
Divine Will Quotes

There are 2536 quotes

"When you don't have that 100% peace, it doesn't mean that God's not in it yet. It just might mean it's not time. It's not time to move; it's time to move, you know what I mean?"
"Since day six, He's done nothing else in the earth unless He does it in partnership with a man or a woman. That's how much God respects the laws He put in place."
"God can do anything, accomplish anything that's according to His will."
"The purpose of prayer is not to get God to do what I want but to discover what He wants."
"Success is not in numbers... Success comes from Allah."
"It's God's will for us to be in good health, to be prosperous, and to be whole."
"Sometimes God doesn't answer prayers in the way that we wish Him to answer our prayers because God isn't us."
"You don't have to live in loneliness. That's not the will of God for us."
"The duty is yours only to deliver the message; the rest of it is in the command of Allah."
"The world exists... it is the simple manifestation of the divine volition to be known in the register of the divine love and compassion."
"In peace to govern the element which God hath destined for your habitation, amen."
"God does not want you to survive; He wants you to thrive."
"I can of my own self do nothing; as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just; for I seek not my will but the will of the Father."
"There are many plans in the mind of a man, but only that which is of God will stand."
"If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that."
"This is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us."
"You cannot expect Allah to change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves."
"Persistent prayer doesn't change God; it gets you ready and causes you to be processed and able to receive God's will in the earth."
"It's God's people and Jesus says you pray like this: 'Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.'"
"Peace is Thy will, and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
"Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases."
"It is the will of God that you leave here better than you came."
"It is the will of God that we become like His Son, Jesus Christ; God desires it that we put on the character of Jesus Christ."
"What makes you spiritual is being in the center of God's will for your own life."
"Surrender to the divine will, surrender to divine timing and release what you don't have control over."
"Whatever is leading you toward greater love, that's what God wants. Love is not a sentiment but it's willing the good of the other."
"But whoever does the will of God lives forever."
"God works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure."
"The safest place in the whole wide world is in the will of God."
"The will of God is perfect... if in order to do one part of His will, you have to disobey another, it's not the will of God."
"Peace is the key to me. People ask all the time, 'Father, how do you know you're doing God's will?' 100% one word: peace."
"Lord, I want everything to be Your will because I know that You have only one desire for me, and that's life, life in abundance."
"For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what He has promised."
"This promise is for those who seek God's glory and God's will above all other things."
"Your will aligns with Divine will, and if you align your will even a little bit with God's will, you become a force of nature."
"It is not the will of my Father that one of these little ones should perish."
"In the glory of heaven, the blessed continue joyfully to fulfill God's will in relation to other men and all creation."
"Not everyone who says, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of God, but those who do the will of my Father."
"God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."
"Let your kingdom come and let your will be done."
"The pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race, and language are willed by God in His wisdom..."
"You will never prosper until you believe it's God's will for you to prosper."
"When you find a promise that relates to your situation and meets your need, that promise is God's will for you."
"You do not have to beg God to do something that is in his will to do."
"Angels are magnificent beings created by God to carry out His will."
"Give thanks in all things, for this is the will of God concerning us."
"We decree that this election will not be stolen and that God's will and kingdom purpose will be accomplished."
"Grace is both the desire and the ability to do the will of God."
"Allah only wants for you the best better than you want for your own self."
"I loved what Ayanda talked about, that faith isn't just faith when you get what you want, faith is waiting for the Lord's will to be revealed and in His time, too."
"When God's servants are doing his will and doing his work, they are invincible until the task is completed." - Highlighting the strength in alignment with God's will.
"Faith is not faith only when it brings to pass my wants or desires, but faith is faith because it brings to pass the Lord's will in my life and in His time."
"Faith is not just faith only when it brings to pass my wants or desires, but faith is faith because it brings to pass the Lord's will in my life and in His time."
"Nothing can happen in your life that's not God's will for your life."
"God's will is that you receive your healing and walk into fine health."
"Prayer is not about you. It's about the will of God being done on the earth."
"Well done to every football fan out there that's put the pressure on and has rejected resoundingly this European Super League."
"Every blessing we receive is a gift of his Divine will."
"Every day I have to pray and rededicate myself to y'all that he keeps me and that his will be done in my life."
"It is not God's will that you keep encountering difficulties in life; in fact, he always wants you to enjoy his blessings without restraints and suffering."
"Praying the scriptures means praying the will of God for your life."
"I've blessed you already with all spiritual blessings... everything pertaining to my will for your life."
"God don't need your permission to bless whoever he wants to bless."
"If man was really truly bent on doing what God wanted him to do, we would achieve that."
"It just cannot be what the divine field wants to have happen in this universe."
"God can offer salvation to anybody He wants."
"You've gotten a little bit closer to what God's will is supposed to look like."
"The greatest place in the world is in the will of God. There is no better place, understand, in the will of God."
"Sanctification is when one is set aside mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually for the will of God."
"If I can prove the answer to you beyond all doubt, will you accept it because then you would have to make the determination that it is his will to heal you."
"God is all-knowing, God is all-powerful, evil exists, God willed evil to exist."
"God really allows man to have free choices that God does not want us to make."
"There's no better place to be than in the center of God's will."
"Nothing comes into your life that is not first sifted through the perfect, loving will of God."
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word."
"Prayer is not always requesting, sometimes prayer is agreeing with the known will of God."
"If you're not standing where God wants you to stand, it won't make any difference."
"To fulfill the will of the awakened State or the will of God - that's the original baptism."
"There's something about being in the will of God that just protects you."
"Success in the service of Lolth lies with those who are attentive to her ever-changing, often contradictory will."
"I absolutely believed that God wanted President Trump to win again."
"We are believers and we must walk in a mindset of 'not my will, but yours be done.'"
"No matter how healthy, affluent, or strong you are, if you reject the Lord's will, you will fail."
"If I can communicate one thing today, it would be this: when it becomes my passion for His will to be done on earth and for Him to be glorified."
"The anointing gives you the ability to know and do God's will."
"There are many plants in the heart of man, but only the will of God shall stand at the end."
"God can do whatever He wants, if nobody told you God can do whatever He wants who are we to tell God how to speak."
"Father, I declare divine alignment with Your perfect will in every area of their lives!"
"God wants it as much as you want it, even more."
"Prayer isn't just getting God to do what we want, but aligning our will to His."
"God doesn't want you to sacrifice, he wants you to live and try to be a good person."
"The safest place you can be is to be in the will of God."
"Patient endurance is what you're going to need to see the will of God in your life."
"God wants joy, happiness, and abundance for his people."
"Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done."
"There is always a price of stepping out of the will of God or ignoring the will of God."
"I don't focus on who becomes president... because I know when the voting is done, whoever gets in, God wants them there."
"It's not the will of God for you to live your life in a state of female slave conditioning."
"God said, 'I'm going to do what I want to do and I'm going to show mercy to who I want to and I'm going to have compassion on whoever I want to.'"
"Choosing to step into the will of God means living a godly life by His grace, goodness, love, and mercy."
"God, I want your will, and I want what comes with it."
"Lord, I trust and believe that you will meet the desires of my heart according to your will."
"No man, no woman, no child... can ever get us out of the will of God."
"The most important thing to God is how do we treat people."
"Consider the work of God, who can make that straight which he have made crooked."
"The most loving thing we can do is agree with God."
"God does everything after the counsel of his own will."
"Freedom is what God wants from human beings. That's what he gave us."
"The Faith is the will of the gods and we are all its instruments."
"Test management is in internalizing the true meaning of Qadr and really accepting that, you know what, this is good from Allah."
"Trust in the divine plan; everything is as it's meant to be."
"God has never asked for anybody's opinion about how He's going to do things."
"It's my love for them that says God has already declared, Who am I to disagree with God?"
"Worthy are you, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and because of your will they existed and were created."
"God's desire is that even people we would categorize as wicked turn from their ways and live."
"Accept all the evil that will befall us in this life as coming from the good loving hand of God."
"You don't want God disappoint you. You don't want God telling you no."
"God is the only one who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can't decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn't."
"I have not come to live of my own whim but to live the will of the one who sent me."
"God's success was to send the warner, and God's success was to give free will to those people."
"It's not just about you going to heaven, it's about you bringing God's will to earth."
"Hard times in your life does not indicate that you are not doing what God wants you to do."
"God wants to transform our minds... that you may prove what is that good and acceptable perfect will of God."
"The pluralism and the diversity of religions are all willed by God."
"We shared our message, you shared yours. At the end of the day, it's in God's hands."
"God is not willing that any should perish but all come to repentance."
"I know that you can do everything, and that no purpose of yours can be withheld from you."
"God wants us to understand. He gives us to understand."
"God wants to make us perfect according to His desire, not ours."
"In all things, try to see and know and accept the will of God."
"Prayer is not the means of exercising your own will; prayer is the means by which we cause earth to come into alignment with the Heavenly Realm."
"Pray for more of Him, aligning yourself with His will."
"Praying the scriptures is so powerful because it's the will of God."
"Jesus' ministry was to do the will of the Father, which included healing the sick."
"We need to be right, we need to do what's right, we need to do the will of God."
"The ultimate purpose... Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
"Lord, bring me to a state of total wholeness and unity with your will."
"We will not be judged according to the results that we achieved, we will be judged according to the amount of effort we put into serving his only will during the term of our life on the earth."
"For we are your children, we hear your voice and we seek to do your will."
"God's will is for it to be on earth the same as it is in heaven."
"It's not God's will that any should perish but all come to repentance."
"Let us not renounce being as the Lord wants us."
"Allah allowing something to happen is not the same as Allah desiring something to happen."
"Prayer is getting you ready to do God's will."
"If God shows you his will and a certain thing and tells you to do it, he intends for us to walk in it."
"When we step out of the will of God, we are going to find ourselves in fear and maybe even tragedy."
"Pray according to the will of God. You can know the will of God by the word of God."
"I pray that you succeed in doing what God wants you to do."
"We need to accept what God does. Is there cheating going on? Yes. The biggest scandal in American history."
"Prayers are to be offered according to God's will, not our own will."
"How could this be the will of God? Because you only see right here."
"Live as if there is no tomorrow in the sense of having an urgency to see God's will done."
"God's will being done on earth as it's done in heaven will produce a glorious transformation."
"Life is too short, God wants you to be happy."
"God's law as a part of the everlasting covenant is a true gift indeed." - "His will and his law are one. God says that right is right because it describes the best possible relationships."
"Many are the plans in the mind of a man but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand."
"Instead you ought to say if the Lord wills we will live and do this or that."
"Forgiveness, if I can recommend you do nothing else in this lifetime, obviously worship God and do God's will, but the biggest one in doing God's will is forgiving others."
"Grace is actually empowerment to do the word of God."
"The longer something's in the Liturgy, the more it's the will of God."
"The Lord keep you in the center of his will."
"I can't afford to not be in the will of God for my life because I believe that there's nations that are waiting for me."
"God never intended for anyone to be poor. Poor, lack, poverty, and debt come from the curse... God wants you to have a surplus and be blessed to be a blessing."
"The Lord ain't waiting for us to make up our mind about nothing."
"Your good plan is not always God's plan for you."
"Align your desires, thoughts, and actions with God's will."
"Prophets declare Heaven's will, the church declares Heaven's outcome."
"Everything in heaven can be settled, but the job of the church is to declare on Earth as it is in heaven."
"Our hearts must be so surrendered, our minds must be so committed to obeying the will of God."
"This is the will of God for you: sanctification."
"It is God's will for all of his people to prophesy."
"God's will is based on what he has said in his word, not on our experiences."
"You receive healing by knowing what God's will is. God is already convinced on what He wants to do."
"A lack of peace in your inner being indicates you're not following God's will." - Unknown
"It's not God's desire that anyone should perish, but that all should come to everlasting life."
"Nothing happens without the permission of Allah."
"Jesus did the Father's will and nothing else."
"We must speak in alignment with God's Will and word."
"The God of the breakthrough not only can, He wants to."
"In all matters try to see and accept the will of god because it's the truth whatever happens here is literally the will of god."
"There's only one safety and that is to be right in the will of God"
"Whatever you cut down of the palm trees or those that you left standing, both of them were done by the permission of Allah."
"God doesn't want anyone to perish, he wants everyone to come to salvation."
"God can show mercy or harden as He sees fit."
"More than we don't wanna suffer, we have to want God's will."
"Your Victory, one after another, is my will. May your future be filled with success and blessings."
"If the most high put lying spirits to lead them astray, then they don't have any truth in them, right?"
"I think God wanted Donald Trump to become president."
"Dear God, please help us sell our house because if that's not God's will then I don't want to force it."
"Please just make sure that whatever it is you do, I want you to insist on the will of God."
"Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, let your will be done this day on earth as it is in heaven."
"God's will is a perfecting will, not a pandering will."
"So if there is a God, ultimately there's a will, right? Good. And if there's a will, then there's only a right and wrong. Good."
"As long as you are pressing forward on the covenant path from ordinance and covenant, to ordinance and covenant, you are doing God's will."
"God's will is happening on the face of the earth."
"Nothing can be except through the will of God."
"Faith is where the will of God is known, found in the description and the details."
"By submitting to His sovereign will, we find true freedom, not the freedom to do whatever we please, but the freedom to live within the secure boundaries of His perfect will for us."
"God loves you too much to give you something that goes against his will for you."
"When you walk, there is a destination in mind, the will of God."