
International Law Quotes

There are 462 quotes

"Everybody knows international law is a joke, but you at least have to present the argument from the framework of international law."
"The right to self-determination is enshrined in international law... including Nigeria."
"An attack on Ukraine is an attack on the sovereignty of every U.N. member state and the U.N. Charter."
"The international community must go further and ensure that all of the provisions of the Charter are respected."
"Dialogue, diplomacy, and continuing all efforts to reach a peaceful solution consistent with international law and the Charter of the United Nations are crucial."
"Launching a war of aggression is the supreme offense against international law, dwarfing all other war crimes because it contains the accumulated evil of the whole."
"Accepting any justification for such crimes is renouncing our humanity and destroying the rule of international law beyond repair."
"Security Council resolutions are binding. We call on the parties concerned to fulfill their obligations under the United Nations Charter."
"In terms of Russia trying to invade a sovereign nation, they should absolutely not invade."
"The crimes in Rakhine State... are similar in nature, gravity, and scope to those that have allowed genocidal intent to be established in other contexts."
"The state of Palestine appeals to this court to guide the International Community in upholding international law, ending injustice, and achieving a just and lasting peace."
"We will not sacrifice basic principles. Nations have a right to sovereignty and territorial integrity."
"The tragedy we are all witnessing is precisely what our modern international legal system was designed to prevent."
"China opposes unilateral sanctions unauthorized by the U.N. Security Council."
"Even wars have laws. Laws govern war. It's not a free-for-all; you can't just do what you want."
"Attacks against health care are violations of international humanitarian law."
"All parties must respect international humanitarian law, take constant care to spare all civilians and civilian objects from harm."
"Military aggression should be stopped, international lawlessness condemned, territorial boundaries respected, human rights violations prosecuted."
"Take your time, be strategic if you want to go after this enemy, but do it in a way that takes into consideration international humanitarian law and the lives of civilians."
"The greatest war crime of them all is a war of aggression, because from that all other crimes take place."
"The intentional targeting of civilians or civilian objects would be considered a war crime."
"Compliance with International humanitarian law is not optional; it is an obligation."
"You can see clearly from these principles the value the declarants placed on not only autonomy and non-violence but also on the use of existing international bodies, specifically the United Nations, to achieve mediated solutions to international conflicts."
"The ceasefire has to be followed with a reasonable period of time... There has to be a settlement on the basis of international law."
"Russia has shamelessly violated the core tenets of the United Nations Charter — no more important than the clear prohibition against countries taking the territory of their neighbor by force."
"The facts themselves are not neutral; they speak to a history in which international law has been violated."
"U.N. experts describe the operation as 'collective punishment' for the Palestinian people, amounting to egregious violations of international law."
"Attacking hospitals is a straightforward war crime."
"The 1972 Biological Weapons Convention... effectively prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling, and use of biological and toxin weapons."
"Those who are responsible for the use of these weapons must be held accountable, as they constitute a violation of international law."
"The creation of the United Nations... set up a system of international law prohibiting wars of conquest."
"International law is a bunch of crap written by countries that generally have their own priorities."
"Evidently the CCP violated the international health regulations. The United States and the international community must regain their senses and take action."
"We must increase our presence now to ensure that Russians do not benefit from this unlawful act."
"Initiating a war of aggression is not only an international crime, it is the supreme international crime."
"Dutch investigators determine that the missile launcher is Russian-owned."
"The sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Ukraine must be respected."
"The complete de-escalation of military actions is past due. The provisions of international humanitarian law must be respected in their entirety. The safety of millions of people is at stake, and now also subjected to a nuclear threat."
"What China's leaders did is a crime against humanity."
"Cluster bombs... are evil, obscene, and illegal according to 122 Nations."
"One of the amazing things about this case is that not only is Julian Assange not a citizen of the United States, I can't tell you how often I hear people accusing him of treason."
"If this law goes through, it is a clear violation of our policy act and it's a clear violation of the Brits agreement with Hong Kong."
"Tick-Tock is run by a country that we wonder, do they care about the data? And then they literally pass the law."
"We've recognized the reality on the ground; we've now declared that settlements are not per se illegal under international law."
"Sanctions need to be powerful enough to demonstrate our resolve and the capacity to impose overwhelming costs."
"Diplomacy still remains open. It isn't the appropriate time as Russia is taking escalatory steps and preparing to invade for him to meet with the foreign minister."
"You don't invade a country that hasn't invaded you, it's anathema to international law, it's the war crime."
"The West, if they want to be the World Police, need to make sure this stuff doesn't happen."
"Adherence to the Charter of the United Nations should be a solemn obligation of all Member States."
"The court considers that Ukraine has a plausible right not to be subjected to military operations by the Russian Federation for the purpose of preventing and punishing an alleged genocide in the territory of Ukraine."
"Refugees must take refuge in the first available safe country."
"Four great nations flushed with victory and stung with injury stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgment of the law is one of the most significant tributes that power has ever paid to reason."
"We want a world where other countries don't invade."
"Build that bond outside of your regular routine with your children."
"When companies now do your work in Israel they have to be careful they don't work with companies that might be implicated in genocide in the ICJ because if they do so then the ICJ rulings are recognized in the UK and also recognized in the US."
"The world must impose devastating sanctions."
"Everything Russia does in Ukraine's occupied territories is a crime."
"Space itself would soon have to be regulated much the same way we regulated the open seas with international maritime laws."
"Federal Migration Service has confirmed publicly that they have issued Mr. Snowden temporary asylum for one year and allowed him to leave the airport."
"A resort to military conquest for one state to impose its will unilaterally against another to annex part of its territory has absolutely no place in the 21st century."
"International law, including international humanitarian law, must be respected at all times."
"Attacks on civilians like this they do commit they do constitute excuse me they do constitute war crimes."
"The use of these weapons must never become the new normal. We must prevent impunity at all cost."
"Every country must honor its word, shoulder its responsibilities, and fulfil international obligations."
"The Philippines said Tuesday it has asked the Chinese regime to remove all vessels in the disputed waters of the South China Sea."
"The only country in the world that outright forbids torture."
"Regulators in the UK and EU are also scrutinizing the deal closely."
"It's sent a message to other governments considering extraterritorial assassinations: think twice before you do it."
"We will not accept Putin's disregard for international law."
"Every one of these settlements is illegal under international law."
"Pirates are considered an enemy of all mankind."
"Isn't it incredible... Vladimir Putin warrants issued by the international criminal court and we're preparing for the indictment of Donald Trump in the United States."
"There is no justification for this attack on a peaceful vessel on a commercial mission in international waters." - Secretary Blinken
"The notion that Saudi Arabia can basically say it is above the law and that's what it looks like to the people of my home state is just unacceptable."
"The systematic destruction of civilian infrastructure by the Russian side is a war crime."
"We need all continents to rise up in defense of the rules-based order."
"Every member of the U.N has a right to its sovereignty and its territorial integrity."
"Every sovereign nation who believes in fair play and the rule of law around the world should be doing all they can to stop Putin being successful in Ukraine."
"Article 5 states that any armed attack on a NATO ally is considered an attack on every other member of NATO."
"Countries around the world are beginning to look into updating their laws or adding new ones."
"For every country, there are different laws and different jurisdictions."
"We stand with Ukraine in standing for the rule of law."
"Putin must be brought to a court of law and end his days in prison."
"This war has now been declared by the United Nations as illegal."
"If you break the laws of another country, you are subject to the judicial system of that country."
"They conducted these brazen attacks from the safety of their own country, but that does not mean that we should not and will not pursue them and hold them accountable."
"annexation is regarded under settled international law as the most drastic and severe transgression of the international order"
"Germany has a very strong legal stance, a very strong stance in support of human rights, and again, the upholding of the international system."
"Russia's aggression against Ukraine is based on a lie and a gross violation of international law and must be stopped."
"We must unequivocally reject Russia's attempts to annex Ukrainian territory."
"The targeting of civilians... is a war crime." - British Foreign Office Minister addressing Russian actions in Ukraine.
"The ruling read by the president of the International Court of Justice did not leave any doubt."
"This is a court case that the Qataris are bringing basically to get their airspace back."
"Last year the ICJ also ruled in favor of Qatar."
"The entire world is on board with that, that these settlements are illegal by law."
"This is an illegal Invasion uh with gross human rights abuses."
"It is depressing, potentially unlawful on an international scale."
"It's quite disturbing that we should send somebody to another country for supposedly breaking their laws on secrecy." - Alan Rushbridger
"The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin. That's a big deal."
"Why aren't we asking the FBI why aren't you guys detaining her because we don't need Mexico to press charges we can do that right here in the USA."
"If you keep taking other people's land, you will end up with a lot of UN Security Council resolutions against you."
"The CCP's overseas police stations were set up without permission, leading to unease and fear among those seeking safety in the UK."
"All Chinese Communist secret police stations in Canada have been shut down."
"State terrorism crimes had no statute of limitations."
"Judge Baltazar Garzon reasoned that crimes against humanity had universal jurisdiction."
"Threats to international freedom of navigation require an international solution. The world economy depends on the free flow of Commerce."
"Aggressive war is a crime and nothing excuses it."
"The two treaties protected the rights of refugees and that was Winston Churchill."
"The key principle of the laws of war attempt to mitigate suffering and minimize damage."
"Civilians, not actively participating in the conflict, are given full protection under international law."
"Medical personnel performing their duties are to be considered non-combatants and afforded full protection under law."
"It's imperative that Israel act in accordance with International humanitarian law and the laws of war even when confronting a terrorist group that respects neither."
"Take the money that they have in Western banks, take the assets that they've bought all over the world. You take their villas, you take their yachts, you take absolutely everything that's in their jurisdictions."
"It's the beginning of the end of impunity for the crime of aggression."
"The legal mechanism for the repossession
of leased aircraft is known as the 'Cape Town
"We have to respect each other, we have to respect the principles of international law." - Jorge Arreaza
"Legislation in China signals potential future regulations worldwide."
"Putin is also known to have committed several crimes including war crimes and he will very certainly be tried."
"Even the UN says this potentially constitutes crimes against humanity."
"I stand steadfast with this: It is entirely immoral for a country to invade a sovereign country."
"America has to stop this Empire building these regime change wars has to stop violating international law this the world is an arts to go and conquer and to kill whoever we want."
"In June of this year, Firtash could be extradited in the U.S. now in the midst of this whole boiling of a scandal about Trump and whatever he’s doing with Ukraine."
"The Minsk accords are actually cemented in UN Security Council resolutions."
"International criminal law and international humanitarian law apply to all parties of the conflict."
"Vladimir Putin is a guilty man and should be charged as soon as possible in The Hague."
"It's gonna be expensive but it would be the litest video."
"The arrest and prosecution was the first instance of U.S. law bringing an individual into custody overseas."
"Preventing atrocities like genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes."
"It's like just one way and the judges and the Witnesses are being paid by the same people so this what we have those those the Hague and so on those are all Western created entities."
"The Trump administration views Israeli settlements as not a violation of international law."
"The World Health Organization could have governing powers over pandemics, even punishing countries if they don't comply."
"Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelinski has appealed to the international criminal court to block attacks by the Russian military on Ukrainian cities."
"Recognizing that Russia has committed war crimes on the territory of Ukraine."
"The Tories are openly willing to break international law."
"Israel's control and colonization of Palestinian land have been the primary obstacles to a comprehensive peace agreement... peace will come to Israel and the Middle East only when the Israeli government is willing to comply with international law."
"Obligation to prevent and punish the crime of genocide... the role of the Court... is pivotal."
"It's hard to think of a case in recent history... important for the future of international law and of this court."
"Justice and equal respect for the rights of Palestinians points overwhelmingly in favor of these critically required provisional measures."
"Germany is not legally responsible for The Inferno that has engulfed Gaza or rather it is only responsible through its own breaches of its own International obligations linked to this horrific situation."
"The current situation before the court entails a further risk of irreparable prejudice to the plausible rights of the Palestinian people of Gaza."
"Another country has essentially legalized cryptocurrency trading, which is absolutely wonderful because it allows people in that country to legally be able to trade."
"An independent tribunal hears testimonies of torture, sterilization, and rape against Uighur Muslims."
"Nothing will change until this becomes illegal across every country we won't see a change but what we can do is continue to push a message."
"The world needs to unite. Yes, it is against the Geneva Conventions to publicly display POWs, but this is something else entirely."
"Prisoners of war must at all times be humanly treated."
"It's propaganda, and it's against the Geneva Convention, that's what it is."
"Prisoners of war must be protected from public curiosity under the Geneva Convention."
"Prisoners of war must be protected at all times, particularly from public curiosity."
"This is also a breach of the Geneva Convention."
"There's a reason that they're international treaties."
"They always find ways to rationalize violating international law."
"The Antarctic treaty restricts access to Antarctica, heralded as one of the most successful examples of International cooperation."
"Propaganda for war and national hatred are profoundly harmful and prohibited under international law."
"Equitable and reasonable use is now at the forefront."
"The CCP is resistant to accepting and keeping away from the borders of other nations."
"Uyghur exiles push for a court case accusing China of genocide."
"The seizure of Noriega and his removal to the United States to face civil charges is almost without precedent in the world."
"Never would a case take a UK judgment against a different defendant and apply it to a separate defendant here in the United States."
"His number one fight in Colombia was he did not want to get extradited to the United States."
"We need to abandon this failed paradigm of the past and start looking at the basic idea of a democratic, secular state with equal rights for Christians, Muslims, Jews, and others rooted in international law."
"We need to find a way to fight for the deployment of protection for civilians, a transitional justice process, accountability for perpetrators, and the enforcement of international law."
"The effects of this weapon speak for themselves, and when at war against an alien aggressor, the Geneva Convention doesn't really apply."
"It is a war crime to intentionally target civilian areas and that is happening."
"International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants for Russian military commanders."
"There's certainly in my view enough evidence to accuse Mr. Putin and his generals of war crimes."
"Nations have the right to sovereignty, to territorial integrity, freedom to set their own course and choose who they associate with."
"Human Rights Watch issued a 213 page report arguing that Israel is committing apartheid against Palestinians."
"Biden orders U.S to share Russian war crimes evidence with the international criminal court."
"The left they want judges who even value insight international law not our own Constitution."
"It's very important globally as well for democracy that somebody who travels, breaks the laws, is held to account."
"We can't just allow a nuclear superpower to invade another country and suffer no consequences."
"Yes, we are going to break international law but in a limited and specific way."
"We will honour the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples."
"International law permits other countries to respond with countermeasures... so transferring Russia's Sovereign assets to an international compensation mechanism would cause Russia to comply with its obligation to make reparations to Ukraine."
"The Western world is turning a blind eye while the worst breaches of international law since World War II are happening in Europe's backyard."
"All five items of our formula—punishment for aggression, protection of life, restoration of security and territorial integrity, security guarantees, and determination to defend oneself—are the formula of justice and law and order."
"What has struck us all so much is the degree to which the Israeli stated intent and their actions on the ground mirror so horrifically the specific language in the UN genocide convention."
"Israel's actions amount to crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution."
"War is a brutal business and sometimes even international law is just ink on a piece of paper."
"Under Greek law, how much Jackie could inherit as a non-Greek widow was severely limited."
"Ukraine has a right to strike at legitimate Russian military targets outside Ukraine for the purpose of self-defense."
"I want to learn more about the international police and Looker."
"Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is not only illegal and indefensible, it also undermines the European security order."
"What right does Russia or any other country have to come in and steal territory from them?"
"The decision by the British government to step outside of international law, in fact worse than that, to legislate to break the law, is an extremely dangerous place to go."
"The language that we use is very important, based on not only the actual facts of what happened, but also the definition of genocide under international law and international conventions." - Sameer Khal, Hindu American Foundation.
"It's just more evidence of the Russians committing war crimes like they usually do."
"It was murder, plain and simple. It was an assassination, it was murder. But we got away with it because America is not accountable to any legal authority outside of the United States."
"We would put back in place the Asylum policy that requires you to request asylum in the countries that are contiguous with you."
"The attempt to change the territories of another country by force should be vigorously opposed by every country in the world."
"A war of aggression is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
"Finland is steadfast in both international law and national security."
"GDPR applies to any company with customers in the EU, the U.S. included."
"The Cape Town Convention, one of the most successful international treaties."
"Refugees have the right under international law to seek asylum."
"From one perspective, Hamas started the battle... but from another perspective, if you look at it from an international law perspective... Israel is in a belligerent state because they're occupying the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza."
"This occupation violates the principles of international law and international legitimacy."
"We call for acknowledgment, apology, reparations, compensation in accordance with international law."
"Argentina's claim to the Falkland Islands, known as the Malvinas in Spanish, is rooted in colonial legacy, national identity, and international law."
"...violations of international law and fundamental human rights like the US invasion of Iraq..."