
Family Life Quotes

There are 650 quotes

"Prince William is making a really interesting decision to prioritize family life."
"Congrats man, you deserve all the accolades. What an amazing career, now go enjoy being a dad and husband full time."
"If we can have her and the rest of our kids live a good life, then that's all you want as a parent."
"Make your home a source of mercy, tranquility, safety, and peace."
"I just want to go to a little cottage in the forest. I just want to be in a cottage with my kids, yeah, like far far away."
"Guys, I have a crush on you. Okay, dial it back, dude. I am married and I have twin children."
"Any parent that had a van and kids in like the 90s, 2000s, it was just a jungle gym on wheels."
"For ten years, birthday parties, family get-togethers, I was kind of like our family photographer."
"When you are stuck at home for eight weeks with three kids and two dogs, your car becomes the quietest place in your house."
"Toddlers have arrived, bringing special but sometimes chaotic moments."
"I hope that this closer look at the family life of the Romans has helped you gain a better understanding of their society and has given you a greater appreciation for the humanity of history that goes forgotten in most textbooks."
"I feel like once you have your child your life is just going to be on the up-and-up."
"It's no better feeling than to come home, your food is cooked, you can come out with your wife, or you can watch TV."
"My life is pretty wonderful. I get to spend nearly all my time with my family, I get to say what I want for a living, and I'm paid richly for doing so."
"I wake up and snuggle my husband and do the Wordle of the day."
"The bathroom is the most private and personal room in anybody's home, unless you have kids, and then nowhere is safe."
"Having a daughter and having Micaa specifically has brought like the most joy into our lives ever."
"People think that we have some chaotic life at home and like things are just running wild, swinging from ropes, and I'm like, it's a very, very normal household."
"A working man could pay for the family, the mortgage, the car, the dog, the fence...those days are long gone."
"Yes, she truly is. I love our life, our family, and our circle."
"Everything you do with your kids, it's about quality of time, not quantity."
"I was stuck at home with my hands full of something else that was sending out constant notifications -- a miserable, colicky baby."
"Everyone deserves to be able to fall in love, start a family, and take their children to eat fried chicken after a soccer match."
"This will be the new chapter in their lives, in our lives, as we get the kids up here."
"Effectively be a retired guy at age 39 with a two-year-old and a six-year-old at home in a marriage that's like a solid B plus."
"Family is where we love, laugh, shout, and cry."
"The most important thing isn't that the decor is perfect, but that it's perfect for you and it's for your life and it's for your family."
"Laying in bed at night, it's designing new parts, designing new suspension, designing new wings."
"We have a good living, we have great kids, we have built for ourselves a wonderful life."
"It lets you develop your parenting skills, you actually get to shape your kid's childhood a lot more."
"Every time we clean the house, you find a half-eaten polio string cheese and Nutella everywhere."
"I mean, if my little girl or my son, their twins, goes for a walk with our dog Fat Boy..."
"I think being a single parent is hard... kids are hard."
"You'll never want to go to the grocery store again. It makes life so easy especially if you have a busy family."
"80% of the population is just happy with stability. They just want to raise their family, they just want to be left alone."
"When your life consists of basically going to work, coming home, and having very little else to do, then certainly families having new children all the time can be pretty easy to happen."
"She's an upstanding citizen, mother, wife, and has the support of her community."
"It's extremely beautiful, so they go in there living with their relatives doing everything they ever wanted to do."
"Everything's kind of like falling into place and yeah I don't feel stressed I don't even feel like we like fight anymore like we're kind of just like this baby has almost just made us be like oh this is just how it was supposed to be."
"My vlogs don't necessarily include my kids all the time, but you guys don't understand how much I just love hanging out with my kids."
"Having a toddler and a puppy, it's actually really hard, really stressful."
"I drive a Camaro SS and I have an Escalade, you know for the kids if you're here get back like this prime."
"Life was probably never going to be easy for Lorina Hill and her boys."
"The McLaughlin family is no well... actually, we have fun."
"The most important thing is to survive this parenting thing."
"Marriage, old age, and a lot of little blue children."
"I'm a great husband and a great father, I am not a perfect version of either of those people."
"The power of food has a primal place in our homes that binds us to the best bits of life."
"I hope they go on to have long happy lives with families who adore them, because they deserve it."
"Six months before my daughter was born, my wife saw a fox."
"Women being more emotional and being wired differently does not have to be a drawback; it can be the launching pad for a really incredible life and family because you both know your strengths."
"Living with her dream family, it's kind of like a witch living the regular life, doing odd jobs and getting by that way."
"I am a wife and a mom who loves thrifting homemaking and intentional living."
"But if you're not in that situation it's expensive and impractical and as you say government's that the ball gets kind of finding creating the conditions that would able people have space for a family."
"So if you hear football in the background, my son is studying and watching football."
"It's really neat to see the kids growing up in these videos."
"Parents are always trying to push it on us... it's hard, thankless, but worth it when you see them sleeping in their butt all cute."
"They want to move your connection into the tent of cups, to have a relationship, the family, the home, amazing times together."
"What we provide is a solution for them to really take control over their financial life, taking over their professional life, their career if you will, and provide a better life for their family."
"It's one more person to share the world with, another little voice in the back seat of the car."
"Life in America is going to be radically different for you and me and our children."
"I started a family and I would like for you to be a part of it, bro."
"There is no privacy in this household when you have to eat in the car because you didn't buy enough for your siblings."
"I think about kids not being able to compete in sports, I think about the things that families used to do and take for granted."
"You need a great person to instill that. You can't just force it in my opinion."
"Conservative women are the happiest women who get married, have children, have a stable relationship."
"Don't allow your entire life to be just about being a family guy."
"I'd like to be a father... yeah, I'd like to be a father."
"I will be a better mother when this is done. I will be a better wife when this is done."
"We've been raising a child together and that keeps you humble."
"They're raising a family, that's the sequel we all hoped for."
"The wedding is the end of the Little Mermaid... it's the beginning of the Incredibles."
"It's a shared responsibility, you find a rhythm."
"Ruth's lawyer said she wasn't a party girl she just wanted to be a good wife and a good mother."
"It's such a vivid image of a couple or a family trying to find somewhere to hide valuables."
"If your partner's pregnant, it's a beautiful thing."
"The more I play, the happier I am, and the happier my kids are."
"The cool thing is that you get to work from home, you're around your family, you know what I mean."
"There is so very much to be grateful for - financial success and the promise of retirement, a rich and rewarding family life."
"The Hansens were living a great life and had everything they could possibly want."
"Guess what? I had two strapping sons, and you know what they grew up with for two decades? A Toyota Corolla 1981 four-door."
"Time flies, especially when you have a newborn at home."
"I get up every night, really, I get up. I change the diaper, Selena feeds her, so that's the deal, teamwork makes the dream work, baby."
"I love having children in my 50s. I love having a three and a five-year-old."
"I want something real from our life and my family."
"Life is about spending time with our families."
"The average sofa will witness 300 arguments over 1,000 cuddles and 1,500 spillages."
"There's something expanding and stretching and growing in terms of private life, home life, and family life."
"My kids are like super wonderful but also super annoying, I'm sure someone else could have done a better job."
"The only good thing that's come out of this virus is my wife is cooking."
"I always envisioned my kids being in high school and bringing their friends to our house and swimming at our house and hanging out at our house."
"It's about people who don't have a clear future of being able to have their own homes and raise their own families."
"I wake up, the kids come to the bed, we watch cartoons, I excuse myself, I make a brown, and then before I can [ __ ] think about it, I put on the workout clothes."
"There's really nothing like it. It's amazing. It's like starting a family in a new unit."
"This is your home it's your safe haven it's the place that you get to love and laugh and cry and you're celebrating birthdays and holidays and it's all about you."
"Got some good sleep last night. It's hard to find those moments with a toddler."
"My dad kept us out of the public eye. He wanted us to wear masks so people didn't know who we were. So we could go out without them and lead a normal life."
"Having a wife and having children and I captured peace... it took me a long time to get there."
"The ending brings the series full circle, transitioning the family back to normal life."
"I think having children is a huge part of the whole life experience."
"When everybody goes to bed I'll come out here and jump on this and just pretend that I'm A Million Miles Away while the kids are asleep."
"Having kids and becoming a grandparent is so fundamentally part of the human story."
"I think it's finally time that we upgrade our stockings at home."
"I now have a husband and a honeymoon baby on the way, my very own family, oh and a shiny backbone."
"Retiring to go and stream games on Twitch and be with his family, I respect that a lot."
"Being a parent is the greatest thing in the world; nobody's gonna greet you when you come home like your children."
"Children bewilder you, they can cause you so much worry, fill you with joy, even stop your heart."
"Things will never be the same. We've crossed a threshold into a new era as parents and as a family."
"All she cares about is a simple life with her fiance Kayla and her sweet baby Dusty."
"Our kids will see this maybe as normal, like the way neighbors should be."
"Family's got to be intact because if you're a happy family man, you know things are right at home, you're going to perform right yourself."
"He was fierce, ferocious, aggressive... and yet at home, he was probably the perfect family pet."
"Milestone complete get married to BFF and become a parent."
"Homesteading has been one of the best decisions we've made for our family."
"The romance community has moved on from hockey and onto bikers, some of whom are underage."
"There's nothing more that makes you feel like the world is more about you than having two children."
"This isn't Pinterest... this is how my family actually lives every day."
"Having children is like an absolutely wonderful thing if you are one of the privileged few who gets to experience Parenthood."
"There's levels to it, you know? We're great athletes, but can you be a great father? Can you be a great husband or wife?"
"This is really raw, this is real life. I am not an organizing home expert, but I do need to make it more functional for my family."
"Our homes should be havens for peace. For our families, this means more than the absence of arguing. It involves putting the interests of our family members ahead of our own."
"We lowered our water bill by limiting the amount of time for showers and by placing more than one child into the bathtub at the same time."
"I have pregnancy brain but we're three months out, so it can't be pregnancy brain anymore."
"Now's the time, kind of starting fresh after having the baby."
"They’re safe places we could build settlements from which might hatch our wider dreams of space, but are they places people would want to live and raise a family?"
"Expect the energy to be flowing in like money, career, within an already established home or family."
"For everyone that's working hard raising families right now, you're doing amazing."
"People are destroying their lives and their children's lives."
"Life seems almost normal, but every aspect of this family's life is controlled by the man they call their prophet."
"Happy home, happy home, planning, organization, managing."
"It's not bad being a father, not bad at all."
"Yes, we do love each other. Hey, it's almost back to school time which, please, cannot wait."
"Eddie in the '80s was the biggest personality who ever seen Eddie 50 whatever with ten kids, no man comfortable, so it's just a whole different Eddie."
"I wouldn't trade it for anything exactly, especially having a newborn. It's a lot of work especially when it's stinky like this stinky boy."
"That's what the Queen of Pentacles wants, a home that has love and comfort and peace of mind and good food and time to cook that food."
"They appeared to be an exemplary family from the outside, with a well-organized and thought-out daily routine."
"Girls, you don't have to give up big aspirations if you want to raise a family."
"I imagine that this room used to be the home office and it was kind of like a main selling point for the family to move into this house."
"I just want to be a regular fucking guy. I don't want to do nothing, I just want to live my life regular. I want to be a good dad and a good husband. Go out that way. As long as I go out that way, I'm very fucking happy."
"You're feeling appreciated, you're feeling good, you're feeling loved, and you are probably feeling grateful for the home life that you have."
"Truly like winning/doing parenting at its best."
"Normally I'm used to getting out this time in the morning with three squirming kids."
"We moved out here to be a family and I have had such a lovely time with my family but we're realizing that our jobs YouTube it is helpful to have other YouTubers around us so we're considering other places."
"There are days that I go to bed and think I wonder what it would be like not having five kids."
"I am raising my own children now in the best way possible."
"He lives happily with his wife and three children."
"He was said to have been one of the few Kings of that era who had a particularly happy home life."
"Make your life special, have those special moments with your family and with your kids and with each other."
"For us, our time is at least as important as our money."
"Children are blessings but they're also exhausting."
"Tony Stark has settled down has a kid and is perfectly happy with his life but now he has to risk everything that he has gotten in order to save everyone."
"She's given me an amazing life, a gorgeous healthy daughter."
"Good morning guys, so it's the next day, it's 50 degrees, the snow is melting, Colin's at work and his birthday is tomorrow."
"Did I just see 2 new EPs coming next year? And was that a baby cry?"
"As we clean house, got kids ready for bed, and just enjoyed another day off together as a family."
"Every subsequent child, it's like a new experience. It's like, 'Oh, I forgot about this part.'"
"When he was three, Michelangelo returned to live with his family in Florence."
"I figured I'm gonna do all four nine by 13 pans her husband just recently went back and in years past for me that's always been the hardest time of having a new baby."
"Last time I did a video like this, I think the kids were not here and this will be a little bit more realistic."
"Thank you so much for joining me for one of my very first weeks of homemaking with our eighth baby as a newborn. It's always an adjustment, so thank you for coming along with me."
"I need to take care of my mental health and I really want to live a long life with my wife and kids."
"Family vlogging is as simple as it sounds: parents film theirs and their kids' daily lives."
"This turned out great, I love our new home, Mom."
"I'm loving being a dad, my little girl is gorgeous."
"Parenting is not easy, but the key is to put the time and love in and be willing to discipline."
"Motherhood is so much more than I hoped for."
"Eventually, Hohenheim mustered up the resolve to find the answer to getting rid of his immortality, to make things better for himself and his family through allowing him to finally live life with sincerity and abandon."
"Fatherhood looks good on you, Mr. Incredible."
"That was embarrassing but I suspect that's why you have kids."
"Every time I turned this little device on it's like a window opens up into our home and sometimes it ain't pretty."
"I'm married, we've got all these kids, I am so ready to retire."
"Some of our families couldn't afford multiple rooms and holidays, we had to share the room."
"Life is busy. It changes your life completely but it completes your life, doesn't it?"
"Starting a family... these are things that will give you fulfillment."
"Sibling rivalry: a journey through the ups and downs of family dynamics."
"Dan Blocker was a very gentle and warm human being. Everyone loved him. He was also a very devoted family man who lived in the suburbs of Los Angeles with his wife and four children. He left us much too soon and we miss him." - Michael Landon
"I could keep this kitchen clean if you people would just stop eating here."
"So, happy day! I have no idea what my kids had for breakfast..."
"Nothing emphasizes the importance of communication like having kids."
"You're experiencing a very blissful level of family life."
"This bathroom is functional this family can have showers in tubs and use the bathroom in the safe this weekend."
"At this point in my life I'm into hanging out with my wife, trying to start a family."
"Fran's tale begins with the depiction of a happy home."
"Honestly though, I enjoy it. I put the kids to bed and then I have dinner, either by myself or with you, and it's just less chaotic."
"I'm a much better person I'm a better father I'm a much better dad I'm a better husband when I have time to myself in the morning."
"I live the best life ever. I'm a colonel in the United States Air Force. I've got beautiful children."
"I've never seen a man love a dong more who's married with two kids. He's a funny cat dude, there's a super funny cat."
"I finally found out what having dinner, walking in a park, and doing other pleasant things with your family was like."
"It gave me a lot of relief that you have children now, you're a father, and that you have a complete life."
"During those three years, we tried to maintain doing everything we were doing at the home."
"We got loads of berries last year loads it was just amazing and benjamin loves them and I think Samantha will too."
"It would be nice to come off the road and be married, have someone and a family to come home to."
"Shanann was constantly saying how blessed she was."
"What's it like living with the hoof GP? Good but hard at times."
"The happiest people tend to be the people that are making a nice income that really enjoy their life and their family."
"Our lives for the coming couple of months, they're going to be a bit chaotic. It's gonna be happy chaos."
"Coms has reportedly dated several A-list celebrities including Jennifer Lopez Cameron Diaz and the late Kim Porter with whom he has shared three children by the way."
"My mom stayed home with us, she's like Clavin Deluxe."
"The whole agenda was to make life more affordable so that they could be the best state to raise a family."
"It's not just about being fit to play football, he's got a young family, he's got home commitments, work commitments, all these things."