
Individual Path Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Follow my own unique path with courage and strength."
"Continue to follow the path that is yours alone, and you are assured abundant success in your life."
"You need those examples, but sometimes you have to forge your own path."
"The most important thing to keep in mind is that everyone has a different path and different goals."
"Sarada's path isn't as obvious as Mitsuki's or even Himawari's, but the path doesn't always have to be obvious to be correct."
"What you're really on On The Road Less Traveled is the pathway to freedom and whatever that means to you and nobody needs to understand it and you don't need anybody's permission."
"The whole world may be against it, may not make sense, people may think you've done lost it, but trust me when I say, when you have that knowing, follow your heart, even if you have to do it alone, you won't be alone very long."
"What Rory's failures teach us about the importance of forging your own path."
"Very few people in life have the guts and courage to take The Road Less Traveled."
"Every artist kind of has their own path professionally, which is amazing and perfect."
"Take the road less traveled, forge your own path, it'll be more rewarding."
"There's something about you guys that you don't want to just fit in with everyone else, you want to make your own path and go on your own route and do your own thing."
"You have to be willing to walk the path that doesn't exist."
"When you walk the path that only you can walk, know that you're living the life that you were meant to live."
"All of us have our own Journey, all of us have our own path to walk."
"I aim to show the importance of allowing each individual to follow the path that makes the most sense to them."
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and I took the one less traveled by."
"It's not my journey, you know, it's just not my [ __ ] journey."
"You've had to really trust in life and be willing to make a whole huge fool of yourself in order to just be you and to live your path."
"You're just going to do the best that you can and take the path that feels best for you."
"Don't feel pressured to do what society tells you to do. If something is calling to you, it's calling to you for a reason."
"If your reasons are your own, your path will be wholly yours."
"I dare you to walk your own path wherever that leads, whatever they say."
"In Compton, you join a gang or you find another way to survive. You gotta make your own path."
"Luffy doesn't need to follow Roger's footsteps exactly. He's continuing on his dream, his journey, his spirit. That's what Luffy embodies."
"Find out what you're good at, what you enjoy, and follow your own chosen path."
"Why hate on Sage? Sage is following their divine path."
"Comparison really is the thief of Joy so don't let it take your joy because we're all on a different path."
"Your route may need to be different from Kanye's route. Everyone's route is different. Everyone's."
"Trust the guide and blaze your trail behind you."
"You've got to find your lane, what's going to work for you."
"Stop lamenting over the fact that life is so complicated and instead use that privilege you have to feel life's complications to carve out a path unlike any others adjacent to it."
"You gotta chase your own dreams and follow your own dreams because at the end of the day, what the next person is doing don't mean it's gonna work for you."
"You can't take care of someone and then plan his life for him. He has to find his own way."
"You didn't fit in with these people because God was sitting up here blazing and clearing out a different path for you."
"Your path here is not meant for everybody to be on with you."
"So maybe my way isn't the normal way, but this is the path that feels right to me, and I'm going to trust myself."
"You can choose to go your own way in life, and we hope that our journey just helps inspire you and shows you that you can too."
"Nietzsche wants no followers. As he says, 'Be a man and follow me not. I found my path, you find yours.'"
"Perhaps because he knows that somehow that Jon has to follow this path on his own."
"The Buddha can show the path, but each person has to follow it according to his own energy and his own understanding."
"There is a road, no simple highway, between the dawn and the dark of night, and if you go, no one may follow; that path is for your steps alone."
"Everyone should follow their own path to achieve Moksha or Nirvana."
"You're just taking the path really less traveled and totally not advertised, if not mocked and ridiculed in life by the normies, conformies, and inferiors."
"Just trust the science and run your own course."
"Success could be a journey for the lonely, only success for me is living holy."
"The Journey of a sigma male is not just a path walked on Earth; it's a cosmic dance with the universe."
"You follow the beat of your own drum, the beat of the drum that your ancestors and God guide you on."
"Don't let anybody pressure you or make you feel like that's the only way to make it."
"It's about an individual's journey, it's our individual path."
"Everyone has to have their own journey."
"Stop comparing yourself. That was their journey, and now this is yours."
"We are all on our own path; there's no specific timeline that we need to do life in a certain way."
"There's a whole plan unfolding, a whole blueprint, just for you."
"Really choose yourself, choose the path that's meant for you."
"You're not on the same path as everybody else and that's okay, you're not left behind, you're simply on your own journey."