you're going to pay almost double."
"Most of the situations that happen in Brazil is petty crime."
"That's all he needed. That's it. So Fred Biondi from Brazil."
"The Brazilians are really the reason why Brazil is so fantastic because they're so friendly, they're so energetic, they're so outgoing."
"God bless Sega, God bless Tectoy, God bless Brazil. What an epic chapter of international gaming history."
"Don't think Brazil is just one thing that's all the same everywhere, it's not."
"For centuries, Brazil was a coastal nation... That is changing."
"Let's get this party started. Let's go! - Rio de Janeiro!"
"This is one party with Brazilians, this is Rio! Cool people!"
"Highly advanced ancient civilization once existed in Brazil."
"Brazil imported more slaves from Africa than any other country."
"Brazil was one of the last countries in the world to abolish slavery in 1888."
"This has brought some much perspective to me of how big Brazil is."
"I'm proud of Brazil, you know, for protecting their culture and their heritage."
"About 60% of the entire Amazon rainforest is located in Brazil."
"Brazil is the country with the largest Japanese population outside of Japan."
"It's really cool to do a big .NET Conf event in Brazil."
"Being a black American down here in Brazil has been a very good experience."
"When I think about Brazil, the first thing I think about is football."
"Can you believe that I lived in Brazil for 2 years and this kind of brings back memories?"
"We are hoping in Brazil at least we have elections to 2022, and we hope we are going to see a major change in federal government."
"Brazil is the largest country in South America."
"Resounding whoops and cries of excitement echoed through the Brazilian jungle."
"Brazil is going to host the COP 30 Climate Summit in the Amazon in 2025."
"The UN approved Brazil's bid to host COP 30 on May 18th after Lula's request during last year's COP 27 meeting in Egypt."
"Brazil loves you, thank you very much."
"In the world of football, Brazil is the superpower."
"It's all ready for the trip, good luck Brazil."
"We just hung out with Brazilian college students the whole time."
"In the Brazilian state of Acre, there are over 500 ground drawings called geoglyphs."
"Drought in Brazil followed by frost has stunted the country's coffee harvest."
"I don't want to be anything like my father and I want to be with my family in Brazil."
"I lost one man that's a con man and I gained like 20 amazing amazing amazing people in Brazil."
"Brazil remains one of the best examples of what you can make possible on a limited budget."
"What's really cool about Brazil is the perspective of what is a perceived reality of a place and what it actually is."
"That's excellent work, that's really nice, thank you Brazil."
"Brazil is the largest country in South America, boasting a population of over 200 million people."
"Ilhabela literally means 'beautiful island'."
"Next step on Delos, we set sail from Ascension on our 2,300 nautical mile Passage to Brazil."
"Hey Geograpeeps, so Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world."
"This is the kind of song where I can picture myself lying on a beach in Brazil."
"Oyster heaven right here, guys. If you love oysters and you come to Brazil and you don't come to Florianopolis, you will regret it."
"It's a must visit when you come to Brazil, the oyster capital of Brazil."
"I wasn't aware of this, but here's a Brazilian cave painting from way back in the day."
"Ayrton Senna achieves his ambition to win the Brazilian Grand Prix."
"This one is from Medina, Brazil, which has produced some of the finest aquamarines in the world."
"I saw how passionate those Brazilians were about jiu-jitsu."
"Honestly, this is not a Brazil that I expected, but Brazil has been so amazing to me."
"The force of the water is impressive, all that is the Paraná River, on the other side is Brazil, truly unmissable."
"Watch out Brazil, here comes Debbie."
"I'm so happy to be in Brazil, oh my gosh, this is crazy."
"The Amazon rainforest is mainly found in Brazil."
"Brazil's digital Nomad Visa program allows foreign remote workers and Freelancers to temporarily stay in the country."