
Femininity Quotes

There are 3567 quotes

"I express my femininity with grace and divine spirit."
"Heal from the trauma that separates you from your femininity."
"A feminine woman can even express displeasure or disapproval with a tone and with tact that melts a man's heart."
"The most feminine thing a woman can do is to walk away from a dishonorable man."
"You cannot be in your feminine if you're not connected to your feelings."
"The womb is a place to create and give birth to new life and a new version of myself."
"A high-value woman is caring... she has a soft nature and is nurturing."
"A high-value woman takes care of her temple... She knows how to put together things so it expresses who she is on the outside."
"Many women feel disconnected to their feminine energy... we automatically assume that femininity equals weakness, which is a whole lie."
"It's not about domination of your masculine side or your feminine side, it's about bringing them together."
"Feminine is the receptivity, it is the womb, it's being open, it is intuitive."
"Every woman is born a queen, most are just uninformed."
"Your femininity isn't for a man; it's for you."
"For women, health and growth come from nurturing one's inner queen by combining traits of the Amazon, the medial, and Fluttershy's archetype, the hetaera."
"Being feminine isn't about being beautiful or svelte, even or even about wearing high heels... Being feminine is a state of mind. It's an attitude."
"The idea that a woman can only be empowered if she acts like a man is a slap in the face to characters like Mulan, whose entire story arc was about embracing her femininity."
"Walking in your femininity regardless of being in a relationship or not is going to be what's most beneficial for you."
"Feminine energy is love, it is a relaxed state, it is free flow."
"I have evolved from being masculine to feminine and now I have trained him and helped guide him to become more on the level where I now feel loved, cherished, adored."
"Masculinity and femininity are inherently tonic, or healing, or positive."
"Black women have to earn our femininity, it is not ingrained in us no matter what femininity coaches have taught us to believe."
"Masculinity, femininity... it's not even real. We're just taking traits that all humans can have and applying a word to it."
"I think if your peak femininity or peak masculinity, you're in tune with both sides of your emotions."
"Pam Grier was a kick-ass lady... but she never lost her femininity."
"Smart, successful women connect with their own feminine energy so they can attract and create the kind of relationships they want."
"When a woman feels emotionally safe with a man, she is able to be her most feminine self."
"The irony is not lost on Nora that it took a trip into manhood to help her appreciate her own femininity."
"Right at the beginning, you're given a foundation to stand upon as a woman that God says actually you have an innate worth that can never be taken away from you."
"The Divine Feminine is very powerful and independent and successful, especially now."
"Strength of a woman is really having the bravery and the courage to be who you truly are."
"Here we have a woman who can be sarcastic, aggressive, even, if I may use this horrible term which is not quite appropriate, maybe even castrating, without in any way renouncing femininity."
"Success in femininity comes from internal motivation."
"Nothing makes you feel more complete and balanced within yourself than knowing the true source and power of your femininity."
"Whatever kind of girl you are, is a perfectly great kind of girl to be. And being a woman actually is way more wonderful and comes with a lot more pleasures and joys than the current culture admits."
"Femininity is not conditional; it's constant."
"Men will fight wars for women who are feminine."
"Femininity concerns gender, which is socially constructed, meaning that feminine traits that we associate with women are not necessarily innate but are social and psychological distinctions created by our culture and upbringing."
"Femininity, especially the version these coaches promote, is heavily associated with taking care of the household, but this notion has less to do with the nature of women and more to do with the nature of capitalism."
"A woman does not have to be feminine or ultra feminine to be deserving of respect."
"Everybody has masculine and feminine within them, and I think but I think when it comes to polarity, if you're a man, you probably want to have more masculine qualities, and if you're a woman, you probably want to have more feminine qualities."
"To be that feminine girl, I think it is so important to be nurturing to yourself and others, so that you can have that extremely warm presence when you're around others."
"To be that feminine girl, you're going to need to work on your confidence and that does start by severing the dependence you have on the opinions of others."
"We should never hide our femininity, we should never be ashamed of the curve of our body, we should never be ashamed of our desire to dress up, we should never be ashamed of our desire to do our hair and makeup."
"Part of being a strong and feminine woman, and nurturing yourself, is to not allow the comments of other people to prevent you from doing what you know is best."
"You're going to be happier when you follow your natural instincts and do your hair and makeup the way you want to, when you dress in that feminine way that you want to."
"Women actually enjoyed putting in that effort; they enjoyed cultivating their femininity."
"Femininity does not make women weak. Admitting that you are feminine as a woman, that doesn't make you weak, that makes you strong."
"Masculinity worships the feminine... they exist in a sort of symbiotic beautiful dance together."
"A healthy man will use his power to empower you, unthreatened by your strength, unwavered by your divine radiant and powerful feminine energy."
"It's whimsical and innocent and almost childlike but also feminine and floaty."
"Embracing my cycle, embracing being a woman, embracing being different biologically than males, and really stepping into learning how to take care of myself."
"Masculinity is a fantastic thing and so is femininity. They are... it's yin yang. They are two pieces of this great puzzle of the world. They complement each other."
"The Empress is associated with strong maternal influence."
"The idea that you can be both [intelligent and feminine] is never really something brought up or addressed."
"Granada is like femininity in a bottle. It is a gorgeous melange of white flowers... with the perfect amount of sweetness in it to make it delicious and inviting on your skin."
"Embrace the feminine energy, nurturing and being open to being led."
"I don't think I look gross or less feminine. I just think I look like a strong woman."
"The feminine side is more so just being in touch with your emotions, the ability to feel, which I think is like so essential to having a complete human experience."
"It is time to listen to your divine feminine. Allow yourself to express those internal feelings."
"Femininity does not inherently mean that something is weak."
"Ladies, I really do hope you've enjoyed my video today, and I hope you take these points on board to help you become the most elegant, classy, and feminine woman that you can be."
"Feminine elegance truly relies on a very controlled and good sense of posture."
"Feminine elegance is about not being ashamed of yourself or ashamed of your body."
"Remember, feminine elegance can follow you throughout your lifetime."
"I believe in giving women all the tools and the trust that we can do it all without losing our essence, without losing our femininity."
"The feminine, beautiful, inspirational ladies, how are we doing?"
"Why is that it is weak to be feminine, and that is not true. In fact, when you step into your femininity as a woman, that is when you regain a sense of peace and vibrancy in your life because then you can turn out and nurture and love on the ones around you."
"Femininity is the most underappreciated quality."
"It makes me feel luxurious, it makes me feel fresh and clean and feminine."
"A lady is allowed to keep a few cunning secrets, I think."
"That's a nice dream...women do dream and long for that kind of thing."
"Anime girls are liked because of their virtuous and feminine personality traits."
"The fetishization of femininity is not even unique to media; it's a thing that people in their real lives have to deal with as well."
"There's so many different ways to be a woman."
"You need to be more in your feminine side. I mean like when you want to be treated special for every once in a while, wouldn't you want to be treated special every once in a while?"
"I think there's a lot of strength in vulnerability and there's a lot of strength in showing a soft, feminine side."
"Female nature is eternal like the Moon that governs it."
"Connect with your femininity... something that doesn't have you too in your head."
"Be what these youtubers tend to have in common is that they are very much independent women."
"For me, it actually-- I think about this kind of shame, the shaming that you're discussing, as being a cultural issue with femininity at large, and a kind of shaming and disrespecting of femininity as a power in the universe."
"The feminine energy wants to feel loved... They want to feel cherished."
"To a young person, this can take a huge toll. Hair is hugely important to girls, to women—it's a symbol of femininity, it's a symbol of feminine power."
"Traditional values which actually value femininity do a much better job at protecting the interests of women."
"Modern women have grown very used to men who are very soft Giulio women love soft man but for us feminine women do I need to say more no binary Lee."
"The idea of the mermaid and women and their sexuality all kind of to get that makes what kind of a more interesting novel for me."
"Brace Face is a show about adjusting to femininity, self-acceptance, interpersonal relationships, and trying to figure out how to do what's right."
"There's a uniquely feminine quality to this game's visual design that I believe makes it stand out in a really great way."
"The seduction of the feminine is in its play of revealing and hiding."
"We got to bring the goddess out in them and reintroduce them to themselves."
"We're all feminized in a sense as the bride of Christ."
"The water is the daughter, meaning the feminine, so the feminine is rising."
"Femininity is always going to be a selling point for women."
"Find a group of feminine women, a feminine influence, a feminine coach."
"We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller."
"All women report they want a man that leads them, makes them feel secure, makes them feel feminine."
"Cheers to the yellow goddess inside all of us, set her free."
"Embrace life this week, especially your own feminine energy."
"The times I've dated feminine women, it's just a joy to be around them in my experience."
"A careful blend of understated intelligence, ruthless decision-making, and feminine wiles."
"The dress as the suppression of sexuality, the Garter as an attribute of a femininity not determined by ourselves."
"Lead with your heart, your grace, your peace, your femininity."
"Men want femininity with sex, they want both."
"If sex were the only thing that men liked, they wouldn't be asking for femininity from women."
"It was the femininity that made him marry me not the promise of sex."
"Men do not value women when she only has her sex to give."
"When you elevate yourself as a woman it doesn't matter the shade you are worth your weight in gold and diamonds and emeralds and amethysts."
"When you speak queen, it feels like you're talking to me personally."
"A woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised."
"Women breathe life into everything, into visions, dreams, and self-esteem."
"If you don't heal first, you will never give off a healthy feminine energy."
"The vagina's powerful, man, if you could bottle that little hot thing up."
"I feel like this is such a cool top, pair with pants to kind of make it a bit more fun and feminine."
"Women are God logically because they make life."
"Explorer energy: you're exploring yourself, embracing your feminine energy."
"Femininity is not synonymous with taking a back seat."
"Being feminine is about having a quiet confidence in yourself and in your femininity."
"Do what works for your relationship and have the confidence in yourself and in your womanhood."
"I think that in the talking then therefore essentially about essential womanhood, one of the key things about it is it is involved with people rather than things."
"The essence of the feminine task is turning houses into homes."
"Being a more feminine woman and not just in my mannerisms or the way I live my life... but just kind of the shadow work that I've been doing."
"A lot of us grew up... where we didn't see much femininity happening in the home."
"When you are tapping into your feminine energy... you want to be more receptive to receiving."
"Feminine women know what they want... they're confident in how they look, how they feel, what they do."
"I think that feminine women we naturally just don't really get caught up in drama."
"We should empower and own our feminine energy."
"Being feminine: a huge trait that is going to make you much more attractive to high quality men."
"You can be strong in your femininity, you can still draw the line."
"She was among the trendy sex symbols of the 1930s appearing in some of the sassiest and most seductive Classics."
"What's really sexy about women is to have a strong degree of femininity... why does someone being strong negate her femininity? I think you could be strong in your femininity."
"You can still be a warrior while still being feminine, right?"
"Hair is one of the most important elements of beauty for women."
"It's so important that you allow yourself to release emotions. Another really healthy way for you to step into more of your feminine energy is to learn how to self-accept."
"Your dreams might really want you to get in touch with your feminine side."
"You are so wise, beautiful divine feminine soul."
"Femininity, like gender, is a spectrum and can be expressed in many different ways."
"Women who don't fit into traditional femininity are a lot less useful to the male gaze."
"Your womanly strength and assertive compassion provides peace and warmth."
"Your strength is in your femininity and your vulnerability and your willingness to submit."
"But if you are a lover of black and I know that so many people feel their most chic and their most polished in black then it's a really nice way of making a black outfit a little bit more feminine with these really lovely feminine design details."
"Lean more into your femininity and practice more feminine traits."
"Empowering, she's a queen. Her strength is amazing."
"A woman's role is to be supportive and to inspire a man to want to be himself."
"When you do, especially as women, you know, we're all strong freaking warriors. It takes a little softness and gentleness to just lay it down."
"I'm always taped to like I just like to present the most feminine parts of me."
"We should be prioritizing femininity and softness."
"The woman is connected to the Divine frequency of love."
"Women bring emotional support, compassion, patience, femininity, spirituality, sensuality, and wisdom to the table."
"Finding men to take care of you is easy, but do you provide the feminine experience in exchange?"
"Women have much more sense of community and people that take on like softness for them in the world."
"We've forgotten the wisdom of the womb we've forgotten the wisdom of the woman."
"The more that a woman fully embraces her feminine energy, the more that her man will naturally step into his masculine energy."
"It's so thrilling for a woman to feel as though she is the ultimate prize."
"The healthy feminine energy is all about flow, intuition, connecting to her heart, receptivity, openness, feeling her emotions and her feelings, creativity."
"When you rest you recharge you replenish your magnetic energy and it's through that magnetism as the divine feminine that you are actually effortlessly attracting in your desires."
"I want to start doing Zoom classes, focusing on femininity."
"All men want is what they've always wanted: a soft, feminine creature who's kind and caring."
"Girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice."
"Step into your inner feminine energy, let the inner wisdom shine through."
"Lean into your femininity, have standards, be okay being alone."
"Society and the media has forced us to believe that wanting to embrace our femininity is a weakness and in actual fact it's more of a superpower."
"You realize just how much of a superpower it is to be feminine and that's not just in dating and relationships, that's in all areas of your life."
"The female form just physically is the finest purest form of art the universe has ever created."
"Being open and receptive is a feminine quality that men love."
"Men are drawn to a woman who takes care of herself."
"Being attentive, considerate, and nurturing are very feminine qualities."
"She felt like a woman for the first time in a long time, and it felt good."
"I just feel like y'all need to see the game that's being played on you and I also, I don't think it's a coincidence, ladies, that movies like this keep coming out as black women are currently attempting to embrace traditional femininity."
"This early representation of a possible female deity looks like it is carved on the rock."
"Chaos is actually a feminine quality... there's something about you guys that kind of makes people want to protect you."
"The problem with the women's movement today is that they've lost all their femininity."
"They were the most soft, the most feminine of women."
"Girls just want to have fun sometimes, you know?"
"To the feminine, beautiful, inspirational ladies in the house."
"Femininity is power, use it to your advantage."
"Masculinity and femininity exist in nearly every human culture."
"The black woman is the queen of this planet."
"Be your best self, be feminine, make it sexy, make it fun."
"Sugar, spice, and everything nice is much closer to what a woman is than two x chromosomes."
"The power and the beauty in being a girl is that I could move this entire couch inside confidently and successfully all while wearing my plat for."
"Your children rise up and call you blessed, your husband also, and he praises you. Many women have done excellently, but you surpassed them all."
"Don't ever trade your femininity in. Don't trade in your purpose."
"Femininity isn't monolithic, so you can present yourself as a feminine artist and still find a way to set yourself apart."
"It's sexy, has a sexy feel to it but it's still like feminine and sophisticated."
"Women are never going to vote for chaos, why? Because the rudimentary aspects of femininity is security, right?"
"Jumping the gun by Stanley, Whitney Port's Spring collection is the ultimate girly-girl collection for the current season."
"Listen, because the more feminine you are, the more you attract girls."
"Round of applause for a well-deserved queen."
"Femininity has a very important place in our lives."
"We're celebrating the pregnancy of the goddess."
"The thing about Marilyn Monroe was that she was able to get away with things that at the time most women would dream of."
"A high value woman embraces her femininity - intuitive, nurturing, creative, and empathetic."
"Femininity as a threat, one that Price got some sadistic glee out of."
"It's really a beautiful one I think it's also a very feminine casual look one that I think you can really wear just honestly kind of everywhere."
"Obviously I'm a girl, so like a girl like we always tried to be like beautiful and put together."
"You're listening to your soul to readjust your feminine."
"Whenever I wear pieces from White Fox Boutique, I feel like I am a woman."
"There is nothing shameful about being female and feminine."
"Femininity is power. There's so much that you can accomplish through your feminine energy."
"But you're saying is that those that pay attention to the natural aspects of them are much more deeply in tune with understanding the power of their feminine energy."
"I don't think there are any bounds on what it means to be a female other than to exist in a female body."