
Emergency Quotes

There are 2068 quotes

"Who called 911? The kids that were here. They're outside right now crying 'cause they thought you were dead."
"Emergency Alert Systems: Undeniably one of the scariest noises you can ever hear."
"This is not a drill. That's bad. If the temperature gets too high in the primary reactor, that will start a meltdown."
"The Maryland governor has declared a state of emergency."
"The principal emergency is that we've got a ton of young men and young women who need to form families and homes."
"Inside were two little girls screaming for help at the top of their lungs."
"When your health is at stake and you need Emergency Medical Aid, you go to the hospital and you trust the expert staff to take care of you."
"It's crucial the government tells the people the truth, the depth of the emergency that we're facing."
"If there is an emergency in the hospital, who do doctors call? Well, anesthesiologists, and this is how they get in touch with us."
"57% of people in this country cannot put their hands on a thousand dollars if they have an emergency."
"With low wages, rising rent costs, student loan debt, no universal health care, many Americans are one emergency away from being bankrupt or homeless."
"Sorry, little brother, I'm sure he'll get over it once I tell him I used his cake to save my life."
"You only get one type of call at 3:30 in the morning. The bad ones."
"I just step on them to get out. Please, please, just let me go back in. Let me go back in. I have to save my girlfriend, she's still in there."
"Walking into the Javits Center, which looked like an emergency hospital after an apocalypse, it looked like it should be in a science fiction movie."
"I woke up one night to a strange smell. It was smoke, something was burning. My colony, everywhere, was going up in flames."
"The apocalyptic scene there, the orange sky, thick smoke, dozens of homes damaged or destroyed already."
"This is a mass casualty event...a catastrophe."
"I can barely remember what I said to the operator. I was in such panic."
"'Hello, you've reached the Avengers emergency hotline. We are unable to assist you at this time as the Avengers are in space.'"
"Call an ambulance...but first, he really needs to call the grocery store and see if they got some milk."
"At 3:30 p.m. Kristle Merzlock was clinically dead."
"Yesterday... skiing is very hard... I need an ambulance to get me down."
"A battery lodged in the esophagus can burn a child from the inside in just two hours."
"And he was clutching his shoulder which also started pouring blood."
"We need to save this woman, she has a baby to take care of."
"As soon as you deliver that shock, immediately go into another round of high quality CPR."
"When this emergency situation happens, time is going to be of the essence."
"Communications can be a matter of life or death."
"This is an absolute flat out time critical medical emergency."
"A journalist runs towards the burning building."
"When something happens, the only person who's gonna be there to stop it is you."
"They are on their way," the waitress said as she hung up the phone. "The police said to stay inside. That could be a while," said greasy apron.
"Massive release on local radio, people were given like two hours to take only the most important things."
"A dam in China was exploded open and floods rushed into the villages, pushing residents into a desperate situation."
"A ladder is basically a mandatory item during an emergency situation."
"So if something unexpected like your idiot teenage daughter or son is out in the middle of nowhere at some point you can just go hop in the car and go get them."
"It almost felt like he had fallen asleep in the bathtub, and woken up gasping and spluttering, just having narrowly avoided drowning."
"If my wife hadn't taken me to the ER, I would have died within hours."
"Butch opened the door to the barn: 'You gotta help me, I think my mother and father are shot.'"
"The goal for door to balloon time is less than or equal to 90 minutes."
"Gun violence is a national health emergency in this country."
"Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of emergency."
"His beautiful gingerbread fur was soaked in blood and coyote bites, and he not only threw up onto me but he just started pooping and peeing all over uncontrollably."
"Breaking news tonight: the state of emergency as a deadly and historic storm slams the West Coast."
"There's no way we're to leave Washington without taking care of the emergency needs of our people."
"My partner's down, he's been shot, I need an ambulance quick, please, please."
"Outpatient services have been suspended... both of which have been cordoned off along with some surrounding residential communities."
"I can't breathe, oh my God, one boy, one boy just split into, save this fool."
"There's people dropping on the footpath literally."
"Is she okay, Annie? Two out of three... let me cuff you."
"Emma, she's upstairs and she could be in trouble."
"One of the scariest moments of my life, absolutely." - Jordan, father of the newborn delivered by firefighters
"A national emergency on climate change... it's crisis after crisis."
"Serious? There's blood coming straight from the top of this big-ass head."
"One of the world's most influential human rights organizations is calling the political situation in Hong Kong an emergency."
"It's all fun and games till the plane lands without the wheels."
"Something was wrong, Billy was losing consciousness."
"We were all screaming and I managed to call the police but I was in hysterics going a hundred miles per hour in an area that I wasn't as familiar with with a car chasing us at some point."
"One night the nurse rushed in with emergency supplies and nearly dropped them when she saw the man floating two inches above the bed."
"Karen refusing to call the fire department while innocent souls are trapped in an elevator."
"An Unthinkable Saga: Karen's refusing to dial the digits for the fire department while innocent souls are trapped in an elevator."
"On that fateful evening, the police received an urgent 911 call detailing a tragic incident within the Krack household."
"The weather's quickly becoming too bad. Dire warnings are issued."
"Smart, remain calm, ensure your own safety, stop the bleeding quickly, assess."
"And then if the village gets evacuated, you can guarantee we will be live tomorrow for a potential flight of SN10. No guarantees on a flight tomorrow but we will continue to watch all the things that we can watch."
"This long past time to get the post office the 25 billion dollars in emergency funds it needs to keep running."
"How could one problem turn what was a simple happy cruise to the moon to the prospect of everyone being dead within about 10 hours?"
"The unthinkable happened: one of their oxygen tanks blew up."
"There's nothing innocent about that. Get out everybody! Get out! A big explosion has just occurred. Everyone is running from the entire Financial District now. Let's go, come on, go Brad go!"
"I need help, I need police, I need a third hundred!"
"There's not enough ventilators, we need thousands." - Governor Gretchen Whitmer
"Chernobyl's nuclear plant went offline, ATMs stopped working, no one could pay for gas."
"It’s absolutely terrifying for those several seconds that someone is having an asthma attack and can’t breathe."
"I screamed for my grandma who was in the cellar canning tomatoes."
"We do have a tornado warning that's in effect now in Ohio, radar indicated rotation just to the east of Cambridge."
"If the power goes down, you are on your own."
"This PLB will save your life if you get into trouble."
"I went to his room... his breathing was crazy faint... and then all of a sudden he just started going like this."
"This is Alex Murdaugh at 4147 Moselle Road. I need the police and an ambulance immediately."
"If you ever wake up with that many messages, something's wrong. Somebody died or War started."
"A severe thunderstorm triggered flash floods."
"No one was prepared. The city was suddenly shut down in the middle of the night."
"He can hardly breathe. And she was yelling out that they've... Anthony's dead. That they've killed Anthony."
"Stranger rescues unconscious man from burning car."
"Kelly's landlord reached out to him since he was listed on her lease as the emergency contact."
"I got to escape now, there's water all in my house. Alright, I think all the boys are sinking right now."
"If I happen to be on a Malaysian plane and it's going down and they call for a doctor to the front you stay your ass seated okay don't you run your ass up there trying to try to do anything matter who to me."
"Shock is any situation in which there is inadequate tissue perfusion, resulting in ischemia followed by necrosis, and possibly organ failure if not reversed."
"I shouted out 'oh my god she's in the water'... just an involuntary reaction."
"I managed to break free from the sort of chokehold and sprinted towards the road."
"The image just amplifies how big the turbine actually is and shows how hopeless a rescue mission would have been."
"Activate Emergency SOS, it could save your life in a dangerous situation."
"Just bail out, RTB! Oh God, well now the two of you like you're gonna have to stand tall. Where's the bear? Do you turn around? Where, where's the bear?"
"Obviously, extremely concerning news coming out of the North Atlantic, and our thoughts and prayers are with those aboard, everyone involved with the expedition, as well as all those family members and loved ones of those who are missing right now."
"I'm going to have to break the glass, this is an emergency."
"They didn't care, they refused me medical treatment, they wouldn't even open the door, they want to let you die."
"I'm perfect because I was locked in the hospital, I had to call somebody's mother to get assistance to get myself out."
"Seconds after takeoff from Saint Louis Missouri the engine of an American Airlines md-82 erupts into flames, alarm bells ring loudly in the cockpit."
"Back pain with loss of bladder control? Go to the hospital immediately."
"I saw the blood and then I saw the doctors. I'm like, oh [expletive]."
"So I got to her house took her to the emergency room but she had like a fever of like 102 the night before she couldn't keep food down she was throwing up it was really bad and she looked like a ghost like her face was like super pale."
"But without a doubt, using that kind of code to alert the authorities was 100 percent the right thing for her to do,"
"States of emergency declared as the once-in-a-generation storm sweeps across the country."
"We called you. We're 55 now. I'm sorry, we had a hijacked aircraft take off."
"This is an emergency power not of the president but of everyone."
"When Preston uses his brain to outwit the competition."
"Ma'am, can we please come inside and use your phone?"
"Please ma'am, we're really scared and alone out here."
"I aimed for the dark green cloud flowing inside and let loose. More voices screaming over one another, 'Turn that off! Are you okay? Oh, thank Jesus!'"
"In a worst case scenario, Vesuvius comes to life and threatens to kill an entire population within a matter of minutes."
"It was the worst moment of my life. The only words I remember from that night was David saying, 'Please help me.' He was bleeding everywhere. I didn't really know what was happening."
"My main love to you all is to not have FOMO and miss out on the greatest things you can change in your life right now."
"In these situations, it is not uncommon for confusion to emerge over who is actually in charge, especially in an emergency."
"I started shouting for help as loud as I could—oh god, I'm thinking, uh, see, I was wondering who's making such an infernal racket."
"The system is about to collapse, brace yourselves. Get your flashlights, get your solar packs, all right, get your tools and instruments."
"Pilots typically have about 17 minutes to get the aircraft down before the fire does that for them."
"Imagine a plane making an emergency landing in the open sea... passengers hold on to this cable like a railing and don't fall."
"The tension started to grow between us... when suddenly we hear a harrowing scream come from the neighbor's bedroom window, it sounded like a mix of agony and terror."
"The cry of fire at midnight might sometimes rudely, harshly, and unpleasantly startle a person out of his sleep."
"Gulf Coast in line for a one-two punch: two tropical storms heading its way."
"Burglar is in the property. He has a crowbar. Oh my god."
"The deadly pandemic right around the corner."
"She was a nurse, and I feel like, you know, if your husband is wounded, you're going to try to keep him alive as much as you can."
"Christy's body was dumped in front of an LA hospital by a black Toyota Prius with no license plate."
"My dad drove me to the hospital, freaked out but cool under pressure..."
"I remember that day I honestly wished that I was I just wanted to get away from the monstrosity I had seen and bolted outside locking the door I called the emergency services."
"Tim rushed to the hospital, took the necessary amount of money from the trunk, and ran to pay for his mom's surgery."
"San Francisco declares a state of emergency."
"They weren't pushing and screaming... people were helping each other."
"Hospitals are out of basic supplies, they're out of anesthesia, they're out of needles, they're out of bandaging equipment."
"It was a miracle he was alive because if it had gone through that he would have bled out. He would have been dead within a minute."
"Please call the police. My company uses a dispatch software that tells them my location for every appointment."
"The motion light in the backyard suddenly flashed on just seconds before the red and blue lights of the arriving police car shone through my other window."
"Luckily on the night of the attack Bertha had been screaming for help... her neighbors heard the commotion."
"In fact, overweight patients with chest pain are more likely to have acute coronary syndrome..."
"Is he on the freeway? I just saw that Skymaster fall out of the sky there."
"We need backup. We have to see if there's anyone left at home."
"She'd have been dead if her roommate hadn't been home."
"Only 44% of Americans can cover an unplanned emergency expense of one thousand dollars with 35% saying they need to borrow that money to get by."
"Larry's transmissions using the CB radio sporadically switched between cries for help and a continuous transmission tone."
"Your light can save your life, maybe you're in a stairwell and a building that's on fire."
"Mississauga Food Bank CEO says Rising Food Bank usage cost of living crisis is an emergency."
"The aircraft had gone from being a flying machine to a hunk of metal falling from the sky."
"It's a crisis if a six-month-old is thrown in a river."
"I never thought I'd actually have to use it until now as a surge of adrenaline mixed with a fight-or-flight instinct took over."
"It just takes training to know how to use it and be prepared to use it."
"We can't so easily let that go and say, well there was a ufo threat or there was a medical emergency and we had to give away the constitution."
"If you were to pass out and wake up driving a vehicle backward you wouldn't have time to process that consciously before your brain had already instantly been overwhelmed and shut down your motor functions."
"Social media may now have become the most popular sources for accessing emergency information."
"Oh my gosh, I'm having a dry hand and wrist emergency."
"Tier 3 adds urban EDC kits and trauma items for extra preparedness."
"I don't like to bother people, says man who drove himself to the ER with a nail in his heart."
"If this airplane wasn't designed with exactly this scenario in mind we could be looking for 306 people out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean."
"The majority of Americans cannot deal with a $400 emergency."
"Somebody pick him up, the baby wasn't moving he wasn't crying."
"There she lay as blue around the mouth as if she'd been eating bluing and saying nothing."
"We are in a state of emergency; this Memorial Day Weekend left 10 people dead, 44 others wounded."
"Hey, what's going on? We got a psychopath on the loose!"
"The tank is on fire, the driver cannot handle it."
"Barstool World Headquarters on fire, like Rome is burning type [__]."
"Give the order to imperial forces throughout Hell's Reach. Martial law is in immediate effect."
"My car is on fire... literally. That is correct."
"We have one officer down, playing to the control."
"An assassination attempt has been made on Russian President Vladimir Putin, resulting in a state of emergency."
"It's one of the most harrowing sounds I think I've ever heard someone screaming for their life and needing help."
"I watched as he bolted to the forefront of the restaurant... I already predicted that he was going to grab a kid."
"Either way they still took her to the hospital because hello we’re not tryna have a stroke or heart attack when youre that pregnant."
"Medical staff were actually too frightened to even enter the premises."
"Everyone on board survived the crash, thus making this emergency landing truly miraculous."
"The building is on fire would you save a sibling or four strangers."
"Oh, skunk, you gotta live, you've gotta live. Skunk, oh no, oh [__], she's down. We could rescue her, we could rescue her."
"Am I the [ __ ] for not watching my brother-in-law's kids in an emergency?"
"Everyone coming to my aid extremely quickly, it just, it was serendipitous that way."
"I was admitted for shortness of breath and was very sick, where the doctor said if I didn't go in there, I wouldn't have woke up the next day."
"Hannah, we all love you very much. If you have a chance, you take it. You run. You'll be found. Thank you."
"I accept my judgment as an [ __ ]. Just here to say that we are taking Sana to the ER in the middle of the night."
"Healthcare is an issue that's on the top of most people's minds... most families are just one healthcare emergency away from total disaster."
"The total number of those accounted for is now 100, 134 unaccounted."
"Whether you find yourself in freefall or attached to a part of falling fuselage, the thing you’ll want to establish is your terminal velocity."
"The police realized that a witness had called 9-1-1."
"Self-driving Tesla steers man to hospital, saving his life."
"Danger to the guests, we have a dinosaur on the rampage!"
"Level 3 all call, that means all units, they're code three, go ahead turn on your lights."
"Quick-thinking operator saved a woman from a violent situation when her daughter disguised her 9-1-1 call as a pizza order."
"Food will do a lot more for you than cash at the end of the day during an emergency."
"Someone comes up and says, 'I've been bit by a shark,' we help him first and ask questions later."
"The frontline medication for that is epinephrine."
"But i have to imagine in general having this parachute versus not having it definitely increases your odds of making it safely back to the ground."
"In any emergency situation you're going to have failures, don't let your attitude go down because of little bumps in the road."
"If you're seeing me, you're having the worst day of your life."
"Dozens of students now being escorted away from Royce Hall with their hands up."
"Accidents happen and unforeseen expenses like home or car repairs or medical emergencies can surprise you at any time."
"Sirens cut through the Christmas carols as a patrol car came down the road towards us."
"Helping people, especially in life or death situations, was the reason I became a deputy."
"We are preparing to ditch the plane, and you need to put on your life jackets right now."
"She remembered our youngest and screamed at the creature that there was another child in the car."
"This is the captain: brace for impact."
"All your training... it all just comes back to you when you need it."