
Demographic Trends Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The greatest threat to our civilization is not AI, is not climate change, it is demographic collapse." - Elon Musk
"The population growing at the lowest rate in 80 years has immense implications."
"The number of female gamers is growing rapidly, especially in Asia."
"People are cutting the cord; cable is in trouble. Fewer households have cable, and who's cutting the cord? Wealthy people, wealthy young, the ones that are technologically sophisticated, the ones that have choices."
"In the future, fewer women, given the choice, will have children."
"Elon Musk wants us to pay attention to something quieter but really important: the fact that the world's population is not growing as fast as it used to."
"Praise be to Florida, that blessed state where minimally regulated insurance knockoffs go to be born and retired people go to die."
"Countries that enter demographic decline because of the values change have a very tough time reversing that demographic decline."
"For the first time in American history, the number of white people went down."
"We have such a young population in the world; they want something very different."
"But if it's going to continue to be like mostly boomers on facebook let's be honest the boomers aren't going to last very long."
"Change is hard but it's gonna happen, the demographics is going to change."
"China's birth rate dropped in 2021 for the fifth year in a row."
"The decline certainly isn't happening in Africa yet and population there is going to continue to grow as far as we we can tell."
"There's a reason why black folks do tend to vote for left-leaning candidates more so than right-leaning candidates."
"The black unemployment rate fell by a net of 7.9 percent across 26 years of Democratic policies."
"There is a study by Morgan Stanley, financial... it's called the rise of the she economy... by 2030, women between the ages of 25 and 44... over half... will be single for the rest of their lives."
"It takes 20 years from conception to adult to reverse demographic trends."
"Quite simply put, I'll leave it there. The future will be conservative because conservatives have kids."
"Demographic change can overtake the best-laid plans of partisan map makers."
"Birth rate is by far their biggest problem in my opinion." - Elon Musk
"The complexion of American society is changing." - Ann Nelson
"The demographic trends and the debt trends continue to weigh."
"When there's more adult diapers at Walmart than baby diapers, there's going to be a lot of issues." - Unknown
"When children survive... people start making decisions... the result is smaller families and slower population growth."
"Africa is going to have 30% of the world's population in the next 50 years."
"Population growth... best long-term indicator of Demand."
"Our problem is not that there are too many babies being born but that there are too few being born."
"Only long-term demographic trends are going to cause the electoral map to kind of gradually evolve."
"Fatherlessness is a silent killer. It is the most harmful demographic trend of this generation." - Glenn Tucker
"Population growth isn't just from people moving, although the big sort is happening all over the country, people are moving where their values are going to be respected, where they're not going to be eaten alive by taxes and regulation."
"The pandemic may have accelerated this trend as people are less likely to have babies in uncertain financial times."
"We're seeing a powerful draw pulling black men and Latino women together."
"By 2040, 2045, the United States will be a majority non-white population with Mexicans and Mexican-Americans and Latinx folks in general in the lead of that major demographic revolution."
"Bank of America says young people 7.5 times more likely to hold crypto."
"Earth is going to face a massive population collapse over the next 20 to 30 years."
"Maybe it's something happens where a city gets big, the Democrats are able to win all the elections."
"Demographic dividend is the economic growth potential that can result from shifts in a population’s age structure."
"They've lost more of the white working class, and maybe that's been a realignment that's been happening over years and years."
"Those blue arrows in the U.S... those are pointing towards the Millennials and they are the people who will save us all."
"California is facing an apparent exodus of high-income earners."
"Assuming that will also be the case for currently developing nations, then there could come a time when people voluntarily reproduce at below replacement levels."
"California exodus... not only still happening, it's gotten worse."
"So, we need a reduction in human-generated carbon emissions, and China's population is declining. Like, that's as good as it gets, right? That's what you want. Fewer humans are going to generate less carbon."
"I think that many countries are in demographic decline."
"Retention was particularly high in the east, indicating a different pace of gaming."
"Gamblers overwhelmingly young men versus gambling companies armed with sophisticated AI data and Engineering."
"Millennials and now gen Z are almost neck and neck for the two biggest consumers of purchasing RVs right now."
"Democrats need to understand that there is a growing population especially with black men who are reaching the point of being fed up."
"Delaware's the 13th fastest growing state. They're almost to a million, you guys almost have a million people now."
"Utah's now the fastest growing state in the country."
"Younger patients were more hospitalized or coming to hospital for treatment."
"With less and less people being born, the population is getting older and older."
"The truth of the matter is, if you want to talk about data and the reality, America is becoming browner, more diverse."
"It's interesting people are writing about the fact that Trump increased his support among black men in the 2020 presidential election." - Barack Obama
"India and Bangladesh are on the same demographic trend... if 50 years from now India is going to become the next Italy or Japan."
"In the US, the growth rate has been below replacement rate since like '71 or '72."
"This core demographic has historically skewed male."
"The defining trend of the 21st century is population growth, specifically rapid urban population growth."
"We are growing, we have been growing at right around 300 to 400,000 people per year over the last couple of decades."
"...the majority of people convert to Islam are actually young women..."
"Investors expected that the US population would rise... and they were absolutely correct."
"Knowledge workers with college degrees are congregating en masse in major metropolitan areas across America."
"It's really good to see the older ages, the over 75s in particular, starting to come down quite fast."
"Teen claims have been declining rather steadily one percent a year for the last 50 years."
"Single person households are the fastest growing household type across the world."
"Equity risk premiums are going to increase as you get aging populations."
"It's just affordability; you have a good battle between good demographics and affordability right now."