
Womanhood Quotes

There are 735 quotes

"I honor the woman I am, letting her be free to express herself."
"Trans women are women; womanhood is an umbrella term; it includes people who identify as a woman."
"Going from gateway to gateway to gateway, that is how you become a whole woman."
"Pregnancy is a natural state of being for a woman. It's natural."
"A woman who is willing to express herself is such a desirable woman."
"Define 'woman'? A person who embodies their own understanding and expression of womanhood, regardless of societal norms."
"The very things that are an intricate part of being woman, being nurturing mothers and wives, are taken when we believe the lie that we have to make something of ourselves."
"The gift you have as a woman to create life is the most badass, punk rock incredible thing you could do."
"Womanhood isn't just one thing; There's tall women, there's short women, there's black women, there's white women, there's trans women and there's CIS women. That doesn't take anyone's womanhood away, it just recognizes that womanhood includes a whole lot of folks."
"Young women today have to be told that being a woman is a great thing. That being uncomfortable in your body during puberty is completely normal."
"Feminism at its core has tried to define womanhood on its own terms."
"I feel connected to her... We have a shared experience of being a woman."
"She has shown how it is possible to cross over into womanhood without turning down the volume on your opinions."
"We don't have to fit the narrow definition of womanhood; we create our own path."
"The joy that she radiates, the strength that she has, the tenacity, the qualities of who she is as a woman, is everything that I hope to emulate."
"Womanhood is a real thing, and it is a sacred thing; it is something that we should know what it is and we should honor it and revere it as a society and protect it."
"I am a woman. I am a female. I am a woman who gives birth. I am a mom who breastfeeds my baby."
"Perhaps the real design for god's womanhood was the friends we made along the way."
"You are in real-time showing these babies what it is to be a grown-up, what it is to be a woman, what it is to be like a being with your own hopes and dreams and desires."
"A woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised."
"We don't have to escape our Womanhood, we don't have to buy into the lies of feminism."
"Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."
"Thomasin openly embraces her womanhood, shedding any shame of it that’s been ingrained in her, which grants her eternal life and power."
"Womanhood tied more closely to stereotypes is insulting."
"We both got in it young, little babies, little children, grown into women, pubescent."
"Motherhood isn't a choice, it's part and parcel of being a person, of being a woman."
"There's something really empowering about being a woman just on your own in a team."
"Being a woman is like having power. If you have to say that you are, then you aren't."
"A godly woman is disciplined in her contentment, whether she's single or married."
"Women are universal we're not monolith we got different flavors."
"What is a woman? A woman is somebody who is included and respected and seen and participates in society, recognized by other women if you speak with women."
"That divine intelligence of a woman, no machine could ever compete with."
"Grown women think in steps. Many steps ahead. They have strategy. They have game because they know what they want in the long run."
"Every age of a woman has a lesson, has a blessing, has a gift, has a grace."
"When you give birth you're not giving birth to just like a baby or just like flesh it's like a conscious being and like there's nothing else that can create that than a woman."
"She is a sacred part of my childhood and my understanding of what it is to be a woman." - Emma Watson
"Biblical Beauty in Womanhood is a byproduct of a woman's quest to glorify God in all things."
"You do not have to appeal to all men for your womanhood to be qualified."
"The only model for Womanhood that a lot of girls have is one that is basically manufactured by the media."
"Can we stop trying to narrowly define womanhood in these rather visceral terms?"
"She's a woman. It matters to me to be a woman."
"Appreciate and cherish the woman that you have grown into."
"Having a period does not make a person a woman."
"Us women are built for freaking childbirth, you guys. We are built for so much."
"I think at that age, every woman is sensational."
"College literally taught me how to be a woman and it's an experience that I feel like shapes a lot of young people to become better individuals."
"I really appreciate the woman that you are."
"Being a woman in 2023, there is so much optimism. You can't help but appreciate how far we've come."
"As a woman, you set the atmosphere of your home. You are the thermostat."
"I've experienced sexual assault, and I think it does have a very like it hawks your growth as far as what you feel you should be mentally as a woman."
"You learn how to be a strong woman."
"The thing that's taught me the most about womanhood is motherhood."
"The woman is the goddess connection to the universe."
"A queen is a woman who doesn't go around sleeping from man to man."
"Yes, she is every woman, and it's all in her."
"It captures the fiery Spirit of a woman unabashedly embracing rage and leaving chaos in her wake."
"Are you actually on the path to Godly Womanhood, or are you trying to fit into culture with the label of Christian on top?"
"There's nothing more beautiful than a Christian woman."
"The narrative online is if you're a housewife, you are less than as a woman."
"Being a woman and having fluctuating hormones is a wild ride, and I appreciate you coming along for it."
"But with the sacred woman, it is a spiritual connection at its heart."
"So I'm excited I'm I'm happy that God made me a woman and not a man I love everything about being a woman I love it but we're coming you know yeah we're coming we're coming to fight h a war."
"I love being a woman and I love having the freedom to do what I do."
"This nature of each woman getting power because of Love."
"I just happen to be a woman, and I'm really proud of other women."
I enjoy being a woman. I don't desire to scream to the mountain tops like, "Oh, I'm an independent woman."
"This robs the word woman of all meaning and trivializes the unique experience of Womanhood."
"I am much more than just a woman who can produce children. I have got a career."
"Your body is supposed to grow as a woman, you're supposed to have curves because you're a woman."
"The best thing to do is accept the fact that you're a woman, be the best woman you can, love people, have great relationships with people, because God made you for that purpose."
"It's so impossible to be a woman, yet somehow I pulled it off."
"Your womb is precious to the whole world. You guys are the most powerful beings out here."
"There is no universal good thing to make you a good woman."
"You need to be the woman that a man consistently earns every single day."
"Being a woman in general is hard. Point Blank period is not easy being a woman."
"I am strong because a strong woman raised me."
"The essence of a woman starts with femininity."
"It's a disservice because we're not getting the diverse and in-depth types of womanhood that exist in the real world."
"The true essence of substance for a woman is for her to be able to walk in the room and not say anything but say everything."
"I want women to understand that you are free to be all that God created you to be."
"You're trying to manage your homes and your kids and your men and being sisters and that relationship and you're just real women."
"Being a woman is such a powerful thing, and I feel like every woman should feel that way."
"This little girl grew up to be a strong-minded woman."
"Being a mother as a woman is the greatest purpose you can ever have."
"The feminine woman is proud to be a woman and happy to fulfill her destiny as a wife and mother."
"An evolved woman is a powerful woman, a woman to be respected and cared for and to be honored and cherished."
"There is a role in Womanhood and motherhood where you also self-realize through that role. There is so much room for expansion and growth that you cannot even pay for."
"You're not any less adequate of a woman. You're not any less deserving of being a mother. You are so deserving of all of the things you dream of."
"I feel more grateful for what God has given me and of being a woman because I have so many benefits that men don't have."
"The strength that it takes to just be a woman, and I'm not saying strong physically or like a man, I'm saying the inner strength."
"Women need to become the best version of themselves mentally, spiritually, and physically."
"We just want to be the woman. We are already super, we can't become something we already are."
"Being a woman is the best home shopping."
"The difficulties of being a woman, I say as I slather clay all over my armpits."
"He's the most courageous woman I've ever known."
"It's amazing to see how many seasons as women we go through."
"She did everything because I'm staying here now she's strong as the people and so I think woman is strongest people in this world."
"I need to feel validation as a woman."
"When you're around a woman who's happy, it's a completely different vibe."
"Just being a woman is actually so tough, because you cannot walk. Men can wake up 1 AM and go for a jog."
"You gotta earn Womanhood, it doesn't just happen when you get your period."
"I'm not a hoe. I'm a woman. And I'm a part of him. God gave me to you, and I rocks it."
"That means more than physical safety to a woman. It also means kindness and empathy."
"Your menstrual cycle is pure magic...like we are magic."
"I'm a mother, you know? I'm a woman. I'm living my life. I'm expressing my dreams."
"If a woman is happy, no more is needed."
"I've never thought being a woman is a disadvantage."
"You don't have to go around talking about how powerful you are as a woman, it's already known. Everybody knows how powerful women are in their DNA."
"The true nature of the sacrifice that it takes for a good woman to be a good woman, Society has diminished in the minds of modern men."
"Scripture clearly, clearly regards motherhood as the single most significant and meaningful and beautiful aspect of Womanhood."
"Independence, the independent powerful self-empowered woman... in fact, it is a direct attack on creation."
"My womanhood is communal and personal, and it is both the reason for my desire and the desire itself."
"According to interviews, the show's creator wanted to explore meaningful and deep topics surrounding womanhood, which I'd love to see too."
"If you feel that being a mother or a wife is a downgrade, check yourself because it could be that there is something in your heart there that is not at ease with being a woman in the way that Allah said."
"Because that's what a real woman does."
"It seemed to me like all my worrying about not being a mother came down to this history. This implication that a woman is not an end in herself."
"Why have we not stopped to consider the Renaissance woman and what that might look like in today's world?"
"You are not just a woman because of your body but all these things put together makes a daughter of God."
"You can be a hero by just being a brave woman."
"Beauty comes from within every woman."
"This is a woman. This is wealth. This is generational wealth."
"I feel empowered, especially as a woman doing it."
"The essence of a woman of Valor is her desire to become better in a relation with herself, her family, people around her, and God."
"Womanhood is a blessing, don't waste it."
"Trans people get a lot of abuse online, and recently someone online said to me, 'You'll never be a real woman, do you know why? Because you can't have a baby, you can't get pregnant.' Yes, I can. I think I can."
"The enthronement, the prosperity, the lifting, the opportunities, the anointing, the advantage, the preparations that God has mobilized in your direction as a woman should never become a weaponized tool in the hands of the enemy against your husband or against your family."
"As a woman, you deal with something called a cycle. And that cycle, whether it may not be painful for some, it is for some. We just learn to deal with it and we deal with it through all our lifetime."
"I just thought it was just like oh my gosh just comments like that right it's very hard as a woman a mature woman to age and have a million people have an opinion about it."
"He placed the crux of this mystery of Christianity upon a woman, upon her response to an angel."
"To be a woman is to always be alone and never alone."
"We are the ones that go through childbirth. We are strong like no one will ever understand. And so I am proud to be a woman."
"A woman does not have to depend on anyone to shape her life."
"In searching for nuanced portrayals of Jewishness, womanhood, and Jewish womanhood onscreen, we should ask ourselves how to move beyond outdated stereotypes."
"Pregnancy for women is very intimate, it's a very very very intimate relationship."
"The [__] that we need to go through as women is ridiculous. That's all I say about that. The [__] that comes out of our bodies is yes. Yeah, you couldn't write it, you know? So many different things."
"I should never have let them see," she whispered. "Gowned and crowned, she was a queen. Naked, bloody, limping, she was only a woman. Not so very different from their wives, more like their mothers than their pretty little maiden daughters."
"Sometimes it's hard to be a woman, giving all your love to just one man."
"Being a woman in comedy means kind of building up that collective camaraderie with the truths, the sometimes sad and funny truths of being a woman, but also using it to empower, using it to encourage, using it to laugh, to further improve womanhood in general."
"The next level in like Boss [__] Womanhood is being on top and aware."
"A good woman removes wasted motion from you getting to the purpose that you're trying to get to."
"What to what? I don't need large breasts to be a real woman."
"A woman who's going to make you a man"
"And if you do these things, you will raise an amazing woman who will be a great mother, a great wife, and a great member of society."
"Your Womanhood is special, your feminine energy is powerful."
"Our Womanhood is sacred and we can honor our strengths as women."
"Embrace your Womanhood and honor your Womanhood."
"Being a woman doesn't make you less than."
"Our Womanhood is special, our feminine energy is powerful."
"The level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood."
"A great woman is not identified by whether she is only a wife or a mother."
"It's so crazy when you talk cuz it sound like exactly how I feel inside is what you're saying I think no I love that CU I think a lot of it is like when you find your own voice as a woman like we still are carving paths that weren't normal for our parents."
"Allow yourself to go through different seasons of womanhood, embracing the natural evolution of femininity."
"A woman is an incubator, whatever she receives, she multiplies and gives back."
"Being a woman is a gift from God, it is a entrustment to partner with God to bring forth life in a lot of different areas."
"It's a celebration, it's a celebration of life and to be honest I'm really looking forward to being a woman"
"Our culture's version of Womanhood is a far cry from the God who designed us to be."
"As a 59 year-old bloke, who has daughters and a wife, it's been my impression over the years that feminism, as a movement, has not really celebrated and admired and been hugely supportive of womanhood, in terms of having children."
"I left my short skirts behind six years ago; I am not a girl anymore but a woman proper."
"Women have a superpower where they can grow a human."
"...using the werewolf mythology to illustrate the uh the hardships that a woman goes through..."
"What's more important for a woman than being a good wife and a good mother? That's the most important job in the world."
"The responsibility of one woman alone is heavy."
"To be a woman is to share in her magnificence."
"I am a woman and I don't have balls down there but I have balls I tell you that."
"This movie is about self, about knowing yourself as a woman."
"Start experimenting with the type of woman that you want to be, and naturally, you will become her."
"When you are in your real power as a woman...that's when you experience great change."
"A woman's value is like diamonds, necklaces, or bank accounts."
"Being a woman is fun, and being a feminine woman is even more fun."
"Living up to the demands being so many things, days on end, we stretch and they bend but never break, but today we take a break to cry out and spare not, shout, sing, and clap praise, think, and recharge, and still go back to being all the woman we are needed to be."
"We might make it look that way but it's never been easy to be a woman."
"When you walk in motherhood, it's one of those moments in a woman's life where she's at her best."
"I enjoy being a woman. I've never tried the alternative and I don't want to."
"Women are superheroes. I can't. I don't think I can do it at this point right now. I think I need a few more years to get there."
"Every woman, regardless of her life circumstances, has been divinely endowed with the gift of motherhood."
"I'm a strong woman. He can't look at me because I'm a strong woman."
"Being a woman is something very wide because everyone was created and was given something that he has to share that people know."
"I like good times, good energies. I'm about like, you know, actually being seen and heard as a woman and not just being an object of someone's desire."
"I think it's pretty amazing being able to be a woman at different times."
"A woman is a nation. A woman is a full nation. A woman is a queen. It's a goddess on her own. In a woman's belly, like the womb, it's a nation, it's a whole world. If a baby comes into it, it starts a new life over there."
"For me to be a woman, it's a blessing."
"Thank you that you give us a living hope, Lord. You teach us how to be women, you teach us how to bring back womanhood in the way that we look, in our appearance, our language, our just everything about us."
"The blessing is the empowered woman."
"Womanhood to me means having courage it means being confident in yourself and your abilities in who you are as a human and just having an overall strong sense of self."
"I could choose to work towards the Proverbs 31 woman."
"It's a very natural thing... almost every woman goes through it."
"What's for you is for you when you try to like idolize what someone else's Journey looks like you try to make that your idea of what Womanhood is you may be not the sniffling girl anyway you may be missing out on what is at the top of your Womanhood Journey."
"Every time, learns our words, but I was a woman before I understood them."
"A high value woman is defined by the man she can attract and retain."
"A woman's value is determined by the caliber of man she can keep."
"We see women at their most vulnerable but also at their most strongest."
"She was the most famous woman on Earth."
"I need for them to be completely understanding of the fact that I'm the woman I am today because of my history. I need them to, at the bare minimum, accept that is part of who I am."
"I'm just being a mother 'cause I got some motherly, womanly instincts. I'm just saying."
"To be a woman is to be strong, to be a woman is to walk in the power of God."
"It made me have more compassion for myself as a woman."
"It's so beautiful to be a woman. There's so many amazing things about being a feminine woman."
"But I'm so happy that you did something like that to me because yeah, I actually, I honestly got like I'm getting emotional now but I'm like girl you have me in tears because I did not realize that it did sound like I was punishing myself for being a woman."
"Sometimes it does feel like a punishment."
"Womanhood and being a woman is not based on somebody's reproductive abilities or what internal organs they have."