
Latin America Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Over the last several years, the U.S. let Latin America slip through its fingers and into the wide-open arms of China."
"Power and influence are beginning to shift, and if the United States isn’t careful, they may find governments around Latin America being replaced with pro-Chinese regimes."
"By pouring cash into developing and growing economies, China was seen as an ally that could bring wealth to certain countries in Latin America."
"As one of the world leaders in renewable energy, China already had the experience to provide contracts that would benefit both them and Latin American countries."
"If the United States does not get serious about creating closer ties with countries in the Western Hemisphere, it may only be a matter of time before the whole of Latin America allies itself with China."
"Known as a meme within Latin America, this 2002 film is known for its low budget, dark humor."
"That's what Miami is. Miami is the capital of Latin America."
"Up and down Latin America, we heard the same thing: American weapons and gun culture are spreading like a virus."
"I'm for free travel. I would much rather deal with Latin American problems... by uplifting those Latin-American countries."
"If Latin America was a family, you know you got the main characters like Mexico, who's like the Kingpin, big boss with his Central American Sidekicks."
"VisualPolitik is one of the few political channels that pays a lot of attention to Latin America, one of the least covered regions in the world."
"Mexico has actually been praised for its stability in recent years, weathering the storm of the South American economic crisis relatively unscathed."
"Economically, Chile is one of Latin America’s most advanced nations."
"Baseball's minor-league systems are currently crawling with Latin minor-league talent."
"Latin America is one of the world's most ethnically diverse regions."
"The regional Latin American environment is very positive."
"Evangelist Luis Palau: 'Known as the Billy Graham of Latin America.'"
"I do worry... people who have suffered for so long in Latin and South America are excluded."
"Many Latin American Progressive governments and the former [US involvement]"
"This has been happening to Lula... to Rafael Correa."
"What distinguishes colonial Latin American slavery from other places in the Western Hemisphere is the degree to which the African experience was defined not just by slavery but also by opportunities to obtain freedom."
"A recession is not the end-all be-all... Latin America have all seen similar recessions and all of them despite global financial crises alike have bounced back."
"Melee's election should be treated by the United States as the possible opening of new era in South and Latin America."
"Bolivia went from being a stagnant economy in ruins to the fastest growing economy in Latin America."
"Lula's role in defeating the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas shows his commitment to resisting U.S. dominance."
"I think that's really good. It fills me with optimism to see people around Latin America resisting this really aggressive and fundamentalist return of neoliberalism."
"Latin America that's learned to diversify its relations to have relations with all sorts of other players, not exclusively United States."
"Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, and Colombia released a joint statement."
"We reject the colonialist and interfering postulates of the Monroe Doctrine used to justify destabilizing and interventionist practices in Latin America and the Caribbean."
"If they are successful in getting rid of the communist regime... that would change the very dynamics of what is happening across Latin America."
"We need to implement a Marshall Plan for Latin America."
"Our prayer is that God will continue to use ministries such as Ligonier Español so that believers in Latin America will continue to grow in our understanding of the gospel and in our appreciation and love for the church."
"If the Latin American integration processes or Union as we really have to refer to them, if our Union is a set of gears, the ALBA is the gear that is connected to the people."
"The great majority of folk saints, unlike the official ones, were born and died on Latin American soil."
"Jet Blue lowering their annual revenue forecast. Latin America trips and demand a problem apparently for JBLU."
"You were really one of the first if not the first Latin American women writers to achieve International recognition in the mid 20th century."
"What God is doing in Latin America is unbelievable."
"The Latin American dub of Dragon Ball is loved by millions."
"The architecture of openness in Latin America was less restricted, less orthodox in some way than what Gropius was doing."
"The conference should appeal to accountants, economists, and corporate lawyers dealing with international tax issues in Latin America."
"Each speaker needs to present a particular incentive or disincentive in a local Latin-American jurisdiction."
"Latin America remains one of the few parts of the world where people still value companies in real terms."
"Gabriel Garcia Marquez became the face of Latin literature and for good reason."
"Costa Rica has one of the highest living standards in all of Latin America."
"What I want to see happen in Nicaragua is for a reasonably ethical and genuinely independently socialist or libertarian regime developed that will be an inspiration for all of Latin America."
"The most educated women I've met in Latin America were from Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, and Argentina."
"The average Cuban has it at least as well as the average person in Latin America."
"Brazil is the only place in Latin America that has an HBCU."
"The leading e-commerce asset in Latin America."
"It's something different in Argentina because the entire Latin America loves soccer."
"In Latin America, we use ustedes for formal and informal."
"It's fresh, it's authentic, it's got this amazing Latin American quality to it."
"This is for you, my people, my Latin American people inside and outside this country."
"People often give Latin America a bad rep and I don't know why, oftentimes it's very beautiful like this."
"We are here to proclaim a new day is coming in Latin America."
"Our journey through the vast territory of Latin America and its natural wonders ends here, a land rich with diverse cultures, with people who are proud of their roots and look firmly towards the future."
"Being Latino or Latina means that you are from a country that descended from Spain or Portugal."
"Mercado Libre is the Amazon of Latin America."
"I'm sharing genes with Mexico Central, Peru, and Ecuador."
"It's important to get the information into the Latin communities down in either Mexico and or Guatemala, El Salvador."
"As President, I've pursued a new era of engagement with Latin America where our countries work together as equal partners, based on mutual interest and mutual respect."
"I believe very strongly in women and I think in Latin America we have very strong women."
"I think countries are evolving in different ways; Latin America has been behind women's rights for many years, and I think we are catching up."
"Latin American coffee for me is always number one."
"Among the countries of all Latin America, Chile is considered to be the safest."
"The Monroe Doctrine essentially warns Europe to stay out of Latin America."
"The United States has the resources and the ability to promote peaceful revolution in Latin America, but so far it's not doing it."
"The goal of the Good Neighbor policy is to improve relationships with Latin America."
"The Alliance for Progress is essentially the Marshall Plan for Latin America."
"You're seeing a really big movement of Chinese companies into Latin America."
"This was the 24th consecutive year a Latin American country reached the Top 3 at Miss Universe."