
Moral Duty Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"Depiction of history is not endorsement of all the things that happened. It is arguably our moral duty to our species that we honor the truth."
"To him whom much is given, much is required."
"It's my moral duty to put my word out there because I believe that I am a responsible Creator."
"You owe yourself as much as you owe other people. You have to take care of yourself like you take care of other people, and that's a moral duty."
"We believe we have a moral duty to make this right, and we will do so."
"I believe that we do have some level of moral obligation to try and support individual freedom throughout the world."
"Good is there. That's why we have to stand between the evil and those it would victimize."
"It is my firm belief that each of us have a responsibility to set the world right in the manner that we are able to."
"We have a moral obligation...to help everybody in the world achieve levels of prosperity."
"You have a moral responsibility on climate change."
"If I'm with you and you kill somebody and you're a cop, and I see you kill this young man or this young woman, it's my job to be like, 'Yo man, I love you but you [expletive] up.'"
"Don't withhold, don't hold back from doing good when you have the opportunity to do it."
"All it takes is for good people to do something."
"If you are a relatively intelligent person that has good morals that wants to see good happen in the world that you actually have an obligation to have children."
"There comes a time when men of good conscience must disobey orders that are unjust."
"It's our social and moral responsibility to try to leave the planet a little bit better than when we came."
"We need more good people to stand up for what's right right now."
"We should all do more do as much as we can to help but not because it'll make ignorant people feel comfortable around us but because it's the right thing to do."
"We must warn people about wolves in sheep's clothing. It is not an option, it is a duty."
"Hope is not a feeling, it's not an emotion, it's a virtue and it's a duty to which we are bound."
"You have an obligation... stand up for what's right."
"Someone has to fight. Good men and women have to fight at times."
"My message to you is no longer consent to listen without protest to the perversion of Truth."
"When you see evil, you have to stand up and point it out."
"Don't withhold when it's in your power to give."
"We all as human beings have a moral obligation to seek the truth."
"The heart of a sheepdog is empathetic with your fellow man. If I have a means at my disposal to save a life, to prevent suffering, that is the heart of a sheepdog."
"We have a moral duty to fulfill the promises we made to the voters, and that is exactly what we're going to do."
"The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword."
"Remember the poor and consecrate your properties for their support."
"With great power comes great responsibility, without them actually saying it."
"My main duty is to love everyone for who they are."
"We have a moral obligation to combat climate change."
"I believe that I, as well as everyone else, will be accountable to Him."
"If you have those answers please do the right thing and call it in."
"The oppressor still has obligations to the oppressed."
"Ultimately what we are called to do for The Unborn and for one another is love."
"Will we sit idly by or will we stand and be counted in this epic battle for the greater good?"
"If you have the ability, you have the responsibility; if you can, then you must."
"Our moral responsibility to Ukrainians and to our own people and of course the economic imperatives make that essential."
"Pure undefiled religion: take care of the widow and the fatherless."
"You'd be doing your country and the world a great service."
"Why do you fight...sergeant? It's the right thing to do." - Gen. Baron
"All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good people to remain silent."
"You have a moral obligation to get vaccinated because if you don't you're putting other people in harm's way."
"Disobedience against this kind of corruption, it's almost our duty."
"The people we elect to run the government run the government and they owe a moral duty to the citizens of this country, not another one."
"Help your brother, be he oppressor or oppressed."
"You must go now. Go where? Anywhere. Everywhere. Wherever there is evil to be fought."
"Trying to make a difference as best as we can from our individual circumstances is not just an option, it's our absolute obligation."
"If we love our children and our grandchildren, we have a moral responsibility."
"It's not so much the nut cases, it's the good people standing by doing nothing."
"It's the duty of every good person to call out racism when they see it."
"Helping others, even in desperate times, is the right thing to do."
"We are called to be Salt and Light... not to sit on the sidelines and watch it all burn."
"To defend the honor of a believing man or woman is very important."
"We don't make these sacrifices for territory or for resources. We do it because it's right."
"I don't want to take that opportunity I was given and not do good with it."
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he's obligated to do so."
"When the good men do not stand up, the world turns into chaos."
"If you can spare one person that much agony, you have to go back."
"As the Avatar, you are not meant to hurt others."
"These are responsibilities that you're abdicating, but no one else will pick up."
"A vow to live up to Ben's words: great power and great responsibility."
"Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual."
"It is Our obligation to rise to the occasion, to summon the courage, our strength, our determination to struggle."
"We have to do our part as Christians and show love."
"Would you just go on with your life and just all the friends that you made over the decade you were there just leave them there?" - Reflecting on the duty to help those who may still be suffering.
"If you have wealth, the duty is to help those who don't."
"I think they have to act both morally and for the sake of our Constitution."
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
"Humans are supposed to be the century the guardians of Mother Earth and the strong are basically are to be the defenders of the weak."
"It's our duty to teach them, not oh you know kill them or anything like that."
"America was not a country built for men to do as they please but to do what is right."
"It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the sucker of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know so that those who live after may have clean earth to till."
"The only thing it takes for evil to advance is for good people to sit back and do nothing."
"We can't turn away. Let's do what we know in our hearts that we need to do."
"You know, if you can save a life, you should do everything you can."
"Both parties are responsible for sex... men have a duty to protect women's purity and women have a duty to value their own purity."
"We have a moral responsibility to make sure that the country and the planet we leave our kids and our grandchildren is a planet that is healthy and is habitable."
"Protecting children is not just a moral obligation, it's a righteous one."
"Good religion is looking after the widows, the poor, and those in need."
"To have such power and not use it is to be unworthy of it."
"No one should put up with this. No parent should put up this for one second no matter what the law says. Your duty, your moral duty, is to defend your children. This is an attack on your children and you should fight back."
"It's a moral obligation for us all to be able to do something."
"Whoever is on top has to be the protector of the lower guys. With great power comes great responsibility."
"I am the Flash because of what she taught me. Because it's the right thing to do."
"I totally understand that sense of responsibility to act."
"We have the greatest reason to obey the Holy Spirit."
"It's virtuous to be involved and you're sort of failing in some way if you choose to check out and stop paying attention."
"We dare not be silent... we must not be silent."
"Exposing the darkness is our responsibility."
"We have a moral responsibility to help get these receivers in so that they can link up with the satellites and get these messages out."
"Our obligation is not whether we support or against the war. Our obligation is to the truth."
"We must all come together to fight this evil."
"True freedom is the right to do what you ought to do."
"It's not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the help of the years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields we know."
"Defending the weak is always a duty that you should do."
"We're not only supposed to stay away from evil, but expose it."
"It's the church's place to stand up for life, yes!"
"Being a Witcher isn't about having fun, it's about stopping the greater evils and all that jazz."
"Love of neighbor is inseparable from love of God."
"I would say that is a moral obligation to date to take that action."
"However, if you can help people, you are supposed to help people."
"There is an obligation to relieve suffering when the means to do so are available, or in the absence of the means, to search for the means."
"It's a crime against humanity. It's abhorrent and it needs to stop."
"There is little that is more repugnant than sending a young man off to war and then refusing to help him or help her when they come home sick."
"Great power comes great responsibility." - Peter Parker
"Adults put their lives on the line to protect children... it's the right thing to do."
"We have a responsibility to act in a moral way."
"The good works, okay, everything all the unctions that you feel inside of you to do good, okay, the reason why now you feel like you love God and you want to please God is because He's now dwelling inside of you."
"We have to rise up because it's the right thing to do."
"Jesus will never be on the ballot... until he does come back, you're supposed to do the right thing."
"It's impossible to solve every problem and help every citizen in trouble, but one should never turn a blind eye to suffering before them."
"We are called to be men of Peace, a peacemaker, you know what I mean? As far as children of God, we are called to be a peacemaker."
"Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law."
"It's a moral duty to grow because you are a game-changer. You have perspectives and ideas and abilities that will make this place better."
"The acquisition of knowledge is a moral duty, basically it's our responsibility to capitalize on the opportunity presented to each and every one of us. We owe that to ourselves and we owe that to the world."
"Saving a life, potentially your own life, should really be sufficient."
"Remember we know civilization will return and can you live with yourself that you had the ability to help someone but then you didn't?"
"We here on Earth have a moral duty to care for those who are spiritually suffering."
"This man has conquered vanity and pride by seeing the universe as it is, he knows what must be done and he does it, but does it with great sorrow."
"It's not my job to save these people but it is my social contract to speak when I know something bad is happening."
"Plant the seedling, for that is our duty, to enhance life even in the most difficult circumstances."
"The Christian has a moral obligation to be rational, to think in a way that is consistent with God."
"He could have made it unequivocally clear what he was doing. He could have stayed at Mr. Rosenbaum's body, helped protect him, helped preserve his life, called 9-1-1."
"It's a human feeling to feel obliged."
"You had more therefore you must help those who had less."
"archons understand that when chaos and evil threaten to take over the Multiverse individual desires should be set aside for the greater good."
"Remember to whom much is given, much is required."
"If today we were presented with a situation in a country like Rwanda where a million people face slaughter, there would be a moral duty to inter."
"To preserve our wildlife, to have fish in our rivers, is the morally correct thing to do."
"The poor man is there for your salvation, so you can't neglect him."
"Hopefully this will spur something in somebody that knows something, and they'll do the right thing."
"You have to protect people even if you hate them."
"There's no particular time to do what is right; this is a time to do what is right."
"Much was given, much is required."
"This is the right thing for us to do, and future generations are going to look back at us and say, 'Did we do enough when this country was invaded by a dictator trying to redraw boundaries by force? Did we learn the lessons from history? Did we do enough?'"
"The United States must accept the moral responsibility of leading the world in transforming our energy system."
"Every member of this body has a sacred moral obligation to protect the human rights and the lives of vulnerable families."
"You have to do what is right and ensure you have a healthy environment for Caillou to grow in."
"Upon you is nothing but just to do whatever is good."
"Help us to forgive others because if You're going to dole out forgiveness to us, we also need to be that example."
"Do not withhold good from those to whom you should give it, if it is within your power to help."
"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, while it is in your power to act."
"If I could be a help, an inspiration, an example, a model for anyone, then I feel morally obligated that I should do so."
"We have a moral obligation to stand up against that, to do our best to teach kids how to think, not what to think."
"Furthermore, I must see to it that in any of the above-named ways my neighbor is not defrauded."
"We have another reason to be involved since 1948: our nation has recognized and accepted a moral obligation to assure the continued existence of Israel as a nation."
"If you can help people, you should."
"We need to stand up against injustice, whether it's legal or not; it's our moral responsibility."
"We have to tell the truth about our duty, and it concerns protecting innocent people."
"You should impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which he has."
"I truly believe that when you know the information, then you can act as a moral duty."
"Solidarity with our Afghan brothers and sisters is a moral obligation and a religious duty."
"It's the duty of every lawman to save lives, not to take them."
"We have a certain obligation to tell those stories about not selfishness but selflessness."
"When with modest effort and risk, we can stop children from being gassed to death, and thereby making our own children safer over the long run, I believe we should act."
"Your character and your reputation are a part of your moral obligation."
"It's not a sin to fight for the right cause. There are those who words alone will not reach."
"Great strength means great responsibility."
"For whom much is given, much is required."
"We owe forgiveness to those who don't deserve it."
"Protecting people who cannot protect themselves... and being good."
"We have a moral responsibility to make sure that our new arrivals as well as our current residents have safe and warm housing."
"It is the duty of the living to dispense, ensure justice is dispensed to them."
"I recognize it's morally right to keep promises; therefore, I should keep promises."
"Charge those that are rich... that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate."
"Our moral duty is to end this war swiftly to prevent further loss of innocent lives across the Galaxy."
"With his sword do justice, stop the growth of iniquity, protect the Holy Church of God and all people of goodwill."
"Your mother reminded me of my grandmother, and I know I'd get a gibb slap from heck if she knew I didn't do the right thing and help those in need."
"Wisdom acquisition is a moral duty, and there's a corollary to that proposition which is very important: it means that you're hooked for lifetime learning."
"The pure representation of duty in the moral law, mixed with no alien addition from empirical stimuli, has an influence on the human heart so much more powerful than all other incentives."
"Act so that you use humanity, as much in your own person as in the person of every other, always at the same time as end and never merely as means."
"The moral, hence categorical imperative, says: 'I ought to act thus and so, even if I did not will anything else.'"
"Explaining why a particular moral duty or moral framework is the determinant one in the context of the debate is an absolutely vital component of your framing."
"Great stress is placed on the power of the individual will, and even great attainments are required and taught as a moral duty."
"We have a moral obligation in this country to meet that hope."
"Yes, you are your brother's keeper; your responsibility in this is immense."
"Ethics is interested in identifying what we owe to each other and how we ought to act even in challenging situations."
"I believe that if you have the ability to help people, you must because not everybody does."
"Society falls when good men walk away."
"God has been merciful to us and good to us, so we are good to others."
"If we have a moral duty to do anything, we have a duty to avoid the worst possible misery."
"Go my brother or sister and relieve the evils of the world."
"We have a moral obligation to provide them with permanent families."
"Do not withhold good when it is in your power to do it."
"...you have to treat the stranger or the foreigner well, because you were strangers and foreigners in a foreign land and weren't treated well."
"The world is littered with unfairness; it's a hero's job to combat that unfairness."
"Keeping a culture alive is an ideal; keeping people alive is a moral responsibility."
"Master Fu chose you because you're strong and responsible enough to do the right thing."
"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so."
"If you see something bad, then you should stop it with your hand, and if not by your hand, then your tongue, and if not by your tongue- then you should pray for them."
"We're in the presence of an appalling tragedy, and I feel called upon to do what I can to set it right."
"You shall hand over to the orphans their rightful property."
"You may lose, but it doesn't absolve you of fighting."
"I can't think of many callings that are more clearly and self-evidently right and righteous than foster care."
"It is our moral obligation not just to take care of ourselves, but as well as our environment."
"Being the voice and conscience of the war, I think that's what the three men do have in common in their respective struggle."