
Elements Quotes

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"The traveler's internal resonance with the elements of Teyvat may have become entangled with conflicting ambition."
"Sunny, it's time to become the god of one of these elements."
"Fire gives us the inspiration and the ideas, and earth gives us the follow-through and perseverance."
"Modern scientists call lead, and many other elements, magic. And lucky for us, it can be explained with science."
"You get no higher than the four elements... Air and Fire masculine; Water and Earth feminine."
"All of these elements make for an incredibly intriguing game."
"The carbon and nitrogen in your body were made in stars that died."
"Power, play, and people" are three elements that make anything energizing.
"Witches are known to use the world elements and resources to channel their energy such as fire, water, air, and most notably the moon."
"To me, the Holy Trinity of Science Fiction is monsters, spaceships, robots."
"Experiencing a piece of media with one of the core elements missing is absolutely one of the best ways to understand just how important that element is."
"I enjoy fire, I enjoyed frost, and I absolutely did not mind arcane."
"In the Ayurvedic worldview, every single thing in the cosmos, including we human beings, are actually composed of five great elements: space, air, fire, water, and earth."
"Yes, silicon is an element, but silicone is not."
"You were the master Creator, you have all those elements you have fire earth um water and air so that means you have really great ideas."
"The villains are a generic evil empire centered around the most destructive of the four elements."
"The way of the four elements is pretty much your ticket for an Avatar: The Last Airbender inspired monk or your Goku option."
"Earth was the element of substance, classified by its strength and fortitude."
"Gold is among the rarest of all the elements, but it makes up only three parts per billion of the Earth's crust."
"Water, fire, earth, we're only missing one elemental giant fucking monster."
"Compounds are substances composed of two or more elements chemically combined."
"Wind breathing... creates the element it's named after... gale force winds... tornado of death... massive column of air..."
"GoldenEye represents something of a perfect concoction of all the elements I want from a Bond film and then some."
"Lyrics is the foundation, DJ and beatboxing, graffiti, breakdancing, fashion, hip-hop. Foundation must always remain. That's why they're called the pillars of hip-hop."
"The nice thing we get Sun dragon 22 so we weren't bothered with any of the elements until then."
"Regardless, I love how they designed the first five archons to be enduring symbols of their respective elements."
"Every time we add a proton, we get a new element."
"It has everything: awesome characters, both heroic and villainous, a great plot, amazing action, humor, tragedy, powerful MacGuffins, time travel, and much, much more."
"Fire is the element of power, consisting of overpowering force tempered by the unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires."
"The one thing these all have in common is that they worked outdoors, so they needed to be protected from the elements."
"Carbon's not evil. Carbon is an element on the periodic chart. It's like phosphorus. It's like nitrogen. It's like iron."
"Metals are examples of the most pure simple building blocks of nature."
"There's some magic in water, much like they use ice, which is just frozen water."
"Looks like I’ve mastered one element, three to go! Keep watching to see what I evolve into next!"
"The elements of the periodic table are defined by the number of protons in the atomic nucleus."
"The world has known ice in the long night and fire in the doom."
"Californium 252: the heaviest naturally occurring element, worth $27 million per gram."
"For as Swift as wind, as gentle as Forest, as fierce as fire, as unshakable as Mountain."
"Everything is made up of elements and we're all vibrating right now."
"Waterbenders harness the power of water, earthbenders bear the might of earth, firebenders the intensity of fire, and airbenders the force of air."
"Harmony is the proof of the compatibility of the elements."
"Enjoy the smoke. I love smoke. I love fire. I love everything to do with fire."
"You've got fire, water, earth, and air. You've got great communication skills, negotiation skills, you're dependable and grounded in your goals and dreams."
"The pentacle represents the pentagram which has the five-pointed star, all of the elements Earth, fire, water, air, and spirit, all being woven together to create a new opportunity for you."
"I just genuinely really like the horror elements in this."
"The trine connects planets that are in signs that share the same element, such as water signs Cancer and Scorpio."
"This game and Resident Evil in general is the perfect balance of mystery, horror, puzzle-solving, and action."
"He valued the harmony of the four elements."
"I really like just working with the elements that I have outside: earth, air, fire, and water."
"In ancient times the Greeks believed everything to be made of four elements: Earth, Air, Water, and the most difficult to control: Fire."
"Earth being my body, water my blood, air my breath, fire my spirit."
"Sunlight and air are the enemies of disease."
"There are so many elements of surprise in this garden."
"In a city where creatures of earth, water, fire, and air live, two young people must overcome the challenges of being totally opposite elements to save a village."
"...these natives can actually master the elements."
"All the actinides, for example uranium, thorium, gold, these elements, most of them were formed in neutron star mergers."
"To live on this island is to permanently brave the four natural elements: earth, water, air, and fire."
"It can only be stopped by using a weapon that consists of the four natural elements, water, fire, earth, and air, plus the fifth element which is a perfect being."
"There is grace built into every single element within the universe."
"Promises, progress, and payoff... these three pillars are glued together by conflict."
"Chaos will unfold, and the magic of fire may be met with the freezing cold."
"So while Elsa might not be able to control every single element, she can always call on them to assist her as well."
"It seems to have acquired more board game and card game elements."
"Water, earth, fire, air... my uncle used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the water tribes, earth kingdom, fire nation, and air nomads."
"It's very, very hard to draw any sort of distinction between what belongs to fire magic and what belongs to shadow binder magic."
"The castle and the town wall were all built together as one piece, a really ambitious project and a huge spend."
"Motif: elements gaining importance through repetition."
"Stories don't need to be big and complicated. All a story needs is a protagonist, an antagonist, a conflict, and a resolution."
"Tanya exclaimed that this could not be and malson called on the magic of air and earth and said that he could use everything."
"Avatar Aang learned to bend the four elements."
"Even in my world, there are only a handful of people who have learned to use all six elements."
"The four elements of a valid contract: competent parties, mutual agreement, legal object, and consideration."
"The nice and I guess fortunate thing about happiness is that it's multi-layered, meaning there are many elements to happiness and we can enter happiness through different channels, through different elements."
"Creative writing consists of more than a simple story; however, it consists of several elements."
"...they are a very passionate person genuinely speaking, they have fire but they also have Earth."
"Suspense is compounded of mystery and suspicion and dangerous Adventure."
"...from an elements of style perspective what I think stands out to me the most is their texture."
"Enhance your spiritual practice with a deeper awareness of the magic of words, incense, wind sounds, and aromas."
"The periodic table isn't a rule of nature, it is a handy way for us to perceive the elements as we find them in the universe."
"The anti-capitalist left is composed of two elements: the Leninist superego and corporate anti-capitalism."
"It had some major horror elements."
"If our observational technology were advanced enough, we'd see stars composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium, the elements formed in the Big Bang."
"I love the animation I love the DI dialogue I love the action scenes."
"The fire element was described as more aggressive, forceful, assertive, impulsive, rash, full of energy."
"This is a classic Godzilla movie. It has all those elements in there."
"Shapes add two new concepts that we need to talk about: stroke and fill."
"It's a survival horror movie, there's got to be blood, guts, you know, guns, mystery, all that stuff."
"It's the set containing 'a' and 'b' where the order matters."
"We have around 50 tags available at our disposal, most of them coming from the lanthanide family."
"What block, inline, and inline block are, what the differences are, and why it matters."
"Block-level elements will always force a new line of content."
"Inline elements are for when you don't want a new line of text."
"Everything was great from the graphics to the screenwriting to the costumes."
"The core elements of the foundation series...combines mathematics, predictive modeling, physics, anthropology, and many other things. It's known as psychohistory."
"When we look at these photos of Italy, we realize that most of its weight or power, for lack of a better word, relies precisely on these three elements: movement, theatrics, and the importance of drama in photography."
"It's so important. Every aspect of a joke is important."
"Supernovae, in particular, are responsible for creating and distributing the heavy elements essential to our existence, such as iron, calcium, and carbon, across the galaxy."
"A true Gothic tale: terror, suspense, blood, death, and tragedy."
"Science has figured out that all substances on Earth are made of the same basic elements."
"He's giving it away like he's distributing lunch boxes. Would you like chicken or fish? I mean metal element or Fire Element?"
"This movie combines so many of my favorite elements."
"You can't isolate one element of the journey forward without acknowledging the rest of the elements."
"It's a benchmark in the horror genre. It works. The music, the locations, the lighting, the cinematography, the actors, it just all gels together so well."
"Pseudo elements are keywords added after a selector to style a specific part of an element."
"We tell the computer which elements we want to change and then how to change the appearance of these elements."
"Yeah, exactly, it's just, it's it always knows when to pull it back a little bit and just have fun. And so it's it just, I can see why it became a cult classic, you know, it's got all the perfect elements of it."
"Every element has its own particular properties."
"Yep, there's a V-mon body underneath there. It's got wood and green elements just like the Digi egg. It being based on puppets and training swords fits in perfectly with Shiron's whole vibe."
"What makes a well-written story? Is that the plot or the theme or the characters? Well yeah, it's all of those things."
"The setups, the writing, the cinematography, the music, the sound design, the acting, the twists. There's just so many different things I could praise about this movie."
"Supernovas, unlike ordinary stars, can create elements even heavier than iron."
"Water makes a river that traps people, fire of course traps people."
"I love everything about this book: the high concept premise, the surreal world-building, the in-depth character studies, and the complex and unpredictable plot."
"The gods will speak from the ground, the mountains, and the sea," Agatha prophesied.
"It's got blood, it's got giant robots, and it's got loud hair metal boozing from every orifice."
"Every great story has three elements."
"Tea helps drinkers exist in harmony with the elements of air and water, earth and fire."
"Water is the most powerful element on the planet. I mean, it'll erase anything."
"Platinum is used primarily in catalytic converters which help convert over 90% of harmful elements from gasoline engines."
"You are a reflection of the elements. You are the Earth and the wind and the water and the fire in every single moment of your life and you can work with those elements within and all around you to heal, to transform, to manifest anything you desire."
"Elements have different properties because they have a different number of protons, neutrons, and electrons."
"Stability is a crucial aspect, ensuring the algorithm preserves the order of equal elements."
"For this element alone, we have maybe 10 different passes and we have the lava, we have smoke elements, different smoke elements for the foreground, for the background, and some sparks and some ambers."
"It's in the blood and the water. That's right. Not just in the blood, it's in the blood and the water. That's right. Two elements came out of one body. That's right."
"What's useful to us is the combination, the contrast if you like, between the hot sun and the dark sky."
"To be able to do environment animation, you need to understand the connection between all the elements within your scene."
"... I don't believe in progress in Taraki per se but I do believe there has been at least a kind of broader plan for how you include these three elements together: accuracy, clarity, and rhyme..."
"If you start bringing in fantasy elements... you're ruining everything that makes it special."
"Wait for elements to appear in the document."
"The most common families of dragons are the chromatic dragons, each identified by color and associated with a different element."
"Strontium gives us red, sodium gives us yellow... and we see those colors of light coming from stars."
"Water, wind, dirt, and mud, he can control."
"You are my raindrops, I am the sea."
"Everything you can see, (and quite a lot that you can’t) on this lovely planet we live on, comes from 92 elements."
"The comedy works well, the mystery is intriguing, the setting is beautiful, and the creature is classic."
"Now you've basically heard every Sky-Brake track ever. All it takes is two elements, just a pad and a reese, and you really don't have to change anything."
"Star Wars still has the samurai Wild West and wartime element which once made it Thrive the Space Opera lives on"
"Proper setup, payoff, proper character arcs, all of it is what you get in this movie."
"This print is all about the balance of using fog to separate elements."
"The voice of the elements...Echoes throughout the scripture...like the Thunder of the almighty, the voice of God."
"That's pretty damn cool, there's a lot of cool elements that are happening within the first couple of minutes of this film."
"In HTML, block elements include paragraph, table, H1, H2, and div."
"Think about elements that are connected in the landscape, then I feel like your photography really gets elevated."
"The basic building blocks for all photographs is line, shape, texture, and color."
"It's the characters and the action; the story is really just a means to an end."
"It struck the perfect balance between action, intrigue, a new Bond, and a great villain."
"If you had a good script, strong villain, and tight direction, you'd end up with a great film."
"The elements in a 'stile' are not done in this case."
"What goes into a project plan may vary from company to company, but most plans contain these five basic elements."
"Whatever elements you have, it will save you, it will heal you, it will protect you."
"The setting is a mix of broadly medieval high fantasy elements with castles, sword fights, magic, monsters, and dragons."
"Carbon atoms can bind to each other or to other elements with different types of bonds."
All elements in the same column or "group" have the same number of valence electrons.
"The periodic table emphasizes the fact that each of nature's elements distinguishes itself from all others by its atomic number, the number of protons in each nucleus of that element."
"Pauling discovered that the covalent bond formed between atoms of two different elements is stronger than might be expected."
"It's got a very fun story with budget Doc Brown guy and a lot of classic Funhouse elements."
"It may be the fifth element, and I say fifth one!"
"You must never feel more powerful than the elements."
"Ether is the mother of light, matter is the father of illumination."
"Each a vital element to building a legend."
"Each of the positive elements of the show, from the crew dynamics to the political background to the emphasis on fun and the simple joys in life, is all fundamentally in service of building this home, a place and time and space that people can enjoy and call their own."
"You want to give more chance to short ranges than to long ranges of equal elements."
"Object shows: the formula that works is characters, stakes, and the prize."
"Classics are jam-packed with unique and clever humor, wonderful love stories, deep meanings, captivating settings, some with tragically moving plots, and all with unforgettable characters."
"Life on earth is based on the most common elements in the universe: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen."
"Card elements are effectively drag and drop elements that you can put onto your card."
"Who will face not only one another in the barren lava fields but also the notorious elements?"
"These stories have demons, monsters, wizards, war, magic, sex, politics—everything you love in the genre."
"Which metallic element does the earth's crust contain most of? Iron aluminium or copper"
"It's the combination of chord changes and melodies with most of the time, one note that stays through the whole record."
"For me, as somebody who has more of an air element, I actually like the fall because it's like, okay, this is your time to ground, this is your time to nest."
"It's a really simple photo card, has an avatar, has a title, and a subtitle."
"The basic message of this book is that in order for us to be healthy and to not experience suffering, we have to be healthy in all of these four elements."
"There's comedy, there's romance, there's blood, gore, violence, and historical references."
"All this time, I thought firebending was destruction."
"I want to condense those two palettes into one, not just combine them but condense them and only take the elements that I really love."
"I liked the mix of the sci-fi that we get too, like I know we didn't talk about the asteroid but I just, I don't know why I like that they add a lot of extraterrestrial type of elements to this."
"Water and physics and gravity and everything else, it's really handy."
"I like the fire one... the color, I guess, and also I like the ice one too."
"It has all the elements of a classic ghost story: an old haunted house, furniture moving on its own, eerie sounds, and strange voices that come from nowhere."
"Every story has five dimensions: plot, characters, setting, theme, and style."
"...the production of magic was a magic that could combine with various elements allowing users to make practically anything..."
"This one is great whether you are a farmhouse crafter or you want all of the different elements that come in here."
"Focus more on the elements... painting becomes more fun."
"Civilizations come about by a collection of these four elements: political capability, economic provisions, pursuit of knowledge and arts, and moral traditions."
"The elements try to attain a stable existence by having a full valence shell of electrons. That's the key thing."
"...there's murder there's sex there's love there's camp Vibes there's Gore there is everything like this is everything I love all in one."
"Every manga needs to do... characters, conflict, goals, and pacing."
"Now something’s half-life is pretty indicative of how dangerous it is in terms of radiation, and so you need not concern yourself that there’s tons of Uranium and Thorium in your backyard."
"I love this show. I was immediately hooked on the concept of harnessing the power of the four elements."
"We can create multiple animations and apply them to different elements easily."
"If you like the design of the EQS that's certainly not a bad thing because it's younger brother carrying across a lot of those EQ elements."
"Cooking with fire, water, air, and fermentation—each transformation tells a unique story."
"Combining these things, it's really the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
"The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the Interiors of collapsing Stars."
"Horror makes use of all the same basic storytelling elements that all genres make use of... strong characters, strong prose, strong plot and structure."
"There's something about the way all of the elements of Rocky work together."
"Conflict is a character who wants something. Plot is them trying to get that thing. Theme is why they want it or what we learn about them."
"The wind is the waves and the water is the leaves."
"The horror elements were quite effective."